[F. No. AERA/20010/MYTP-Menzies/C/HIAL/2011-12/Vol-I] Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India Order No. 10/2014-15 AERA Building, Administrative Complex, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 110 003. Date of Order: 29 th August, 2014 Date of Issuerrw September, 2014 In the matter of Annual Tariff Proposal submitted by Mis Hyderabad Menzies Air Cargo Private Limited for fourth tariff year of the first control period for providing Cargo Facility Services at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Shamshabad, Hyderabad. The Authority had considered the Multi Year Tariff Proposal (MYTP) for the first Control Period submitted by M/s Hyderabad Menzies Air Cargo Private Limited (HMACPL) in respect of the tariff for the services provided for cargo facility services at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Shamshabad, Hyderabad and after due stakeholder Consultation, issued Multi Year Tariff Order (MYTO) No. 10/2012-13 dated 06.07.2012 ordering that the cargo facility services provided by HMACPL though "material but not competitive" the tariffs for the same shall be determined . under a "light touch approach", in view of reasonable user agreements and user consultation being in place. Vide the aforesaid Order, the Authority also determined tariff for first and second tariff years. 2. Subsequently, HMACPL submitted the ATP for 3rd tariff year. The Authority considered the proposal and issued a Consultation Paper No. 6/2013-14 dated 09.05.2013. Further, after due stakeholder consultation the Authority determined the tariff for the 3rd tariff year vide Order No. 24/2013-14 dated 04.07.2013. 3. Thereafter, HMACPL submitted their Annual Tariff Proposal (ATP) for fourth tariff year (2014-15), vide submissions dated 24.04.2014. In the tariff proposal, it is observed that HMACPL has proposed the same rates as were proposed by them for third tariff year and determined by the Authority vide Order No. 24/2013-14 dated 04.07.20 13. 4. The Authority noted the above and observed that as per the MYTO the tariffs in respect of Cargo Facility Servic by HMACPL at RGI Airport, Shamshabad, Hyderabad are to be ~~j·~~.:.'~~ r light touch approach and also there is no change in the rates ~ 0 TP for fourth tariff year as determined by the Authority for b" d ta Order No. 24/2013-14 dated 2013. 04.07. Order No. 10/2014-15 Page 1 of2 ORDER: 5. Upon careful consideration of material available on record, the Authority, in exercise of powers conferred by Section 13 (1) (a) of the Airport Economic Regulatory Authority of India Act, 2008, hereby orders that: (i) The tariff for the Fourth Tariff Year (01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015) of the first control period for the Cargo Facility Services provided by Hyderabad Menzies Air Cargo Private Limited at RGI Airport, Hyderabad is determined, as at Annexure-I. (ii) These tariffs will be a ceiling on tariffs and will be effective from 01.04. 