Exploring How Mobile Technologies Impact Pedestrian Safety April 2014 NYC Media Lab Research Brief Prepared for AT&T by the Integrated Digital Media program at the Polytechnic School of Engineering of New York University Research team: Nikki Zeichner Phoenix Perry Miranda Sita Laura Barbera Tim Nering This paper was prepared for AT&T as part of a NYC Media Lab Open Seed Project with NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering’s Integrated Digital Media Program. Launched by a consortium including the New York City Economic Development Corporation, NYU and Columbia University, NYC Media Lab is a public-private partnership that connects companies with university R&D, faculty and students. AT&T is a charter corporate member of NYC Media Lab. For more information, visit http://nycmedialab.org. Cover photo by Jeremy Cox of Flickr (jeremywcox). For more information, visit http://nycmedialab.org. Table of contents Summary 1 The Intersection of Mobile Device Use and Pedestrian Safety 2 What Sets New York City Apart 4 New York City’s Response 5 Research on Mobile Device Use by Distracted Pedestrians 8 Opportunities to Improve Traffic Safety with Mobile Technologies 9 Conclusion 14 References 15 Summary has This paper provides software and mobile device skyrocketed, changing the way people behave in many developers with an overview of recent applications of environments, including on city streets. Much of the mobile technologies addressing traffic safety. It also emphasis of governments, advocacy organizations, spotlights potential solutions mobile technologies can researchers and technologists concerned with the contribute to improving safety conditions on New York safety implications of mobile device use in traffic has City streets. Consumer adoption of mobile devices rightly focused on the behavior of drivers, and, in particular, the dangers of texting while driving. This paper outlines the impact of vehicle-pedestrian crashes, provides a synopsis of the city’s approach to This paper provides software and mobile device developers with an overview of recent applications of mobile technologies addressing traffic safety. traffic safety, examines research on hazards of mobile device use by distracted pedestrians, and reviews technologies leveraging smart phones and wireless networks that aim to empower pedestrians and reduce driver distraction. The research team approached smart phone use and traffic safety from a technological perspective: How might mobile technologies make pedestrians in urban areas safer, especially to mitigate smart phone distraction and to increase pedestrians’ environmental connectedness Research examining texting while driving is bountiful and what opportunities exist for technological solutions and the findings unequivocally demonstrate hazards. to complement the efforts of governments, advocacy More recently, there is also a growing body of research organizations and businesses to reduce injuries and and evidence that supports the claim that pedestrians deaths. may be increasing traffic safety risks by walking in traffic while focused on their smart phone. 1 The Intersection of Mobile Device Use and Pedestrian Safety The number of mobile phones in the U.S. has cited by the New York City Police Department as the increased from 340,000 in 1985 to 302.9 million in cause of about a third of all crashes, beating the next 2010.1 category by more than 2 to 1.4 Rapidly increasing mobile phone use has been linked with dangerous, distracted driving. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, nine people are killed and more than 1,060 are injured every day in the U.S. due to distracted driving.2 The CDC defines three types of distraction – visual, manual, and cognitive. It recognizes that texting while driving is “especially dangerous because it combines all three types of distraction.” “Driver inattention” was cited by NYPD as the cause of about a third of all crashes, beating the next category by 3 While fatalities attributed to texting while driving more than 2 to 1. is imprecise, the category “driver inattention” was 160 < 16 511 16 - 20 21 - 25 1003 Age Group 26 - 30 453 314 359 342 36 - 40 310 41 - 45 562 404 46 - 50 51 - 55 310 91 15 452 358 137 56 - 60 > 65 1254 556 305 31 - 35 61 - 65 1429 985 287 271 493 Pedestrians Drivers National Estimates of Cases Figure 1: CPSC National Estimates (total from 2004-2010) of injuries related to cellphone use by pedestrians (n=5482) and drivers (n=5879).5 2 In 2011, Transportation Alternatives and the Drum To reduce injuries