Surface water recovery estimates based on 2750 GL scenario - updated with contracted water recovery at 31 March 2014 using version 2.05 factors4 SDL Resource Unit (within zones) NORTHERN BASIN ZONE Barwon-Darling Watercourse Condamine-Balonne Gwydir Total BDL (GL) Local Reduction Total reduction Total reduction as BDL (GL) Shared Local Commonwealth recovery as a percentage of target in GL percentage of BDL excluding Reduction Reduction under the Restoring the BDL (excluding (local plus (excluding 1 2 Balance program interception Target (GL) Target (GL) interception) shared) interception) Intersecting Streams Macquarie-Castlereagh Moonie Namoi Nebine NSW Border Rivers Paroo Queensland Border Rivers Warrego Total Northern Basin Zone 198 978 450 114 734 84 508 31 303 9.9 320 128 3858 198 713 325 3 424 33 343 6 208 0.2 242 45 2541 6 100 42 0 65 0 10 1 7 0 8 8 247 3% 14% 13% 0% 15% 0% 3% 16% 0 0% 3% 18% 10% SOUTHERN BASIN NSW ZONE Lower Darling Murrumbidgee - NSW NSW Murray Total Southern Basin NSW Zone 60.5 2501 1812 4373 55 2000 1708 3763 8 320 262 590 15% 16% 15% 16% 458 SOUTHERN BASIN ACT ZONE ACT (surface water) Total Southern Basin ACT Zone 52.5 52.5 40.5 40.5 0 0 0% 0% 4.9 SOUTHERN BASIN VICTORIA ZONE Broken Campaspe Goulburn Kiewa Loddon Ovens Victorian Murray Total Southern Basin Victoria Zone 56 153 1689 25 179 83 1707 3892 13 113 1580 11 89 25 1662 3493 0 18 344 0 12 0 253 627 0% 16% 22% 0% 14% 0% 15% 18% SOUTHERN BASIN SOUTH AUSTRALIA ZONE Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges6 South Australian Murray Marne Saunders6 SA Non-Prescribed6 Total Southern Basin South Australia Zone 28.3 665 2.9 3.5 700 15.3 665 0.0 0.0 680 0 101 0 0 101 0% 15% 15% DISCONNECTED TRIBUTARIES Lachlan7 Wimmera-Mallee (surface water) 618 129 302 67 48 23 16% 34% 13623 10886 1636 15% 5 TOTAL 22 38 35.5 8 25 Commonwealth recovery from Infrastructure projects Other Commonwealth recovery 3 9 State recovery 6 43 23 1 5 13 1 5 143 4 3 15% 137 76 1048 28% 1.0 128 219 349 3 200 74 277 4.9 12% 390 6 232 425.3 82.8 1114 1052 184 2750 30% 27% 25% 1 8 11 29 2 24 2 24 0.09 0.13 86 3 0.07 271 512 91 177 86 11 86 11 35 23 2 1142 543 23 38 7 Total reduction Total achieved, expressed recovery in as a percentage of total reduction GL8 required 22 41 50 8 90 1 18 1 5 Shared recovery still required (GL) Local recovery still required, expressed as a percentage of BDL (excluding interception) Shared recovery Total recovery (local Total still required, plus shared) still recovery expressed as a required, expressed (local plus percentage of as a percentage of shared) still BDL (excluding BDL (excluding required (GL) interception) interception) 65% 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 62 4 354 294 652 62% 4.3 0 0 4 392 8% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0 0 4.9 0% 0% 12% 5 12% 75% 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 265 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 8% 267 8% 76% 0 0 0 0 0 44 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.0% 6% 44 6% 7% 850 8% 7 8 252 0.09 29 356 27 95 10 0.07 389 785 36 6 140 36 6 140 11 48 23 166 1900 49 Local recovery still required (GL) 76 0% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 2% 3% 138 5% 10% 396 11% 0 0 69% 68 0% 0% 782 1% NOTES 1. Watercourse diversions under the Baseline Diversion Limit - arrangements as at 30 June 2009 under conditions from 1895 to 2009. 2. State shares of the 143 GL Northern Basin shared reduction are yet to be nominated. State shares of the 971 GL Southern Basin shared reduction are: Victoria 425.3 GL (43.8%), NSW 458.0 GL (47.2%), ACT 4.9 GL (0.5%) and South Australia 82.8 GL (8.5%) - refer Basin Plan, section 6.05(3) 3. Includes NVIRP Stages 1 and 2. 4. Current LTDLE factors (v2.05) agreed to by Ministerial Council in November 2011. 5. BDL estimate based on work between MDBA and NSW, but local water reduction determined based on SEWPaC estimate of water recovered as part of the Toorale purchase. No further recovery required for local needs. 6. EMLR, Marne-Saunders and SA Non Prescribed BDLs include volume of interception (these are 13 GL/y, 2.9GL/y and 3.5GL/y respectively). Recovery effort not contributing to 'bridging the gap' 7. The Lachlan - the amount of water recovered exceeds the local reduction amount by 17GL, and as the Lachlan is a disconnected SDL resource unit, accordingly this 17GL has not been used in figures relating to the reduction of 2,750 GL. Intersecting Streams - this data includes unregulated water entitlements acquired from the NSW Government relating to its purchase of Toorale Station. As part of the Intersecting Streams Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing plan, an additional entitlement has been issued to the Commonwealth – unregulated river special additional high flow entitlement. This is a new class of entitlement and at this time there is no long-term average annual yield factor available to estimate the recovery volume for this entitlement. At this stage, the unregulated river special additional high flow entitlement has not been counted towards 'bridging the gap'. ADDITIONAL NOTE 8. All numbers are rounded to the nearest GL unless displayed in greater detail.
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