Dr Dan Gill MD, FRCPC E S R Dr Mohamed Tabib M.B.B.ch, FRCPC 11811 Tecumseh Rd E, Suite 112 Tecumseh ON N8N 4M7 519–979–2255 | Fax: 519–979–3782 ERIE ST CLAIR RADIOLOGY Dr Fareed Denath MB. ChB., FRCPC 2224 Walker Rd, Suite 150 Windsor ON N8W 5L7 519–254–7553 | 519–254–7554 Fax: 519–254–7936 RADIOLOGY REQUISITION FORM RESET See reverse for maps, preparatory instructions and location. Appointment DAYMONTHYEAR Address Date of Birth (DD | MM | YYYY) City Prov. Postal Code Phone # Cell Phone # Health Card # Referred By Address Phone # LOW DOSE DIGITAL X-RAY IMAGING SAVE AS Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment and bring your OHIP card. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please give us 24-hour notification. Patient’s First Name 2425 Tecumseh Rd E, Suite 108 Windsor ON N8W 1E6 519–258–7248 | Fax: 519–258–9408 X-RAY | ULTRASOUND | BMD Location Patient’s Last Name Dr Winston Ramsewak MD, FRCPC Fax # Physician’s Signature: DIGITAL ULTRASOUND By appointment only. See reverse for maps, preparatory instructions and location. GENERAL ULTRASOUND qqFace qqOphthalmic {{Biometry (mR mL mBil) {{B-mode (mR mL mBil) qqNeck qqThyroid qqBreast (mR mL mBil) qqChest (pleural effusion) qqAbdomen qqAbdomen and Pelvis qqKidneys qqKidneys/Bladder qqGroin (mR mL mBil) qqTestes/scrotum FEMALE PELVIS qqPelvis (includes transvaginal CC Reports to: Clinical History (REQUIRED) q STAT q VERBAL unless contraindicated) Contact # MALE PELVIS qqPelvis (transabdominal, includes bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles) qqProstate (transrectal, includes bladder & seminal vesicles) OBSTETRICAL qqCombined NT + Anatomic (11–14 wks) + Anatomic (18–20 wks) DIGITAL X-RAY HEAD & NECK qqSoft tissue neck qqSkull qqSinuses qqOrbits for MRI qqFacial bones qqNose qqMandible qqT.M. joints qqAdenoids qqMastoids ABDOMEN qqPlain film (K.U.B. 1 view) qqAcute (2 views) + PA chest CHEST qqChest (2 views) qqRibs & chest P.A. (mR mL mBil) qqSternum qqOther X-RAY | ULTRASOUND | BMD SPINE & PELVIS qqCervical spine qqThoracic spine qqLumbar (L/S) spine qqL/S spine, pelvis & S.I. joints qqSacrum & coccyx qqS.I. joints qqPelvis SKELETAL SURVEY qqMetastatic series qqMultiple myeloma series qqArthritic series qqBone age qqScoliosis series UPPER EXTREMITIES R L q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q Bil q Shoulder q Clavicle qSternoclavicular joints q A.C. joint q Scapula q Humerus q Elbow q Forearm q Wrist q Scaphoid q Hand qFingers # 1 2 3 4 5 NT Anatomic qqDating qqNuchal lucency (11–14 wks) qqAnatomic (18–20 wks) qqFollow-up for assessment of fetal growth qqBiophysical profile qqCervical length qqMCA dopplers/BPP qqTwin series+ qqHigh risk twin series++ qqHigh risk qqFollicular monitoring R L q q q q q q q q Bil q Hip q Femur q Knee q Tib. & fib. q Ankle q Foot q Calcaneus qToes # 1 2 3 4 5 S TAT E - O F - T H E - A R T D I G I TA L I M A G I N G (Includes an X-ray unless contraindicated) R L Bil q Shoulder q Arm q Biceps q Elbow q Wrist q Carpal tunnel q Hand q Finger q Hip q Thigh q Knee q Calf q Ankle q Achilles tendon q Foot q Toe q Plantar fascia q Popliteal fossa qSoft tissue/ superficial mass q q q Other q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q qq No X-ray req’d DOPPLER VASCULAR STUDIES qqCarotid arteries qqRenal arteries qqAorta qqPortal venous hypertension qqPeripheral arterial legs (ABI) qqPeripheral arterial arms qqPeripheral venous legs (DVT) mR mL mBil qqPeripheral venous arms (DVT) mR mL mBil qqVaricose vein assessment qqOther BONE MINERAL DENSITOMETRY (BMD) LOWER EXTREMITIES q q q q q q q q MUSCULOSKELETAL By appointment only. (No contrast or radioactive exam the previous week). qqBaseline (1st BMD)qLow risk* qHigh risk (Every year) Previous (required): qYes qNo Where: When: Indication: *(3 years after first exam, then every 5 years) F01esrDG1409v02
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