BFA FAIRFAX SKI/SNOWBOARD PROGRAM BFA Fairfax & Smuggler’s Notch has teamed up to offer us discounted group rate lift tickets, rentals and/or lessons. This reduced rate is available to students aged 6yrs or older, family members, friends, teachers, staff & the community too! **As a reminder chaperones & bus transportation is not provided, this is simply a discounted group rate. Parents are responsible for providing transportation and supervision of their child on the mountain*** A four-session package is offered and a minimum of 20 participants is required for the group rate. Prices (pays for all 4 sessions): Dates**: Sun., Jan 25 / Sun., Feb 8 / Sat., Mar 7 / Sat., Mar 14 Students: Lift Lift Lift Lift Adults: Tickets only - $56 Tickets & Lessons - $112 Tickets & Rentals - $112 Tickets/Lessons/Rentals - $168 Lift Lift Lift Lift Tickets only - $72 Tickets & Lessons - $144 Tickets & Rentals - $144 Tickets/Lessons/Rentals - $216 Lift tickets and rentals are full day. The ski or snowboard group lesson is a 2 hour session from 1-3pm. Adults and children take lessons in separate groups. A parent/guardian is responsible for accompanying their child to/from the mountain. This is a non-refundable program. EACH PARTICIPANT MUST COMPLETE A REGISTRATION FORM & A DISCLOSURE FORM. IF RENTALS ARE NEEDED, PLEASE COMPLETE A RENTAL FORM AS WELL. Registrations that are missing information or missing required forms cannot be processed by Smuggler’s Notch, so PLEASE be certain all information is complete. Extra copies of this packet are available in the Elementary office, High School Guidance office, Fairfax Community Library or Lisa can email you a packet. If you have any questions, contact Lisa Schukei, 849-2118, [email protected] or Dave Buckingham 849-6711, [email protected] DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2014 BFA Ski/Ride Registration Form Participant Name ______________________________ ______ If Student, Age_________ Homeroom Teacher(tickets will be delivered here) _____________________ Parent’s Name( if participant is 18yrs or younger)_______________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ City_____________________________State_________Zip__________ Phone_________________________ Email Address ____________________________ A DISCLOSURE FORM MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH PARTICIPANT (attached)!! IMPORTANT: THERE ARE NO CHAPERONES OR BUS TRANSPORTATION TO THE MOUNTAIN. Lift Tickets Only Lift Tickets/Lessons Lift Tickets/Rentals Lift Tickets/Lessons/Rentals $___________ $______________ $______________ $__________________ If taking a Lesson: (please circle a choice) Ski or Snowboard? If Rentals needed: (please circle one) Ski or Snowboard? Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced? COMPLETE ATTACHED EQUIPMENT RENTAL FORM DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS MONDAY DEC 1, 2014. Please return forms & payment to the Elementary Office, High School Main Office or Guidance Office. Checks should be made payable to BFA Fairfax. TOTAL DUE: $_______________ If using a CREDIT CARD AS FORM OF PAYMENT, please complete below: Circle: VISA MASTERCARD AMEX DISCOVER Credit Card Number:__________________________________________ Amount $____________ expiration_______/________ month / year Name on Card:_________________________________________ Signature__________________________
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