Practice Research Symposium Melbourne – RMIT Design Hub, Building 100, Cnr Victoria/Swanston Streets Examinations - Wednesday 22 nd October 2014 14:00 Examiners’ briefing 14:30 PhD presentation 15:30 Discussion 16:30 Examiners’ debriefing 14:00 Examiners’ briefing Name: Ursus Bette Program: PhD Arch & Design Title: Unreasonable Creatures | in dialogue with an activated ground 14:30 PhD presentation 15:30 Discussion 16:30 Examiners’ debriefing Name: Leyla Acaroglu Program: PhD Arch & Design Title: MAKING CHANGE: Explorations into Enacting a ProSustainability Disruptive Design Practice 14:00 Examiners’ briefing 14:30 PhD presentation 15:30 Discussion 16:30 Examiners’ debriefing 14:00 Examiners’ briefing 14:30 PhD presentation 15:30 Discussion 16:30 Examiners’ debriefing Name - Antony Pelosi Program - PhD Arch & Design Title - Distance: A framework for improving spatial cognition within digital architectural models Venue: Long Room level 4 Chair: Lawrence Harvey Examination Panel: A/Prof Kathleen Holt-Damant A/Prof Chris Pettit Dr Mark Taylor Examinations - Thursday 23rd October 2014 Name - Anthea van Kopplen Program - PhD Arch & Design Title - Envelope: Interpretations of a Design Practice engaged in Sustainability and Fashion 09:30 Examiners’ briefing 10:00 PhD presentation 11:00 Discussion 12:00 Examiners’ debriefing Name - Michael Davis Program - PhD Arch & Design Title – ARK: PURSUING QUALITIES OF RELATION THROUGH A PROVISIONAL COMPOSITIONAL TAXONOMY 09:30 Examiners’ briefing 10:00 PhD presentation 11:00 Discussion 12:00 Examiners’ debriefing Venue: Project Room 1 Chair: Mick Douglas Examination Panel: Prof Craig Bremner Prof Denise Rall Ms Liz Williamson Venue: Project Room 2 Chair: Vivian Mitsogianni Examination Panel: Prof Anthony Burke Prof Stephen Neille Dr Alex Selenitsch Venue: Project Room 1 Chair: Vivian Mitsogianni Examination Panel: Mr William Fox A/Prof Boris Jensen Prof Stephen Neille Venue: Long Room Level 8 Chair: Pia Ednie-Brown Examination Panel: Prof Craig Bremner Dr Abby Mellick Lopes Dr Oliver Vodeb Examinations - Friday 24 th October 2014 Name – Jason Ho Program: PhD Arch & Design Title – LIVING ON THE LINE: A SEARCH FOR SHARED LANDSCAPES Name –Tania Splawa-Neyman Program - PhD Arch & Design Title – Care Making: Practices of Gleaning, Using and Future Fashioning 09:30 Examiners’ briefing 10:00 PhD presentation 11:00 Discussion 12:00 Examiners’ debriefing 09:30 Examiners’ briefing 10:00 PhD presentation 11:00 Discussion 12:00 Examiners’ debriefing Venue: Project Room 1 Chair: Mick Douglas Examination Panel: Mr William Fox Dr Alex Selenitsch Dr Katrina Simon Venue: Project Room 2 Chair: Suzie Attiwill Examination Panel: Dr Abby Mellick Lopes Prof Denise Rall Dr Oliver Vodeb Name - Jordan Lacey Program - PhD Arch & Design Title - Rupturing Urban Sound(scape)s: Spatial Sound Design for the Diversification of Affective Sonic Ecologies Venue: Multipurpose Room Chair: Mick Douglas Examination Panel: Mr William Fox A/Prof Kathi Holt-Damant Dr Gregory Hooper Practice Research Symposium Melbourne – Symposium Dinner – Friday 24th October 2014 6:30pm Pre-Dinner Drinks The Long Room - Design Hub, Building 100, level 10 7:00pm – 9:30pm Symposium Dinner The Long Room - Design Hub, Building 100, level 10 RSVP Only Practice Research Symposium Melbourne – Saturday 25th October 2014 6:00pm Drinks Multipurpose Room Foyer - Design Hub, Building 100, level 1 6:30pm Food City – CJ Lim In Food City, a companion piece to Smartcities and Eco-Warriors, innovative architect and urban designer CJ Lim explores the issue of urban transformation and how the creation, storage and distribution of food has been and can again become a construct for the practice of everyday life. Food City investigates the reinstatement of food at the core of national and local governance - how it can be a driver to restructure employment, education, transport, tax, health, culture, communities, and the justice system, re-evaluating how the city functions as a spatial and political entity. The Practice of Spatial Thinking: Differentiation Processes - How do designers in research-driven practices differentiate themselves from each other and form distinctive platforms for future practice. Leon van Schaik and SueAnne Ware with Colin Fudge and Geoffrey London Book Celebrations Multipurpose Room Foyer - Design Hub, Building 100, level 1 Volume One Contributors: Benedict Anderson, Suzie Attiwill, Nigel Bertram, Richard Black, Stephen Collier, Graham Crist, Harld Fallon, Arnaud Hendrickx, Paul Minifie, Vivian Mitsogianni, Stephen Neille, Jon Tarry, Jo Van Den Berge, Gretchen Wilkins 7:00pm Guest Lecture followed by Panel Discussion Multipurpose Room – Design Hub, Building 100, level 1 Richard Blythe Dean, School of Architecture and Design, RMIT Title Three Orders of Design Knowledge Abstract This lecture will draw on observations of both the RMIT and ADAPTr program and the research conducted within them to identify key elements of this approach to doctoral training and to point to key training techniques and research methods used. The lecture will move step by step through a typical candidature pointing to specific examples to illustrate how successful candidates have approached the process and demonstrating the kinds of knowledge produced. The lecture will conclude by outlining three possible orders of knowledge at play in practice based research, a model that is potentially useful for every candidate and practice based researcher, and with some speculations about value and implications of the approach for the future university. The move to re-centre research in the studios of venturous practices can be seen as a radical new model for a 'cloud' like university or research entity. Practice Research Symposium Melbourne – Sunday 26th October 2014 12:30pm to 1:30pm David Wicks – Presentation Skills Workshop Multipurpose Room - Design Hub, Building 100, level 1 3:00pm Closing Drinks The Long Room - Design Hub, Building 100, level 10 The workshop is designed to help candidates communicate their ideas effectively and engagingly in the context of a live presentation. Content includes: relaxation techniques; effective use of voice; structuring and pacing a presenatation; engaging with the target audience; and presenting in difficult spaces. 9:30 – 10:20 100.10.3 Pavillion 1 Fashion Panel Emma LYNAS PhD Fashion JU© DR, LW, SW 100.10.6 Pavillion 4 Invited Panel © = Chair = Confirmation * = Supervisor (when not Chair) ® = Mid-Review Ω = Completion 10:30 – 11:20 11:30 – 12:20 1:30 – 2:20 2:30 – 3:20 Liam REVELL PhD Fashion JU©, DR, LW, RH, SR Matthew LINDE PhD Fashion RH©, JesB*, RBi, SR Georgia McCORKILL Ω PhD Industrial/Fashion PEB©, JesB, JU, RH, SV* Leah HEISS PhD Fashion JesB©, AV, PB, RH* Fleur WATSON PhD Invited LvS©, PEB, RH Robert SIMEONI PhD Invited LVS©, GC, PM Cameron BRUHN PhD Invited MH©, BF, LVS*, SAW 