2014-2015 Schedule and Presenters

Budget & Finance Committee
FY 2015 Schedule of Activities
September 2014
“Tentative – Subject to Change”
September 2014
 Introductions
 Share FY 2015 schedule of activities
 FY 2015 Budget Update (George)
 FY 2015 Capital & Construction Budget (Shelly Baird)
 CWU Financial Policy or Procedure review and recommendations requiring update
and/or modifications (George)
October 2014
 Review and recommend for approval two-year tuition waiver program (John
Swiney/Shelly Baird)
 Debrief from October 2014 CWU Board of Trustees Meeting (George Clark)
 S&A Supplemental Fee requests (Sharon Jonassen)
 CWU Financial Policy or Procedure review and recommendations requiring update
and/or modifications (George)
 Fiscal Year 2015 Supplemental Operating and Capital Budget update
November 2014
 Distribute CWU Master Facilities Plan (10 year) for BFC consumption (Bill Yarwood)
 Detailed overview of FY 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Enrollment Management Plan with
added details regarding out-of-state, veterans and international recruitment goals (John
 Review Housing/Dining cost/budget/recovery projection in full detail (Richard
DeShields/Dan Layman/Patrick Stanton/Joel Klucking)
 Educational session regarding Minor Works budgets and disposition
 S&A Supplemental Fee requests (Sharon Jonassen)
 CWU Financial Policy or Procedure review and recommendations requiring update
and/or modifications (George)
 Review in detail academic course fees (Tracy Pellett/Tamara Wolford)
December 2014
 Getz/Short update (Richard DeShields)
 Summer Session 2015 (FY 16) proposed budget (Tracy Pellett/Tamara Wolford)
o Submit to CWU BOT for approval at February 2014 meeting
 S&A Supplemental Fee requests (Sharon Jonassen)
 CWU Financial Policy or Procedure review and recommendations requiring update
and/or modifications (George)
 Responsibility Centered Management (RCM) model refinement, pro-forma reporting,
educational sessions with deans and incorporate overhead allocation methodology to
derive gross margin and net margin contributions by college – possible detail data by
college/department when available
January 2015
 FY 2015 Mid-year budget update – all accounts (Shelly Baird)
 FY 2015 Admin Fee cost/recovery/variance projection (Shelly Baird)
 2015-2017 Capital and Construction Budget request (Shelly Baird)
o Include request and 10 year plan as overview
 S&A Supplemental Fee requests (Sharon Jonassen)
 Budget Legislative Update – Operating and Capital (Shelly Baird)
 CWU Financial Policy or Procedure review and recommendations requiring update
and/or modifications (George)
 Cost comparisons among Washington state six colleges for tuition and fees (including
February 2015
 FY 2016 Budget planning process/due dates/templates (Shelly Baird)
 S&A Supplemental Fee requests (Sharon Jonassen)
 Budget Legislative Update – Operating and Capital (Shelly Baird)
 CWU Financial Policy or Procedure review and recommendations requiring update
and/or modifications (George)
March 2015
 S&A Supplemental Fee requests (Sharon Jonassen)
 Budget Legislative Update – Operating and Capital (Shelly Baird)
 CWU Financial Policy or Procedure review and recommendations requiring update
and/or modifications (George)
April 2015
 FY 2016 Budget Update (George/Shelly Baird)
 FY 2016 Tuition Forecast confirmation (Shelly Baird)
 S&A Supplemental Fee requests (Sharon Jonassen)
 Budget Legislative Update – Operating and Capital (Shelly Baird)
FY 2016 annual state budget overview (Joel Klucking/Shelly Baird)
Dining and Housing Fee Requests for FY 2017 (Richard DeShields)
S&A Fee, Sub Fee, Rec Fee Requests for FY 2016 (Tamara Wolford/Sharon Jonassen)
Parking Fee Requests for FY 2016 (Mike Luvera)
Academic Course Fees (Tracy Pellett/Tamara Wolford)
Appoint new committee members for FY 2016
CWU Financial Policy or Procedure review and recommendations requiring update
and/or modifications (George)
May 2015
 Total Cost of Attendance figures / slide overview (John Swiney)
 S&A Supplemental Fee requests (Sharon Jonassen)
 Budget Legislative Update – Operating and Capital (Shelly Baird)
 CWU Board of Trustees confirmation and update regarding proposed rate, fee and
tuition changes for FY 2016 (George Clark)
 FY 2016 Tuition forecast confirmation (Shelly Baird)
 2015-2017 Operating Budget request overview (Shelly Baird)
 CWU Financial Policy or Procedure review and recommendations requiring update
and/or modifications (George)