The influence of force distribution on structureborne sound power sources in buildings Barry Gibbs, Carl Hopkins Acoustics Research Unit, School of Architecture, University of Liverpool, UK Summary Structure-borne sound power injected by a mechanical installation with multiple contacts into a structure is influenced by the force distribution and phase differences between these contacts. Simplified methods to determine the injected power usually involve band-average values (typically in one-third octave bands), where the phase information is lost. For simplified methods, which involve average values over the contacts, the magnitude of each contact force and the phase difference between them also are lost. The effects of these forms of simplification are investigated by comparing the approximate estimates with directly measured values for a range of source-receiver systems typical of building installations. 1 Introduction To assess the contribution of a vibrating mechanical installation, to the sound pressure in a building, the structure-borne sound power at the installation location is required [1]. For the general case, three quantities are required in some form, for the structure-borne power. The first is source activity: either the measured free velocity of the freely suspended source, under otherwise normal operating conditions, or the measured blocked force, obtained when attached to a rigid supporting structure. The second is the source mobility (or the inverse, impedance). The third is the receiver mobility (or the inverse, impedance). The three quantities can be obtained using precision or engineering methods. In this paper, the term engineering method means that the three quantities are real-valued and represent frequency band averages, e.g. in one-third octave bands, and each of the three quantities is expressed as an equivalent single value. In order to address these requirements for sources, a reception plate method (RPM) has been proposed, where the machine under test is attached to a plate system and operated under otherwise normal conditions [2]. The total power injected by the source, through all contacts with the plate, is calculated from the plate parameters as [3]: Psource M v 2 (1) The mean-square plate velocity v 2 is obtained using accelerometers distributed over the plate surface. The loss factor of the plate of mass M is obtained by the decay method [4]. Alternatively, the plate can be calibrated with a shaker and inline force transducer to give the ratio of the known input power to mean-square plate velocity [5]. Replacing the shaker with the source under test, then gives: Psource vsource Pcal / vcal 2 2 (2) If the reception plate is thick, such that the source mobility is much higher than the plate mobility, then the source can be characterised by a single 2 value Fbeq , related to the sum of square blocked N forces over the contacts F 2 bi [6]. In this case, i the source power into a thick plate of known mobility is: FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7–12 September, Krakow 2 Psource Fbeq Re(YRe q ) Gibbs, Hopkins: Force distribution of structure-borne sound power sources in buildings (3) 2 The equivalent value Fbeq is useful for predicting installed power into structures of low mobility, such as in heavyweight buildings. However, this approach to characterizing multiple contact sources with single values pre-supposes that the contact forces are independent of each other. This is likely to be the case at high frequencies, and for contacts which are distant from each other, with respect to the bending wavelength on the receiver plate. At frequencies and plate thicknesses where the bending wavelength is large, then the contact forces interact and the sumsquare values are not obtained indirectly by the reception plate method. Indeed, the force relationships will be strongly dependent on the installation condition and therefore difficult to predict. Therefore, an estimate is required of the lower frequency limit to the independent force assumption and the expected uncertainties below this frequency limit. The approach, described in this paper, is to first consider simple force distributions on idealized plates. Then secondly, to use measured source data (free velocity and source mobility) and measured plate data (receiver mobility). The target quantity is the sum-square blocked force, since this is an independent source descriptor. 2. Force distributions on idealized plates Yc 1 8 Bm (4) B’ is the plate bending stiffness and m’ is the mass per unit area. Termed the characteristic mobility [3], it is real-valued and frequency invariant. (a) 50 cm (b) 30 cm 40 cm (c) 70 cm 130 cm 100 cm Figure 1: Force distributions of source in buildings In order to include transfer mobility terms, reference is made to the Hankel function of second kind, which is the solution to the bending wave equation of a thin plate of infinite extent [3]. The transfer mobility, between points i and j, is given in terms of the characteristic mobility, as: Yij Yc H 0( 2) kb rij (5) Figure 1 shows force distributions corresponding to a range of common installation geometries: (a) two point contacts, found for example in water pipe connections to walls; (b) four point contacts, corresponding to, for example, mounts between medium-size fan units and floors; (c) six point contacts, corresponding to larger machines on floors. The contact dimensions in Figure 1 are arbitrary but typical. kb is the plate bending wave number and rij is the distance between the ith and jth contact points. The complex power at the ith contact, due to the force Fi is: For idealized receiver plate structures, consider infinite thin plates with point mobility, given by: The plate velocity vi results from the product of force Fi and mobility Yii at the contact, and the product of forces Fj at the other contacts and the associated transfer mobility terms Yij: Pi Fi*vi (6) FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7–12 September, Krakow Gibbs, Hopkins: Force distribution of structure-borne sound power sources in buildings N vi FiYii F jYij (7) j i rapid conversion; the low mobility case (green line) shows the slowest conversion. 