High-order elliptic operators: Carleman estimates at boundaries and interfaces J´erˆ ome Le Rousseau F´ed´eration Denis-Poisson Universit´e d’Orl´eans In collaboration with Mourad Bellassoued (Facult´e des Sciences de Bizerte, Tunisia), based in parts on works in collaboration with Nicolas Lerner (Universit´e Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, France), and Luc Robbiano (Universit´e de Versailles-Saint Quentin, France). Inverse Problems and Imaging Conference Institut Henri Poincar´e, Paris, France April 2014 1/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Form and examples of Carleman estimate Notation We consider a bounded domain Ω of Rd . P differential operator of order m (need not be elliptic here) ϕ = ϕ(x) a smooth weight function to be determined. τ > 0: large parameter Form of the estimates away from boundaries For all K compact in Ω, there exist C > 0, τ0 > 0 such that P 2(m−|β|)−1 τ ϕ β 2 τ ke Dx ukL2 ≤ Ckeτ ϕ P uk2L2 , D = ∂/i (1) |β|<m for u ∈ Cc∞ (Ω), supp(u) ⊂ K and τ ≥ τ0 There are necessary conditions on both P and ϕ. There are sufficient conditions on both P and ϕ. 2/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Form and examples of Carleman estimate Notation We consider a bounded domain Ω of Rd . P differential operator of order m (need not be elliptic here) ϕ = ϕ(x) a smooth weight function to be determined. τ > 0: large parameter Form of the estimates away from boundaries Example for the Laplace operator, P = −∆ τ 3 keτ ϕ uk2L2 + τ keτ ϕ ∇x uk2L2 ≤ Ckeτ ϕ P uk2L2 , for u ∈ Cc∞ (Ω), supp(u) ⊂ K and τ ≥ τ0 There are necessary conditions on both P and ϕ. There are sufficient conditions on both P and ϕ. 2/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Applications Some domains of applications Unique continuation Carleman, H¨ ormander, Zuily, Alinhac, Robbiano, Lerner, Jerison, Kenig, Tataru, Escauriaza, and many others. Inverse problems : Identification of coefficients including stability results Bukhgeim, Klibanov, Imanuvilov, Yamamoto, Puel, Uhlmann, Kenig, Isakov, Eller, Dos-Santos Ferreira, Salo, Rosier, Baudouin, Osses, Doubova, Fern´ andez-Cara, Bellassoued, Chouli, Mercado, Benabdallah, Cristofol, Gaitan, Bourgeois, and many others Control theory Lebeau, Robbiano, Fursikov, Imanuvilov, Fern´ andez-Cara, Zuazua, Guerrero, de Teresa, Gonzales-Burgos, Puel, Rosier, Benabdallah, Ammar-Khodja, Miller, Cepa, Ervedoza, Vancostenoble, Martinez, Cannarsa, and many others 3/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Convexity of the weight function and more precise form of the estimates A Carleman estimate of the form P τ 2(m−|β|)−1 keτ ϕ Dxβ uk2L2 . keτ ϕ P uk2L2 , |β|<m can be insufficient to achieve some results, especially for inverse problems and unique continuation. 4/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Convexity of the weight function and more precise form of the estimates A Carleman estimate of the form τ 3 keτ ϕ uk2L2 + τ keτ ϕ ∇x uk2L2 . keτ ϕ ∆uk2L2 , can be insufficient to achieve some results, especially for inverse problems and unique continuation. 