BBD-C_Agenda (4).pub - Biometrics Analytics, Big Data and

Biometrics Systems and Technologies
9:00­9:05 Tuesday, June 3, 2014 Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge, Arlington VA Administrative Announcements 9:05­9:35 MR. DON SALO, Director, Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency (DFBA), DoD/US Army 9:35­10:05 MR. JAMES LOUDERMILK, Senior Level Technologist, Director’s Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 10:05­10:35 COLONEL SANDY VANN­OLEJASZ, Project Manager, Defense Biometrics 10:35­10:55 10:55­11:25 11:25­11:55 11:55­1:15 Keynote: “DFBA’s Role in DoD Biometrics” “FBI Perspectives and Initiatives” Keynote: “Project Management Office, DoD Biometrics” Coffee and Networking MR. PATRICK NEMETH, Director, Identity Opera‐
tions Division, Office of Biometric Identity Manage‐
ment (OBIM), Department of Homeland Security Keynote: “OBIM Perspectives and Initiatives” MR. DALTON JONES, Senior Biometrics, Forensics and Identity Intelligence Executive, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Keynote: “Data Analytics and Biometrics” Lunch Break — Vantage Point/17th Floor 1:15­1:45 MR. RICHARD GUIDORIZZI, Program Manager, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) 1:45­2:15 MS. PATRICIA WOLFHOPE, Senior Program Manager, Science and Technology Directorate, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “DHS Operational Perspectives” 2:15­2:45 DR. MARK GREENE, Program Manager, National Institute of Justice, Department of Justice (NIJ/DOJ) “NIJ RDT&E for Criminal Justice Applications” 2:45­3:15 “DARPA Perspectives and Initiatives” Refreshments and Networking 3:15­3:45 DR. CHARLES LI, Technical Director, Border Security, Biometrics and Identity Management, IBM 3:45­4:15 MR. MARK CLIFTON, Vice President and General Manager, Products and Services, SRI International “Breaking the Barriers of Iris Capture and Recognition” 4:15­4:45 MR. ERIK BOWMAN, Chief Engineer, DoD Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS), Northrop Grumman “Biometric Data Storage and Biometric Intelligence” 4:45­5:15 MR. WILLIAM C. BUHROW, Director of Biometric Identity Applications, Unisys Federal and MR. TARVINDER SEMBHI, Vice President, Sales Identity Market, WCC Smart Search & Match “Integrated Identity Intelligence and Biometric Operations” Sponsored
“Data Analytics and Identity Management” Subject to Change Updated as of Tuesday, May 20, 2014 Day 1: Biometrics Systems and Technologies
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge, Arlington VA 9:00­9:05 Administrative Announcements 9:05­9:35 MR. JEREMY GRANT, Senior Executive Advisor, Identity Management, National Institute of Standards and Technology [tentative] 9:35­10:05 LT. COLONEL JOHN LONGSHORE Chief, Intelligence Plans and Policy, Intelligence De‐
partment, and MR. EDWARD WARFORD, Operations Officer, HQMC Intelligence Plans, Headquarters US Marine Corps (HQ USMC) 10:05­10:35 MS. JENNIFER GROVER, Director, Homeland Security and Justice, Government Accountability Office (GAO) 10:35­10:55 “Challenges and Capabilities in Identity Management” “Biometrics, Identity Operations and Identity Intelligence” “GAO Perspectives on Development and Implementation of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Program” Coffee and Networking 10:55­11:25 DR. THOMAS CALLAGHAN, Senior Biometric Scientist, Biometric Analysis Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) “Rapid DNA Analysis” 11:25­11:55 MR. PAUL HUNTER, Deputy Chief, Biometrics Division, US Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “USCIS Biometric Systems, Technologies, and Future Direction” 11:55– 12:25 COLONEL NICHOEL BROOKS, Commander, Na‐
tional Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC), US Army 12:25­1:30 Special Keynote: “NGIC Perspectives and Initiatives” Lunch Break— Vantage Point /17th Floor 1:30­2:00 MR. RICHARD HUBER, Chief Technology Officer MorphoTrust 2:00­2:30 DR. JAMES CAMBIER, Vice President, CrossMatch Technologies 2:30­2:45 “How Agile Development can Enable “Agile” Procurement of Biometric and Identity Capabilities for Federal Agencies ” “Mobile Biometrics” Refreshments and Networking 2:45­3:15 MR. ALAN COLON, Director, Biometrics and Law Enforcement, BAE Systems [tentative] “Identity Management and Law Enforcement” 3:15­3:45 MR. JOSELITO BALIBAY, Branch Head, WMD Detection, OPNAV N96 [invited] “Navy Perspectives and Initiatives” 3:45­4:15 DR. NEIL COSTIGAN, Chief Executive Officer, BehavioSec “Active Authentication” Subject to Change Updated as of Tuesday, May 20, 2014 Day 2: