The Divine Comedy Lesson 7 Handout 11 (page 1) Name Date Another Look at Fraud Directions: As you discuss these questions with your class, record responses. 1. In circle 8, who are punished? Why? How? 2. Who are the simoniacs? How are they punished? 3. Which pope does Dante first meet here? Why does he deserve this punishment? 4. For whom is the first pope looking? Why? 5. Who does this first pope prophesy will be the third for this place? 6. To what historical event does Dante attribute the beginning of corruption in the Church? 7. Describe the punishment of fortune tellers, as described in Canto 20. What famous Greek seer does Dante meet at this point? 8. Why does Virgil again scold Dante for showing pity? 9. Why is sticky pitch an appropriate punishment for grafters? © COPYRIGHT, The Center for Learning. Used with permission. Not for resale. 48 'QT-esai _103 l0N •uotssTuuad rerun pasty luTureal so; laluaD Qtu, lnoq-e ',LHOIE.A.d03 pp Q3reui atj saop Aoatidold Tet..vik -81 fop Toon,4 TuueA Pip 1.etim e:,sluatuilsTund .1Taq4. anlasap sang! at.n op ATIAN •91 6uxaqp. moHoj sunap ate tr At.p•A .73-161oci ;.xau am-4 adeosa OITA Pue altreCI S •SI paureu sai.poodiim inoj are or..usA •tj oierldoicide sTeop ,sai.poodAtl ar.p. are Alm •EI aqposaci •a -euti papuaqxa tre sI a.tat,P `zz owe° uI •zi 6s..ralyei5 Jo ;pip atp .1O;110 ;Sig Atli TIOLVA a imQ OpIti llaITA saop Alim • j I •sovreo „apcoJleJ'„ QTEQ 01.11-EN paireoua o 3.1E zz pu-e IZ •01 (•6 a5ed) i i lnopueH L uossal Apauloo aulArci ata out of turpoduu siocpuXs zpoluosard suossoi pui soussatu snoptiat ow am term zotult otp Jo icticlosoptid snolSllat alp s! Tam 'MAUI IVIIIIIIMS •0A0f pripildS zitrosaular suouou all op iutim OtIO9OR IptIl ItTalj 110S20.1 ptre uE111 lnoqu unot Om op tettm am = °pita 110STal treunui = 112.1!A laATI IVDRIODHTIV (41 fni4 !,slop 11211A TegAN ',Sao") 011ie(' )milw zsuodduti rutim--IHAg7 gyligin .a.-77.0is y,p061,? Cantos LITERAL LEVEL—What happens? What Dante does? What Virgil does? ALLEGORICAL LEVEL Virgil = human reason Dante = man What do we learn about man and reason from their actions? What do the actions represent? SPIRITUAL LEVEL What is the religious philosophy of the time? What are the religious messages and lessons presented? Symbols important to the spiritual level. 1. "Malbowges (Malbolgial is, I think, after a rather special manner, the image of the City in corruption: the progressive disintegration of ■,„rw" every social relationship, personal and public. Sexuality, ecclesiastical and civil office, language, ownership, counsel, authority, psychic influence, and material interdependence—all the media of the 1%. community's exchange are perverted and falsified, till nothing remains but the descent into the final abyss where faith and trust are •■■• wholly and for ever extinguished." 8 2. 11%) 3. "Simony is the sin of trafficking in holy things, e.g., the sale of sacraments or ecclesiastical offices. The sinners who thus made money for themselves out of what belongs to God are 'pouched' in fiery pockets in the rock, head downwards because they reversed the proper order of things and subordinated the heavenly to the earthly. The image here is ecclesiastical: we need not, however, suppose that, allegorically, the traffic in holy things is confined to medieval people or even to modern clergymen. A mercenary marriage, for example, is also the sale of a sacrament. " 9 Image of fortune tellers. "There is an image of the twisted nature of all magical art, which is a deformation of knowledge, and especially of psychic powers, to an end outside the unity of the creation in God. iouqb It is in especial the misuse of knowledge so as to dominate environment (including not only material things but the personalities of others) for the benefit of the ego. Magic to-day takes many forms, ranging from actual Satanism to attempts at 'conditioning' other people by manipulating their psyches; but even when it uses the legitimate techniques of the scientist or the psychiatrist, it is distinguished from true science by the 'twisted sight', which looks to O self instead of to God for the source and direction of its power."m ee• 0 0 446 dot,"
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