L1 Youth Trail(Novice) Tordoff, Olivia Shank, Karissa Ritzi, Anneleise Fearon, Macy Shank, Karissa Sterling Version Zan A Dew Man Im Sassy Venture Assets Dont Pass Him 26 22 19 15 11 Zips Bossy Chip HF Tahnee Too InvitaRon To Boot Blaze On The Border InkryminaRng Lets Shake Em Up Hez Simply Dynamic Awesome Gremlin EBG Showin On Go The Fancy Version Sterling Version 72 71 35 33 22 18 16 15 9 5 1 RR My Sudden Career Cee Me Go Solo Chromeplatedchocolat 19 7 4 Man Im Sassy Good Girls Dont Iron 39 28 Blaze On The Border HF Tahnee Too Good Girls Dont Iron 63 50 15 One Hot Saturdaynite 31 Vested Romance At The Bar For Hours 59 59 Youth Trail Maxwell, Ellexxah Mainwaring, Marley Luckhardt, Alyssa R Severance, Mckenzie Gates, Jordan Martz, Paulina Mahaffey, Kara J Brown, Emma White, BridgeY Stein, Allie Tordoff, Olivia Small Fry Trail Miller, Grace Worden, Colton Welbaum, Darby L1 Youth Western Riding(Novice) Ritzi, Anneleise Magrum, Kayla Youth Western Riding Severance, Mckenzie Mainwaring, Marley Magrum, Kayla Leadline Rowland, Hadleigh Small Fry Pleasure Shank, Kadin Gore, Emma Miller, Grace Bell, Delaney Coughlin, Ava Worden, Colton Welbaum, Darby D'onofrio, Isabella Marie RR My Sudden Career An American Leaguer Divas InvitaRon Cee Me Go Solo Chromeplatedchocolat Just Good Enough 50 50 34 23 7 7 RR My Sudden Career At The Bar For Hours Vested Romance Divas InvitaRon Just Good Enough Chromeplatedchocolat An American Leaguer 78 62 43 28 27 15 14 Man Im Sassy Only Dreamin N Lopin Makem Hot My Sweet AddicRon Heza PotenRal Star Dont Pass Him Ziptown Doc Mws Makemineadouble Good Alibis Rocked N Red 39 22 20 19 16 15 12 9 9 1 Small Fry Horsemanship Miller, Grace Gore, Emma Shank, Kadin Coughlin, Ava D'onofrio, Isabella Marie Welbaum, Darby Bell, Delaney L1 Youth Western Horsemanship(Novice) Ritzi, Anneleise Burke, Bradyn Channell, Jillian KeaRng, Abby Weiler, Isabella Shank, Karissa Bell, Reily Brush, Lindsay Jones, Rachel Baker, Audrey Youth Western Horsemanship 13 & Under Mainwaring, Marley Maxwell, Ellexxah Tordoff, Olivia Carnahan, Lauren Gimbel, Kaylyn Weiler, Isabella Bell, Reily HF Tahnee Too Zips Bossy Chip Sterling Version Too Lazy To Zip A Complete Repeat Heza PotenRal Star Ziptown Doc 74 57 50 23 13 13 8 RL Best Of Faith Blaze On The Border InkryminaRng Dont Always Skip Me Hez Simply Dynamic Good Girls Dont Iron 32 29 24 15 12 11 Youth Western Horsemanship 14 -‐ 18 Bartholomew, Ciara Severance, Mckenzie Gates, Jordan Hoffa, Sydney Mahaffey, Kara J Magrum, Kayla Luckhardt, Alyssa R Hull, Lauren Fearon, Macy InvitaRon To Boot One Lazy Time Venture Assets 10 5 1 Ziptown Doc Dontskipmyinvestment Dont Pass Him My Sweet AddicRon Man Im Sassy 29 25 18 8 5 HunRn For Daisies Ziptown Doc HF Tahnee Too Too Lazy To Zip Heza PotenRal Star 62 41 36 27 6 Rocked N Red InvitaRon To Boot Only IntuiRon Only Dreamin N Lopin HunRn A Girl 43 31 30 