from distracted driving, states Major Institute for Public Policy co-authored a report, and the federal government have passed legislation “Walking in Traffic Violence: Pervasiveness of Motor banning phone use while driving.10 In 2010, the Federal Vehicle Crashes with Pedestrians in New York City,” Motor Carrier Safety Administration banned commercial to draw attention to the overall dangers faced by vehicle drivers from texting while driving.11 And, in pedestrians.6 The report argued that, in New York 2009 AT&T launched the “It Can Wait” campaign to City, pedestrian injuries and fatalities due to crashes spread awareness about the dangers of mobile device with cars remain high compared to rates in similar, use while driving and to encourage teen drivers to densely populated cities. “New Yorkers are twice as sign the “It Can Wait” pledge. Sprint, T-Mobile and likely to be killed in a car crash as in Berlin, Tokyo, Verizon joined AT&T’s effort, which has yielded over 4 or Paris.”7 The New York State Department of Motor million pledges and a widespread education campaign Vehicles reports little change in recent years in the throughout high schools across the United States. rates of pedestrian injuries and deaths in New York Working together, these companies have deployed City resulting from crashes with cars, with a significant social media, multimedia content production and mobile increase in the number of crashes in 2013 (Table 1). apps to maximize the campaign’s reach.12 Pedestrian casualties from car crashes in NYC YEAR CRASHES INJURIES DEATHS 2006 10,958 10,744 156 2007 11,035 10,859 135 2008 10,973 10,722 151 2009 10,715 10,433 158 2010 11,266 11,084 149 2011 10,794 10,660 143 2012 10,925 10,809 135 2013 14,8457 Table 1: Car/Pedestrian Crashes, 2006-20138 3 Not released What Sets New York City Apart New York City is the only U.S. city where over half of all households do not own a car.13 With the exception of Portland, Oregon, pedestrians in New York City are safer here than in any other major city in the United States.14 Despite the city’s prominent pedestrian culture and history of strategic transportation planning designed to empower pedestrians and ensure their safety, pedestrian safety remains a critical issue. In 2012, New York City experienced 10,925 crashes between pedestrians and cars.15 of For victims ages 7 to 17, the numbers climbed to more Transportation reported a reduction in traffic fatalities than 10 percent of pedestrians and nearly 30 percent of of 35% from 2001 to 2012, a recent study of vehicle- cyclists.”17 According to American College of Surgeons, pedestrian crashes between 2007 and 2010 by “nearly one in five patients ages 13 to 17 were sending researchers at Hunter College suggests that injuries text messages, listening to music, or otherwise distracted of this kind in New York City are, in fact, grossly by a mobile device at the time of their accident.”18 Although the New York City Department underreported, and that pedestrians face more danger than the numbers may indicate.16 Researchers have begun to investigate the direct relationship between mobile device use and pedestrian injuries in New York City. In one study, researchers found that of the 1,400 pedestrian and cyclist injuries treated at New York’s Bellevue Hospital Center between 2008 and 2011, “[a]bout 8 percent of both pedestrians and cyclists said they were injured while using an electronic device, including a cellphone or music player. 4 New York City’s Response The relatively consistent number of pedestrian injuries Again, in September 2012, in response to growing and fatalities in New York City between 2006 and awareness of pedestrian distraction, the New York City 2012 comes despite the Bloomberg administration’s Department of Transportation launched the LOOK! numerous pedestrian-friendly projects, programs, and Safety Campaign. research around traffic and pedestrian safety in the messages on crosswalks, this campaign aimed to City during this time. 19 influence pedestrian behavior by providing visual cues In August 2010, Mayor Bloomberg, along with then Through outdoor advertising and at intersections. City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and then DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, issued a comprehensive study of street safety in New York, based on data gathered pursuant to the amendment of Local Law 11 in April 2008.20 This report examined 7,000 vehicle-pedestrian crash records and concluded that “…speeding, running red lights and failure to yield” were main