Adventist Youth Ministries Greater New York Conference VIII Adventist Youth Evangelism & Leadership Congress Janu a r y 17-19, 2014 Hil t o n S t a m fo rd H ot e l E x e cu ti v e M ee ti n g Ce n t e r S ta mfor d, CT Adventist Youth Ministries Greater New York Conference Dear Youth Congress Attendee: We are glad that you chose to join us for the VIII Adventist Youth Evangelism & Leadership Congress. Would you believe that there is a war going on right now for your allegiance? The Scripture states in Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Have you given much thought to this statement? We pray that our experiences this weekend will revive in us a passion for drawing closer and closer to our loving Savior and will reveal the compelling urgency of responding with a resounding YES, Lord, here I am, use me and send me where You will. As the struggle rages, will we be found Battle Ready, Armed & Faithful? Our sincere hope is that you will “Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over … you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon.” (Eph 6:13-18 The Message). The theme for this year charges us to be Battle Ready, Armed & Faithful – just like the patriarchs and prophets of old. We wish you have a pleasant stay at this comfortable hotel. We have a wonderful team of Pastors, Coordinators, Instructors, and Staff who are always willing to serve and pray with you. If we can do anything to make your stay more enjoyable, please let us know. Thank you for joining us for this inspirational Youth Congress. Shalom! Theme for 2014: Battle Ready Armed and Faithful Sincerely, Pr. Andres Peralta & Team Weekend Schedule Friday January 17, 2014 Prayer Room opens after the service 3:00-6:00PM Check-In...................................................... Veronica Chaug, Pr. Lloyd Scharffenberg Pre-function Area, 2nd Floor lobby 6:30-7:30PM 7:35-8:35PM Training Session 1 (Orientation)............... Presenters & Hosts Training Session 2 .................................... Presenters & Hosts 8:35-8:45PM 8:45-10:00PM Grand Ballroom Pre-Program Video & Countdown WORSHIP SERVICE................................... Program Coordinators ..................................................................... Angel Reyes & Teddy Williamson Opening Prayer Opening Video “Bible” Intro of Host ............................................... Hosts: Angel Reyes & Teddy Williamson Special Music Area Reports .............................................. Bronx & Brooklyn New Theme Video....................................... Pr. Andres Peralta Prayer ......................................................... Pr. Everette Samuel Drama Presentation................................... Christian Genao Special Music ............................................ GNYC Praise Team Message...................................................... Pr. James Black Worship ...................................................... GNYC Praise Team 10:00-11:00PM Late Registration will proceed after Worship Service (Pre-Function Area, 2nd Floor) Saturday, January 18, 2014 Prayer Room opens after the service 6:00-6:20AM Staff Meeting with Pr. Peralta.................... Congress Staff Oak Boardroom 6:20-6:50AM Early Devotional......................................... Pastors Paulo Macena & Shane Vidal Grand Ballroom 6:50-7:50AM Breakfast..................................................... Hotel Staff The Grove 8:00-9:00AM 9:10-10:10AM Training Session 3..................................... Presenters & Hosts Training Session 4..................................... Presenters & Hosts 10:20-10:30AM 10:30-12:45PM Grand Ballroom Pre-Program Video & Countdown Worship Service......................................... Program Coordinators Praise & Worship........................................ GNYC Praise Team Opening Prayer Video Welcome...................................................... Host: Angel Reyes Greetings.................................................... Church Officials Special Music............................................. Brooklyn Choir Area Reports .............................................. Long Island & Manhattan Year in Preview .......................................... Pr. Andres Peralta 2014 Vision ................................................. Pr. Andres Peralta Offering ...................................................... Pr. Ricardo Bain Special Interview........................................ Angel Reyes Prayer.......................................................... Pr. Paulo Macena Special Music............................................. Instrumental Message...................................................... Pr. James Black Worship ...................................................... GNYC Praise Team 12:45-1:45PM LUNCH......................................................... Hotel Staff The Grove 2:00-3:00PM 3:10-4:10PM 4:20-5:20PM Training Session 5..................................... Presenters & Hosts Training Session 6..................................... Presenters & Hosts Training Session 7..................................... Presenters & Hosts 5:25PM Grand Ballroom WORSHIP SERVICE................................... Program Coordinators Praise & Worship........................................ GNYC Praise Team Opening Prayer ......................................... Pr. Everette Samuel Welcome...................................................... Host: Angel Reyes Area Reports .............................................. Queens, Staten Island & Upstate Dedication Ceremony................................ Elizabeth Cyriac & Sunilbe Siceron Gospel Concert.......................................... Various Artists Charge......................................................... Pr. James Black Closing Prayer 6:45-7:45PM DINNER....................................................... Hotel Staff The Grove 8:00-9:00PM Training Session 8..................................... Presenters & Hosts 9:15-11:00PM Social........................................................... Grand Ballroom Passion Play Auditions.............................. Springdale I & II Prayer room at the Willow room will close at midnight. Conference Room 3 on the 2nd floor will remain until Sunday. In public labor do not make prominent, and quote that which Sister White has written, as authority to sustain your positions. To do this will not increase faith in the testimonies. Bring your evidences, clear and plain, from the Word of God. Sunday, January 19, 2014 Prayer Room opens after the service 6:00-6:20AM Staff Meeting with Pr. Peralta.................... Congress Staff 7:00-8:00AM 8:10-9:10AM Training Session 9..................................... Presenters & Hosts Training Session 10................................... Presenters & Hosts 9:15-9:20AM 9:20-10:30AM Grand Ballroom Pre-program Video & Countdown WORSHIP SERVICE Praise & Worship........................................ GNYC Praise Team Opening Prayer ......................................... Nashonie Chang Video Welcome...................................................... Host: Angel Reyes Prayer Praise & Worship........................................ GNYC Praise Team Devotional................................................... Pr. James Black Closing exercise 10:30-11:30AM BRUNCH...................................................... Hotel Staff: The Grove B ible verse for 2014 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God Ephesians 6:17 “Thus saith the Lord” is the strongest testimony you can possibly present to the people. Let none be educated to look to Sister White, but to the mighty God, who gives instruction to Sister White. (Letter 11, 1894.) Greater New York Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists Adventist Youth Ministries Department TRACK DESCRIPTION “You can’t teach what you don’t know, and you can’t lead where you won’t go.” As leaders we must not only be good at spouting theories if we expect to see success with our youth ministry; we must live what we preach and demonstrate it. Track 1 Pathfinder Basic Staff Training (PBST) Track 7 Elective Courses (ELEC) non certification course Track 2 Adventurer Basic Staff Training (ABST) Track 8 Adventist Youth Leadership Certification (AYLC) Track 3 Adventurer Leadership Award (ALA) Track 9 Adventist Youth Emergency Service Corps (AYES Corps) Track 4 Adventurer Instructor Award (AIA) Track 10 Adventist Youth Media Certification(AYM) Track 5 Pathfinder Leadership Award (PLA) Track 11 Adventist Youth Preach It Certification (AYP) Track 6 Pathfinder Instructor Award (PIA) Track 12 Adventist Youth Theatre Certification (AYT) 1. Pathfinder Basic Staff Training (PBST) A required class for Master Guide candidates A 10-hour Basic Staff training course is designed to develop awareness in leaders of the basic fundamentals of the Pathfinder Club and to help teachers become familiar with the procedures, policies and resources necessary to commence and maintain a Pathfinder Club. Valid for 4 years. 2. Adventurer Basic Staff Training (ABST) A required class for Master Guide candidates A 10-hour Basic Staff training course is designed to develop awareness in leaders of the basic fundamentals of the Adventurer Club and to help teachers become familiar with the procedures, policies and resources necessary to commence and maintain a Adventurer Club. Valid for 4 years. Master Guide (MG) The Master Guide Program is at the highest level of leadership within the Adventurer/Pathfinder programs of the church. Its curriculum is designed for youth and adults (ages 16 and up). First and foremost it focuses on one’s personal spiritual life and growth. Secondly it emphasizes in sharpening of those skills which are specifically geared to leading youth in God-ordained areas of development: understanding God’s world of nature, outreach ministry, service to others and a life-style that denotes healthy living. 3. Adventurer Leadership Award (ALA) The Adventurer Leadership Award Program is a continuing education class for those who have been invested as Master Guides, and are active within the Adventurer Club organization for at least 2 years. The ALA Curriculum will help you discover leadership qualities which will allow you to become a more efficient and dynamic Adventurer Leader. Some of these qualities are “how to” skills and aptitudes; others involve philosophies and attitudes. This curriculum will definitely equip you with skills, tools, and techniques to maximize your natural leadership talents. 4. Adventurer Instructor Award (AIA) The Adventurer Instructor Award Program is a continuing education class for those who have been invested as Adventurer Leadership Awardees. As Adventurer leaders, everything we say and do sends a message and sets an example for our young people and their families. We live under a microscope. Nothing escapes their scrutiny. There is a direct correlation between how instructors serve their followers and how the followers serve others. Setting the right example is an incredible responsibility, and many youth leaders feel ill-equipped to meet the challenge. The Adventurer Instructor Award is a curriculum that will help to meet the needs of leaders who instruct. “Many would be willing to work if they were taught how to begin.” 5. Pathfinder Leadership Award (PLA) (The Ministry of Healing, p. 149) The Pathfinder Leadership Award Program is a continuing education class for those who have been invested as Master Guides, and are active within the Pathfinder Club organization for at least 2 years. The PLA Curriculum will help you discover leadership qualities which will allow you to become a more efficient and dynamic Pathfinder Leader. Some of these qualities are “how to” skills and aptitudes; others involve philosophies and attitudes. This curriculum will definitely equip you with skills, tools, and techniques to maximize your natural leadership talents. 6. Pathfinder Instructor Award (PIA) The Pathfinder Instructor Award Program is a continuing education class for those who have been invested as Pathfinder Leadership Awardees. As Pathfinder leaders, everything we say and do sends a message and sets an example for our young people. We live under a microscope. Nothing escapes their scrutiny. There is a direct correlation between how instructors serve their followers and how the followers serve others. Setting the right example is an incredible responsibility, and many youth leaders feel ill-equipped to meet the challenge. The Pathfinder Instructor Award is a curriculum that will help to meet the needs of leaders who instruct. 7. Electives These are seminars in various topics pertaining to the Adventist Youth Ministries. Excellent resource for anybody associated with the youth ministries at the local church. Not associated with any specific track. 8. Adventist Youth Leadership Certification (AYLC) The Adventist Youth Leadership Curriculum is designed for youth, young adults, and adults. Its objective is to assist the leader in training, to develop knowledge, personal spiritual discipline, leadership skills, and a practical approach to Youth and Young Adult Ministries in the XXI Century within and outside the Adventist community, in the Greater New York Area. 9. Adventist Youth Emergency Services Corps Certification (AYES) The Adventist Youth Emergency Services Corps Curriculum prepares the individual to serve God, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the Community voluntarily in moments of crisis and emergencies. These emergencies may take place in our neighborhood, city, state, country, or world. The AYES Corps will be prepared to be first responders under the Directions of the supervision and combined leadership of Adventist Community Services and the Adventist Youth Ministries Department of the Greater New York Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 10. Adventist Youth Media Certification (AYM) The Adventist Youth Media Curriculum is designed for youth, young adults, and adults. Its objective is to prepare the individual to share the Good News of the Gospel through the use of various media tools available in the XXI Century, including news writing, photography, social media, video production and audio. 11. Adventist Youth Preach It Certification (AYP) The Adventist Youth Preach It Curriculum is designed for youth, young adults, and adults. Its objective is to train the individual in the art of preaching, through which they can to develop biblical knowledge and personal spiritual discipline, and use it as a practical approach to reach others by proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. 