7-May-2014 Equity Company Update PT Bank BJB (Persero) Tbk Angky Agani [email protected] BJBR IJ / BJBR.JK Banking HOLD (TP Rp930) Maintained (Prev TP Rp930) Last Price (Rp) 1,040 Upside/Downside 1.6% Consensus (Rp) 1,108 52 W High / Low (Rp) 1,290 – 720 52 W Daily Avg Vol (mn shares) 12.8 Issued Shares (mn shares) 9,696.3 Market Cap (Rp bn) 8,872.1 Stock Performance % ch ang e 1 M 3 M 12 M - 20. 8% - 3.2 % - 23. 8% 10.0% Depressing Results BJBR’s 1Q14 net profit dropped 12.2% yoy to Rp326 bn from Rp372 bn in 1Q13, inline with our previous forecast. For the time being, we leave our earnings forecast unchanged, but downward revision is likely if performance does not show a significant improvement. Overall, BJBR delivered poor financial performance in 1Q14, with flat loan growth, higher NPL, decline in margin, and weaker profitability. We upgrade our rating to HOLD with maintained TP at Rp930. Loan expansion came to a standstill. With LDR already at 97% in the last period review, BJBR loan portfolio only rose Rp200 bn or 0.5% qoq (20% yoy) totaling to Rp45.5 tn. In its effort to increase funding liquidity, BJBR was doing quite well in increasing customer deposits by 23.9% qoq (28% yoy) to Rp58 tn and brought down LDR to 78% in 1Q14. But, as expected, CASA ratio down by 1,600 bps to 44% in 1Q14 (FY13: 60%). Although LDR has improved, loan expansion remains challenging as BJBR is still struggling with lowering its NPL (now stood at 3.8%, up 100 bps in just three-month period). It is even harder for BJBR to acquire new debtors and originate new loan with prime quality in this currently lackluster market condition. The micro loan portfolio, which accounted for 11.4% of the total, experienced a huge increase in NPL by 510 bps qoq to 16.4%. Meanwhile, commercial and mortgage with loan portion of 13% and 9% of the total respectively, also have high NPL at 11% and 4.1% respectively. 5.0% 0.0% May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 -5.0% -10.0% -15.0% -20.0% -25.0% -30.0% -35.0% -40.0% -45.0% JCI BJBR Major Shareholders : Government of West Java & Banten 75.0% Public 25.0% Earnings Estimates 2014F 2015F Net Profit (IDR BN) AAA Estimate 1,306 1,314 Consensus 1,412 1,632 AAA EPS 134 135 Consensus EPS 142 160 EPS (IDR) PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas BJBR high NIM subsided in 1Q14, down 120 bps to 6.8%. BJBR 1Q14 Net income dropped 12.2% yoy, to only Rp326 bn (1Q13: Rp372 bn). BJBR interest income dropped slightly below 4Q13 to Rp2.1 tn. Unsurprisingly BJBR’s average loan yield fell 90 bps from FY13, showing that BJBR has very limited pricing flexibility. Meanwhile, interest expense up 12.4% qoq, led by higher cost of fund as BJBR time deposits grew 75% qoq, lowering CASA ratio to 44% and LDR to 78%. BJBR also has to increased time deposit rate to adjust with market rate. The provision expense only increased by 10% yoy despite 100 bps higher NPL and this brought coverage ratio to drop to only 68.5%. In sum, BJBR did not sufficiently build loss provision and write-off their nonperforming assets, although NPL keep raising overtime. We upgrade our rating to HOLD from Sell with maintained TP at Rp930. Our TP implies FY14F PER of 6.92x and PBV of 1.23x. The recommendation upgrade is solely due to market movement as BJBR share price is now only 1.6% below our TP. On the next period, if the performance does not improve significantly, we may be compelled to downgrade our earnings estimate. FINANCIAL SUMMARY Rp bn 2012A PPOP 1,823 Net Profit 1,193 EPS (Rp) 123 Growth (%) 23.9% P/E (x) 8.62 P/BV (x) 1.72 Div. Yield (%) 6.5% ROAE (%) 21.0% Source : Company, AAA Securities 2013A 2,368 1,376 142 15.1% 6.29 1.29 7.6% 21.7% 2014F 2,498 1,306 134 -5.1% 6.92 1.23 6.8% 18.6% 2015F 2,347 1,314 135 0.6% 6.88 1.12 7.0% 17.1% 2016F 2,429 1,338 138 1.8% 6.76 1.03 7.1% 16.0% P a g e |1 Company Update | 7-May-2014 PT Bank BJB (Persero) Tbk BJBR FY13 Performance Income Statement Cons (Rp bn) 3Q13 4Q13 %QoQ 2012A 2013A %YoY Net Interest Income 1,179 1,208 2.5% 3,655 4,782 30.8% Other