August 1& 2 2014 BAR LEADERS CONFER ENCE WESTIN GALLERIA, HOUSTON S T R E N G TH E N I N G , I N S P I R I N G , A N D C E LE B R ATI N G LO C A L B A R S BAR LEADERS CONFERENCE SPONSORED BY THE STATE BAR OF TEXAS LOCAL BAR SERVICES (800) 204-2222, Ext. 1514 [email protected] TEXAS YOUNG LAWYERS ASSOCIATION (800) 204-2222, Ext. 1529 [email protected] TEXAS ACCESS TO JUSTICE COMMISSION (800) 204-2222, Ext. 1855 [email protected] S T R E N G TH E N I N G , I N S P I R I N G , A N D C E LE B R ATI N G LO C A L B A R S BAR LEADERS CONFERENCE Hotel Information The Westin Galleria 5060 West Alabama Street Houston, TX 77056 Phone: (713) 960-8100 or (866) 716-8137 Check In: 3:00 p.m. Check Out: 12:00 p.m. All guest rooms and public areas are 100% non-smoking. Meals Meals included in conference registration are Friday lunch, Saturday breakfast, Saturday lunch, and Saturday dinner. Friday’s dinner is on your own, and you will be reimbursed up to $15 if you turn in a copy of your receipt. Travel Reimbursement — Must provide receipts! Official Delegates, ATJ Delegates, and TYLA Official and Minority delegates will be reimbursed for travel expenses up to a specified dollar amount depending on the distance from their home to the conference. 0-299 miles round trip $150 300-450 miles round trip $200 451-600 miles round trip $300 600+ miles round trip $400 You will be reimbursed $.56 per mile up to the maximum specified dollar amount listed above depending on the distance from your home to the Westin Galleria. Reimbursement forms will be distributed after the Saturday afternoon workshops. Forms can be turned in onsite, faxed, emailed, or mailed. Please provide all receipts― including any airline tickets, taxis, and shuttle services. Travel reimbursement may not exceed amount listed above. If submitting the reimbursement form offsite, please fax, email, or mail to: State Bar of Texas Local Bar Services Department P.O. Box 12487 Austin, TX 78711-2487 Fax: (512) 427-4263 Email: [email protected] Attire The Bar Leaders Conference is a casual event! Comfortable shorts, pants, and jeans are ideal for meetings. Keep in mind that meeting rooms are cold, so bring a light sweater or jacket. For the Wild Wild West Casino Party, western attire is in order for the festivities! S T R E N G TH E N I N G , I N S P I R I N G , A N D C E LE B R ATI N G LO C A L B A R S F R I D AY 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration and Exhibits GALLERIA FOYER Attendees are invited to talk with sponsors to learn about the valuable resources available to their local bar association and law practice. 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch – Sponsored by Texas Legal GALLERIA I & II Welcome JANNA CLARKE Local Bar Services Committee Chair Servant Leadership: Strengthening, Inspiring and Celebrating Leadership VICKI CLARK Building the Capacity of Organizations Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servantfirst to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served. Remarks TREY APFFEL State Bar of Texas President REBEKAH STEELY BROOKER Texas Young Lawyers Association President 1:30 p.m. – 1:40 p.m. Transfer Break 1:40 p.m. – 2:40 p.m. Choose one of the following: Terms of Engagement GALLERIA lll ELIZABETH DERRICO ABA Division for Bar Services 2 F R I D AY It is no longer enough to have members belong to our organizations; we have to engage them in our activities. So how do we use the talent and expertise that surrounds us? How do we create expectations for performance? How do we make way for new energy and new ideas while staying mission focused? We’ll explore these topics and give you an opportunity to share your insights during this interactive session. Repeats at 2:50 p.m. I was the First. Vote for Me! POST OAK 1.0 Hour Ethics JOSH CALDWELL LFEI Board Member JAN MILLER State Bar of Texas LRE Director JERRY PERRY LRE Scholar LISA RICHARDSON LFE Committee Member Discover the latest law-related education program that your local bar can share to dazzle educators in your community. The program teaches elementary school children the important “firsts” in U.S. and Texas history who are part of the TEKS standards. Watch as historic icons come to life through animations. Find out how your local bar can play a role in furthering civics education through this one-of-a-kind initiative. Ignite Your Online Presence TANGLEWOOD JASON SMITH Apttus There are more than 1.4 billion smartphones in the world and the average person checks their phone 110 times a day. If you haven’t joined the 3 new digital age, you aren’t living in the 21st century. Learn how to navigate the world of websites, email marketing, and social media in order to reach your bar members. Repeats at 2:50 p.m. 2:40 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. Transfer Break 2:50 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. Choose one of the following: Terms of Engagement GALLERIA lll ELIZABETH DERRICO ABA Division for Bar Services It is no longer enough to have members belong to our organizations; we have