12. Adventist Youth Theatre Certification (AYT) The Adventist Youth Theatre Curriculum is designed for students who are interested in using the art of theatre as a catalyst to bring forth the message of Christ’s Gospel to life. This program highlights the theoretical, critical and historical approaches for preparing theatre as a tool for evangelism, while providing and requiring a hands-on experience in drama. Students are taught general aspects of this performing art, allowing their expertise to be used effectively in a myriad of other ministries. Adventist Youth Ministries Greater New York Conference Vision To train Children, Youth & Young adults to grow in Christ, practice servant leadership and be disciples. Mission The Mission of the Adventist Youth Ministries of Greater New York Conference is to motivate and train Children, Youth, & Young Adults to live as Jesus lived, mingling and serving the community to reveal God’s infinite love. 1. Spiritual Transformation (2 Cor: 5:17) 2. Authenticity (1 Jn. 4:12) 3. Discipleship (Luke 14:27) 4. Relationship Oriented (John 15:1) Values 5. Christ Centered (John 12:32) 6. Servant Leadership (Phil. 2:5-11) 7. Relevant (1 Cor. 9:20) Primary Objective Children, Youth, & Young adult, serving the church and the community, and winning others for Christ. Secondary Objectives 1. Provide resources to AYES, AYLC, ALA, AIA, PLA, PIA and MG classes per Area 2. One Adventist Youth Society/Adventist Youth Ministry in each Church. 3. One Adventurer & Pathfinder Club per Church. 4. One public Youth Evangelism Series per Church, per year. 5. One Large United Public Youth Evangelism 6. 5-10 New Young Preachers (under 35) at each Church. 7. Several Youth and Young Adults as Elders and Leaders at each Church and their community Quote of the Year The Bible, and the Bible alone, is to be our creed, the sole bond of union; all who bow to this Holy Word will be in harmony. Our own views and ideas must not control our efforts. Man is fallible, but God’s Word is infallible. — Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 416. Master Guide (MG), Pathfinder Basic Staff Training (PBST) TRACK 1 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am Aspen I & II Orientation Master Guide Simone Smith, Eva Ordóñez-Bambino Club Leadership, Organization, Programming & Planning MG, PBST Michael Green Child Development & Psychology MG, PBST Dr. Tomasz D. Howard Host Adriana Mejía, Andrew Gordon Cassely Cherry, Adriana Mejía Cassely Cherry, Adriana Mejia Simone Smith Glen II Orientación Guía Mayor Hingris Velazquez Organización, Programación y Planeamiento del Club de Conquistadores MG, PBST Eva Ordóñez-Bambino Resumen o Reflexión MG Elizabeth Cyriac, Rebecca Philip, Intérprete: Leslie Colón Host Leslie Colón, Xavier Molina Leslie Colón, Hingris Velazquez Wilfredo Rivas, Xavier Molina, Hingris Velazquez Room 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm Aspen I & II Camping & Outdoor Education MG, PBST Andrew Gordon Teen Leadership Training - Intro MG, PBST Sir Jonas Apau II Summary or Reflection MG Elizabeth Cyriac, Rebecca Philip Host Sherma Baptiste, Judey Austin Judey Austin, Simone Smith Damion Bascombe, Leslie Colón Simone Smith Glen II Campamento y Educación al Aire Libre MG, PBST Esteban Rosario Abuso de Menores (Ballroom III) Esther Reyna Entrenamiento de Liderazgo Adolecentes - Intro MG, PBST Samuel López Host Idanes Richard, Wilfredo Rivas Grace Ann Ashley Idanes Richard, Wilfredo Rivas, Xavier Molina Susana Robert, Grace Ann Ashley, Hingris Velazquez Electivo* Room 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Aspen I & II Children and Youth Evangelism MG, PBST Pr. Rodney Hyde Child Abuse (Ballroom III) Agatha Irish Host Andrew Gordon, Damion Bascombe Judey Austin Veronica Williams, Cassely Chery Michael Green, Judey Austin Glen II Evangelismo de Niños y Jóvenes MG, PBST Esther Reyna La Psicología y el Desarrollo del Niño MG, PBST Dr. Tomasz D. Howard Host Hingris Velazquez, Idanes Richard, Grace Ann Ashley Leslie Colón, Hingris Velazquez Elective* Room 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Aspen I & II Teaching the Curriculum MG, PBST Adriana Mejia Straight from the heart MG, PBST Everette Samuel Host Cassely Cherry, Eva Ordóñez-Bambino Simone Smith Judey Austin, Eva Ordóñez-Bambino Andrew Gordon Glen II Desde el Corazón MG, PBST Everette Samuel, Intérprete: Leslie Colón Enseñando el Currículo MG, PBST Idanes Richard Host Grace Ann Ashley, Wilfredo Rivas, Xavier Molina Hingris Velazquez, Esteban Rosario Agatha Irish, Adriana Mejia “We have an army of youth today who can do much if they are properly directed and encouraged. . . . We want them to be blessed of God. We want them to act a part in well-organized plans for helping other youth.” (Ellen G. White, General Conference Bulletin Jan. 29,30, 1893. p. 24) Adventurer Basic Staff Training (ABST) Room Glen I 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm TRACK 2 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am Understanding the Adventurer, Eager Beavers and Little Lamb Programs ABST Judey Austin Teaching the Adventurer Curriculum ABST Judey Austin Host Ratomponiony Rasandy, Simone Smith Jacqueline Thompson,Veronica Williams Waterside Entendiendo al Aventurero, Castorcito y Corderito ABST Teresa Moore-Medina Aventureros Liderazgo para el Club, Organización, Programación y Planeación ABST Eva Ordóñez-Bambino Host Idanes Richard Teresa Moore-Medina, Idanes Richard Room 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Glen I Adventurer Club Organization, Leadership, Programming & Planning ABST Jacqueline Thompson Youth as a Soul Winner ABST Pr. Shane Vidal Host Agatha Irish, Simone Smith Sherma Baptiste Waterside Electivo* Abuso de Menores (Ballroom III) Esther Reyna Host Idanes Richard, Wilfredo Rivas, Xavier Molina Electivo* Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Glen I Camping & Outdoor Education ABST Andrew Gordon Elective* Child Abuse (Ballroom III) Agatha Irish Host Veronica Williams Jacqueline Thompson Waterside Acampada y Educación al Aire Libre (Glen I) ABST Andrew Gordon, Intérprete: Kelvin Rivas Host Veronica Williams, Jacqueline Thompson Veronica Williams, Cassely Chery Michael Green, Judey Austin Electivo* Un Joven como Ganador de Almas ABST Pr. Shane Vidal, Intérprete: Samuel López Grace Ann Ashley, Wilfredo Rivas, Susana Robert Elective* Room 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Glen I Elective* Elective* Electivo* Enseñando la Clase de Aventureros Susana Robert Host Waterside Host Grace Ann Ashley, Eva Ordóñez-Bambino 3 Room TRACK Adventurer Leadership Award (ALA) 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm Alder Children With Special Needs ALA Grace Ann Ashley Host Rathomponiony Rasandy Westover Orientation/Orientación ALA Barbara Hyde, Susana Robert ¿Cuál es tu Temperamento? ALA Nydia Pagán-Howard Host Teresa Moore-Medina,Veronica Williams Arelis Pacheco Room 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Glen I Adventurer Club Organization, Leadership, Programming & Planning ALA Jacqueline Thompson Youth as a Soul Winner ALA Pr. Shane Vidal Host Agatha Irish, Simone Smith Sherma Baptiste Waterside Aventureros Liderazgo para el Club, Organización, Programación y Planeación ALA Eva Ordóñez-Bambino Abuso de Menores (Ballroom III) Esther Reyna Host Teresa Moore-Medina, Idanes Richard Idanes Richard, Wilfredo Rivas Xavier Molina Alder What is your Temperament? ALA Barbara Hyde Host Michael Green, Sherma Baptiste Westover Disciplina ALA Nydia Pagan-Howard Host Teresa Moore-Medina Electivo* Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Glen I Camping & Outdoor Education ALA Andrew Gordon Interpreter: Kelvin Rivas Elective* Child Abuse (Ballroom III) Agatha Irish Host Veronica Williams, Jacqueline Thompson Waterside Acampada y Educación al Aire Libre (Glen I) ALA Andrew Gordon Interpreter: Kelvin Rivas Host Veronica Williams, Jacqueline Thompson Alder Host Veronica Williams, Cassely Chery Michael Green, Judey Austin Electivo* Un Joven como Ganador de Almas ALA Pr. Shane Vidal Intérprete: Samuel López Grace Ann Ashley, Wilfredo Rivas