BHEL:PSWR DETAILS OF CONTRACT CONCLUDED DURING OCTOBER-2014 Mode of Tender Enquiry Date of Publication of NIT/Issue of Documents Type of Bidding (Two bid System) Last date of Receipt of Tender No of tenders received Open 8/15/2014 Two Bids 8/23/2014 4 1. 2. 3. Shree Saptashroongee Caterers Sheela Caterers Tapan Services Nos and Name of Parties qualified after evaluation No Tender No Item/Name of Work 1 BHE/PW/PUR/WRTRF/1304 RUNNING AND MAINTENANCE OF BHEL TRANSIT FLATS AT NAGPUR 2 BHE/PW/PUR/CHT- COH OF HPT, IPT, LPT, GENERATOR, STGOH/1321 REPLACEMENT OF HPT MODULE & ASSOCIATED WORK U#6 MSPGCL CHANDRAPUR Limited 9/10/2014 Two Bids 9/15/2014 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 BHE/PW/PUR/KSTSTGOH U#3/1335 Limited 10/13/2014 Two Bids 10/20/2014 3 4 BHE/PW/PUR/UKH- TRANSPORTATION OF MATERIALS, Open GEN U#4/1326 DISMANTLING OF EXISTING GENERATOR STATOR ASSEMBLY, ERECTION, MAGNETIC CENTRE CORRECTION OF ROTOR W.R.T STATOR, COMMISSIONING AND TESTING OF NEW WOUND STATOR OF UKAI HYDRO UNIT #4 10/6/2014 Two Bids 10/17/2014 4 5 BHE/PW/PUR/KKRN- MINOR OVERHAULING OF UNIT-4, 540MW Limited STGOH U#4/1336 TURBINE AND GENERATOR AT NPCIL-TARAPUR 10/10/2014 Two Bids 10/18/2014 4 6 BHE/PW/PUR/NSPCL DISMANTLING OF LP TURBINE, BEARING BHILAI-TG OH/1345 INSPECTION, H2 SEAL INSPECTION & FACT FINDING U#1, 250 MW NSPCL BHILAI Limited 10/24/2014 Two Bids 10/24/2014 7 BHE/PW/PUR/LRPT- ESP PACKAGE FOR UNIT # 2 AT 2X800 MW ESP U # 2/1261 NTPC LARA AT VLLAGE-LARA, DISTRICTRAIGARH CHHATISGARH Open 4/21/2014 Two Bids 5/19/2014 COH OF HPT, IPT, LPT, VALVES, STRAINERS AND CRH NRV U#3 200MW, NTPC KORBA Whether Nos and Names of parties not Contract qualified after technical awarded to evaluation Lowest tenderer/L-1 Name of the Contractor Value of Contract Contract in period Rs 1304 10/10/2014 Sheela Caterers Hi-Tech Power Project Services Power Mech Projects Ltd. Eco ProjectsPvt. Ltd. Indwell Construction Pvt. Ltd. Yes 1321 10/13/2014 Hi-Tech Power Project Services 6387000 30Days 1. 2. 3. Power Mech Projects Ltd. Eco ProjectsPvt. Ltd. Indwell Construction Pvt. Ltd. Yes 1335 10/28/2014 Eco ProjectsPvt. Ltd. 4360000 45Days 1. 2. Power Mech Projects Ltd. FITWELL POWER PROJECTS PVT LTD Eco ProjectsPvt. Ltd. GO GOAL HYDRO POWER PVT LTD Yes 1326 10/29/2014 FITWELL POWER PROJECTS PVT LTD 8750000 180Days 1. 2. 3. 4. Power Mech Projects Ltd. Eco ProjectsPvt. Ltd. Indwell Construction Pvt. Ltd. Hi-Tech Power Project Services Yes 1336 10/30/2014 Power Mech Projects Ltd. 5693822 30Days 5 1. 2. 3. 4. Hi-Tech Power Project Services Power Mech Projects Ltd. Indwell Construction Pvt. Ltd. ALPHA POWER ENGG. SER.PVT. LTD. Eco Projects Pvt. Ltd. Yes 1345 10/24/2014 ALPHA POWER ENGG. SER.PVT. LTD. 1556000 15Days 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Indwell Construction Pvt. Ltd. Texcel Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Golden Edge Engg. Pvt Ltd Bhavani Erectors Pvt. Ltd. Bridge & Roof Company (I) Ltd. UB Engineering Ltd Power Mech Projects Ltd. Sunil Hi-Tech Ltd Dowel erectors Pvt Ltd Sangha Erectors Pvt. Ltd. Harji Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Brothers Engineering And Erectors Ltd. JRP INFRA LIMITED EDAC ENGINEERING LTD Yes 1261 10/16/2014 Bridge & Roof Company (I) Ltd 136809260 28 Months 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. S K Services LOI Date Yes 3. 4. 1. Contract No and Date 340800 12Months
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