to engage them in our activities. So how do we use the talent and expertise that surrounds us? How do we create expectations for performance? How do we make way for new energy and new ideas while staying mission focused? We’ll explore these topics and give you an opportunity to share your insights during this interactive session. Oyez, Oyez, Oh Yay! POST OAK 1.0 Hour Ethics DANIEL HU LFE Committee Chair JAN MILLER State Bar of Texas LRE Director JERRY PERRY LRE Scholar JANIE WORST LRE Consultant Oyez, Oyez, Oh Yay! is an interactive, online resource to help Texas students and teachers prepare for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills assessment tests in U.S. government and history. Come learn about the new additions to the program and how you can bring this amazing resource to your community. 4 Ignite Your Online Presence TANGLEWOOD JASON SMITH Apttus There are more than 1.4 billion smartphones in the world and the average person checks their phone 110 times a day. If you haven’t joined the new digital age, you aren’t living in the 21st century. Learn how to navigate the world of websites, email marketing, and social media in order to reach your bar members. 3:50 p.m. – 4:20 p.m. Social Break GALLERIA FOYER Use this time to network with old and new friends while enjoying a beverage and afternoon snack. 4:20 p.m. – 5:20 p.m. Roundtable Discussions Share ideas, opinions, and solutions on a variety of issues important to bar associations. Roundtable discussions will be facilitated by members of the Local Bar Services Committee who have expertise in the nuts and bolts of bar do’s and don’ts. Group Red Blue Yellow Green Orange Black 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Room Location Post Oak Tanglewood Bellaire Westchester Sage San Felipe TYLA: Meeting Uncommon Leaders MARIPOSA IN NEIMAN MARCUS, HOUSTON GALLERIA Enjoy light hors d’oeuvres and libations before heading out to dinner on the town! Dinner On Your Own The State Bar will reimburse up to $15, with receipt. 9:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. Hospitality Suite ROYAL SUITE 5 S AT U R D AY 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast GALLERIA I & II Enjoy breakfast while visiting with our sponsors and exhibitors to learn more about how their services can benefit bar organizations and members. 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Choose one of the following: Show Up and Step Up SAGE 1.0 Hour Ethics BENNY AGOSTO (Moderator) State Bar of Texas Hispanic Issues Section Chair ARTURO ERRISURIZ Local Bar Services Committee RUDY METAYER Austin Black Lawyers Association President In our global economy, bar association leaders must focus not only on recruiting a diverse membership but also on developing diverse leaders. Learn why having diverse leadership is vital in the retention, development, and advancement of the legal profession and bar work. Lawyers as Lifeguards—When to Blow the Whistle POST OAK 1.0 Hour Ethics CAMERON VANN State Bar of Texas TLAP As a leader of your bar association, your duty is to help others. Learn to recognize the tell-tale signs of a colleague in trouble. The Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program will share lawyer wellness strategies to help you and your bar members deal with the demanding pressures of today’s world. 6 S AT U R D AY Stand by Me GALLERIA lll ELIZABETH DERRICO ABA Division for Bar Services Two heads are better than one and partnerships can result in greater impact for our organizations. In an era of decreasing staff and volunteer and financial resources, it doesn’t make sense to reinvent the wheel. During this session, we will discuss creating win-win partnerships that create a better member experience, raise more money, and turn out more people all while remaining focused on your mission. 10:00 a.m. – 10:10 a.m. Transfer Break 10:10 a.m. – 11:10 a.m. Choose one of the following: Embrace the Power of Difference SAGE 1.0 Hour Ethics ANNA SANKARAN Greenberg Traurig, LLP JOHN TREVINO State Bar of Texas Past Minority Director Conversations can only be as broad as the level of life experience brought to the table. Learn the importance of meeting the inclusivity challenge as you build your bar. Panel members will discuss ways to foster diverse and inclusive environments for local bars. 7 TYLA: Supporting Uncommon Affiliates GALLERIA lll TYLA’s comprehensive plan to empower young lawyer affiliates and their leaders offers something for everyone. Find out more about TYLA and how it can help you and your organization achieve its goals. Awards of Achievement will also be presented to outstanding local affiliates. (All TYLA Local Affiliates should attend this session.) How to Run an Effective Meeting POST OAK RICHARD HAYES Hayes Berry White Vanzant LLP The majority of meetings are unstructured, uninspiring, and unproductive, yet they are integral to getting bar work done. Learn how to run your meetings without wasting time or money, and leaving others feeling energized and accomplished. Repeats at 11:20 a.m. 