BME Degree Audit Reconciliation

The purpose of this form is to reconcile discrepancies in your degree audit which do$not include exceptions to the
academic requirements, for example, the$9:6:3$option for courses already designated as a GA, GH, and GS.
Please$fill out this$form and submit it to the BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Undergraduate Program Office in Room
206 Hallowell Building. This form does not require an$adviser signature; the necessary adjustments will be made$on
your degree audit.
Name:____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Student ID#:_______________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________
Please$check the$options that$apply to your specific degree audit discrepancy.
Use 9:6:3$option for AHS$requirement credits: ___GA ___GH ___GS$(write in number of credits).
Please$list the$9 credit class/semester taken ____________________
Foreign Language$003 (e.g. SPAN 003) or greater as a GA, GH, GS$and IL (cannot be$the$“3” category if 9:6:
3 is used). List where$to post course$(GA/GH/GS) _____________________
MATH 231 + 232 is equivalent to MATH 230
EMCH 211 + 213 is equivalent to EMCH 210
Capstone Design$Course substitution$for BIOE 450W (approved$Learning Factory courses and$BME
approved projects only).
First Year Seminar experience$satisfied at location other than University Park.
Specify 1 additional credit that you have on your transcript that isn’t meeting any other requirement.
ENGL 137H + 138T + 1 credit = ENGL 30, CAS$100, FYS
Specify 1 additional credit that you have$on your transcript that isn’t meeting any other requirement. (For
the FYS course credit)$ __________________________________________________
MATSE 403 = BME 443 (degree audit not recognizing cross:listed course)
MATSE 404 = BME 444 (degree audit not recognizing cross:listed course)
BME 496 or BME 494H as Option$Elective, Related$Elective or Sci/Engr Elective (circle one; 3 credits max.)
BME 497____ (Letter) i.e. BME 497G, BME 497K as Related$Elective or Sci/Engr Elective (circle one)$(must$
submit petition to satisfy Option Elective).
Any other request including option$elective$substitutions require a general petition and departmental approval.
Requests for$general education substitutions require a general petition and college approval.
Degree Audit Changed____________________________
M:Forms and Notes/Reconciliation Form/9 2014