Susana Robert Elective* Room 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am Glen I Elective* 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Host Waterside Electivo* Host Alder Discipline ALA, PLA Barbara Hyde Host Rathomponiony Rasandy, Sherma Baptiste Westover Niños con Necesidades Especiales ALA Teresa Moore-Medina Host Nydia Pagan-Howard 4 Room TRACK Adventurer Instructor Award (AIA) 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm Alder Elective* Host Westover Orientation/Orientación AIA Barbara Hyde, Susana Robert ¿Cuál es tu Temperamento? AIA Nydia Pagán-Howard Host Teresa Moore-Medina,Veronica Williams Arelis Pacheco Room 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Alder What is your Temperament? AIA Barbara Hyde ATTITUDE! Me? You must be kidding! AIA Damion Bascombe Training Instructors to Train AIA Natalie Santiago Host Michael Green, Sherma Baptiste Veronica Williams, Michael Green Veronica Williams, Michael Green Westover ¡MALA ACTITUD! ¿Yo? Estás Bromeando… AIA Arelis Pacheco Electivo* Abuso de Menores (Ballroom III) Esther Reyna Host Agatha Irish Idanes Richard, Wilfredo Rivas Teresa Moore-Medina, Xavier Molina Electivo* Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Alder Children and Youth Evangelism AIA Pr. Rodney Hyde Interpreter: Teresa Moore-Medina Effective Meeting Procedures AIA Simone Smith, Interpreter: Teresa Moore-Medina Child Abuse (Ballroom III) Agatha Irish Host Arelis Pacheco, Nydia Pagan-Howard Jacqueline Thompson, Veronica Williams Michael Green Veronica Williams, Cassely Chery Michael Green, Judey Austin Westover Evangelismo de Niños y Jóvenes (Alder) AIA Pr. Rodney Hyde Interpreter: Teresa Moore-Medina Procedimientos Efectivos para Reuniones (Alder) AIA Simone Smith Interpreter: Teresa Moore-Medina Entrenando Instructores Para Entrenar AIA Arelis Pacheco Host Arelis Pacheco, Nydia Pagan-Howard Jacqueline Thompson, Veronica Williams Michael Green Teresa Moore-Medina, Nydia Pagan-Howard Elective* Room 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Alder Are You Influential? AIA Damion Bascombe Elective* Host Agatha Irish, Jacqueline Thompson Westover Electivo* Host ¿Eres Influyente? AIA Arelis Pacheco Xavier Molina Pathfinder Leadership Award (PLA) Room 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Glen I Orientation/Orientación PLA Ratomponiony Rasandy Host Agatha Irish, Damion Bascombe TRACK 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm Alder Children With Special Needs PLA Grace Ann Ashley Host Rathomponiony Rasandy Westover ¿Cuál es tu Temperamento? PLA Nydia Pagán-Howard Host Arelis Pacheco Room 5 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Aspen I & II Teen Leadership Training - Intro PLA Sir Jonas Apau II Host Judey Austin, Simone Smith Glen II Abuso de Menores (Ballroom III) Esther Reyna Host Idanes Richard, Wilfredo Rivas, Xavier Molina Waterside Abuso de Menores (Ballroom III) Esther Reyna Host Idanes Richard, Wilfredo Rivas Xavier Molina Alder What is your Temperament? PLA Barbara Hyde Host Michael Green, Sherma Baptiste Westover Electivo* Host Elective* Disciplina PLA Nydia Pagan-Howard Agatha Irish Electivo* Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm Glen II Entrenamiento de Liderazgo Adolecentes - Intro PLA Samuel López Host Susana Robert, Grace Ann Ashley, Hingris Velazquez 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Elective* Glen I Teen Leadership Training - Program Outline PLA Sir Jonas Apau II Interpreter:Angel Reyes Child Abuse (Ballroom III) Agatha Irish Host Susana Robert, Rathomponiony Rasandy Veronica Williams, Cassely Chery Michael Green, Judey Austin Waterside Enternamiento de Liderazgo de Adolescentes - Bosquejo de Programa (Elm I & II) PLA Sir Jonas Apau II Interpreter:Angel Reyes Electivo* Host Alder Susana Robert, Rathomponiony Rasandy Elective* Host Room 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Glen I Teen Leadership Training - Operational Depts PLA Sir Jonas Apau II, Interpreter:Hingris Velazquez Niños con Necesidades Especiales PLA Eva Ordóñez-Bambino Leslie Colón Host Susana Robert, Rathomponiony Rasandy Waterside Entrenamiento de Liderazgo de Adolescentes - Departamentos Operativos (Glen I) PLA Sir Jonas Apau II, Interpreter:Hingris Velazquez Host Susana Robert, Rathomponiony Rasandy Alder Discipline PLA Barbara Hyde Host Rathomponiony Rasandy, Sherma Baptiste Pathfinder Instructor Award (PIA) TRACK Room 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm Alder Orientation/Orientación PIA Jacqueline Thompson, Arelis Pacheco Elective* Host Michael Green Westover ¿Cuál es tu Temperamento? PIA Nydia Pagán-Howard Host Arelis Pacheco 6 Room 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Alder What is your Temperament? PIA Barbara Hyde ATTITUDE! Me? You must be kidding! PIA Damion Bascombe Training Instructors to Train PIA Natalie Santiago Host Michael Green, Sherma Baptiste Veronica Williams, Michael Green Veronica Williams, Michael Green Westover ¡MALA ACTITUD! ¿Yo? Estás Bromeando… PIA Arelis Pacheco Electivo* Abuso de Menores (Ballroom III) Esther Reyna Host Agatha Irish Idanes Richard, Wilfredo Rivas, Teresa Moore-Medina, Xavier Molina Electivo* Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Alder Children and Youth Evangelism PIA Pr. Rodney Hyde Interpreter: Teresa Moore-Medina Effective Meeting Procedures PIA Simone Smith Interpreter: Teresa Moore-Medina Child Abuse (Ballroom III) Agatha Irish Host Arelis Pacheco, Nydia Pagan-Howard Jacqueline Thompson, Veronica Williams Michael Green Veronica Williams, Cassely Chery Michael Green, Judey Austin Westover Evangelismo de Niños y Jóvenes (Alder) PIA Pr. Rodney Hyde Interpreter: Teresa Moore-Medina Procedimientos Efectivos para Reuniones (Alder) PIA Simone Smith Interpreter: Teresa Moore-Medina Entrenando Instructores Para Entrenar PIA Arelis Pacheco Host Arelis Pacheco, Nydia Pagan-Howard Jacqueline Thompson, Veronica Williams Michael Green Teresa Moore-Medina, Nydia Pagan-Howard Elective* Room 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Alder Are You Influential? PIA Damion Bascombe Elective* Host Agatha Irish, Jacqueline Thompson Westover Electivo* Host ¿Eres Influyente? AIA,PIA Arelis Pacheco Xavier Molina 7 Room TRACK Elective Courses (ELEC) Non certification course 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm Belltown Origin of the Bible ELEC Dr. Carlos de la Peña Host Esther Reme Glenbrook La música adventista contemporánea: En busca del equilibrio ELEC Dr. Adriana Perera Host Rita Valentin Room 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Belltown Contemporary Adventist Music: Looking for a balance ELEC Dr. Adriana Perera Life Questions Answered Biblically ELEC (Elm I & II) Pr. Hermes Tavera Interpreter: Angel Reyes Ideas and Biblical principles to improve worship in your local church ELEC Dr. Adriana Perera Host Yamell Polanco Colette Sandiford, Alexandra Saravia Agnes Rawlins, Alexandra Saravia Glenbrook Decubriendo mis Dones Espirituales ELEC Pr. Bienvenido Concepción Ideas y principios bíblicos para mejorar la adoración en tu iglesia local ELEC Dr. Adriana Perera El Origen de la Biblia ELEC Pr. Hermes Tavera Host Tibisay Brito Tibisay Brito Tibisay Brito Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Westover Bible Bowl Intro ELEC Kemly McGregor Bible Bowl ELEC Kemly McGregor Host Cassely Chery Cassely Chery Belltown Youth & Prophecy ELEC Dr. Carlos de la Peña How to motivate congregational singing in your church: The Biblical Model Dr. Adriana Perera Decoding the Bible ELEC Dr. Carlos de la Peña Host Yamell Polanco Esther Reme Esther Reme Glenbrook Cómo motivar el canto congregacional en tu iglesia: El modelo bíblico ELEC Dr. Adriana Perera Preguntas de la Vida Respondida con la Biblia ELEC (Cove I & II) Pr. Hermes Tavera Ellen White y la música adventista ELEC (Cove I & II) Dr. Adriana Perera Host Rita Valentin Tibisay Brito, Yamell Polanco Rita Valentin, Yamell Polanco Room 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Belltown Bible Study: Where to Begin ELEC (Glenbrook) Pr Bienvenido Concepción, Interpreter: Ruth Del Rosario Ellen White and Adventist Music ELEC (Elm I & II) Dr. Adriana Perera Host Esther Reme Ester Reme Glenbrook Estudio Bíblico: Dónde Comenzar ELEC Pr. Bienvenido Concepción El Joven y la Profecía ELEC Dr. Carlos de la Peña Host Rita Valentin Rita Valentin Adventist Youth Leadership Certification (AYLC) TRACK Room 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm Elm I & II Orientation AYLC Cynthia Martínez, Colette Sandiford Youth and Spirituality AYLC Pr. Rodney Hyde Host AYLC Instructors Alexandra Saravia, Agnes Rawlins Cove I & II Orientación AYLC Yurileymi Rivas, Marlene Muñoz El Joven y la Espiritualidad AYLC Pr. Paulo Macena Host Instructores de AYLC Marlene Muñoz, Ruth López 8 Room 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Elm I & II Why Adventist Youth Emergency Corps Overview & Function of Ministry AYLC (Ballroom III) Kelvin Rivas Life Questions Answered Biblically AYLC Pr. Hermes Tavera Interpreter: Angel Reyes Christian Education vs Public Education AYLC David Cadavero Host Alexandra Saravia, Agnes Rawlins Colette Sandiford, Alexandra Saravia Agnes Rawlins, Alexandra Saravia Cove I & II Asuntos y Problemas que Enfrentan los Jóvenes en el Siglo XXI AYLC Pr. José Cortés Educación Cristiana vs Educación Pública AYLC David Cadavero Intérprete: Yurileymi Rivas Abuso de Menores (Ballroom III) Esther Reyna Host Ruth López, Yurileymi Rivas Marlene Muñoz, Ruth López Idanes Richard, Wilfredo Rivas, Teresa Moore-Medina, Xavier Molina Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Elm I & II Teen Ministry AYLC Esther Reyna Contemporary Issues Facing Youth in XXI Century AYLC Pr. José Cortés Child Abuse (Ballroom III) Agatha Irish Host Agnes Rawlins, Colette Sandiford Alexandra Saravia, Colette Sandiford Veronica Williams, Cassely Chery Michael Green, Judey Austin Cove I & II Usando Tecnología en el Ministerio Juvenil AYLC Samuel Peña Preguntas de la Vida Respondida con la Biblia AYLC Pr. Hermes Tavera Ellen White y la música adventista AYLC Dr. Adriana Perera Host Yurileymi Rivas, Ruth López Tibisay Brito, Yamell Polanco Rita Valentin, Yamell Polanco Room 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Elm I & II Using Technology in Youth Ministries AYLC Samuel Peña, Interpreter: Kelvin Rivas Ellen White and Adventist Music AYLC Dr. Adriana Perera Host Cynthia Martinez, Sashoi Grant Agnes Rawlins, Colette Sandiford Cove I & II Ministerio para Teens AYLC Esther Reyna Por qué Necesitamos el Cuerpo de Servicio de Emergencias de Jóvenes Adventistas AYLC Kelvin Rivas Host Marlene Muñoz, Yurilleymi Rivas Marlene Muñoz, Ruth López 9 TRACK Adventist Youth Emergency Service Corps (AYES Corps) Room 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm Glen III Orientation AYES Corps Kelvin Rivas Evangelism Through Community Services AYES Walter Harris Host AYES Coordinators Ella Harriott Room 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Glen III Why Adventist Youth Emergency Corps Overview & Function of Ministry AYES (Ballroom III), Kelvin Rivas History of Emergency & Crisis Responses AYES Walter Harris Youth and Spirituality AYES Pr. Rodney Hyde Host Melbourne Francis Ella Harriott Melbourne Francis Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Glen III Need & Overview of Adventist Community Services AYES Walter Harris Relationship with City, State, & National Emergency Organizations AYES Ella Harriottt Leadership & Mentoring AYES Walter Harris Host Ella Harriott Melbourne Francis Melbourne Francis Room 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Glen III Preparing Your Church for a Week of Youth Evangelism AYES Pr. Ricardo Bain Small Groups for Youth & Young Adults AYES Pr. Paulo Macena Host Melbourne Francis Ella Harriott Adventist Youth Media (AYM) Room 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Waterside Orientation AYM Pr. Rohann Wellington Host Sashoi Grant Room 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am TRACK 10 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Waterside The Art of Television Production AYM Pr. Rohann Wellington Technical Production Systems AYM Pr. Rohann Wellington Host Ruth Del Rosario Sashoi Grant Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Waterside Youth & Prophecy AYM (Belltown) Dr. Carlos de la Peña Youth & Spirituality AYM Pr. Ricardo Bain Decoding the Bible AYM (Belltown) Dr. Carlos de la Peña Host Ruth Del Rosario Sashoi Grant Ruth Del Rosario “Every youth, every child, has a work to do for the honor of God and uplifting of humanity.” (Education, p.58) 11 TRACK Adventist Youth Preach It (AYP) Room 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm Long Ridge Orientation AYP Pr. Billy Jamel, Nashonie Chang How to Study the Bible & Enjoy It AYP Pr. Billy Jamel Host Candice Joseph Nashonie Chang High Ridge Orientación AYP Pr. Yeuri Ferreira, Yamell Polanco Cómo Preparar un Sermón AYP Pr. Yeuri Ferreira Host Marbin Profeta Helmer Saravia Room 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Long Ridge How to Defend your Faith AYP Pr. Paulo Macena Youth and Spirituality AYP Pr. Rodney Hyde Purpose Driven Ministry AYP Pr. José Cortés Host Candice Joseph Nashonie Chang Candice Joseph High Ridge Liderazgo con Propósito AYP Pr. Henry Beras Como defender la Fe AYP Pr. Yeuri Ferreira Predicando con Poder AYP Pr. Henry Beras Host Marbin Profeta Helmer Saravia Marbin Profeta Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Long Ridge How to Preach with Power to the Youth AYP Pr. Billy Jamel How to Prepare a Sermon AYP Pr. Billy Jamel Preparing Your Church for a Week of Youth Evangelism AYP Pr. Ricardo Bain Host Nashonie Chang Candice Joseph Nashonie Chang High Ridge El Joven y la Espiritualidad AYP Pr. Paulo Macena Preparando tu Iglesia para una Semana de Evangelismo AYP Samuel Peña Cómo Estudiar la Biblia y Disfrutarla AYP Pr. Yeuri Ferreira Host Helmer Saravia Marbin Profeta Helmer Saravia Room Long Ridge 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Small Groups for Youth & Young Adults AYP (GLEN III) Pr. Paulo Macena Host Candice Joseph High Ridge Grupos Pequeños para Jóvenes AYP Pr. Henry Beras Host Marbin Profeta Adventist Youth Theatre Certification (AYT) TRACK 12 Room 1 FRIDAY 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 2 FRIDAY 7:35 pm - 8:35 pm Springdale I & II Orientation AYT Priscilla Flores Intro to Theatre/Relation to Evangelism AYT Priscilla Flores Host Jhana Clarke Channa Smith Room 3 SATURDAY 8:00 am - 9:00 am 4 SATURDAY 9:10 am - 10:10 am 5 SATURDAY 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Springdale I & II Basic Acting I AYT Priscilla Flores Basic Acting II AYT Priscilla Flores Youth & Spirituality AYT Pr. Ricardo Bain Host Jhana Clarke Channa Smith Jhana Clarke Room 6 SATURDAY 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 7 SATURDAY 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm 8 SATURDAY 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Springdale I & II Basic Acting/Lab III AYT Priscilla Flores Basic Acting/Lab IV AYT Priscilla Flores Host Channa Smith Channa Smith Room 9 SUNDAY 7:00 am - 8:00 am 10 SUNDAY 