Seminar Bildungsökonomik

Seminar Bildungsökonomik Jun.-­‐Prof. Dr. Daniel D. Schnitzlein Wintersemester 2014/2015 Themen im Wintersemester 2014/2015 A. Early childhood, pre-­‐school, elementary school 1. Golsteyn, B.H.H., Schils, T. (2014): Gender Gaps in Primary School Achievement A Decomposition into Endowments and Returns to IQ and Non-­‐cognitive Factors, Economics of Education Review, forthcoming. 2. Fiorini, M., Keane, M.P. (2014): How the Allocation of Children’s Time Affects Cognitive and Non-­‐Cognitive Development, Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming. 3. Heckman, J.J., Rodrigo P., Savelyev, P. (2013): Understanding the Mechanisms through Which an Influential Early Childhood Program Boosted Adult Outcomes, American Economic Review 103(6): 2052-­‐86. 4. Feng, L., Gai, Y., Chen, X. (2014): Family Learning Environment and Early Literacy: A Comparison of Bilingual and Monolingual Children, Economics of Education Review 39: 110-­‐130. 5. Kalb, G., van Ours, J.C. (2014): Reading to Young Children: A Head-­‐Start in Life?, Economics of Education Review 40: 1-­‐24. B. Higher education, college, university 6. Braga, M., Paccagnella, M., Pellizzari, M. (2014): Evaluating Students’ Evaluations of Professors, Economics of Education Review 41: 71-­‐88. 7. Bruckmeier, K., Wigger, B. (2014): The Effects of Tuition Fees on Transition from High School to University in Germany, Economics of Education Review 41: 14-­‐23. 1 Seminar Bildungsökonomik Jun.-­‐Prof. Dr. Daniel D. Schnitzlein Wintersemester 2014/2015 8. Triventi, M. (2014): Does Working during Higher Education affect Students’ Academic Progression?, Economics of Education Review 41: 1-­‐13. 9. Kurlaender, M., Jackson, J., Howell, J.S., Grodsky, E. (2014): College Course Scarcity and Time to Degree, Economics of Education Review 41: 24-­‐39. 10. Beine, M., Noel, R., Ragot, L. (2014): Determinants of the International Mobility of Students, Economics of Education Review 41: 40-­‐54. C. School system, school type, school reforms, tracking 11. Haeck, C., Lefebvre, P., Merrigan, P. (2014): The Distributional Impacts of a Universal School Reform on Mathematical Achievements: A Natural Experiment from Canada, Economics of Education Review 41: 137-­‐160. 12. Heers, M., van Klaveren, C., Groot, W., Maassen van den Brink, H. (2014): The Impact of Community Schools on Student Dropout in Pre-­‐Vocational Education, Economics of Education Review 41: 105-­‐119. 13. Pop-­‐Eleches, C., Urquiola, M. (2013): Going to a Better School: Effects and Behavioral Responses, American Economic Review 103(4): 1289-­‐1324. 14. Deming, D.J., Hastings, J.S., Kane, T.J., Staiger, D.O. (2014): School Choice, School Quality, and Postsecondary Attainment, American Economic Review 104(3): 991-­‐
1013. 15. Parinduri, R.A. (2014): Do Children Spend too much Time in Schools? Evidence from a Longer School Year in Indonesia, Economics of Education Review 41: 89-­‐104. 16. Piopiunik, M. (2014): The Effects of Early Tracking on Student Performance: Evidence from a School Reform in Bavaria, Economics of Education Review, forthcoming. 2 Seminar Bildungsökonomik Jun.-­‐Prof. Dr. Daniel D. Schnitzlein Wintersemester 2014/2015 17. Kerr, P.S., Pekkarinen, T., Uusitalo, R., (2013): School Tracking and Development of Cognitive Skills, Journal of Labor Economics 31(3): 577-­‐602. 18. Strain, M. R. (2013): Single-­‐sex Classes & Student Outcomes: Evidence from North Carolina, Economics of Education Review 36: 73-­‐87. 19. Curto, V.E., Fryer Jr., R.G. (2014): The Potential of Urban Boarding Schools for the Poor: Evidence from SEED, Journal of Labor Economics 32(1): 65-­‐93. D. Returns to education, benefits of education 20. Castex, G., Dechter, E. (2014): The Changing Roles of Education and Ability in Wage Determination, Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming. 21. Zimmerman, S. (2014): The Returns to College Admission for Academically Marginal Students, Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming. 22. Stephens, M. Jr., Yang, D.Y. (2014): Compulsory Education and the Benefits of Schooling, American Economic Review 104(6): 1777-­‐92. 23. Clark, D., Royer, H. (2013): The Effect of Education on Adult Mortality and Health: Evidence from Britain, American Economic Review 103(6): 2087-­‐2120. E. Teachers 24. Pugatch, T., Schroeder, E. (2014): Incentives for Teacher Relocation: Evidence from the Gambian Hardship Allowance, Economics of Education Review 41: 120-­‐136. 25. Jackson, C. K. (2014): Teacher Quality at the High-­‐School Level: The Importance of Accounting for Tracks, Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming. 3