4/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Convexity of the weight function and more precise form of the estimates A Carleman estimate of the form τ 3 keτ ϕ uk2L2 + τ keτ ϕ ∇x uk2L2 . keτ ϕ ∆uk2L2 , can be insufficient to achieve some results, especially for inverse problems and unique continuation. Some authors introduce a second large parameter τ 3 α4 kϕ3/2 eτ ϕ uk2L2 + τ α2 kϕ1/2 eτ ϕ ∇x uk2L2 . keτ ϕ ∆uk2L2 , with ϕ(x) = exp(αψ(x)) and α ≥ α0 . 4/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Convexity of the weight function and more precise form of the estimates A Carleman estimate of the form P τ 2(m−|β|)−1 keτ ϕ Dxβ uk2L2 . keτ ϕ P uk2L2 , |β|<m can be insufficient to achieve some results, especially for inverse problems and unique continuation. Some authors introduce a second large parameter P (τ α)2(m−|β|)−1 kϕm−|β|−1/2 eτ ϕ Dxβ uk2L2 . keτ ϕ P uk2L2 , ϕ = eαψ |β|<m For parabolic/elliptic operators: Fursikov-Imanuvillov Parabolic operators at the boundary: Imanuvilov-Puel-Yamamoto Hyperbolic operators at the boundary: Bellassoued-Yamamoto For second-order operators: Isakov, Eller, Kim 4/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Example of applications Bellassoued-Yamamoto, 10 Result: A carleman estimate for ∂t2 − ∆g with two large parameters (global estimate, ie, up to the boudary) Thanks to the second large parameter it yields Carleman estimates for the plate equation the thermoelasticity plate equations thermoelasticity system with residual stress 5/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Setting at a boundary We consider P be a smooth elliptic of order m = 2µ. P P = aα (x)Dα , |α|≤m with complex valued coefficients. m/2 linear smooth boundary operators of order less than m P k Bk = bα (x)Dα , k = 1, . . . , µ = m/2, |α|≤βk with complex-valued coefficients, defined in some neighborhood of ∂Ω. Consider the elliptic boundary value problem ( P u(x) = f (x), x ∈ Ω, k k B u(x) = g (x), x ∈ ∂Ω, k = 1, . . . , µ. 6/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Setting at a boundary Consider the elliptic boundary value problem ( P u(x) = f (x), x ∈ Ω, B k u(x) = g k (x), x ∈ ∂Ω, k = 1, . . . , µ. We wish to obtain an estimate of the form µ P keτ ϕ uk2 + |eτ ϕ T (u)|2 . keτ ϕ P (x, D)uk2 + |eτ ϕ B k (x, D)u|∂Ω |2 , k=1 for u supported near a point at the boundary T (u) is the trace of (u, Dν u, . . . , Dνm−1 u) If we set Pϕ = eτ ϕ P (x, D)e−τ ϕ ; Bϕk = eτ ϕ B k (x, D)e−τ ϕ ; v = eτ ϕ u. then the Carleman estimate reads: µ P kvk2 + |T (v)|2 . kPϕ vk2 + |Bϕk v|∂Ω |2 , k=1 Estimates of this form were obtained by Tataru. We give more precise estimates here and include the complex coefficient case. J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators 7/ 35 2nd order operator at a boundary 2nd-order operators at the boundary were precisely treated by G. Lebeau and L. Robbiano (95, 97). Set P P = −∆ = j Dj2 ; ∂Ω = {xn = 0} and Ω = {xn > 0}. We write x = (x0 , xn ) and ξ = (ξ 0 , ξn ). Take ϕ = ϕ(xn ) such that ϕ0 > 0. Then M2 Pϕ = Dxn + iτ ϕ0 (x) 2 + z P}| { Dj2 1≤j≤n−1 0 = Dxn + i(τ ϕ (x) + M ) Dxn + i(τ ϕ0 (x) − M ) , where M = Op(|ξ 0 |). Consider the principal symbol pϕ (x, ξ) = p(x, ξ + iτ ϕ0 ) = ξn + i(τ ϕ0 (x) + |ξ 0 |) ξn + i(τ ϕ0 (x) − |ξ|) 8/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators 2nd order operator at a boundary Principal symbol pϕ (x, ξ) = p(x, ξ + iτ ϕ0 ) = ξn + i(τ ϕ0 (x) + |ξ 0 |) ξn + i(τ ϕ0 (x) − |ξ|) = ξn − ρ1 ξn − ρ2 In the low-frequency regime, |ξ 0 | small, Im(z) ρ1 ρ2 Re(z) We have (a microlocal perfect elliptic estimate) kvk2,τ + |T (v)|1,1/2,τ . kPϕ vkL2 (+ · · · ) 9/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators 2nd order operator at a boundary Principal symbol pϕ (x, ξ) = p(x, ξ + iτ ϕ0 ) = ξn + i(τ ϕ0 (x) + |ξ 0 |) ξn + i(τ ϕ0 (x) − |ξ|) = ξn − ρ1 ξn − ρ2 In the high-frequency regime, |ξ 0 | large, Im(z) Im(z) ρ2 ρ2 Re(z) ρ1 Re(z) ρ1 We have τ −1/2 kvk2,τ + |T (v)|1,1/2,τ . kPϕ vkL2 + boundary norm (+ · · · ) The boundary norm can be of Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin type... 9/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary Principal symbol `ϕ (x, ξ) = p(x, ξ + iτ ϕ0 ) = k Q ξn − ρj (x, τ, ξ 0 ) j=1 If all the roots have a negative imaginary part, Im(z) ρ1 ρk Re(z) ρ2 ρ3 we have (a microlocal perfect elliptic estimate) kvkk,τ + |T (v)|k−1,1/2,τ . k`ϕ vkL2 (+ · · · ) 10/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary We have (a microlocal perfect elliptic estimate) kvkk,τ + |T (v)|k−1,1/2,τ . k`ϕ vkL2 (+ · · · ) Ideas of the proof: Write `ϕ = `1 + i`2 , `1 and `2 both self adjoint. k`1 vk2L2 + k`2 vk2L2 ≥ Ckvk2k,τ − C 0 |T (v)|2k−1, 1 ,τ 2 (the roots of l1 and l2 are real and distinct) With a generalized green formula we have 2(`1 v, `2 v)2L2 ≥ B(v) − Ckvk2k,− 1 ,τ 2 The position of the roots gives B(v) & |T (v)|2k−1, 1 ,τ 2 11/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary Set %0 = (x, ξ 0 , τ ) We have pϕ (%0 , ξn ) = m Y 0 − 0 0 0 ξn − ρj (%0 ) = p+ ϕ (% , ξn )pϕ (% , ξn )pϕ (% , ξn ), j=1 with 0 p± ϕ (% , ξn ) = Q (ξn − ρj ), ± Im ρj >0 p0ϕ (%0 , ξn ) = Q (ξn − ρj ). Im ρj =0 p− ϕ yields a prefect elliptic estimate. We set 0 0 0 κϕ (%0 , ξn ) = p+ ϕ (% , ξn )pϕ (% , ξn ) 12/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary Boundary operators: B k , Conjugated operators: Bϕk k = 1, . . . , µ = eτ ϕ B k e−τ ϕ Principal symbol: bkϕ (%0 , ξn ) Strong Lopatinskii condition: The set {bkϕ (%0 , ξn )}k=1,...,µ is complete modulo κϕ (%0 , ξn ) as polynomials in ξn . For all f (ξn ) polynomial, there exist c1 , . . . , cµ ∈ C and q(ξn ) polynomial such that f (ξn ) = µ P ck bkϕ (%0 , ξn ) + q(ξn )κϕ (%0 , ξn ) k=1 13/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary With the strong Lopatinskii condition we obtain |T (v)|m−1,1/2,τ . µ P |Bϕk v|xn =0 |m−1/2−βk ,τ + kPϕ vkL2 (+ · · · ) k=1 Idea of the proof: From the strong Lopatinskii condition we have µ P k=1 |Bϕk v|xn =0 |m−1/2−βk ,τ + − mP −1 |Dnk Op(κϕ )v|xn =0 |m− −1/2−k,τ k=0 & |T (v)|m−1,1/2,τ Then use the perfect elliptic estimate for Pϕ− writing pϕ = p− ϕ κϕ : k Op(κϕ )vkm− ,τ + |T (Op(κϕ )v)|m− −1,1/2,τ . kPϕ vkL2 (+ · · · ) 14/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary We write Pϕ = A + iB with A and B both selfadjoint. Principal symbols: pϕ (%0 , ξn ) = a(%0 , ξn ) +i b(%0 , ξn ), | {z } | {z } =Re pϕ %0 = (x, ξ 0 , τ ). =Im pϕ Sub-ellipticity property: pϕ (%, ξn ) = 0 ⇒ {a, b}(%, ξn ) > 0. Classically we then obtain Cτ −1 kvk2m,τ ≤ C 0 τ −1 kAvk2L2 + kBvk2L2 + |T (v)|2m−1,1/2,τ + Re (Av, iBv) − Ba,b (v) 15/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary Assuming the Strong Lopatinskii condition and the sub-ellipticity condition We recall |T (v)|2m−1,1/2,τ . µ P k=1 |Bϕk v|xn =0 |2m−1/2−βk ,τ + kPϕ vk2L2 (+ · · · ) and Cτ −1 kvk2m,τ ≤ C 0 τ −1 kAvk2L2 + kBvk2L2 + |T (v)|2m−1,1/2,τ + Re (Av, iBv) − Ba,b (v) We have |B(v)| . |T (v)|2m−1,1/2,τ . Combining the two blue estimates we obtain τ −1 kvk2m,τ + |T (v)|2m−1,1/2,τ . kPϕ vk2L2 + µ P k=1 |Bϕk v|xn =0 |2m−1/2−βk ,τ for τ large. 16/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary We have thus obtained Theorem (Bellassoued, LR) Under sub-ellipticity condition, strong Lopatinskii condition, Let x0 ∈ ∂Ω. There exist W a neighborhood of x0 , C > 0, and τ0 > 0 such that at the boundary τ −1 keτ ϕ uk2m,τ + |eτ ϕ T (u)|2m−1,1/2,τ µ P |eτ ϕ B k (x, D)u|∂Ω |2m−1/2−βk ,τ , ≤ C keτ ϕ P (x, D)uk2L2 + k=1 for τ ≥ τ0 and u = w|Ω with w ∈ Cc∞ (W ). 17/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary Let ϕ = eαψ . With proper pseudo-differential calculus [LR12] we can obtain Theorem (Bellassoued, LR) Under strong pseudo-convexity condition, strong Lopatinskii condition, Let x0 ∈ ∂Ω. There exist W a neighborhood of x0 , C > 0, τ0 > 0, α0 such that at the boundary 1 k˜ τ − 2 eτ ϕ uk2m,˜τ + |eτ ϕ T (u)|2m−1,1/2,˜τ µ P |eτ ϕ B k (x, D)u|∂Ω |2m−1/2−βk ,˜τ , ≤ C keτ ϕ P (x, D)uk2L2 + k=1 for τ ≥ τ0 , α ≥ α0 and u = w|Ω with w ∈ Cc∞ (W ). Here τ˜ = τ αϕ. 18/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary Let ϕ = eαψ . With proper pseudo-differential calculus [LR12] we can obtain Theorem (Bellassoued, LR) Under the simple characteristic condition, strong Lopatinskii condition, Let x0 ∈ ∂Ω. There exist W a neighborhood of x0 , C > 0, τ0 > 0, α0 such that at the boundary 1 αk˜ τ − 2 eτ ϕ uk2m,˜τ + |eτ ϕ T (u)|2m−1,1/2,˜τ µ P |eτ ϕ B k (x, D)u|∂Ω |2m−1/2−βk ,˜τ , ≤ C keτ ϕ P (x, D)uk2L2 + k=1 for τ ≥ τ0 , α ≥ α0 and u = w|Ω with w ∈ Cc∞ (W ). Here τ˜ = τ αϕ. 19/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary – unique continuation Application: unique continuation at the boundary under strong pseudo-convexity condition ∂Ω {f (x) = f (x0 )} {ϕ(x) = ϕ(x0 ) − δ} x0 B {ϕ(x) = ϕ(x0 )} u=0 20/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary – unique continuation Theorem (Bellassoued-LR) Let x0 ∈ ∂Ω, f ∈ C ∞ (Ω), and V a neighborhood of x0 such that 1 the strong pseudo convexity property is fulfilled in V the strong Lopatinskii condition holds at x0 Assume that u ∈ H m (Ω) satisfies 2 |P u(x)| ≤ C X |Dα u(x)|, a.e. in V ; |α|≤m−1 for k = 1, . . . , µ |B k u(x)| ≤ C X |Dα u(x)|, a.e. in a neighborhood of V ∩ ∂Ω, |α|≤βk −1 and u vanishes in {x ∈ V ; f (x) ≥ f (x0 )}. Then u vanishes in a neighborhood of x0 . 21/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator at a boundary – unique continuation In the same setting, let P1 and P2 be of order m1 and m2 respectively. If P1 , f , B1k , k=1, . . . , m1 /2 satisfy the strong pseudo convexity property the strong Lopatinskii condition holds at x0 If P2 , f , B2k , k=1, . . . , m2 /2 satisfy the single characteristic property the strong Lopatinskii condition holds at x0 Then a similar unique continuation result holds for P = P1 P2 . 22/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Elliptic operators across an interface We wish to obtain similar results for the case of transmission problem across an interface. Setting Ω = Ω1 ∪ S ∪ Ω2 S = interface between Ω1 and Ω2 . P1 and P2 elliptic operators of order m1 = 2µ1 and m2 = 2µ2 (possibly different). m1 + m2 linear transmission operators P j Skj = sk,α (x)Dα , k = 1, 2, j = 1, . . . , m = µ1 + µ2 . (1) |α|≤βkj We consider the following elliptic transmission problem ( Pk uk = fk in Ωk , , k = 1, 2 S1j u1 + S2j u2 = g j , in S, j = 1, . . . , m. in addition with boundary conditions. 23/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Elliptic operators across an interface The type of estimate that we wish to obtain is of the form P k=1,2 τ −1 keτ ϕk uk k2mk ,τ + |eτ ϕk T (uk )|2mk −1,1/2,τ . P keτ ϕk Pk (x, D)uk k2L2 k=1,2 + m P j=1 |eτ ϕ|S (S1j (x, D)u1 + S2j (x, D)u2 )|S |2m−1/2−β j ,τ , 24/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators 2nd order operator across an interface 2nd-order operators at an interface were treated by [LR–Robbiano, 10; LR–Lerner 13]. Set P1 = −∇c1 ∇; P2 = −∇c2 ∇; S = {xn = 0}, Ω1 = {xn < 0}, and Ω2 = {xn > 0}. We write x = (x0 , xn ) and ξ = (ξ 0 , ξn ). Take ϕ = ϕ(xn ) such that ϕ0 > 0. Then pj,ϕ (x, ξ) = pj (x, ξ + iτ ϕ0 ) = ξn − ρj1 ξn − ρj2 25/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators 2nd order operator across an interface Im(z) Im(z) ρ12 ρ11 ρ21 no info ρ22 Re(z) two traces are determined Im(z) Im(z) ρ12 ρ11 ρ21 ρ22 no info One relation J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators Re(z) 26/ 35 2nd order operator across an interface Im(z) Im(z) ρ12 ρ11 two traces are dertermined one relation Im(z) Re(z) ρ22 ρ21 Im(z) ρ12 ρ22 Re(z) ρ11 ρ21 one relation J. Le Rousseau one relation high-order elliptic operators 27/ 35 2nd order operator across an interface Conditions to always be able to solve for the traces at the interface are put forward in [LR–Robbiano]. These conditions are proven sharp in [LR–Lerner] A quasi-mode is constructed otherwise. These conditions are generalized here for the high-order transmission problem. 28/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator across an interface we set Pj,ϕ = eτ ϕj Pj (x, D)e−τ ϕj ; k Sj,ϕ = eτ ϕj Sjk (x, D)e−τ ϕj ; vj = eτ ϕj uj . We have pj,ϕ (%0 , ξn ) = m Qj k=1 − 0 0 0 0 ξn − ρjk (%0 ) = p+ j,ϕ (% , ξn )pj,ϕ (% , ξn )pj,ϕ (% , ξn ), with 0 p± j,ϕ (% , ξn ) = Q (ξn − ρjk ), ± Im ρjk >0 p0ϕ (%0 , ξn ) = Q (ξn − ρjk ). Im ρjk =0 We set 0 0 0 κj,ϕ (%0 , ξn ) = p+ j,ϕ (% , ξn )pj,ϕ (% , ξn ) 29/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator across an interface The transmission condition for Pj , Sjj , ϕj , j = 1, . . . , m reads: for all pairs of polynomials, qj (ξn ), there exist Uj , polynomials, and ck ∈ C, k = 1, . . . , m = m1 + m2 , such that: q1 (ξn ) = m P ck sk1,ϕ (%0 , ξn ) + U1 (ξn )κ1,ϕ (%0 , ξn ), k=1 and q2 (ξn ) = m P ck sk2,ϕ (%0 , ξn ) + U2 (ξn )κ2,ϕ (%0 , ξn ). k=1 30/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator across an interface The important proposition then becomes Proposition Assume that the transmission condition is satisfied then C |T (v1 )|m1 −1,1/2,τ + |T (v2 )|m2 −1,1/2,τ m P k k |S1,ϕ v1|xn =0 + S2,ϕ v2|xn =0 |m−1/2−β k ,τ ≤ k=1 + kP1,ϕ v1 kL2 + kP2,ϕ v2 kL2 + (...), for τ ≥ τ0 , v1 , v2 ∈ C ∞ . Then the Carleman estimate follows. 31/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator across an interface Theorem (LR–Bellassoued) Let x0 ∈ S and let ϕ ∈ C 0 (Ω) be such that ϕk = ϕ|Ωk ∈ C ∞ (Ωk ) for k = 1, 2 and such that the pairs {Pk , ϕk } have the sub-ellipticity property in a neighborhood of x0 in Ωk . Moreover, assume that Pk , ϕ, Skj , k = 1, 2, j = 1, . . . , µ satisfies the transmission condition at x0 . Then there exist a neighborhood W of x0 in Rn and two constants C and τ∗ > 0 such that P k=1,2 τ −1 keτ ϕk uk k2mk ,τ + |eτ ϕk T (uk )|2mk −1,1/2,τ ≤C P keτ ϕk Pk (x, D)uk k2L2 k=1,2 + m P j=1 |eτ ϕ|S (S1j (x, D)u1 + S2j (x, D)u2 )|S |2m−1/2−β j ,τ , for all uk = wk|Ωk with wk ∈ Cc∞ (W ) and τ ≥ τ∗ . 32/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator across an interface Version with two large parameters. Theorem (LR–Bellassoued) Let x0 ∈ S and let ψ ∈ C 0 (Ω) be such that ψk = ψ|Ωk ∈ C ∞ (Ωk ) for k = 1, 2 and such that ψk have the strong pseudo-convexity property with respect to Pk in a neighborhood of x0 in Ωk . Moreover, assume that Pk , ψ, Skj , k = 1, 2, j = 1, . . . , µ satisfies the transmission condition at x0 . Then there exist a neighborhood W of x0 in Rn and three constants C, τ∗ > 0, and α∗ > 0 such that for ϕk = exp(αψk ) and τ˜k = τ αϕk : P k=1,2 −1/2 τ ϕ 2 τ˜ e k uk m k ≤C τk k ,˜ + |eτ ϕ|S T (uk )|2mk −1,1/2,˜τ P keτ ϕk Pk (x, D)uk k2L2 k=1,2 + m P j=1 |e τ ϕ|S (S1j (x, D)u1|S + S2j (x, D)u2|S )|2m−1/2−β k ,˜τ , for all uk = wk|Ωk with wk ∈ Cc∞ (W ), τ ≥ τ∗ and α ≥ α∗ . 33/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator across an interface Version with two large parameters. Theorem (LR–Bellassoued) Let x0 ∈ S and let ψ ∈ C 0 (Ω) be such that ψk = ψ|Ωk ∈ C ∞ (Ωk ) for k = 1, 2 and such that ψk have the simple characteristic property with respect to Pk in a neighborhood of x0 in Ωk . Moreover, assume that Pk , ψ, Skj , k = 1, 2, j = 1, . . . , µ satisfies the transmission condition at x0 . Then there exist a neighborhood W of x0 in Rn and three constants C, τ∗ > 0, and α∗ > 0 such that for ϕk = exp(αψk ) and τ˜k = τ αϕk : P k=1,2 −1/2 τ ϕ 2 ατ˜k e k uk m ≤C τk k ,˜ P + |eτ ϕ|S T (uk )|2mk −1,1/2,˜τ keτ ϕk Pk (x, D)uk k2L2 k=1,2 + m P j=1 |e τ ϕ|S (S1j (x, D)u1|S + S2j (x, D)u2|S )|2m−1/2−β k ,˜τ , for all uk = wk|Ωk with wk ∈ Cc∞ (W ), τ ≥ τ∗ and α ≥ α∗ . 34/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators High-order operator across an interface With the above estimates we can deduce unique continuation results near an interface. S {f (x) = f (x0 )} {ϕ(x) = ϕ(x0 ) − δ} {ϕ(x) = ϕ(x0 )} x0 B u=0 35/ 35 J. Le Rousseau high-order elliptic operators
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