Operating Income 101 212 109.8% 330 457 38.4% Other Operating Expense (700) (799) 14.1% (2,163) (2,871) 32.7% 438 378 -13.7% 1,419 1,752 23.4% 2 (8) -501.6% 93 1 -99.0% Pre Tax Profit 440 370 -15.8% 1,512 1,753 15.9% Net Profit 349 280 -19.7% 1,193 1,376 15.3% Loan 44,054 45,309 2.8% 35,374 45,309 28.1% Total Assets 75,860 70,958 -6.5% 70,841 70,958 0.2% Customer Deposits 53,492 46,874 -12.4% 47,633 46,874 -1.6% 6,405 6,684 4.4% 5,975 6,684 11.9% Net Operating Profit Non Operating Income(Expense) Balance Sheet (Rp bn) Total Equity Key Ratios(%) (bank only) NIM 8.0% 8.0% 8.5% CAR 16.4% 18.7% 16.5% LDR 82.2% 74.3% 96.7% 2.5% 2.1% 2.8% NPL-Gross Source: Company NPL by Segment Pre NPL by Segment 18% 16.40% 16% 16.80% 16% 11.30% 12% 11.10% 10% 14% 12.50% 12% 10.50% 7.40% 7.30% 8% 10% 6% 2% 18.30% 18% 14% 4% 20% 4.10% 8% 4.10% 3.00% 2.80% 0.13% 6% 0.12% 8.90% 0.11% 0% 5.60% 5.40% 5.30% 4.50% 4% 2% 2012A Mortgage 2013A Consumer 1Q14 Micro Source: Company PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas Commercial 0.20% 0.22% 0.22% 0% 2012A Mortgage 2013A Consumer 1Q14 Micro Commercial Source: Company P a g e |2 Company Update | 7-May-2014 PT Bank BJB (Persero) Tbk Loan portfolio NPL & Coverage ratio 4% Loan Segment 180.00% 3.80% 160.00% 4% Mortgage, 9.10% 3% Commercial, 13% 155.45% 140.00% 2.83% 120.00% 3% 100.00% 2.07% 2% 80.00% 82.69% 2% 79.50% 60.00% 68.50% 1.21% Micro, 11.40% 1% Consumer, 66.00% 40.00% NPL ratio - Loan only 1% LLR/NPL - Loan only 20.00% 0% 0.00% 2011A Source: Company Source: Company CAR Profitability 20% 20% 19% 19% 18% 18% 17% 17% 16% 16% 15% 15% 2012A 2013A 1Q14 25% 19.28% 21.74% 21.03% 18.70% 20% 19.40% 18.57% 15% 16.51% 16.20% 10% 5% 1.97% 2011A 2012A 2013A 2011A 2012A 2013A ROAA Source: Company Source: Company Loan and Deposit growth Third party breakdown Gross Loans 35.00% Customer Deposits 28.71% 60% 56.10% 51.15% 30.00% 28.08% 50% 26.50% 25.00% 25% 40% 22.35% 20.00% 19.31% 19.20% 20% 1Q14 ROAE 31.02% 30% 1.90% 0% 1Q14 CAR 35% 1.94% 1.90% 39.85% 34.90% 30.50% 28.60% 30% 25.25% 15.00% 18.35% 20% 15% 10.00% 10% 5.00% 5% 0.00% -1.59% 0% -5.00% 2011A 2012A 2013A Source: Company PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas 15.30% 10% 0% Current account Saving deposit 2012 1Q14 2013 Time deposit 1Q14 Source: Company P a g e |3 Company Update | 7-Mei-2014 PT Bank BJB (Persero) Tbk Financial Performance Balance Sheet Year-end 31 Dec (Rp bn) Key Ratio 2012A 2013A 2014F 2015F Year-end 31 Dec (%) 2016F 2012A 2013A 2014F 2015F 2016F Cash 1,795 2,595 2,855 3,169 3,486 Growth Curr. Acc. with BI 4,666 4,454 4,819 5,129 5,451 Total Assets 30.1% 0.2% 9.9% 4.3% 7.0% 290 177 152 168 185 Gross Loans 31.0% 28.1% 8.0% 7.0% 7.0% 2,912 Customer Deposits 28.7% -1.6% 7.0% 7.0% 6.0% Curr. Acc. with oth banks Plac. with oth banks & BI 8,012 2,629 4,143 10,292 7,089 8,012 9,674 Net Interest Income 19.4% 30.8% 7.4% 3.8% 9.9% 35,374 45,309 48,933 52,359 56,024 Pre-Prov Operating Profit 12.8% 29.9% 5.5% -6.0% 3.5% (1,625) Net Income 24.0% 15.3% -5.1% 0.6% 1.8% Marketable securities Loans Less: Allowance (606) Syaria financing - net (1,020) 2,486 (1,370) 2,838 (1,492) 2,880 3,532 3,937 4,380 735 699 756 826 921 ROAA 1.9% 1.9% 1.8% 1.6% 1.6% Other 13,551 2,291 8,331 5,928 5,148 ROAE 21.0% 21.7% 18.6% 17.1% 16.0% Total Assets 70,841 70,958 77,988 81,316 86,989 Net Interest Margin (NIM) 8.0% 8.5% 8.2% 8.2% 8.3% Cost to Income Ratio 54.3% 54.8% 55.1% 59.6% 61.9% BOPO 79.0% 79.6% 82.7% 83.5% 84.4% CAR 18.7% 16.5% 17.8% 18.0% 18.0% Loans/Deposits 74.3% 96.7% 97.6% 97.6% 98.5% NPL ratio - Loan only 2.1% 2.8% 2.5% 2.6% 2.5% LLR/NPL - Loan only 82.7% 79.5% 114.3% 107.9% 113.9% Net Charge Off Rate 0.8% 0.3% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% Prov. exp/Loan&Financing 1.1% 1.3% 1.6% 1.2% 1.2% 9,696 9,696 9,696 9,696 9,696 Fixed assets Customer deposit 47,633 46,874 50,155 53,666 56,886 231 324 328 356 386 2,395 2,397 7,340 5,312 5,683 11,506 11,302 9,124 9,911 10,894 Borrowing Securities issued Other Total Liabilities 61,765 Minority Interest Shareholders Equity