causes of serious pedestrian crashes with vehicles in New York City.21 LOOK! Campaign Message, 2012.22 Based on these findings, the DOT undertook The campaign was modeled after a similar campaign numerous steps to calm traffic in neighborhoods in London that was designed to alert tourists to traffic in midtown Manhattan. Left-turn visibility was hazards.23 The London campaign, like New York City’s, improved, countdown signals were installed at deployed simple, clear messaging to mitigate risk-taking pedestrian crossings, and streets and intersections behavior on the part of pedestrians when in proximity were comprehensively re-engineered with the goal of to vehicular traffic. improving pedestrian safety. The city at this time also London campaign focused on a series of key findings launched an anti-speeding campaign to raise safety around “risk-taking” behavior. In its research, Transport awareness among motorists and restricted traffic in for London, distinguished between behaviors based on some residential neighborhoods to a 20 mile-per-hour intent and perception of risk. They found that “intentional speed limit. risk-taking as a pedestrian is… more likely if people 5 Contextual research around the do not believe that there is a high likelihood of any These intentional, high-risk actions are highly influenced undesirable consequences happening. The end result is by social cues, e.g. tourist areas where jaywalking that they perceive their behavior as being relatively low behavior is highly present, or safety barriers are routinely risk.”24 ignored. Intentional Crossing between Ignoring barriers Crossing stationary traffic on red Crossing Crossing between moving traffic halfway Low perceived risk High perceived risk First step free Talking with friends Taking Avoiding obstructions a photo Herding Unintentional Figure 2: Intentionality and Perception of Risk. Transport for London Report.25 6 LOOK! complements other DOT campaigns on road safety that have been launched since 2006 (“Heads Up”, “That’s Why It’s 30”, “You The Man”). 26 These campaigns are intended to work in tandem with • Crossing countdown signals; • Barriers at high-risk intersections; • Road engineering for maximum bilateral visibility; engineering-oriented approaches recommended by the • Multi-modal solutions (e.g., auditory feedback as a 2010 DOT action plan, including approaches such as: crossing indicator).27 As a candidate for office in 2013, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Mayor Bill de Blasio took office and reaffirmed his intention to make pedestrian safety a “central focus” of his newly-elected administration and quickly produced a “Vision Zero” Action Plan that outlined a series of policy initiatives directly aimed at improving pedestrian safety on New York City streets. onto the “Vision Zero” traffic safety project to reduce traffic fatalities by 100%.28 Weeks after he took office, and prompted by widely publicized pedestrian fatalities in early 2014, the Mayor reaffirmed his intention to make pedestrian safety a “central focus” of his newly-elected administration29 and quickly produced a “Vision Zero” Action Plan that outlined a series of policy initiatives directly aimed at improving pedestrian safety on New York City streets.30 The “Vision Zero” proposals supplement the 2010 New York City DOT plan with additional law enforcement initiatives, legislative measures, engineering proposals, and city government response protocols, as well as a new series of outreach, education, and engagement initiatives to improve pedestrian safety. The proposal calls for a permanent task force in the Mayor’s Office of Operations to synchronize and promote these initiatives. The “Vision Zero” plan promotes a multi-agency, synergistic effort to combat pedestrian injury and fatality through a wide variety of comprehensive mitigation strategies. 7 Research on Mobile Device Use by Distracted Pedestrians As vehicle-pedestrian crashes are overwhelmingly proposed New York law that would have made it a crime to attributed to driver-caused hazards such as speeding, “enter and cross a crosswalk while engaging in the use of an intoxication and distraction,31 policymakers, traffic electronic device.” safety advocates, and mobile carriers have rightly • A 2009 study in the Journal of the American Academy focused on mobile phone use and texting as a lethal of Pediatrics examined the influence of talking on a cell source of distraction for drivers. Yet, pedestrian smart phone for pedestrian injury risk in youths, and found that phone