Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A254 (1987) 85-87 North-Holland, Amsterdam 85 P R O P E R T I E S OF OPTICAL G R E A S E S F O R BaF 2 S C I N T I L L A T O R S W. K L A M R A , Th. L I N D B L A D , M. M O S Z Y i Q S K I * a n d L.O N O R L I N Research Institute of Physics, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden Received 18 September 1986 Properties of different optical oils and greases in the UV light region were studied using transmission and photoelectron measurements. The results show that not all of the greases commonly used for scintillators are applicable to the BaF2 detector, which have a fast component in the UV region. Results obtained for a spectrometer consisting of a cylindrical well-polished 48 mm diam. × 50 mm BaF/ crystal indicate improved properties for the fast component, compared to the nonpolished crystals. 1. Introduction 2. Experimental procedure Recent studies have shown unique properties of BaF2 crystals, both for ),-ray and charged particle detection [1-4]. BaF2 scintillators have two light components, a fast one at 220 nm with a decay time of 0.6 ns and a slow one at 310 nm with a decay time of 620 ns. The fast component may be used to obtain very good timing signals. Consequently, a good utilization of the light from the BaF2 detector in the UV re#on is of main importance. In previous studies [2] a reduction of the photoelectron collection efficiency for the UV light (and thus a relative reduction of the intensity of the fast component) was observed. Hence, it is essential to minimize the loss of fast photons in the collection process. One of the problems is connected with absorbtion of the UV light in the optical grease used in the coupling between the crystal and the photocathode of the photomultiplier. Therefore within the frame o f the tests of different configurations of the BaF2 counters for the Nord Ball multidetector system [5], it was decided to check the properties of some optical greases and oils used in scintillation techniques. Two methods were employed to test the oils and greases. In the first one, the transmission was measured using a grating monochromator. In the second method, the number of photoelectrons released from the photocathode of the XP 2020Q photomultiplier was determined both for the total light and the fast component alone. The results of those tests will be presented below together with some properties of a 48 mm diam. × 50 mm length cylindrical BaF2 detector. The set up for the UV light transmission measurements consisted of a Heath EVE-700 grating monochromator with an EMI 9789 QB photomultiplier. The UV light from a Hg lamp was directed to the entrance slit of the grating spectrometer after passing through two quartz windows with a thin layer of the studied oil in between. The photoelectron studies were performed with a 48 mm diam. ×50 mm length cylindrical BaF2 crystal manufactured by BDH Chemicals. The well-polished crystal was coated with teflon tape in order to increase the light output. The scintillator was then coupled to a XP 2020Q photomultiplier working with the B' dynode chain [6]. The number of photoelectrons per energy unit produced by the scintillator in the photomultiplier was determined for both the total light pulse and the fast component alone. The method employed has been described by Bertollacini et al. [7]. Briefly, this method use a comparison between the mean value of the single photoelectron pulse height distribution (which determines the gain of the photomultiplier) and a characteristic point in the detected energy spectrum of the 59 keV ),-line from 241Am. The measurements for the total light pulse were performed using a simple spectrometric system of a charge sensitive preamplifier and a main amplifier with an 30 #s integration and 2 #s shaping time constants, respectively. The extraction of the fast component was achieved in a somewhat different manner. An ORTEC 454 timing filter amplifier was used for fast differentiation of the pulse (time constant of 10 ns). Secondly, we used a fast integrating preamplifier with an integration time constant of 100 ns and, finally, a spectroscopic amplifier with a 0.5 /is shaping time constant. * Institute of Nuclear Studies, 05-400 Swierk-Otwock, Poland. 