8:10 am - 9:10 am Springdale I & II Basic Acting/Rehearsal V AYT Priscilla Flores Basic Acting/Performance Showcase AYT Priscilla Flores Host Channa Smith Jhana Clarke Conference and Events Rooms G IF T SHOP FR T ON SK DE SENSES RESTAURANT BAR HOTEL ENTRANCE LOBBY LEVEL JR. P.D.R. WILLOW WILLOW TERRACE HIGH RIDGE GLENBROOK LONG RIDGE ME Z Z ANINE LEVEL II I BR AR EAK EA SP RI NG DA L E WESTOVER WATERSIDE BUSINESS CENTER YE R CONFERENCE ROOMS BA D GRAND BALLROOM AN OAK BOARDROOM PRE-FUNCTION GR THE GARDEN PAVILION II FO III I OM I LL RO COVE BELLTOWN II HEALTH CLUB FOYER ELM I II I ASPEN GLEN FOYER II III GLEN II III FO LINDEN VE ALDER TH EG RO BIDAL GARDEN YE R II POOL PRIVATE DINING CONCIERGE THE GROVE I II I I values of GNYC youth Spiritual Transformation Discipleship Relationship Oriented Relevant Christ Centered Servant Leadership Authenticity Youth Congresses & Rallies The term youth congress is applied to a large-scale gathering of young people for two or more days. When national or international congresses are held, the programs are more elaborate. Youth rallies might be described as one-day congresses. In these the program is simpler and the participants fewer than in congresses. The first Seventh-day Adventist youth congress on record was held at Chemnitz, Germany, July 17– 22, 1928, for which 1,837 delegates and many visitors (a total of 3,000) came from Germany, Britain, Scandinavia, Poland, the Baltic States, Hungary, Romania, Switzerland, Italy, France, Belgium, and Holland. The first youth congress for the entire North American Division was held in San Francisco, California, in September 1947, and was attended by more than 12,000 young people. Following World War II, a European youth congress was held in Paris in 1951. It was attended by about 6,000 young people from 25 countries. San Francisco again was the host city in 1953, when the Pan-American youth congress, to which thousands of young people came from North, Central, and South America, was held there. A youth congress was conducted in Vienna in 1967. It was somewhat larger than the Paris session of 1951. In 1969 a world youth congress was held in the Hallenstadion in Zurich, with 10,000 youth from all divisions in attendance. A worldwide unity was brought to the youth work as a result of this meeting. SDA youth in nearly every division of the world field have been offered the advantages of the youth congress type of program, geared to their interests and needs. Until 1960 the pattern of the large youth congress remained essentially the same; the principal features were sermons, appeals, pageants, music, and the relation of Share Your Faith experiences. But in that year the youth congress held in the municipal auditorium of Atlantic City, New Jersey, with a reported attendance of 18,000, struck a new emphasis. Called the Festival of the Holy Scriptures, it was a climactic event of a Bible emphasis year known as Spotlight on the Bible. Skillfully planned discussion groups were a new feature of the congress; there was a Bible quiz demonstration; the sermons and all other parts of the congress program were specifically planned to fit the pattern of the Festival of the Holy Scriptures. The high enthusiasm for this type of congress resulted in its repetition in division, union, and local conferences throughout the world.[1] SDA Seventh-Day Adventist [1]Neufeld, D. F. (1995). Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia. (Second revised edition.). Commentary Reference Series. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association. Characteristics of Youth 1. Be happy, young man. Eccles. 11:9–10. Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart, And in the sight of your eyes; But know that for all these God will bring you into judgment. Therefore remove sorrow from your heart, And put away evil from your flesh, For childhood and youth are vanity. 2. Remember your Creator in the days of your youth. Eccles. 12:1. Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, “I have no pleasure in them”: 3. Be sure to go God’s way. Prov. 3:1–4. My son, do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands; For length of days and long life And peace they will add to you. Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart, And so find favor and high esteem In the sight of God and man. 4. Trust in the Lord; acknowledge him in all your ways. Prov. 3:5–6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. 5. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. Prov. 1:7. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction. Prov. 9:10–11. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For by me your days will be multiplied, And years of life will be added to you.” Prov. 15:33. The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, And before honor is humility. 6. Fools despise instruction. Prov. 1:7. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction. 7. Listen to parental instruction for your own good. Prov. 1:8–9. My son, hear the instruction of your father, And do not forsake the law of your mother; For they will be a graceful ornament on your head, And chains about your neck. Prov. 4:1–4. Hear, my children, the instruction of a father, And give attention to know understanding; For I give you good doctrine: Do not forsake my law. When I was my father’s son, Tender and the only one in the sight of my mother, He also taught me, and said to me: “Let your heart retain my words; Keep my commands, and live.” Prov. 6:20–24. My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother. Bind them continually upon your heart; Tie them around your neck. When you roam, they will lead you; When you sleep, they will keep you; And when you awake, they will speak with you. For the commandment is a lamp, And the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life, To keep you from the evil woman, From the flattering tongue of a seductress. 8. Don’t despise the Lord’s discipline, for he disciplines those he loves (and parents must follow his example). Prov. 3:11–12. My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor detest His correction; For whom the Lord loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights.Heb. 12:5–11. 9. He who hates correction is stupid. Prov. 12:1. Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction is stupid. 10. Don’t ignore discipline; be thankful for it. Prov. 15:32. He who disdains instruction despises his own soul, But he who heeds rebuke gets understanding. 11. Love requires discipline. Prov. 13:24. He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly. 12. If others entice you, don’t consent or yield. Prov.1:10–19. Prov. 1:10. My son, if sinners entice you, Do not consent. Prov. 1:15. My son, do not walk in the way with them, Keep your foot from their path; 13. Avoid the path of the wicked; turn far from it. Prov. 4:14–15. Do not enter the path of the wicked, And do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel on it; Turn away from it and pass on. 14. Stand firm; don’t be willy-nilly; don’t be moved. 1 Cor. 15:58. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 15. Be a valiant soldier of Jesus Christ; use God’s armor. Eph. 6:10–11. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 16. Joseph, the young man, stands as a good example for us. Gen. 39. (Even when Joseph was far from home, a slave in Egypt, he was strong in faith and godliness. He was willing to suffer for the Lord, rather than to sin against him. When Potiphar’s wife tempted him, he would not yield to her demands.) Gen. 39:9–10. “There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” So it was, as she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he did not heed her, to lie with her or to be with her. 17. Daniel also is a good example to follow. As a young man he was carried off to Babylon. There he remained faithful to God at all cost. Dan. 1:8–9. But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Now God had brought Daniel into the favor and goodwill of the chief of the eunuchs. Dan. 6. (Even when he knew that he would be thrown into the den of lions, Daniel kept on praying to his God, against the king’s decree.) Dan. 6:10. Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. 18. The three friends of Daniel also remained faithful to God at all cost. Dan. 3:16–18. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.” 19. Honor your father and mother. Exod. 20:12. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” 20. Honor and obey your parents. Eph. 6:1–3. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” [Deut. 5:16]. Col. 3:20. Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. 21. Jesus was obedient to his parents. Luke 2:51. Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart. 22. Flee the evil desires of youth. 2 Tim. 2:22. Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.[1] [1]Kruis, J., G. (1997, c1994). Quick scripture reference for counseling. Includes index. (electronic ed.). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. 2014 Coordinators, Instructors & Staff Directory Adventist Youth Ministries Director Administrative Assistant Veronica Chaug [email protected] 516-627-9350, ext. 137 (work) 347-461-7702 (cell) 516-627-9272 (fax) Pr. Andres Peralta [email protected] 516-467-5211 (work) 516-444-2405 (cell) Volunteer Assistants to Youth Director 516-467-5212 (direct line) Teddy Williamson 646-321-2863 [email protected] Angel Reyes 631- 707-0853 [email protected] Legend: E = English F = French S = Spanish Adventist Youth Coordinators Bronx Sashoi Grant Ruth Del Rosario Nadine Francis Yamell Polanco Marbin Profeta Channa Smith Counselor: Walter Harris 646-279-2739 646-546-9014 646-400- 8003 718-674-4530 347-749-5348 347-998-8284 646-528-0901 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 516-860-5291 718-249-5153 347-268-5022 917- 628 7215 347-737-0570 646-431-9148 917-975-4450 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 516-410-5591 631-903-3337 614-390-9842 516-984-5207 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 917-653-7869 646-359-5877 315-254-7803 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 917-797-6697 718-308-7472 347-455-7693 646-247-1291 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 917-770-7129 [email protected] Brooklyn Evens Charles Pierre Florace Alleyne Damali Boston Mel Gaskin Candice Joseph Esther Reme Counselor: Everette Samuel Long Island Yurileymi Rivas David Alvarado Farah Beaubrun Kelvin Rivas Manhattan Cynthia Martinez Tibisay Brito Nashonie Chang Queens Roy Davidson Tina Advani Jhana Clarke Rita Valentin Staten Island Judey Austin Upstate Colette Sandiford Evelyn Marie Fox Derryll Fox Ivy Opoku Alexandra Saravia Helmer Saravia Counselor: Teddy Williamson 845-538-7260 845-902-8334 845-891-6747 845-598-2661 845-536-4148 845-536-4327 646-321-2863 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 347-924-4584 [email protected] 516-546-1378 516-489-2809 [email protected] [email protected] 347-780-6617 718-664-3951 [email protected] [email protected] 484-764-4132 [email protected] 646-321-2863 [email protected] 347-268-5022 646-359-5877 [email protected] [email protected] 646-407-8327 347-552-4259 914-282-4682 646-515-2008 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 845-505-1233 [email protected] 347-772-7319 [email protected] 917-375-0613 [email protected] Praise & Worship Marcos Cruz Bible Bowl Kemly McGregor Hope Russell Audio Visual (AVYD) Victor De La Cruz Sandy Sicerón Photographer Dawin Rodriguez Public Relation Teddy Williamson Prayer Ministry Damali Boston Tibisay Brito First Aid Jose Zachariaz Santiago Bendana Jr. Nydia Pagán-Howard Esteban Rosario Camporee Special Events Lloyd Scharffenberg Drum Corps Cleon Yamsen Drilling & Marching Leslie Colón Adventist Youth Emergency Services Coordinators Walter Harris 646-528-0901 Melbourne Francis 917-291-7152 Lisa Gonzales 914-720-4400 Ella Harriott Kelvin Rivas 516-984-5207 Esteban Rosario 646-515-2008 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Passion Play: THERISEN Event Director Sunilbe Siceron 917-689-1278 [email protected] Production Director Priscilla Flores 646-824-1262 [email protected] (The complete list of committee members is on the website). Pathfinder/Adventurer Coordinators Bronx Idanes Richard Hugo Cabrera Michael Green Elsa Griffith Violet John Samuel López Erly Mutis Dale Reynolds Esteban Rosario Veronica Williams 917-566-1800 929-941-6140 917-902-4147 718-294-3221 845-321-1083 917-952-0016 718-583-6569 845-447-1203 646-515-2008 646-373-3967 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 718-451-5366 914-356-1756 347-715-7198 917-628-7218 347-782-1078 347-276-4093 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 631-943-3971 631-745-1509 631-630-9716 631-664-8814 631-405-8117 917-406-3778 631-664-9072 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 347-928-1164 646-228-6384 646-269-0674 917-847-3819 917-455-8184 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 917-306-7107 917-974-9129 516-532-0439 917-848-7944 917-572-4408 347-737-4717 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 917-770-7129 [email protected] 914-282-4682 646-250-5445 917-375-0613 516-410-0524 845-527-9449 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Brooklyn Sherma Baptiste Damion Bascombe Joyce V. Esson Damaris I. Gaskin Cindy Lafontant Jean Joseph LaPierre Long Island Natalie Santiago Santiago Barros Chris Bramwell Andrew Gordon Adriana Mejia Lisa Quailey Wilfredo Rivas Manhattan Agatha Irish Teresa Moore Arelis Pacheco Susana Robert Ramon Ubiera Queens Grace Ann Ashley Elizabeth Cyriac Ruth Pinheiro Ratomponiony Rasandy Aurora Sandoval Pamela Vilaprino Staten Island Judey Austin Upstate Nydia Pagán-Howard Jonas Apau II Leslie Colón Barbara Hyde Xavier Molina Instructors for the Schools of Evangelism Registrar/MG- ALA- AIA- PLA- PIA Elizabeth Cyriac Hingris Velázquez (Assist.) 917-974-9129 646-236-5155 [email protected] [email protected] Registrar/AYLC- AYES-AYM-AYP-AYT Sunilbe Sicerón 917-689-1278 [email protected] Bronx Adventist Youth Leadership Certification Agnes Rawlins (E) Yamell Polanco (S) 646-259-5353 718-674-4530 [email protected] [email protected] 917-254-8754 347-231-2228 [email protected] [email protected] Master Guide Simone Smith (E) Cesar Gonzalez (S) Brooklyn Adventist Youth Leadership Certification Ricky Cyrus (E) Farah Beaubrun (F) Ruth López (S) 718-913-7721 614-390-9842 347-268-9750 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 347-879-1428 347-295-8640 [email protected] [email protected] Master Guide Cassely Chery (E) Jimmy Dorval (F) Long Island Adventist Youth Leadership Certification Yurileymi Rivas(S) 516-410-5591 [email protected] 631-405-8117 516-902-1124 [email protected] [email protected] Master Guide Adriana Mejía (E) Norma Sánchez (S) Manhattan Adventist Youth Leadership Certification Cynthia Martínez (E) Marlene Muñoz (S) 917-653-7869 646-287-9456 [email protected] [email protected] 347-965-9315 646-236-5155 [email protected] [email protected] 917-306-7107 347 463 6411 [email protected] [email protected] 917-770-7129 [email protected] Master Guide Eva Ordóñez-Bambino(E) Hingris Velázquez (S) Master Guide Grace Ann Ashley (E) Eliezer Perez (S) Staten Island Master Guide Judey Austin (E) Upstate Adventist Youth Leadership Certification Colette Sandiford (E) Alexandra Saravia (S) 845-538-7260 845-536-4148 [email protected] [email protected] 845-598-2661 914-329-2295 845-527-9449 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Master Guide Ivy Opoku (E) Loida Cárdenas (S) Xavier Molina (S) Adventist Youth Emergency Services Kelvin Rivas 516-984-5207 [email protected] 347-742-6087 [email protected] 914-439-4662 347-653-501 [email protected] [email protected] 646-824-1262 [email protected] Adventist Youth Media Rohann Wellington Adventist Youth Preach Bill Jamel (E) Yeuri Ferriera (S) Adventist Youth Theatre Priscilla Flores Adventurer Leadership Award Barbara Hyde (E) Susana Robert (S) 516-410-0524 917-847-3819 [email protected] [email protected] Adventurer Instructor Award Barbara Hyde (E) Arelis Pacheco (S) 516-410-0524 646-269-0674 [email protected] [email protected] Pathfinder Leadership Award Ratomponiony Rasandy (E) Susana Robert (S) Carlos Luis Sanchez 917-848-7944 [email protected] 917-847-3819 [email protected] (S) 516-782-2321 [email protected] Pathfinder Instructor Award Jacqueline Thompson (E) Arelis Pacheco (S) 646-523-5537 646-269-0674 [email protected] [email protected] gnyc youth team 10 PROPHECIES ABOUT JESUS’ BIRTH Jesus’ birth, life, and death were foretold, predicted, and recorded hundreds of years before the historic night in Bethlehem. Here are ten prophecies from the Old Testament, fulfilled in the coming of Jesus: 1. Jesus will come from the line of Abraham. Prophecy: Genesis 12:3. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:1. 2. Jesus’ mother will be a virgin. Prophecy: Isaiah 7:14. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:18–23. 3. Jesus will be a descendent of Isaac and Jacob. Prophecy: Genesis 17:19 and Numbers 24:17. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:2. 4. Jesus will be born in the town Bethlehem. Prophecy: Micah 5:2. Fulfilled: Luke 2:1–7. 5. Jesus will be called out of Egypt. Prophecy: Hosea 11:1. Fulfilled: Matthew 2:13–15. 6. Jesus will be a member of the tribe of Judah. Prophecy: Genesis 49:10. Fulfilled: Luke 3:33. 7. Jesus will enter the temple. This is important because the temple was destroyed in A.D. 70 and was never rebuilt. Prophecy: Malachi 3:1. Fulfilled: Luke 2:25–27. 8. Jesus will be from the lineage of King David. Prophecy: Jeremiah 23:5. Fulfilled: Matthew 1:6. 9. Jesus’ birth will be accompanied with great suffering and sorrow. Prophecy: Jeremiah 31:15. Fulfilled: Matthew 2:16. 10. Jesus will live a perfect life, die by crucifixion, resurrect from death, ascend into heaven, and sit at the right hand of God. Prophecies: Psalm 22:16; Psalm 16:10; Isaiah 53:10–11; Psalm 68:18; Psalm 110:1. Fulfilled: 1 Peter 2:21–22; Luke 23:33; Acts 2:25–32; Acts 1:9; Hebrews 1:3. The God who wrote the Scriptures rules over history. When he makes a promise, he is faithful to his Word. Fun Facts on the BIible Fun Facts on the BI ible as a Whole • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament (OT) and the New Testament (NT) “Bible” comes from Latin biblia, meaning “books” The word “testament” means “covenant” The Bible has 66 books. The Bible was written by many different authors writing in many different times and places The Bible was written from about 1450 B.C. to 100 A.D. The Bible contains many literary genres - poetry, myth, wisdom literature, prophecy, letters, narratives. The Bible was the first book to be printed in 1454. Miles Coverdale published the first English translation of the entire Bible in 1535. The Bible has been translated into over 2,000 languages. The longest book in the Bible is Psalms. The shortest book in the Bible is 2 John. The longest verse in the Bible is Esther 8:9. The shortest verse in the Bible is John 11:35. Fun Facts about the Old Testament • • • • • • • • The OT is almost identical to the Jewish Tanakh. The OT was originally written in Hebrew. The OT has 39 books (not counting the Apocrypha) The names of OT books in Hebrew are based on the first prominent word or phrase in that book. The names of OT books in Greek (and English) are based on the general topic of the book The books of the OT are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. The first five books of the OT: (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) are known as the Five Books of Moses, the Pentateuch, or the Torah. They are traditionally held to have been written by Moses, but modern scholars have proposed that there were four or five authors. The book of Esther is the only book of the Bible that never mentions God. Fun Facts about the New Testament • • • • • The NT was originally written in Greek. The writers of the NT used a Greek translation of the OT known as the Septuagint. The NT has 27 books. The NT is about the same size as the Qur’an. The books of the NT are: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1&2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1&2 Peter, 1, 2&3 John, Jude and Revelation. Scientific Proof of the B i B l e The Bible is estimated to have been written between 1450 B.C. and 100 A.D. This chart shows scientific facts and principles referred to in this ancient Bible, but not actually discovered by humankind until later centuries. Dead sea scrolls, historical documentation, and word of mouth all confirm the authenticity of the Bible. Since people had no official knowledge of these scientific facts until more than a thousand years after the Bible was written, is this scientific proof that the Bible was inspired by God? Scientific Fact or Principle Bible Reference Date of Discovery by man Both man and woman possess the seed of life There is a place void of stars in the North Earth is held in place by invisible forces Taxonomic classification of matter The Earth is round Certain animals carry diseases harmful to man Early diagnosis of leprosy Quarantine for disease control Blood of animals carries diseases Blood is necessary for life Oceans have natural paths in them Earth was in nebular form initially Most seaworthy ship design ratio is 30:5:3 Light is a particle and has mass (a photon) Radio astronomy (stars give off signals) Oceans contain fresh water springs Snow has material value Infinite number of stars exist Dust is important to survival Hubert Spencer’s scientific principles Air has weight Light can be split up into component colors Matter is made up of invisible particles Plants use sunlight to manufacture food Arcturus and other stars move through space Water cycle Life originated in the sea Lightning and thunder are related Human beings were the last living things created Genesis 3:15 Job 26:7 Job 26:7 Genesis 1 Isaiah 40:22 Leviticus 11 Leviticus 13 Leviticus 13 Leviticus 17 Leviticus 17:11 Psalms 8:8 Genesis 1:2 Genesis 6 Job 38:19 Job 38:7 Job 38:16 Job 38:22 Genesis 15:5 Isaiah 40:12 Genesis 1 Job 28:25 Job 38:24 Romans 1:20 Job 8:16 Job 38:32 Ecclesiastes 1:7 Genesis 1 Job 38:25 Genesis 1 17th Century 19th Century 1650 1735 15th Century 16th Century 17th Century 17th Century 17th Century 19th Century 1854 1911 1860 1932 1945 1920 1905, 1966 1940 1935 1820 16th Century 1650 20th Century 1920 19th Century 17th Century 19th Century 19th Century 15th Century Credit: John N. Clayton The word of God is infallible; accept it as it reads; look with confidence to God; trust him to qualify you for his service. Advent Review, Feb. 11, 1896. Notes: My Instructor: Class Contacts:
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