distraction has recently attracted attention and participants aged 10-11 were less attentive to traffic, did not led researchers to explore the relationship between leave a safe amount of time to cross, and experienced more pedestrian mobile device use and injury. Some recent collisions and close calls when using a cell phone than test research includes: subjects who did not.33 • A 2007 study from researchers including Jack • A 2011 study by researchers in the Department of Nasar, then of Brooklyn Polytechnic, looked at Psychology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham mobile phones, distracted attention and pedestrian considered how talking on the phone, texting and listening safety. They found that “mobile phone users crossed to music impact crossing the street, using college students unsafely into oncoming traffic significantly more” as test subjects.34 This study found in particular that “texting, than other observed groups. The study found that which involves not only communication interchanges but “For pedestrians as with drivers, cognitive distraction also reading and typing, may be more cognitively distracting from mobile phone use reduces situation awareness, and demanding than talking.” It also found that all of these increases behaviors distract from the crossing environment and lead unsafe behavior, putting pedestrians at greater risk for accidents.”32 This study cites a to higher risk of injury. 8 • A similar 2012 study examined the ways in which They sampled injury reports from 100 national hospitals and gait velocity and trajectory changed for walkers when produced estimates of pedestrian mobile phone use-related interacting with the screen on a mobile device.35 This injuries reported at 3,800 hospitals throughout the U.S.38 They small-scale experiment measured the movement of found that the number of pedestrian injuries due to pedestrian 33 university students as students texted on smart mobile phone use had increased from 506 injuries in 2004 to devices while moving through an obstacle course. 1506 injuries in 2010. The participants who texted while walking moved same rate, the researchers predicted over 3,000 injuries per 33 percent slower and deviated from their intended year by 2015.39 Researchers also noted that injuries are likely course 61 percent more often than those who did not greater than reported by the NEISS data. “Many people who use their phones.36 suffer an injury may not go to the emergency room; they may • A 2013 study by researchers at Ohio State University examines the causal relationship between pedestrian use of mobile devices and pedestrian injuries. 37 These authors use data from 2004 to 2010 from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System If injuries continue to increase at the go to their primary care doctor, not go to a doctor, may not report the cell phone as the cause, or may die (newspapers report incidents of pedestrian mobile phone users getting hit and killed by cars, busses and trains).”40 Sixteen to twentyfive year olds were most impacted by distracted walking.41 (NEISS), a database of hospital data maintained by the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission. Opportunities to Improve Traffic Safety with Mobile Technologies New smartphone-based approaches to improve traffic safety using technological and design-based solutions New smartphone-based approaches have the potential to reduce smart phone distraction to improving traffic safety [have] and increase pedestrian safety in urban areas. Some solutions complement increased enforcement and the potential to reduce smart phone penalties for using mobile devices while driving by distraction and increase pedestrian integrating the mobile device into the city’s dynamic safety in urban areas. street traffic ecosystem. 9 These technologies have the potential to increase environmental awareness, yet each presents opportunities and shortcomings: • Apps that rely on camera technology to increase ability to see ahead; Kinect-based technologies in their current formats may actually increase distraction by demanding more focus on the device. • Velocity-detectors that silence alerts from incoming texts when a smart phone is in motion; • Apps and wearable devices deploying Natural User Interface principles;42 • Sensor-based technologies to warn pedestrians of oncoming traffic;43 • Enabling communication between mobile devices and vehicles; By enabling the user to see more, camera-based and motion-sensing Kinect-based technologies in their current formats may actually increase distraction by demanding more focus on the device. (Kinect is a motion-controlled technology used in gaming consoles and smart phones.) For example, Type N Walk44, and Walk N Text for Android45, use a mobile device’s camera to replace the full screen background image on a smart phone with live video of the environment ahead. The texting surface is displayed on top of the live video. Scientists at the University of Manitoba used Kinect to create CrashAlert, a tablet that warns texters of obstacles that are within six feet.46 Critics of these apps note that pedestrians still must look up to see obstacles. 47 10 Velocity-sensing technology can effectively reduce distraction for drivers but cannot distinguish between drivers and passengers in a vehicle, nor can it ascertain smart phone users riding public transportation. AT&T’s DriveMode48 app for Android and Blackberry uses a smart phone’s velocimeter to detect motion greater than 25 mile-per-hour. When exceeding this speed, the app sends a customizable auto-reply away message in response to incoming texts and email messages and can be set to disable the phone’s touch screen and audio alerts. This approach is positive since it eliminates sensory cues that invite distraction but users may avoid the inconvenience of disabling the app to adjust to diverse traffic conditions encountered in urban areas. Velocity-sensing technology can effectively reduce distraction for drivers but cannot distinguish between drivers and passengers in a vehicle, nor can it ascertain smart phone users riding public transportation. Another are To better understand users and the functionality that connected with their surroundings is deploying users expect of the smart phone interface, developers Natural principles should consider four elements that influence design: so the smart phone interface does not interfere (1) the user; (2) the task; (3) the device; and (4) the with environment. 49 Instead of the device separating people from 11 approach User walking to Interface and ensure (NUI) pedestrians design negotiating intersections. their surroundings, NUI challenges developers to understand why people use their devices in certain environments then create interfaces with fewer distractions and potential impairments to safety.50 NUI solutions can help pedestrians stay alert and use their smart phone without engaging with the mobile device itself by incorporating wearable devices that extend smart phone functionality to apparel and gesture based technologies that require swipes and not keystrokes. NUI solutions can help pedestrians stay alert and use their smart phone by incorporating wearable devices that extend smart phone functionality to apparel and gesture based technologies. 12 Perhaps the most promising traffic safety technology under development deploys wireless communications to directly connect drivers with pedestrians. General Motors developed vehicle technology that Vehicle-to-pedestrian technologies [aim] to tap communicates with smart phones within 200 yards existing wireless networks, using the WiFi Direct protocol. The system is integrated network connected with vehicle sensors, and when triggered, will alert the driver to oncoming pedestrians.51 Honda is developing similar vehicle and smart phone linking systems using dedicated short-range communications (DSRC).52 These vehicle-to-pedestrian technologies originated with the U.S. Department of Transportation Connected Vehicle research and development initiative53 that aims to tap existing wireless networks, network connected vehicles and smart phones to give drivers a “360-degree awareness of hazards and situations they cannot even see.”54 13 vehicles and smart phones to give drivers a “360-degree awareness of hazards and situations they cannot even see.” Conclusion The rapid ascent of smart phones in every corner of daily life has positively and adversely changed the way people move through urban spaces. For drivers, using a smart phone in a vehicle is irresponsible and increasingly regarded by policy markers and the public as criminal. Pedestrians, whose life can depend on the behavior of drivers, are unquestionably safer at New York City intersections when they heed the New York City DOT’s advice and LOOK! Yet, as researchers and most smart phone users know, despite mounting evidence of the hazardous impact Pedestrians, whose life can depend on the behavior of drivers, are unquestionably safer at New York City intersections when they heed the New York City DOT’s advice and LOOK! of smart phone