BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION :: ANDHRA PRADESH::HYDERABAD. From: Sri Rama Sankar Naik , I.A.S, Secretary, Board of Intermediate Education, A.P, Nampally, Hyderabad. Rc.No.81/C25/ March 2015 To All the Principals of Junior & Composite Colleges offering Intermediate Course. Telangana State. Date:18-09-2014. Sub:-BIE–Telangana State– IPE, March 2015 – Due dates for Payment of Examination fee for 1st & 2nd year Regular and ex-failed students (General and Vocational), Attendance exempted candidates appearing for Humanities (without college study) and with change of group– Communicated-Reg. Ref:-This office Press Release dated: 17/09/2014. *** As per the Press Release issued vide reference cited, it is informed that the due dates for payment of examination fee for First Year and Second Year Regular students, failed students (General and Vocational), Attendance exempted private candidates (without college study) appearing for Humanities group and with Change of Group to appear the ensuing Intermediate Public Examinations, March 2015 are furnished here under: DUE DATES FOR PAYMENT OF EXAMINATION FEE FOR I.P.E MARCH 2015. Due date for payment of fee by the candidates in the College Last date for payment of examination fee without fine is 10-10-2014. Last date for payment of examination fee with fine of Rs.100/- 17-10-2014. Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mode of remittance of fee by the students/ candidates. The amount of fee should be paid in the Office of the Principal Remittance to the BIE Account by the Principal through on line transfer. Submission of MNRs & Fee paid data Print out in the R.I.O Office. 13-10-2014 14-10-2014 18-10-2014 20-10-2014 Details of Examination fee for 1st year Cost of Examination application form: Examination fee for General courses: Examination fee for Vocational courses (Rs. 290/- + Rs.100/- for Practicals) Examination fee for Vocational Bridge course subjects. Examination fee for 1st year Vocational Back log candidates appearing for Practicals: Bridge Course Examination fee to appear for Mathematics (for First Year Bi.P.C students) Sl. Details of Examination fee for 2nd year No. 1. Cost of examination application form 2. Examination fee for 2nd year regular students General courses Rs.290/- + Rs.100/- for Practicals. 3. Examination fee only for 1st year papers or only for 2nd year papers (irrespective of number of papers) 4. Examination fee for students appearing for both 1st and 2nd year (irrespective of number of papers) Rs.580/- + Rs.100/- for Practicals. 5. Examination fee for 2nd year regular students for vocational courses Rs.290/- + Rs.100/- for Practicals. 6. Examination fee for Practicals (General & Voc) only Amount Rs. 10/Rs.290/Rs.390/Rs. 60/Rs. 100/Rs. 60/Amount Rs. 10/Rs.390/Rs.290/Rs.680/Rs.390/Rs.100/(Contd..2) 2 7. Examination fee for 2nd year failed students appearing only for practical examinations (General/Vocational) 8. 9. Examination fee for 2nd year Vocational Bridge course Rs. 60/Examination fee for 1st & 2nd year Vocational Bridge course Rs.60/Rs.120/+ Rs.60/Examination fee for 1st & 2nd year Vocational Practicals Rs.100/- + Rs.200/Rs.100/Examination fee for Vocational Bridge Course Practicals. Rs.100/Bridge Course examination fee for Mathematics (for Bi.P.C stream) 1st Rs.120/& 2nd year papers (Rs.60/- +Rs.60/-) Examination fee for I & II year passed candidates (certificate Rs.680/-(Arts) holders) appearing for Improvement. Rs.780/(Science) 10. 11. 12. 13. Rs.100/- Remittance of Examination Fee Online: The Board of Intermediate Education has decided to collect the Examination & other fee through State Bank of India, State Bank of Hyderabad and Andhra Bank through on line transfer from the existing college Accounts to B.I.E Account of the concerned banks through e-challan in the format kept in BIE website as was done during IPE March 2014 and IPASE 2014. The principals of the colleges are informed to pay the fee through the downloaded challan format provided in the BIE website in any one of the three banks. The Account Numbers of the above three banks are furnished hereunder for online transfer of the examination fee. Name of the Bank and address Andhra Bank, Kapra, Sainikpuri, Hyderabad. State Bank of India, MJJ Road Branch Hyderabad. State Bank of Hyderabad, Exhibition Grounds, Nampally. Account Number 032710100102068 34008252539 62351968991 IFSC Code ANDB0000327 SBIN0005894 SBHY0020065 Contact Person’s Name & Phone No. Sri M. Surya Narayana, Branch Manager, 9705012357 Branch Manager, 040-23201806. Sri Raghothama Rao, 9573078378 Separate e-challan is to be used for each category i.e., General/Vocational, ENR Candidates and Additions. At the backside of each e-challan the Principals have to furnish the following information without fail. 1) College code 2) College Stamp 3) 1st year/ 2nd year 4) General/Vocational. 