8 Ptrans Re( Ptotal ) N F Yc F Yc H 0( 2) kb rij 2 2 N (8) j i 7 POWERHI2 POWERMID2 6 POWERLO2 5 NORMALISED POWER If the forces are assumed to be of equal magnitude and the transfer mobility terms are given by (5), then the total transmitted power, through N contacts, is given by the real part of the total complex power: 4 3 2 1 If the forces are independent, then the total power is given by the first term of the RHS of (8). Using this to normalize the total transmitted power, to include interaction between forces, gives: N 1 Pnorm 1 Re H 0( 2) kb rij N j i (9) The normalized transmitted power therefore is a function of the sum of the complex interaction terms in (9). In turn, the interaction terms are a function of distance between contacts and bending wavenumber of the plate. 0 -1 -2 1 10 100 1000 10000 FREQUENCY Hz Figure 2: Normalized power for two equal in-phase forces In Figure 3 is shown the case of four forces, distributed as shown in Figure 1(b), where phase effects are included by considering forces in phase (F, F, F, F) and out-of-phase (F, -F, F, -F) and (F, F, -F, -F). 8 Powerhicase1 In Figure 2 are shown the normalized transmitted power for two equal in-phase forces (see Figure 1(a)) on high-, mid- and low-mobility receivers. There is the expected low-frequency asymptotic value of 2 (3 dB), with interference effects and convergence to unity at high frequency, where the forces can be assumed to be independent. In order that equivalent single values of the source can be used for different receiver mobility conditions, we require fast convergence to unity. The high mobility case (blue line), where the bending wave number is high, shows the most Powerhicase2 Powerhicase3 Powermidcase1 6 Powermidcase2 Powermidcase3 Powerlowcase1 5 Powerlowcase2 NORMALISED POWER The wavenumbers can be assigned values corresponding to the characteristic mobility of representative building plate elements: high mobility (10-3m/sN) for lightweight elements such as plasterboard panels; mid-mobility (10-4m/sN) for lightweight elements, at the timber-frame connection with plasterboard panels; low mobility (10-5m/sN) for heavyweight elements, such as concrete floors and masonry walls. 7 Powerlowcase3 4 Unity 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 1 10 100 1000 10000 FREQUENCY Hz Figure 3: Normalized power for four forces of equal magnitude, in and out of phase The in-phase forces have a low-frequency asymptote of 4 (6 dB), with convergence with increased frequency to unity. The out-of-phase forces have a low-frequency asymptote of zero. In general, there is more rapid convergence than for the two-force case, due to more complicated geometry and thus increased randomizing effects. The asymptotes indicate the likely discrepancy at low frequency, between RPM estimates FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7–12 September, Krakow Gibbs, Hopkins: Force distribution of structure-borne sound power sources in buildings 2 of single equivalent values Fbeq , and the sumN square blocked force F 2 bi recorded and the reception plate powers calculated according to (2). . Figure 4 shows i results for six equal in-phase forces distributed as shown in Figure 1(c). There is greater complexity and greater distances between contacts than for the previous cases and interaction effects can be neglected above 100 Hz, for all receiver mobilities. 8 7 POWER HI MOBILITY POWER MID MOBILITY 6 POWER LOW MOBILITY NORMALISED POWER 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 1 10 100 1000 10000 FREQUENCY Hz Figure 4: Normalized power for six in-phase forces of equal magnitude The implication of these results is that equivalent single quantities, obtained by reception plate methods, will result in uncertainties in predictions of transmitted power into other plate structures with different governing bending wavelengths. The loss of phase information is significant at low frequencies and for low mobility plates, and introduces errors into the estimates of the sumsquare blocked force, which is the important independent source quantity, required for prediction of installed power. This problem was explored further by measurements of real machines on a real plate. 3. Real sources on a low mobility plate The sources were a compact air pump and a small fan unit which in turn were attached to an aluminium plate of dimensions 2.12m x 1.50m and thickness 20mm (Figure 5). The plate was supported on visco-elastic pads at corners and midedge which approximated a free boundary condition for the plate. With the sources in operation, the mean square plate response velocities were Figure 5: Pump (above) and fan (below) on free 20mm aluminium plate In Figure 6 are the point mobility at the contacts at the sources and receiver plate. At frequencies between 200 Hz and 400 Hz, the pump mobility equals or is less than the plate mobility, but otherwise the plate provides a low value of receiver mobility, relative to that of the sources, over the frequency range of interest. 