Short Courses CRN COURSE TITLE DAY(S) TIME UNIT(S) DATES Online Online Sat/Sun TTh Online Online Hybrid M Online Online Online MWF Online Online Online Online Online Online 8 Hours 24 Hours 9:00-5:00 1:45-4:45 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 3:00-6:00 32 Hours 16 Hours 16 Hours 10:10-11:05 16 Hours 24 Hours 48 Hours 48 Hours 48 Hours 48 Hours 0.5 1.5 1.0 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 8/26-9/16 8/18-9/23 8/23-8/24 8/19-11/6 8/18-10/13 8/18-10/13 8/18-10/13 8/18-11/6 8/18-10/28 8/18-9/23 8/18-9/23 8/18-9/22 8/18-9/23 8/18-10/13 8/18-10/13 8/18-10/13 8/18-10/13 8/18-10/13 MTWTh Hybrid M TTh TTh T 1:00-3:50 24 Hours 12:10-1:25 11:10-12:00 12:10-1:30 12:35-2:35 4.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 8/18-10/9 8/18-10/13 8/18-10/27 8/21-10/9 8/19-10/9 8/19-10/7 T 5:30-7:30 1.0 8/19-10/7 W 12:10-2:00 1.0 8/20-10/8 Sat Th Sat T 9:00-4:00 7:00-10:05 8:00-4:00 6:00-10:00 3.0 2.0 0.5 2.0 8/23-10/11 9/11-11/20 8/23 8/19-10/7 M Sat T Sat/Sun 5:30-6:20 9:00-4:00 12:35-2:25 8:00-4:00 0.5 3.0 1.0 2.0 8/18-10/13 8/23-10/11 8/19-10/7 8/23-9/13 QuickBooks: Payroll and Merchandising Business Online 2015 Smog Check Update Sat/Sun Car Care Basics for Women TTh Word Processing II: Word Online Business Presentations II: PowerPoint Online Spreadsheets II: Excel MWF Spreadsheets II: Excel Online Maximizing Your Employment Potential Online Foundations of Biotechnology T Up Your Self-Esteem Sat Honors Seminar F How to Succeed in College – PACE MW Deciding on a Major Sat 24 Hours 9:00-5:00 6:00-10:00 32 Hours 16 Hours 10:10-11:00 32 Hours 24 Hours 6:00-10:00 8:30-4:30 12:10-1:00 11:10-12:40 8:30-4:30 1.5 1.0 0.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 9/30-10/28 9/13-9/14 9/16-9/18 9/24-12/11 9/24-10/28 9/24-12/12 9/24-12/11 9/24-10/28 9/16-10/7 9/27 9/12-10/31 9/15-10/20 9/13 SELECTED SHORT COURSES BEGINNING IN AUGUST ACTG 103 OL ACTG 144 OL AUTO 665S4 SS AUTO 709 CAA BCM. 100 OL BCM. 101 OL BCM. 104 HL BCM. 200 CAD BCM. 200 OL BCM. 214 OL BCM. 222 OL BCM. 225 AS BCM. 225 OL BCM. 410 OL BUS. 100 OL BUS. 230 OL BUS. 258 OL BUS. 267 OL 94218 93141 94241 94240 93202 94248 BUS. 269 AZ BUS. 279 HL COUN 657 CAA COUN 658 CAB CRER 665SJ AA DSKL 825.1 DS 94254 DSKL 825.1 JS 94242 DSKL 826.1 BS 86772 90203 91857 94279 ECE. 201 SA ECE. 242 JS ECE. 665SH SS ESTM 411 JS 94618 90599 80762 94598 HTM. 124 JS PSYC 201 SX SOSC 160 AR WELL 880SG SS Ten-Key Skills QuickBooks: Set-Up/Service Business 2013 Smog Check Update Automotive Service Orientation Beginning Computer Keyboarding Computer Keyboarding Skill Building Intro to Computers with Windows I Introduction to MS Office Suite Introduction to MS Office Suite Word Processing I: Word Business Presentations I: PowerPoint Spreadsheets I: Excel Spreadsheets I: Excel Photoshop Essentials Introduction to Business Introduction to International Marketing Customs Broker Services and Regulations Ocean Forwarder and NVOCC Regulation, Operations and Work-Flow Warehousing and Logistics Import/Export Management Auto Guidance Seminar – CAA Allied Health Seminar – CAA Student Success Learning Strategies Assistive Computer Technology: Kurzweil 3000 I Assistive Computer Technology: Kurzweil 3000 I Assistive Computer Technology: Dragon NaturallySpeaking I Child Development Adult Supervision in ECE/CD Classrooms Children, Infant, Adult CPR/AED Introduction to Solar Photovoltaics (PV) Systems and Markets Excellence in Guest Service Child Development Women in Transition Seminar Working With Trigger Points SELECTED SHORT COURSES BEGINNING IN SEPTEMBER 94521 94547 91978 88317 89872 88300 89199 88348 91128 91203 94231 94676 91131 ACTG 145 OL AUTO 665S6 SB AUTO 665SU SS BCM. 215 OL BCM. 223 OL BCM. 226 AS BCM. 226 OL BCM. 301 OL BIOL 422 JS COUN 105 SE COUN 652 AH CRER 100 AN CRER 665SA SS 2 014 FA L L w w w. s k y l i n e c o l l e g e . e d u 127 SHORT COUR SES 88203 94520 93560 93155 88271 88247 88248 88312 90487 88318 89250 88259 88295 88226 80175 93519 92402 93213 CRN COURSE TITLE DAY(S) TIME UNIT(S) DATES 94247 DSKL 825.1 CS 93124 89572 ECE. 212 AS ECE. 241 SS 91859 92041 ECE. 665SH SA ELEC 410 AX 87370 94276 EMC. 425 JS ESTM 410 AX 85931 LSKL 110 AV Assistive Computer Technology: Kurzweil 3000 I Child, Family and Community Early Childhood Education Administration: Human Relations Children, Infant, Adult CPR/AED Introduction to Solar Installation and Integration LAB CPR: Health Care Provider Intro to Solar Installation/Integration LAB Directed Experience in Tutoring M 12:10-2:00 1.0 9/8-11/3 MW Sat 12:10-2:00 9:00-5:00 3.0 3.0 Sat TTh TTh MT TTh TTh T By Arr MTWRF MTWTh Sat 8:00-4:00 9:35-12:25 1:10-2:25 6:00-10:00 9:35-12:25 1:10-2:25 1:10-2:00 3 Hrs/Wk 1:35-2:40 1:10-2:30 9:00-5:00 0.5 3.5 9/8-12/10 9/13, 9/27, 10/11, 10/25, 11/15 & 11/22 9/6 9/9-10/30 0.5 3.5 9/15-9/16 9/9-10/30 1.0 9/8-12/9 91149 85129 93194 MATH 110 AS MATH 120 AS WELL 665SH SS Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra Introduction to Flower Essences 5.0 5.0 0.5 9/9-12/12 9/8-12/11 9/27 MWF Sat/Sun TTh TTh TTh Hybrid Online Online T Online Hybrid Online Online MTWTh Sat Sat M Sat Sat Sat TTh W T T 8:10-10:00 9:00-5:00 6:00-10:00 9:35-10:50 9:35-10:50 16 Hours 16 Hours 24 Hours 6:00-10:00 48 Hours 24 Hours 48 Hours 48 Hours 1:00-3:50 9:00-1:00 8:30-4:30 2:00-3:40 8:30-4:30 8:30-4:30 8:30-4:30 12:10-1:00 2:00-4:00 2:00-4:00 12:35-2:35 3.0 1.0 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 1.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10/15-12/12 10/11-10/12 10/7-10/9 10/14-12/11 10/14-12/11 10/14-12/12 10/14-12/12 10/14-12/12 10/21-11/11 10/15-12/15 10/14-12/12 10/14-12/12 10/14-12/12 10/13-12/11 10/18-12/13 10/4 10/13-12/8 10/18 10/11 10/25 10/14-12/11 10/15-12/3 10/14-12/2 10/21-12/9 T 5:30-7:30 1.0 10/21-12/9 W 12:10-2:00 1.0 10/22-12/17 Sat 9:00-5:00 3.0 MT T Sat Sat 6:00-10:00 6:00-10:00 9:00-5:00 9:00-5:00 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 10/4, 10/18, 11/1, 11/15, 11/22 & 12/6 10/13-10/14 10/21-12/9 10/4 10/25 Sat/Sun Sat/Sun T Sat Sat 9:00-5:00 9:00-5:00 6:00-10:00 8:30-4:30 8:30-4:30 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 11/15-11/16 11/22-11/23 11/18-12/9 11/1 11/1 SHORT COUR SES SELECTED SHORT COURSES BEGINNING IN OCTOBER 93304 93561 92772 88269 90626 88254 90489 92411 91248 92019 93978 92400 92984 94349 93181 94122 94634 93598 93599 91206 88241 94339 94351 94251 ACTG 100 AS AUTO 665S4 SA AUTO 665SX SS BCM. 100 BX BCM. 101 BX BCM. 105 HL BCM. 201 OL BCM. 411 OL BIOL 430 JS BUS. 100 OM BUS. 226 HA BUS. 246 OL BUS. 268 OL BUS. 269 BZ COSM 665SB SS COUN 102 SC COUN 104 AA COUN 106 SG COUN 107 SG COUN 108 SG CRER 136 AA CRER 650 CS CRER 650 DS DSKL 825.1 ES 94244 DSKL 826.1 LS 94243 DSKL 826.1 FS 87270 ECE. 223 SS Accounting Procedures 2013 Smog Check Update Car Care Basics for Women II Beginning Computer Keyboarding Computer Keyboarding Skill Building Introduction to Computers Windows II Integration of MS Office Applications Photoshop Portfolio Introduction to Immunology Introduction to Business Global Business Negotiation Doing Business in China Air Forwarder Operations and Work-Flow Warehousing and Logistics Introduction to Cosmetology Student Success Strategies Understanding Transfer Anxiety Management Coping with Depression Anger Management Career Planning Guidance Seminar Group Guidance Seminar Group Assistive Computer Technology: Kurzweil 3000 I Assistive Computer Technology: Dragon NaturallySpeaking I Assistive Computer Technology: Dragon NaturallySpeaking I Infant/Toddler Development 87371 94586 92907 93204 EMC. 425 KS ESTM 412 JS WELL 665SB SS WELL 665SJ SS CPR: Health Care Provider Solar Photovoltaics (PV) Design Fundamentals Introduction to Stress Reduction Introduction to Gem Elixirs SELECTED SHORT COURSES BEGINNING IN NOVEMBER 94543 93562 94612 94130 91971 128 AUTO 665S6 SA AUTO 665S4 SB BIOL 665SC JS COUN 102 SA COUN 105 SS 2015 Smog Check Update 2013 Smog Check Update Intro to Stem Cell Technology Student Success Strategies Up Your Self-Esteem w w w. s k y l i n e c o l l e g e . e d u FA L L 2 014 CRN COURSE TITLE DAY(S) TIME UNIT(S) DATES 91201 91204 92470 94591 94600 COUN 106 SS COUN 107 SS ECE. 360 SS WELL 665SO SS WELL 880SH US Anxiety Management Coping with Depression Advocacy in the Early Childhood Field Qigong for Health Deep Tissue Techniques: Seated