19 15 Peppys Dun Oscar Pistol RouleYe I Bee Sizzlin Hot 33 29 21 Betcha Wont Forgetme Lazy Duz It Blaze On The Border Dont Pass Him Red Hot N Krymsun Bossy Commander My Sweet AddicRon Detail My Assets Ziptown Doc Heza PotenRal Star 29 44 32 15 12 10 8 6 3 2 L1 Youth Western Pleasure(Novice) Bell, Reily Reiterman, Bethany Shank, Karissa KeaRng, Abby Ritzi, Anneleise Youth Western Pleasure (13 & Under) Tordoff, Olivia Bell, Reily Mainwaring, Marley Carnahan, Lauren Weiler, Isabella Youth Western Pleasure (14-‐18) Baker, Audrey Luckhardt, Alyssa R Brown, Emma Burke, Bradyn Martz, Paulina Yth Ranch Horse Pleasure Wright, Mariah Lohr, Kalee Wright, Mariah L1 Youth Showmanship at Halter Burt, Dianna Delk, Emily Severance, Mckenzie Shank, Karissa Fehring, Josie Tordoff, Alexia KeaRng, Abby Wilkinson, Rochelle Bell, Reily Weiler, Isabella Youth Showmanship (13 & Under) Maxwell, Ellexxah Mainwaring, Marley Tordoff, Olivia Tordoff, Alexia Gimbel, Kaylyn Weiler, Isabella Bell, Reily Shank, Karissa Hartzell, Lauren Zips Bossy Chip HF Tahnee Too Sterling Version Bossy Commander A Complete Repeat Heza PotenRal Star Ziptown Doc Zan A Dew Allocate Your Art 88 60 54 19 19 14 13 2 1 The Fancy Version GoYa Be Natural Hez Simply Dynamic Man Im Sassy Dont Always Skip Me EBG Showin On Go Hot N Sleepy Red Hot N Krymsun Mws Makemineadouble InvitaRon To Boot RL Best Of Faith 41 26 26 23 17 8 8 7 6 2 2 RL IMPULSE RR My Sudden Career Just Good Enough RR Just Plain PreYy One Hot Saturdaynite Cee Me Go Solo An American Leaguer Chromeplatedchocolat 73 66 40 38 30 22 20 14 Lets Shake Em Up RR My Sudden Career InkryminaRng Hez Simply Dynamic Lazy Duz It RL Best Of Faith This NoRce Is Due EBG Showin On Go Hot N Sleepy Heza PotenRal Star 87 42 30 13 9 7 4 4 4 3 Youth Showmanship (14 -‐ 18) Stein, Allie Conger, Ashley Mahaffey, Kara J Ritzi, Anneleise Hoffa, Sydney White, Bridget Tomilson, Kayla Fehring, Josie Brush, Lindsay Luckhardt, Alyssa R Bartholomew, Ciara Small Fry Showmanship Paul, Allie Miller, Grace D'onofrio, Isabella Marie Gore, Emma Rowland, Hadleigh Worden, Colton Bell, Delaney Welbaum, Darby Youth Peformance Halter Geldings Martz, Paulina Miller, Grace Gates, Jordan Mahaffey, Kara J Delk, Emily Bartholomew, Ciara Gerdes, Madeline White, Bridget Tomilson, Kayla Weiler, Isabella Youth Peformance Halter Mares Maxwell, Ellexxah Mainwaring, Marley Stein, Allie Tordoff, Olivia Luckhardt, Alyssa R Ritzi, Anneleise KeaRng, Abby Colvin, Caitlyn Hartzell, Lauren Zips Bossy Chip HF Tahnee Too The Fancy Version HunRn For Daisies InvitaRon To Boot Man Im Sassy My Sweet AddicRon Mills King Racheal Allocate Your Art 83 43 32 28 24 15 13 4 3 Makem Hot Red Hot N Dangerous Heza PotenRal Star Good Alibis Mws Makemineadouble 22 18 17 13 13 GoYa Be Natural 23 Rocked N Red Detail My Assets Bmq Rich N Chocolaty Good Will Moxie One Lazy Time Arcully Graceful Bossy