100.09.01 Level 9 Long Room Invited Panel Naomi BARUN PhD Invited SAW©, BF, MBa, QS Martin BRYANT ® PhD Invited RB©, CA, MS, RBla, SAW* Eduardo KAIRUZ PhD Invited GW©, GC, JD, MSp, VM 100.08.01 Level 8 Long Room Invited Panel DAMIEN CHWALISZ PhD Invited GC©, GW, MSp 100.06.01 Level 6 Long Room Performative Creative Practice Panel 100.05.01 Level 5 Long Room Affective Environments Landscape Panel Alice LEWIS PhD Performative Creative Practice SA©, CA*, JesB, MD, PD Penny ALLAN PhD Invited MS©, MLJ, MT, RB 100.01.03 Virtual Reality Centre SIAL SOUND Panel Natalie ROBINSON Ω PhD Invited MH©, VP Peter MACFARLANE PhD Invited RB©, MBa, MS, PM Roseanne BARTLEY PhD Saskia SCHUT PhD Performative Creative Practice Performative Creative Practice Jock GILBERT ® PhD Landscape SH©, MBa*, PD, MT, RM Bridget KEANE Ω PhD Landscape SH©, FST, QS, PD, RM* SA©, JesB, MD*, PEB Jim BARBOUR PhD SIAL Sound LH©, GH, MW, PS MD©, CA, PEB, SA Dan ST CLAIR Ω PhD SIAL Sound SM©, FM, GH, LH* Tim GREER (TZG) Ω PhD Invited MH©, BBJ, SAW*, SH Peter TONKIN (TZG) Ω PhD Invited MH©, BBJ, SAW*, SH Chris KNAPP ® PhD Invited ©, GC, GW, PM Sam KEBBELL ® PhD Invited MS©, MBa, MT, PM, RB* Campbell DRAKE PhD Kate CHURCH PhD Performative Creative Practice MD©, CA, MaT, MLJ, MT, PD Jeffrey HANNAM Pr Proposed PhD MS©, LH = Pre application û = upgrade to PhD Pr 4:00 – 4:50 5:00 – 5:50 Lisa CARROLL Masters Fashion JesB©, AV, DR, JU*, SW Michael BANNEY, Ben VIELLE, Michael LAVERY PhD Invited LVS©, MSp, RBla, VM Lunch 12.30pm – 1.30pm Room KEY: Work in Progress Reviews Denise SPRYNSKYJ PhD Invited LVS©, BF, RH, SAW Afternoon tea 3:30pm – 4:00pm SATURDAY 25th October 2014 Craig BARKLA PhD History MS©, HE*, MSp, PD Guenter GERLACH PhD Invited MH©, MBa, Juliette ANICH PhD Peter BOYD PhD Invited LVS ©, BF, RH, SAW Jenny GRIGG PhD History HE©, BH Meg EVANS PhD Invited MS©, JDu, MSp, MT, RB Louisa KING PhD Performative Creative Practice Performative Creative Practice Performative Creative Practice Andy MILLER PhD Affective Environments PEB©, BF, JK, SA, SMit Anna TWEEDDALE PhD Affective Environments PEB©, CA, JK, SA Nick SKEPPER ® PhD Affective Environments MD©, PD, PEB*, SA MD©, AML, CA, MaT, PD SV©, AML, MD, MT CA©, AML, JK, MLJ David PLEDGER PhD SIAL Sound LH©, DW, GH, MS In multi Purpose Room Chris WILLIAMS Pr Proposed PhD MS©, LH AJo = Anna Johnson AML = Abby Mellick Lopes AV = Arun Vijayan BA = Brent Allpress BBJ = Boris Brorman Jensen BF = Bill Fox BH – Brad Haylock CA = Charles Anderson CB = Craig Bremner CM = Chelle McNaughton DC – David Carlin DR = Denise Rall DT = David Thomas DW -= David Wicks FM = Floyd Mueller FST - Ferran Sagarra Trias GC = Graham Crist GH = Greg Hooper GW = Gretchen Wilkins HE = Harriet Edquist HR = Heike Rahmann JB = Jane Burry JesB = Jessica Bugg JD = John Doyle JDu = Jonathan Duckworth JK = Jondi Keane JO = James Oliver JU = Jenny Underwood LH = Lawrence Harvey LJ = Lyndal Jones LMc = Lucinda McLean LV – Laurene Vaughan LvS = Leon van Schaik LW = Liz Williamson (Sat only) MBa = Mauro Baracco (Sat only) MB = Mark Burry MH = Martyn Hook MLJ = Marieluise Jonas MS = Marcelo Stamm MSp = Michael Spooner MT = Michael Trudgeon MaT = Margaret Trail MW = Malte Wagenfeld MWo = Martin Wood PA = Peter Allan PC = Paul Carter PD = Peter Downton PEB = Pia Ednie-Brown PM = Paul Minifie PMo = Paul Morgan PMu = Philippa Murray PS = Philip Samartiz QS = Quentin Stevens RB = Richard Blythe RBi = Ricarda Bigolin RH = Robyn Healy RK = Roger Kemp RMcL = Ross McLeod RM = Rosalea Monacella RS = Roland Snooks SA = Suzie Attiwill SAW = SueAnne Ware SG = Stephen Garrett SHu = Shane Hulbert SM = Scott Mayson SMit = Scott Mitchell SR = Sean Ryan SV = Soumitri Varadarajan SW = Suzette Worden TH = Timothy Hubbard THu = Tim Humphry VM = Vivian Mitsogianni Cle = Chris Leckie GM = Greg More JP = John Payne MD = Mick Douglas PB = Paul Beckett RBla = Richard Black SH = Sand Helsel VP = Vaughan Prain KEY: Work in Progress Reviews © = Chair = Confirmation * = Supervisor (when not Chair) ® = Mid-Review Ω = Completion = Pre application û = upgrade to PhD Pr 9:30 - 10:20 10:30 - 11:20 11:30 - 12:20 1:30 - 2:20 2:30 - 3:20 100.10.3 Pavillion 1 X-field Panel Christopher KALTENBACH PhD X-Field SH©, BF, MT, RK Anthony FRYATT Ω PhD X-Field RBla©, CA, MS, MT, SH* Roger KEMP Ω PhD X-Field RBla©, CA, MS, MT, SH* Maja KINNEMARK Ω Masters Interior SH©, CA, RK, RMcL Rachel HURST ® PhD X-Field PEB©, CA, MT, RBla, SH* 100.10.6 Pavillion 4 Invited Panel Simon TWOSE PhD Invited RB©, MSp, PMo Simon PENDAL ® PhD Invited RB©, AJ, LvS, PM* John CHERREY PhD Invited GW©, JP, LvS, MD, PD Toby REED PhD Invited LvS©, BF, MS*, MSp 100.09.01 Level 9 Long Room Interior Panel Rhys Williams PhD Landscape MLJ©, FST, GW, HR, MD Phoebe WHITMAN PhD Interior SA©, DT, PEB, PMu James CAREY PhD Interior SA©, CB, DT, PEB, PMu 100.08.01 Level 8 Long Room Invited Panel Carey LYON PhD Invited VM©, CB, MH, PC, PM John DOYLE PhD Invited VM©, GC, GW, MH, RS Ben MILBOURNE PhD Invited RB©, GC, PM, VM* Lunch 12.30pm – 1.30pm Room Maud CASSAIGNAU Pr Proposed PhD GW©, GC, MSp Leisa TOUGH Pr Proposed PhD Interior PEB ©, PMu, SA Leanne ZILKA ® PhD Architecture VM©, BBJ, MH, PM, SAW* 3:30 – 4:30 Closing Drinks Level 10 Long Room SUNDAY 26th October 2014 AJo = Anna Johnson AML = Abby Mellick Lopes AV = Arun Vijayan BA = Brent Allpress BBJ = Boris Brorman Jensen BF = Bill Fox BH – Brad Haylock CA = Charles Anderson CB = Craig Bremner CM = Chelle McNaughton DC – David Carlin DR = Denise Rall DT = David Thomas DW -= David Wicks FM = Floyd Mueller FST - Ferran Sagarra Trias GC = Graham Crist GH = Greg Hooper GW = Gretchen Wilkins HE = Harriet Edquist HR = Heike Rahmann JB = Jane Burry JesB = Jessica Bugg JD = John Doyle JDu = Jonathan Duckworth JK = Jondi Keane JO = James Oliver JU = Jenny Underwood LH = Lawrence Harvey LJ = Lyndal Jones LMc = Lucinda McLean LV – Laurene Vaughan LvS = Leon van Schaik LW = Liz Williamson (Sat only) MBa = Mauro Baracco (Sat only) MB = Mark Burry MH = Martyn Hook MLJ = Marieluise Jonas MS = Marcelo Stamm MSp = Michael Spooner MT = Michael Trudgeon MaT = Margaret Trail MW = Malte Wagenfeld MWo = Martin Wood PA = Peter Allan PC = Paul Carter PD = Peter Downton PEB = Pia Ednie-Brown PM = Paul Minifie PMo = Paul Morgan PMu = Philippa Murray PS = Philip Samartiz QS = Quentin Stevens RB = Richard Blythe RBi = Ricarda Bigolin RH = Robyn Healy RK = Roger Kemp RMcL = Ross McLeod RM = Rosalea Monacella RS = Roland Snooks SA = Suzie Attiwill SAW = SueAnne Ware SG = Stephen Garrett SHu = Shane Hulbert SM = Scott Mayson SMit = Scott Mitchell SR = Sean Ryan SV = Soumitri Varadarajan SW = Suzette Worden TH = Timothy Hubbard THu = Tim Humphry VM = Vivian Mitsogianni Cle = Chris Leckie GM = Greg More JP = John Payne MD = Mick Douglas PB = Paul Beckett RBla = Richard Black SH = Sand Helsel VP = Vaughan Prain
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