2 Re-arranging equation (3) gives Fbeq in terms of the RPM power Ptrans . Ideally, this value should approximate the sum-square blocked force over N the contacts F 2 bi . The equivalent single receiv- i er plate mobility YR eq can be calculated several ways [7]. The simplest is to average the measured FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7–12 September, Krakow Gibbs, Hopkins: Force distribution of structure-borne sound power sources in buildings point mobility of the plate over the contacts and this was used in this study. and point mobility at the four pump contacts, where: Fbi 1.0E+0 Y11mag Y22mag v fi (10) Yi Y33mag 1.0E-1 Y44mag 1.0E+2 1.0E-2 1.0E+1 1.0E-3 1.0E+0 1.0E-1 FORCE SQUARED Nsq 1.0E-4 1.0E-5 1.0E-2 1.0E-3 1.0E-4 1.0E-6 10 100 1000 10000 1.0E-5 1.0E+0 1.0E-6 Y11mag Y22mag Y33mag 1.0E-1 1.0E-7 Y44mag 40 400 4000 FREQUENCY Hz 1.0E-2 Figure 7: Sum-square blocked force of pump: solid line, calculated from free velocity and source mobility; dashed lines, RPM estimates at two positions on 20mm plate 1.0E-3 1.0E-4 1.0E-5 The RPM estimate is unreliable below 100 Hz 1.0E-6 10 100 1000 N 10000 and the calculated value of 1.0E+0 pmp1Y2 pmp1Y4 pmp2Y1 pmp2Y2 pmp2Y4 1.0E-3 1.0E-4 1.0E-5 1.0E-6 10 100 1000 10000 Figure 6: Point mobility of pump (top), fan (middle) and 20mm plate (bottom). Horizontal log-frequency scale 10 -10,000 Hz; Vertical log-mobility scale 10-6 – 100 m/sN. Figure 7 shows the calculated sum-square blocked N force F 2 bi 2 beq for and RPM estimate F exceeds the nerated by the pump in rigid-body rocking motion. The agreement is more promising above 400 Hz. pmp2Y3 1.0E-2 2 bi 2 estimates of Fbeq due to out-of-phase forces, ge- pmp1Y3 1.0E-1 F i pmp1Y1 two pump i locations on the plate. The blocked forces were calculated from previously measured free velocity The RPM estimates, for the two source locations, differ by 5 dB between 80 Hz and 200 Hz. This points to the need for averaging of estimates for several source locations on the test plate. Above 1000 Hz, the RPM gives an overestimate, which is likely to be caused by signal-noise problems. However, at 1000 Hz, the force squared has reduced by 40 dB, with respect to the maximum value. Hence in many installations the pump will only cause noise problems as a structure-borne source below this frequency. In Figure 8 are the calculated sum-square N blocked force F 2 bi and RPM estimates i of Fb2eq for two fan locations. Again, the RPM FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7–12 September, Krakow Gibbs, Hopkins: Force distribution of structure-borne sound power sources in buildings By considering idealized force distributions and thin plates of infinite extent, it is demonstrated that an increase in the number, spacing and complexity of contacts, increases the accuracy of the RPM estimate of sum-square blocked forces and the frequency range of application. N underestimates F 2 bi at low frequencies. i 1.0E-1 1.0E-2 This is confirmed using real sources on a real low-mobility plate. The RPM gives underestimates at low frequencies or is not applicable, particularly for compact sources in rigid body motion. FORCE SQUARED Nsq 1.0E-3 1.0E-4 1.0E-5 1.0E-6 Acknowledgements 1.0E-7 1.0E-8 40 400 4000 FREQUENCY Hz Figure 8: Sum-square blocked force of fan: solid line, calculated from free velocity and source mobility; dashed lines, RPM estimates at two positions on 20mm plate The agreement is within 10 dB above 100 Hz, although the RPM gives an overestimate above 800 Hz, due to signal-noise problems. The force squared has reduced 40 dB, with respect to the maximum value, at 2000 Hz. Therefore, the fan will only cause noise problems as a structure-borne source below this frequency. 4. Concluding remarks This paper considers the requirements of the reception plate method (RPM), used to obtain single values of the blocked force of tested vibration sources. For this, the plate must provide a value of low receiver mobility, relative to that of the tested source. However, in achieving this, the plate then has a long governing bending wavelength, which increases interaction effects between the contacts between the source and plate, particularly at low frequencies. This means that the single equivalent value of the blocked force squared only approximates the target value, the sum-square of the blocked forces over the contacts. The authors wish to thank Dr. Kevin Lai and his colleagues at Boeing Commercial Airlines, and also colleagues at ITT Enedine Inc., for their financial support and helpful comments throughout the collaborative programme, a part of which is the work reported here. In addition, the measurement effort and skills of Dr. Gary Seiffert, of the Acoustics Research Unit, are gratefully acknowledged. References [1] EN 12354-5: 2009: Building acoustics- Estimation of acoustic performance of building from the performance of elements – Part 5: Sound levels due to service equipment. [2] M. M. Späh and B. M. 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