5) No. of candidates paid the fee 6) Amount paid in words and figures. The Examination application forms can be obtain from the Office of the Regional Inspection Officer, Board of Intermediate Education of the District concerned on payment of Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten only) or it can be downloaded from the BIE website The Principals of all the Junior Colleges are requested to arrange for collection of examination fee in the office only up to the due dates prescribed and remit the same through online to the B.I.E Account in any Branch of SBH/SBI/Andhra Bank on the next working day. They should not allow any regular student to pay the examination fee individually. The consolidated list of fee paid candidates in respect of candidates who paid the examination fee should be handed over on 14-10-2014 to the R.I.O concerned. (Contd..3) 3 Improvement Provision for Second Year passed Candidates: The candidates who have passed two year Intermediate course in the Year 2013 & afterwards can improve their performance within two years. They can avail only two chances during this period. The passed candidates of IPE March, 2013 can appear for Improvement in I.P.E March, 2015 as last chance, if they did not avail two chances in the previous I.P.Es. The candidates who wish to improve their performance have to appear for all the second year papers including Practicals (OR) to appear for all papers of first and second year including Practicals. The successful candidates have an option to retain the present performance or past performance which is beneficial to the candidates. There is no provision of Best marks in individual papers. Eligibility to award Pass Certificate:- All the Principals are hereby informed that the Board of Intermediate Education has dispensed with the condition of 5 (five) years for completion of Intermediate Course. Therefore all the failed candidates of previous examinations are permitted to appear for failed papers only. MALPRACTICE CANDIDATES:The Second year regular candidates (Science) booked under Malpractice has to appear for both theory and Practicals as and when they got eligibility. ATTENDANCE EXEMPTION:The Principals of the Govt. Junior Colleges have to accept the Examination application forms and examination fee in respect of Private candidates (without college study) after thorough scrutiny and after satisfying about their eligibility to appear for Intermediate Public Examinations, March 2015 and submit online data Print out (Nominal Rolls) of these candidates. The examination fee once paid will neither refunded nor adjusted, in case the candidate is found not eligible to appear for Intermediate Public Examinations, March 2015. The candidates who have passed their S.S.C. or its equivalent examination from Board / University other than Andhra Pradesh have to obtain Eligibility Certificate from the Board of Intermediate Education, A.P., Hyderabad to appear for Intermediate Public Examinations, March 2015. All the private candidates who are granted exemption from attendance (without college study) have to answer the papers on par with the syllabus prescribed for the regular students of the academic year 2014-15. Candidates who have a gap of two years after passing the qualifying examination i.e., S.S.C. or its equivalent examination are eligible to appear for both first and second year. All Private candidates who have submitted their applications for exemption from attendance (without college study) and who intend to appear for 1st or 2nd year for Intermediate Public Examinations, March 2015 for the first time will have to answer the papers with syllabus prescribed for the regular students of the current academic year i.e. 2014-2015. Special Instructions for Intermediate Public Examinations, March 2015. 1. It is observed that most of the Principals are deleting the names of the fee paid candidates from the ENR and approaching this office later with various reasons for inclusion. All the Principals are instructed to make DELETIONS in the ENR only of those candidates who fail to pay the fee even without penalty. Any wrong DELETIONS made in the ENRs will be viewed seriously and it attracts a huge penalty. 2. A number of representations were received from the students stating that they have already passed the subjects which are shown as AF or NF in the latest Memos. As such all the Principals are requested to take an undertaking from all the Private candidates who are shown AF and NF in their latest Memos stating that they have failed in those subjects and the Memo issued to them is correct. (Contd..4) 4 No such request from the Principals will be entertained from this year onwards. If any student claims that he/she has already passed in those subjects, please send full particulars like, Regd. No. Month and Year, etc., in which the candidate passed and enclose Memos of Marks. 