20 14. By the Order of and in the Narne of the Authority ~~~ (Alok Shekhar) Secretary To M/s Hyderabad Menzies Air Cargo Pvt. Limited, Air Cargo Terminal, Rajiv Gandhi International Airport Shamshabad Ranga Reddy District Andhra Pradesh - 500409 (Through: Shri Ravinder Bolangdy, CEO) Order No. 10/2014--15 Page 2 of2 HYDERABAD MEZIES AIR CARGO PVT. LTD. Form F14 (b) - Annual Tariff Proposal For Tariff Year 4 ( MAXIMUM RATES TO BE PAID BY FREIGHT FORWARDER FOR .INTERNATIONAL CARGO FY 2014-15 Tariff Year 4 '(;IST OF CHARGES S.No. • EXPORT CARGO TERMINAL STORAGE AND PROCESSING CHARGE [TSPI . (per ShippingBilll a) General cargo 120/AWB 1.00 b) Special cargo (A VI) 200/AWB ' lAO c) PER/DGRN AL cargo 2301t\,WB ~A 3 d) Fruits&: Vegetables (no cold room usage) 751AWB 0.65 Meat Products 200/AWI3 1.10 1.00 e) . ~ 2 DEMURRAGE I STORAGE CHARGE (rate per kg per day) a) General cargo 200/AWB b) Special cargo (A VI) 200/AWB lAO , c) PERlDGRNAL cargo 250/AWB 2A3 120/AWB ' 1.20 3 COURIER IIANDLING CHARGE , 4 PACKING/REPACKINGISTRAPPING CHARGE 5 RETURN CARGO CHARGE 500/AWB 6 AIR WAYBILL AMENDMENT CHARGE 100/AWB 7 WEIGHT I VOLUME MIS-DECLARATION CHARGE a) 2-5% variation I20/AWB b) More than 5% variation 120/AWI3 I 51-Per package ", \ 120/AWB 8 Bonded trucking (loading charge) 9 MERCHANT OVERTIME CHARGE (beyond customs working hours) 2 times of differential weight 5 times of differential weight 1.00 551- per Shipping Bill lobol- per AWB VAL cargo IMPORT CARGO , ~ . -d TERMINAL STORAGE AND PROCESSING CHARGE fTSPl - (per Bill of Entry) '. , " , 4.75 a) General cargolUnaccompaned Baggage 200 b) Special cargo (A VI) 200 8.89 c) PER/DGRNAL cargo 250 9.50 3 DEMURRAGE I StORAGE CHARGE (rate per kg per 24 hours) a General cargolUnaccompanied baggage .' I" , ., I i) From Actual Time of Arrival of flight (ATA) upto 72 hours ii) Cargo cleared between 72 hours and 120 hours ' iii) Carg~ cleared between iv) Cargo cleared after 720 hours b '- 1.30 2.60' 3.90 Special cargo (AVI) ii) Carg~ cleared between 120 hours and 720 hours iv) Cargo cleared after 720 hoUf~ No Charges . PERlDGRN AI. cargo . / Fligh~ Actual Time of Arrival (ATA) plus 72 hours ii) Cargo cleared between 72 hours and 120 hours 2.60 5.20 Overall minimum I 160180E No Charges Cargo cleared between 120 hours and iv) Cargo cleared after 720 hours 4 COURIER HANDLING CHARGE 5 AIR WAYI3ILL AMENDMENT CHARGE 6 TRANSHIPMENT CHARGE- lnternationalto a General cargo 10AO 15.?0 200/AWB Documentation Charges 4.90 100/ per AWB 125 1.80 235 1.80 ( car~o No Charges 5.20 . tio hours iii) PERlDGRNAUAVI No Charges 7.80 i) b No Charges Overall minimum 580/BoE iii) c No Charges 120 hou~ and 720 hours Flight Actual Time of ~rrival (ATA) plus 72 hours , . Cargo cleared between 72 hours and 120 hours i) Overall minimum 295/BoE 100/AWB MERCHANT OVERTIME CHARGE (beyond 2151- per Bill of Entry 10001- per A WB 200 51-Per package 0.65 HYDERABAD MEZIES AIR CARGO PVT. LTD. Fo r m F14 (b) - Annual T a ri ff Proposal For Tariff Year 4 MAXIMUM R ATES TO BE PAID BY FREIGHT FORWAR DER FOR DO MESTIC CARGO S;NO. LIST OF CHARGES I TERMINAL STORAGE AND PROCESSING CHARGE TSP a) General cargo 100/AWB 0.65 b) Special cargo (A,VI) 200/AWB 2.05 c) PERIDGRIVAL cargo 200/AWB 2.05 2321F1ight 0.75 \ !', d) Postal Dept. Mails 2 DEMUR.R.AGE / STORAGE CHARGE (rate per kg per day beyond 24 hrs) a) General cargo 125/AWB 0.65 b) Special cargo (AVI) 200/AWB 2.05 c) PERJDGRIV AL cargo 200/AWB 2.05 3 COURIER HANDLING CI1ARGE 100/AWB 0.75 4 PACKINGIREPACKlNG/STRAPPING CHARGE 5 RETURN CHARGE i CARGO . 100/AWB 6 AIR WAYBILL AMENDMENT CHARGE 100/AWB 7 WEIGIH I VOLUME MIS-DECLARATION CHARGE 5/- per package ~ r !I" " a) b) 2-5% variation 120/AWB 2 times of differential weight More than 5% variation 120/AWB 5 times of differential weight ,INBOUND CARGO "" " -j L J • TERMINAL, STORAGE AND PROCESSING CHARGE TSP a) General cargo/Unaccompaned Baggage I 25/AWB UO b) Specialcargo (AVI) 200/AWB 2.10 c) PERlDGRIVAL cargo 200/AWB 2.10 348 I Flight 1.28 1.25 d) Postal Dept. Mails 2 DEMURRAGE I STORAGE CHARGE (rate per kg per day beyond 24 hrs) a General cargo 200/AWB b Speci~l cargo (AVI) 250/AWB 2.20 ' C PERlDGRIV AL cargo 250/A WB 2.20 3 COURIER HANDLING CHARGE 125/AWB 1.20 4 PACKINGIREPACKING/STRAPPING CHARGE ~ 5/- per package • HYDERABAD MEZIES AIR CARGO PVT. LTD, Form F'14 (b) - Annual Tariff P roposal For Tariff Year 4 MAXIMUM CHARGES PAYABLE BY AIRLINES F·Y2014-iS !(~tiJf Year 4 Unit ·SiNb. • EXPORT CARGO I UnitizatlonlBu ild-uplPalletization Per Kg 338 Per flight 1.42 2 Courier /Mail Charges Per Kg 338 Per flight 1.42 3 DEMURRAGE/ STORAGE CHARGE (rate per kg per day beypnd 48 Ius.) a) General Export Cargo Per Kg I75/AWB 2.00 b) Valuable/Perishable/Hazardous CargolLive Animals etc., Per Kg 303/AWB 4.02 4 X-Ray screening charges Per Kg 117/AWB 2}9 Per Kg 338 P.er flight 1.42 1 IMPORT CARGO I De-unitizationlBreak-down/De-Pallctisation 2 DEMURRAGE/ STORAGE CHARGE (rate per kg per day) a) General Export Cargo Per~g 175/AWB 2.00 b) Valuable/Perishable/Hazardous CargolLive Animals etc., Per Kg 338/AWB 5.34 , Per Kg 338 Per.flight 2.12 338 Per flight 2.12 TRANSHIPMENT CHARGES Transhipment charges-Internationalto International GeneralCargo 2 Transhipment charges-Internationalto Domestic GeneralCargo B) DOMESTIC CARGO I .. • ,t ~ Per Kg . , / .-. ." , ." , . _: _.",. .:,. . .~~ ; ., ~\:( ;" .... . ~.... . .~ ... ~ _'t; ".. '~ OUTBOUND CARGO I l}nitizati~nlBuild-up/Palletization Per Kg 259 Per flight 1.06 2 Courier /Mail Charges Per Kg 259 Per flight 1.11 4 X-Ray'Screen\ng Charge Per Kg 12~/AWB 1.64 INBOUND CARGO , I De-unitization/Break-down/De-Palletisation Per Kg 259 Per flight 1.06 2 Courier /Mail Charges Per Kg 323 Per flight 1.11 Per Kg 155 Per flight 1.06 1.11 . TRANSHIPMENT CHARGES I Domestic to Domestic/International GeneralCargo Special Cargo 1. 203 Per flight User agreements( Airlines or their agents) shall have the rates subject to maximum specified above. The agreements are in line with the lATA, AHM 810 Standard Ground Handling Agreement 2004/2008 (SGHA) as amended from time to time. 2. The rates with each Airline are based on negotiations and as agreed between the Service Provider ( HMACPL) and the Airline depending on the specific service levels agreed such as Usage of equipment, credit period, indemnity/insurance, and other services necessary thought fit by the Airline .
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