Total Liabilities & Equity 4,813 Operational/Profitability 60,897 66,948 69,245 73,849 34 34 35 37 38 5,975 6,684 7,328 8,026 8,732 70,841 70,958 77,988 81,316 86,989 Source : Company, AAA Securities Assets Quality/Capital Per Share Data Income Statement Year-end 31Dec (Rp Bn) No. of Shares (in Mn) 2012A 2013A 2014F 2015F 2016F EPS Interest income 6,796 8,133 8,988 9,500 10,192 Payout Interest expense (3,140) (3,351) (3,853) (4,168) (4,330) DPS 3,655 4,782 5,136 5,333 5,862 Net interest income Other operating income 123 142 134 135 138 55.66% 48.00% 47.00% 48.00% 48.00% 68 68 63 65 66 Source : Company, AAA Securities 330 457 422 483 518 Other operating expense (2,163) (2,871) (3,060) (3,469) (3,952) Pre prov operating profit 1,823 2,368 2,498 2,347 2,429 Return on Average Equity Prov expense (403) (616) (867) (706) (757) Equity multiplier Net operating profit 1,419 1,752 1,631 1,641 1,672 Pre Tax Return on Avg Ast 93 1 1 1 1 Profit before tax 1,512 1,753 1,632 1,643 1,673 16.5% 16.0% 13.9% 13.2% 12.5% Tax (319) (376) (326) (329) (335) + Int exp rat -43.5% -39.0% -40.9% -41.7% -40.4% Net profit 1,193 1,376 1,306 1,314 1,338 + Non int exp rat -29.9% -33.4% -32.5% -34.7% -36.9% + Loan provision -5.5% -7.2% -9.2% -7.1% -7.1% + Tax Ratio -4.4% -4.4% -3.5% -3.3% -3.1% Total Inc/Avg Ast 11.5% 12.1% 12.6% 12.5% 12.7% + Int inc/Avg Ast 10.8% 11.5% 12.1% 11.9% 12.1% Non operating inc - net Source : Company, AAA Securities Dupont Model 2012A 21.0% 2013A 21.7% 2014F 18.6% 2015F 17.1% 2016F 16.0% 1103.9% 1120.1% 1063.0% 1037.5% 1004.3% Tax Effect Net Income/Ttl Inc 2.4% 2.5% 2.2% 2.1% 2.0% 78.9% 78.5% 80.0% 80.0% 80.0% + Non int inc/Avg Ast 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% Return on Average Equity 21.0% 21.7% 18.6% 17.1% 16.0% Source : Company, AAA Securities PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas P a g e |4 Company Update | 7-Mei-2014 PT Bank BJB (Persero) Tbk PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas (Member of Indonesia Stock Exchange) General :+62-21-2991 6600 Investment Banking : +62-21-2991 6688 Fixed Income Dealing :+62-21-2991 6666 Equity Dealing :+62-21-2991 6700 22/F Equity Tower Building Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12190, Indonesia Facsimile:+62-21-5152266 E-mail: [email protected] INVESTMENT RATINGS Buy: Expected positive total returns of 10% or more over the next 12 months Hold: Expected total returns of between -10% and +10% over the next 12 months Sell: Expected negative total returns of 10% or more over the next 12 months. DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein has been compiled from sources that we believe to be reliable. No warranty (express or implied) is made to the accuracy or completeness of the information. All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute our judgment as of this date, without regards to its fairness, and are subject to change without notice. This document has been prepared for general information only, without regards to the specific objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular person who may receive it. No responsibility or liability whatsoever or howsoever arising is accepted in relation to the contents hereof by any company mentioned herein, or any their respective directors, officers or employees. This document is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities. This firms and its affiliates and their officers and employees may have a position, make markets, act as principal or engage in transaction in securities or related investments of any company mentioned herein, may perform services for or solicit business from any company mentioned herein, and may have acted upon or used any of the recommendations herein before they have been provided to you. Available only to person having professional experience in matters relating to investments. © PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas 2013. PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas P a g e |5
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