3. Please do not accept Examination fee without ORIGINAL Memo of Marks. 4. No Hall ticket will be issued to the candidates for IPE March, 2015 without photographs and the Principal will be held responsible for not uploading photos of any candidate. 5. Examination fee particulars statements (List of candidates) and original Marks Memos shall be enclosed to the NRs/ONLINE FEE PAID PRINT OUT separately. 6. The Online Fee paid printout and fee not paid printout shall be certified by the principal of the college and hand over to the RIO concerned along with NRs without fail. 7. The Principal of the college is responsible for uploading the details, photographs and signature of the candidates correctly. IMPORTANT:-Category-wise separate MNRs and Online Printouts should be prepared in respect of the candidates Admitted on T.C, Re-Admission Candidates, Attendance Exempted candidates etc., whose names are not found in ENRs and shall be submitted to the RIO concerned. The following are the categories of candidates appearing for First and Second Year Intermediate Public Examinations, March 2015. FIRST YEAR CANDIDATES Category Code Description 1 2 Regular candidates appearing for the first time for I year subjects / papers. Candidates appearing for ‘Improvement’ having passed all subjects / papers in one attempt (provision is made to appear during Intermediate Advanced Supplementary Examination only) Failed candidates of I year appearing for I year papers in part(s) Exempted candidates appearing for first time for I year papers. 3 5 SECOND YEAR REGULAR CANDIDATES Category Code Description 1 Regular candidates appearing for the FIRST TIME FOR SECOND YEAR EXAMINATIONS. Candidates admitted regularly into Second Year on T.C. (candidates who have appeared first year during March/ASE 2014 and took admission on TC in Second Year in the College). Candidates readmitted into Second Year (the Roll No.range should be of March 2014 or earlier to March 2014). 8 9 SECOND YEAR PRIVATE CANDIDATES Category Code 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Improvement candidates reappearing after passing the Intermediate Public Examinations, (within two years after passing the Intermediate Public Examinations can avail two chances only). Failed candidates appearing for all 2nd year papers including Practicals or appearing for all 1st year and 2nd year papers including Practicals to secure a division. Failed candidates appearing for some papers of 1st year or some papers of 2nd year, eligible to receive Compartmental Pass Certificate. Candidates appearing for the 1st time for I & II year under Exemption from attendance. Candidates appearing for 2nd year for the first time with or without one or more papers of 1st year i.e., 1st year Marks Memo holder. Candidates appearing for Additional Subjects i.e., Intermediate Pass Certificate holders appearing Mathematics, II Language, etc., as Additional Subjects. (Contd..5) 5 The Principals of the colleges are requested to furnish correct Category Codes in the Nominal Rolls/on-line. Non furnishing of correct categories will lead to wrong declaration of results and the Principals will be held responsible. The above due dates are applicable to both 1st & 2nd year General and Vocational students, Attendance exempted private candidates appearing for Humanities only (without college study) and change of group candidates who wish to appear for the ensuing Intermediate Public Examinations, March 2015. There will be no further extension of due dates for payment of examination fee. The candidates who fail to pay examination fee in time should invariably apply for Tatkal Scheme only which will be announced in due course. As such all the Principals and the managements are requested to give wide publicity to the above due dates among the students, parents and staff of their respective Colleges and also a copy of the same should be displayed on the college Notice Board. Please acknowledge the receipt of the letter. Yours faithfully Sd/- Rama Sankar Naik, IAS., SECRETARY Copy to: 1) All the RJDIEs/ DVEOs in the State for information. 2) All the R.I.Os of BIE in the State for necessary action and to submit the consolidated records in the B.I.E office i.e. on 21-10-2014. 3) All the Officers in the BIE Head office. 4) All the Supdts., of the Examination Sections (Gen & Voc). 5) The Secy’s Peshi/ COE Peshi. 6) The PRO Cell. //True Copy Attested// Joint Secretary (Exams-II)
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