Position Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat/Sun 8:30-4:30 8:30-4:30 9:00-5:00 9:00-5:00 8:00-4:00 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 11/22 11/15 11/22-12/6 11/15 11/15 Sat/Sun Sat MT Sat 9:00-5:00 8:30-4:30 6:00-10:00 9:00-5:00 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 12/13-12/14 12/6 12/1-12/2 12/6 5:30-8:30 7:00-10:00 7:00-10:00 3.0 3.0 3.0 8/21-12/18 8/18-12/15 8/18-12/15 6:30-9:45 3.0 8/18-12/15 9:30-12:45 3.0 8/23-12/13 MTWTh MTWTh 1:00-3:50 1:00-2:20 4.0 4.0 8/18-10/9 10/13-12/11 MF W MF W MF 7:45-8:35 7:45-8:50 2:25-3:15 1:45-2:50 1:30-2:50 3.0 8/18-12/12 3.0 8/18-12/12 3.0 8/18-12/12 TTh TTh By Arr TTh T By Arr 2:50-5:05 3:00-4:50 3 Hrs/Wk 3:00-3:50 4:00-4:50 3 Hrs/Wk 5.0 2.0 8/19-12/11 8/19-12/11 2.0 8/19-12/11 9/8-29, 10/6-11/5 11/12-24, 12/1-3 9/8-29, 10/6-11/5 11/12-24, 12/1-3 SELECTED SHORT COURSES BEGINNING IN DECEMBER 94563 94052 90529 94595 AUTO 665S6 SC COUN 108 SS EMC. 425 LS WELL 665SP SS 2015 Smog Check Update Anger Management CPR: Health Care Provider Qigong for Longevity Off-Campus Courses BAY AREA ENTREPRENEUR CENTER, 458 San Mateo Avenue, San Bruno 80188 94509 93589 BUS. 150 JZ ENGL 161 JZ MGMT 100 JZ Entrepreneurship – Small Business Management Creative Writing I Introduction to Business Management Th W M CAÑADA COLLEGE MENLO PARK CENTER, 1200 O’Brien Drive, Menlo Park 93981 ESOL 805 JZ English for Health Care I M COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER, 520 Tamarack Lane, South San Francisco 91184 ESOL 871 SZ High-Beginning ESL Grammar Sat GOODWILL SAN FRANCISCO WAREHOUSE, 1500 Mission Street, San Francisco 94218 94349 BUS. 269 AZ BUS. 269 BZ Warehousing and Logistics Warehousing and Logistics HILLSDALE HIGH SCHOOL, 3115 Del Monte Street, San Mateo 93613 ASL 111 AZ American Sign Language I 93619 ASL 111 BZ American Sign Language I 80708 PSYC 100 AZ General Psychology OCEANA HIGH SCHOOL, 401 Paloma Avenue, Pacifica 94365 92570 FILI 110 AZ MUS. 377 AZ 92825 MUS. 378 AZ SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HIGH SCHOOL, 400 B Street, South San Francisco 94260 COUN 655.1 EZ Hermanos Seminar – Transition to College MW 3:10-4:30 2.0 94265 COUN 656.1 FZ Hermanas Seminar – Transition to College MW 3:10-4:30 2.0 WESTMOOR HIGH SCHOOL, 131 Westmoor Avenue, Daly City 94356 90622 94613 ASL 111 CZ CHIN 111 AZ COUN 655.2 AZ American Sign Language I Elementary Chinese I Hermanos Seminar – Transition to College TTh MW TTh 3:00-4:15 3:00-4:15 3:10-4:30 3.0 3.0 2.0 94504 FILI 110 BZ Elementary Filipino MWF 3:00-4:15 5.0 2 014 FA L L 8/19-12/11 8/18-12/10 9/9-30, 10/7-11/6 11/13-25, 12/2-4 8/18-12/12 w w w. s k y l i n e c o l l e g e . e d u 129 OFF-C AMPUS COURSES Elementary Filipino Guitar I TBA Hours: Guitar II LAB TBA Hours:
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