use in traffic, mobile devices can prove irresistible, and for use by pedestrians on streets, may demand natural user interfaces that common denominator among pedestrians, cyclists and enable pedestrians to stay alert and focused on their drivers alike. These technologies deserve further refinement, surroundings. Conversely, smart phone technology demand new innovation and depend on public acceptance itself may facilitate improved traffic safety when and wide-scale adoption for the promise of technological integrated with the diverse ecosystem of New York smart phone based solutions to meaningfully contribute to City streets since the smart phone is frequently a reducing traffic injuries and fatalities. 14 References The Wireless Association. Pedestrian Injuries Due to Mobile Phone Use in Public Spaces citing CTIA. n.p., 2011. Web. <http:// facweb.knowlton.ohio-state.edu/jnasar/crpinfo/research/AAP3092Accidents_Final2013.pdf> 1 2 Center for Disease Control. “Distracted Driving.” CDC, n.d. Web. <http://www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/distracted_driving/> 3 Ibid. New York City Mayor’s Office (New York). Mayor Bloomberg, Speaker Quinn and Transportation Commissioner Sadik-Khan Release City’s Most Comprehensive Pedestrian Safety Study to Date and Announce Installation of 1,500 Pedestrian Countdown Signals Across the City. PR-356-10, 2010. Web. <http://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/nyc_ped_safety_study_action_plan.pdf > 4 Consumer Products Safety Commission. National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) Dataset. CPSC, 2013. Web. <http:// www.cpsc.gov/en/Research--Statistics/NEISS-Injury-Data/> 5 Transportation Alternatives. Walking in Traffic Violence: Pervasiveness of Motor Vehicle Crashes with Pedestrians in New York City. n.p., 2011. Web. <http://transalt.org/files/news/reports/2011/Community_Board_Traffic_Violence_Report.pdf> 6 7 Ibid. Aaron, Brad. “Bratton’s Bad Data on Pedestrian Injuries Won’t Get Us to Vision Zero.” Streetsblog 16 Jan. 2014, Web. <http://www. streetsblog.org/2014/01/16/brattons-bad-data-on-pedestrian-injuries-wont-get-us-to-vision-zero/> 8 9 Transportation Alternatives. Walking in Traffic Violence. 10 New York. Use of mobile telephones. New York, §1225-c. Web. <http://www.safeny.ny.gov/phon-vt.htm> National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration. “Regulations.” NHTSA, n.d. Web. <http://www.distraction.gov/content/ dot-action/regulations.html> 11 12 AT&T. It Can Wait. n.p., n.d. Web. <http://www.itcanwait.com> Office of Transportation Policy and Strategy, NYS Department of Transportation. “New York Household Travel Patterns: A Comparative Analysis.” US DOT, 2001. Web. <http://info.ornl.gov/sites/publications/files/Pub4859.pdf> 13 NYC Department of Transportation. The New York City Pedestrian Safety Study and Action Plan. NYC DOT, 2010. Web. <http://www. nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/nyc_ped_safety_study_action_plan.pdf> 14 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. “Summary of New York City Motor Vehicle Crashes”. NYS DMV, n.d. Web. <http:// dmv.ny.gov/sites/default/files/legacy_files/statistics/2012nyc.pdf> 15 Tuckel, Peter, and Milczarski , William. Pedestrian-Cyclist Accidents in New York State: 2007 – 2010. Hunter College, CUNY, September 2011. Web. <http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/communications/repository/files/Pedestrian%20Cyclist%20Accidents_3.pdf> 16 Flegenheimer, Matt. “Crosswalks in New York Are Not Havens, Study Finds.” April 2, 2013. New York Times. Retreived at: http:// www.nytimes.com/2013/04/03/nyregion/study-details-injuries-to-pedestrians-and-cyclists-in-new-york-city.html 17 American College of Surgeons (2012). “Pedestrian accidents are more severe for seniors and more preventable for young people: Trauma surgeons examine injury differences, supervision, and mobile device use in pedestrian collisions with motor vehicles.” Press Release, October 1, 2012. 18 19 15 Ibid. New York City (New York). A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to pedestrian safety. [New York, NY:] City Council [2008]. Web. <http://legistar.council.nyc.gov/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=447127&GUID=F8B7D92CD55C-4BC6-B102-453292D61CA5> 20 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. Transport for London (2010). “Visitor Road Safety.” Retrieved from: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/cdn/static/cms/documents/visitor-pedestrian-safety-final-report.pdf 23 24 Ibid. 25 Ibid. 26 DOT Press Release on “LOOK!”