0168-9002/87/$03.50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division) 86 W. Klamra et al. / Properties of optical greases Table 1 Oils and greases studied in the UV light transmission measure ment 3. Experimental results 3.1. Transmission measurements The studied oils a n d greases are listed in table 1 a n d the results are s h o w n in fig. 1. As can be seen in fig. 1, the transmission curves show two kinds of behaviour: (i) a c o n s t a n t dependence of X or (ii) a threshold-like effect for X < 290 nm. The last one is very valid for the G 688, V 788 a n d V 789 oils. Since the transmission for > 270 n m is very low, these oils are hardly applicable for B a F 2 spectrometry. 3.2. Photoelectron measurements Oil/grease Viscosity (cSt) Manufacture DC 200 Rhodorsil SI 300 Rhodorsil 47 V Viscasil RTV 615 A + B a) G 688 V 788 V 789 100000 60000 100000 60000 Dow Coming Rhbne-Poulenc General Electric Visilox Systems a) Mixing of two components RTV 615 A and RTV 615 B. The results of the m e a s u r e m e n t s for all the oils are given in table 2. One finds that the D C 200, 47 V a n d Viscasil are the best ones, which is in agreement with the transmission measurements. It is interesting to note a reduction of the intensity of the fast c o m p o n e n t c o m p a r e d to that given in ref. [1] for the 2.4 cm diam. scintillators. O n the other h a n d , a similar value is o b t a i n e d if the 2.4 cm diam. crystal is coupled to a 2.8 cm diam. photomultiplier [2] (R 1668). Thus, it indicates a reduced collection efficiency of photoelectrons from the peripheral region of the p h o t o cathodes. Table 2 Results of photoelectron measurements Oil/grease Fast component Total light Fast comp. (phe/MeV) (phe/MeV) /total light (%) DC 200 Rhodorsil SI 300 Rhodorsil 47 V Viscasil RTV 615 A + B V 788 V 789 260 235 260 260 210 123 123 1580 1470 1575 1580 1495 1210 1200 1.5 1.0 1.0 I 1.0]~ 1.0~ 1.0 .i t- .o u • . * ~ • = " • • " .... w,- = - - " * • "°o1 "°0I "°0I 240 . =~ DC 200 ~ • • N SI 300 • • • =w t,7 V ,," " ..... [ • - = • . Viscosi[ % --" • - i • " • i i 260 280 Wovelength RTV615A+B G 688 e % V 788 • =. V 789 I l 300 (nm) Fig. 1. Light transmission for studied oils and greases. 3:20 16.5 16.0 16.5 16.5 14.0 10.2 10.3 W. Klamra et aL / Properties of optical greases 80~ a ) F a s t 50~]~ component / \ FWHM=28~ 2o - 80 c b) Total' l lght 40 FWHX=ll~ ~_ I 20 200 I I I I I I I I-800 1000 400 800 Energ g [keV] Fig. 2, Energy spectrum of 3,-rays from 137Cs measured with a BaF2 crystal for (a) fast component, (b) total light. 4. Performance of the 2 in.x 2 in. BaF2 scintillation counter In figs. 2a and b are shown spectra for the 662 keV y-ray from 137Cs radioactive source measured for the total light and the fast component alone. The energy resolutions are 11 and 28%, respectively, while the obtained time resolution for 6°Co was 340 ps (measured with Pilot U as reference counter). These results can be compared to data reported by Beck et al. [8] for nonpolished BaF 2 crystals. Thus, the polished crystal gives an improved energy resolution for the fast component 87 b u t not for the total light where a worsening is observed. It is, however, somewhat difficult to compare the time resolution results, since the sizes of the studied crystals were not the same. This because of the fact that this quantity is in a way depending on the dimension of the crystal, i.e. for small crystals a better time resolution is observed. The dependence for the energy resolution is less obvious, in particular for the total light. Acknowledgement We are much indebted to Dr. S. Mannervik for assistance in the transmission measurements. References [1] M. Laval, M. Moszyhski, R. Allemand, E. Cormoreche, P. Guinet, R. Odru and J. Vacher, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 206 (1983) 169. [2] M. Moszyhski, R. Allemand, E. Cormoreche, M. Laval, R. Odru and J. Vacher, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 226 (1984) 534. [3] K. Wisshak and F. K~ippeler, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 227 (1984) 91. [4] S. Kubota, M. Suzuki, J. Ruan, F. Shiraishi and Y. Takami, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A242 (1986) 291. [5] B. Herskind, Nucl. Phys. A447 (1985) 395c. [6] Philips, Data handbook, Electron tubes, Book T9, 1985. [7] M. Bertolaccini, S. Cova and C. Bussolati, Prec. Nucl. Electr. Symp., Versailles, France (1968). [8] F.A. Beck, Conf. on Instr. for Heavy Ion Nuclear Research, Oak Ridge, USA (1984).
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