11:10 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. Transfer Break 11:20 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Choose one of the following: How to Run an Effective Meeting POST OAK RICHARD HAYES Hayes Berry White Vanzant LLP The majority of meetings are unstructured, uninspiring, and unproductive, yet they are integral to getting bar work done. Learn how to run your meetings without wasting time or money, and leaving others feeling energized and accomplished. ATJ: Access to Justice in Texas—What Bar Associations Can Do to Help SAN FELIPE 1.0 Hour CLE BETTY BALLI TORRES Texas Access to Justice Foundation Executive Director 8 JOCELYN FOWLER Texas Access to Justice Commission Staff Attorney Almost 5.8 million low-income Texans qualify for legal aid, but only 20 percent of their legal needs are being met. Join us for a discussion of the legal need in Texas and what bar associations can do to help these low-income families with their civil legal problems. TYLA: Building Uncommon Leaders Presidents – BELLAIRE Presidents-elect – TANGLEWOOD Other – WESTCHESTER This program invites affiliate presidents, presidents-elect, and other representatives to learn from each other and plan for the future. 12:20 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch GALLERIA I & II Welcome and Introduction JANNA CLARKE Local Bar Services Committee Chair Pro Bono Service and Hankinson Awards Presentations JUSTICE EVA M. GUZMAN Texas Supreme Court Lunch & Learn Join other bar leaders to discuss best practices and lessons learned regarding bar leadership. Take advantage of this great networking opportunity to get advice from fellow leaders. 1:35 p.m. – 2:35 p.m. Choose one of the following: TYLA: Projects! Projects! Projects! TANGLEWOOD (Small Affiliates – see p. 14) Learn about several highly successful and innovative TYLA and local affiliate projects that your 9 local bar can duplicate. Each session will feature a variety of projects designed to serve the public and small affiliates. TYLA: Rolling in Money, Rolling out Projects: How to Maximize Grant Requests WESTCHESTER Are your dues not covering the cost of your projects? Learn new strategies and discover non-dues sources of revenue that are available to local bars from TYLA. Hands-on help will be available for various grant opportunities. ATJ: Caring for the Community—Leading Your Bar to Local Impact SAN FELIPE 1.0 Hour CLE CATHRYN IBARRA State Bar of Texas Legal Access Division Staff Attorney BRIANA STONE State Bar of Texas Legal Access Division Staff Attorney The Care Campaign has made great strides to involve more Texas attorneys in pro bono. Learn how you can help your bar create a larger impact in your community and incorporate access to justice into existing bar projects. Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans―Adapting the Program for Your Bar POST OAK 1.0 Hour Ethics BONNIE DEAN Jefferson County Bar Association Executive Director DELAINE WARD Austin Bar Association Executive Director Since 2010, Texas lawyers have served more than 10,000 Texas veterans through veterans’ legal clinics. As the program continues to expand, the State Bar of Texas continues to adapt resources 10 to help local bars of all sizes. Learn how your bar can get involved ―regardless of size or limited resources. Become involved to protect the rights of those who fought to protect ours. 2:35 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Transfer Break 2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Choose one of the following: TYLA: Projects! Projects! Projects! TANGLEWOOD (see p. 14) Learn about several highly successful and innovative TYLA and local affiliate projects that your local bar can duplicate. Each session will feature a variety of projects designed to serve the public and bar associations of all sizes. TYLA: Rolling in Money, Rolling out Projects: How to Maximize Grant Requests WESTCHESTER Are your dues not covering the cost of your projects? Learn new strategies and discover non-dues sources of revenue that are available to local bars from TYLA. Hands-on help will be available for various grant opportunities. ATJ: #NowYou’reTrending―Top Ten ATJ Headlines SAN FELIPE 1.0 Hour CLE KRISTEN LEVINS Texas Access to Justice Commission Staff Attorney JOCELYN FOWLER Texas Access to Justice Commission Staff Attorney ATJ is making news around the nation. Hear about hot-button issues affecting millions of low-income people and learn what is being done across the nation and in Texas to increase access to the legal system. 11 There’s No Place Like Home POST OAK CAROLE HURLEY Texas Health and Human Services Commission With more than 100,000 children in foster care needing permanent families, hosting an Adoption Day is as important as ever. Learn how to join community partners in holding your own adoption day, while helping thousands of children find their forever homes and raising awareness of the need for adoptions. 