. Retrieved at: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/pr2012/pr12_46.shtml DOT, 2010. “The New York City Pedestrian Safety Study & Action Plan.” Retrieved at: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/ nyc_ped_safety_study_action_plan.pdf 27 28 City of New York. “Vision Zero”. NYC. n.d. Web. <http://www.nyc.gov/html/visionzero/pages/home/home.html> Goodman, David J., and Flegenheimer, Matt. “De Blasio Announces Steps to Reduce Traffic Deaths.” New York Times 16 Jan. 2014. Web. <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/16/nyregion/de-blasio-announces-steps-to-reduce-traffic-deaths.html> 29 City of New York, 2014. “Vision Zero Action Plan.” Retrieved at: http://www.nyc.gov/html/visionzero/pdf/nyc-vision-zero-action-plan. pdf 30 Aaron, Brad. STREETSBLOG NYC. Retrieved at: http://www.streetsblog.org/2013/03/18/dot-speeding-the-leading-cause-of-nyc-traffic-deaths-in-2012/ 31 Hecht, Peter, Nasar, Jack, and Wener, Richard. “Mobile phones, distracted attention, and pedestrian safety.” Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2008. 40:69-75 32 Stavrinos, Despina, Byington, Katherine, and Schwebel, David. “Effect of Cell Phone Distraction on Pediatric Pedestrian Injury Risk.” Pediatrics, 2009. 123:179 33 Schwebel, David, Stavrinos, Despina, Byington, Katherine, et al. “Distraction and pedestrian safety: How talking on the phone, texting and listening impact crossing the street.” Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2012. 45:266-271 34 Lamberg, Eric M., and Lisa M. Muratori. “Cell Phones Change the Way We Walk.” Gait & Posture, Volume 35, Issue 4 pp 688 – 690 (2012) Retrieved at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22226937 35 36 Ibid. Nasar, Jack, and Troyer, Derek. “Pedestrian Injuries Due to Mobile Phone Use in Urban Spaces.” Accident Analysis and Prevention 21 Mar. 2013. Web. <http://facweb.knowlton.ohio-state.edu/jnasar/crpinfo/research/AAP3092Accidents_Final2013.pdf> 37 38 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. 41 Ibid. 16 Wigdor, Daniel and Dennis Wixon. “Brave NUI World: Designing Natural User Interfaces for Touch and Gesture.” Burlington: 2011. 42 See WalkSafe, an app developed by researchers at Dartmouth College and University of Bologna that uses the device’s camera to identify oncoming traffic and sends text or vibration warnings. Grifantini, Kristina. “Smart-phone App Warns Pedestrians of Oncoming Cars.” November 28, 2011. MIT Technology Review. See also CrashAlert, which relies on Kinect technology to warn texting pedestrians of objects ahead. Soper, Taylor. “This App Uses Kinect Technology to Prevent You from Running into Things While Texting.” May 31, 2013. GeekWire. 43 “Head’s Up! Texting and Walking: There’s an App for That. Gajitz. Retrieved at: http://gajitz.com/heads-up-texting-and-walkingtheres-an-app-for-that/ 44 Ibid. 45 Danigelis, Alyssa. “Crash Alert App Clears Way to Walk and Text.” Discovery News, April 26, 2013. Retrieved at: http://news.discovery.com/tech/apps/crashalert-app-clears-way-to-walk-and-text-130426.htm 46 47 Ibid. 48 Ibid. Blake, Joshua. “Introduction to Natural User Interfaces (NUI) and Kinect.” Retrieved at http://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/k4wdev/ Introduction-to-Natural-User-Interfaces-NUI-and-Kinect. 49 Lim, Ji Jung and Cary Feria. “Visual Search on a Mobile Device while Walking” (2012) Master’s Thesis. Paper 4145, Lamberg, Eric M., and Lisa M. Muratori. “Cell Phones Change the Way We Walk.” vGait & Posture, Volume 35, Issue 4 pp 688 – 690 (2012). 50 See Vehicle-to-Pedestrian “system that alerts drivers to the presence of pedestrians, cyclists, road construction workers and others who have a high chance of coming in contact with a moving vehicle.” Newcomb, Doug. “How Your Smartphone Could Stop a Car From Running You Over.” July 27, 2012. Wired. 51 See Vehicle-to-Pedestrian, which “uses a smartphone’s GPS and dedicated short range communications (DSRC) to warn drivers when a pedestrian steps out from behind a parked car or other obstruction. A light flashes on the dashboard to tell the driver of an approaching pedestrian, while the hapless walker gets an alert on their smartphone.” Lavrinc, Damon. “Honda Thinks Smartphones Can Save Pedestrians From Bad Drivers.” September 3, 2013. Wired. 52 Research and Innovative Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. “Connected Vehicle.” US DOT, 2014. Web. <http://www.its.dot.gov/safety_pilot/index.htm> 53 54 Ibid. 17
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