Commander Heza PotenRal Star Dont Pass Him Allocate Your Art Lazy Duz It 70 46 19 18 18 9 5 5 4 4 2 Zips Bossy Chip Too Lazy To Zip Bossy Commander Heza PotenRal Star Allocate Your Art 51 47 44 43 36 Youth Three Yr Old Geldings Youth Aged Geldings Channell, Jillian Querry, Abby Weiler, Isabella Jones, Rachel Brush, Lindsay Youth Aged Mares Conger, Josh L1 Youth Hunter Under Saddle(Novice) Baker, Audrey Wilkinson, Rochelle Eier, Lucy Fehring, Josie R Hull, Lauren Lohr, Kalee Tordoff, Alexia Weiler, Isabella Shank, Karissa Hartzell, Lauren Delk, Emily Youth Hunter Under Saddle (13 & Under) Maxwell, Ellexxah Carnahan, Lauren Tordoff, Alexia Weiler, Isabella Hartzell, Lauren Shank, Karissa Zan A Dew 28 Ive Been ExpecRng U InkryminaRng Detail My Assets Happy Pony Hot N Sleepy Duplicated Duke EBG Showin On Go Bmq Rich N Chocolaty 28 28 10 6 6 5 4 3 RR My Sudden Career Just Good Enough 14 10 RR My Sudden Career Just Good Enough 16 8 Dont Always Skip Me Bossy Commander Makem Hot This NoRce Is Due Mws Makemineadouble Zan A Dew Man Im Sassy Betcha Wont Forgetme Duplicated Duke Rocked N Red 57 42 19 13 12 11 10 9 6 1 Zips Bossy Chip Too Lazy To Zip Bossy Commander Heza PotenRal Star Zan A Dew A Complete Repeat 71 48 28 25 10 1 Dont Always Skip Me 36 Youth Hunter Under Saddle (14-‐18) Morgan, Kiara Gates, Jordan Wilkinson, Rochelle Conger, Ashley Tomilson, Kayla Krutulis, Ashton White, BridgeY Eier, Lucy Ohio Small Fry HUS Miller, Grace D'onofrio, Isabella Marie Ohio Small Fry EQ Miller, Grace D'onofrio, Isabella Marie L1 Youth Hunt Seat EquitaPon(Novice) Hoffa, Sydney Tordoff, Alexia Channell, Jillian Gerdes, Madeline Brush, Lindsay Shank, Karissa Ritzi, Anneleise Burt, Dianna Krutulis, Ashton Baker, Audrey Youth Hunt Seat EquitaPon (13 & Under) Maxwell, Ellexxah Carnahan, Lauren Tordoff, Alexia Weiler, Isabella Shank, Karissa Gimbel, Kaylyn Youth Hunt Seat EquitaPon (14-‐18) Hoffa, Sydney Mahaffey, Kara J Conger, Ashley White, BridgeY Hull, Lauren Hez Simply Dynamic Happy Pony EBG Showin On Go One Lazy Time 33 21 20 4 Peppys Dun Oscar Outlaw Juicy Wales CVF Havanadaydreamin I Bee Sizzlin Hot Pistol RouleYe 50 48 29 21 6 Mills King Racheal Dees Boogie Man Blazin Jet Time Dodge A BulleY Bailys CuYer Es 58 54 47 38 17 Mills King Racheal Blazin Jet Time Dees Boogie Man Dodge A BulleY Bailys CuYer Es 66 56 31 27 10 Mills King Racheal Blazin Jet Time Dodge A BulleY Dees Boogie Man Bailys CuYer Es 59 40 32 28 24 Youth Reining Wright, Mariah Turner, Luke Mcclure, Colton Wright, Mariah Lohr, Kalee Youth Pole Bending Colvin, Caitlyn Preist, Cassandra Priest, Reagan Colvin, Caitlyn Schwab III, Paul Youth Stake Race Colvin, Caitlyn Priest, Reagan Preist, Cassandra Colvin, Caitlyn Schwab III, Paul Youth Barrel Racing Colvin, Caitlyn Priest, Reagan Colvin, Caitlyn Preist, Cassandra Schwab III, Paul
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