3:45 p.m. – 3:55 p.m. Transfer Break 3:55 p.m. – 4:55 p.m. Choose one of the following: TYLA: Projects! Projects! Projects! TANGLEWOOD (Large Affiliates – see p. 15) Learn about several highly successful and innovative TYLA and local affiliate projects that your local bar can duplicate. Each session will feature a variety of projects designed to serve the public and large affiliates. ATJ: Raising Loyal Supporters through Effective Communication SAN FELIPE 1.0 Hour CLE LIZA LEVINE Texas Access to Justice Commission Development and Communications Director Development and communications plans work hand in hand to build loyal supporters and advocates. Learn how effective communication efforts support development campaigns ultimately raising awareness in addition to money for the organization. 12 Leading the Next Generation POST OAK 1.0 Hour Ethics KENDA CULPEPPER (Moderator) State Bar of Texas Professionalism Committee Chair SADE OGUNBODE Austin Bar Mentoring Program Co-Chair ROBIN TEAGUE San Antonio Criminal Defense Lawyers Association Mentoring Program Chair BILL WOOD Denton County Bar Association Mentoring Program Director The practice of law cannot be taught without a lesson on the values and morals that uphold the legal profession. Learn about the importance of mentoring in the ever-changing profession and discover new resources available for your mentoring program developed by the State Bar Professionalism Committee. 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Dinner Buffet GALLERIA I & II 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Wild Wild West Casino Party PLAZA I & II Saddle up your horses and put your best boots on! Bring your best hand and try your luck of the draw! 13 Projects! Projects! Projects! Workshops Time 1:35 p.m. Topic/Event Moderator/Panelists/Speakers Holidays with Heroes Amanda Navarette and Brooke Hendricks Ector County Young Lawyers Association Annual AAYLA Las Vegas CLE Courtney Miller Amarillo Area Young Lawyers Association Evening with the Judges Amanda Navarette and Brooke Hendricks Ector County Young Lawyers Association Easter Bunny Fundraiser Christy Hawkins Texarkana Young Lawyers Association Swearing In Ceremony for Newly Licensed Attorneys Alesha Williams and Stuart Hene Smith County Young Lawyers Association Chili Cookoff Rosa Maria Berdeja Arlington Young Lawyers Association Kingpins for Kinship Daniel Abasolo Greater Denton County Young Lawyers Association Women in Law Luncheon Sarah Hoffman Greater Denton County Young Lawyers Association Small Affiliates Moderator/Panelists/Speakers Time Topic/Event 2:45 p.m. TYLA Educating Educators Amber James TYLA Work Life Balance Blog Laura Docker TYLA Know Your Rights Bill Gardner TYLA Battling Substance Abuse for Everyone Kristy Blanchard TYLA Generation Generosity Rebekah Steely Brooker TYLA 14 Projects! Projects! Projects! Workshops Social Media 101 Alex Yarbrough TYLA What Do Lawyers Do? Sam Houston TYLA Slavery Out of the Shadows: Spotlight on Human Trafficking Dustin Howell TYLA Moderator/Panelists/Speakers Topic/Event Time 3:55 p.m. Moderator/Panelists/Speakers Topic/Event Time Pedometer Challenge Jonathan R. Childers Dallas Association of Young Lawyers Coffee -> Careers -> Conversations Stephanie K. Gause Dallas Association of Young Lawyers Healthy Living Barrett Shipp San Antonio Young Lawyers Association Reentry Austin Amanda Arriaga Austin Young Lawyers Association Trial Academy Amanda Arriaga Austin Young Lawyers Association TBD TBD Buzz for a Cause Chris Stoy Fort Worth – Tarrant County Young Lawyers Association Family Fun Days Patricia Vargas San Antonio Young Lawyers Association Large Affiliates 15 2014-2015 OFFICERS STATE BAR OF TEXAS Trey Apffel, President Allan DuBois, President-elect Lisa M. Tatum, Immediate Past President Roger Key, Chair of the Board Michelle Hunter, Executive Director TEXAS YOUNG LAWYERS ASSOCIATION Rebekah Steely Brooker, President Dustin M. Howell, Chair of the Board Sam Houston, Vice President Baili B. Rhodes, Secretary John W. Shaw, Treasurer Priscilla D. Comacho, Chair-elect Barrett Thomas, President-elect Kristy Blanchard, Immediate Past President LOCAL BAR SERVICES COMMITTEE Janna Clarke, Chair Keena Greyling Amie S. Peace, Vice Chair Wendy Humphrey Christy Albano Kimberly Killebrew Kavita Balla Michelle Latray Randall Barrera Lilia Ledesma John C. Chunn James Mosley Tommy Coleman Mary Reveles Michael Dahlenburg Catherine Than Michael Davis Karla Vargas Santos Vargas Ann L. Diamond Michael J. Willson Lacy L. Durham Arturo Errisuriz TYLA LOCAL AFFILIATES COMMITTEE Alex Yarbrough, Chair Laura W. Docker, Project Lead Amanda A. Abraham Brandon Crisp Zeke Fortenberry Bill Gardner Amber L. James Veronica S. Wolfe 16 THANK YOU TO OUR CONFERENCE SPONSORS! ARAG BookLawyers Fastcase Law Pay Texas Lawyers’ Insurance Exchange Texas Legal USI Affinity CONFERENCE INFORMATION Visit the Local Bar Services website to download conference materials: Follow the 2014 Bar Leaders Conference on Twitter by using hashtag: #LBLC14 Spread the Word! The 2015 Bar Leaders Conference will be held July 24-25, 2015. 40633 07/14
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