Board of Management (BOM) Agreed Report BOM Meeting 28th

Board of Management (BOM) Agreed Report
BOM Meeting 28th January 2014
In attendance: Boris Fennema, Carol Lanigan, Adrienne Gormley, Gary
Tennant, Neasa Kellaghan, Tara Kelly and Celia Flynn.
Fundraising Committee
The executive accounts have been audited. The BOM accounts need to be
done. There was a discussion around the increased transparency that will be
afforded to parents through audited accounts. The BOM will follow up in the
next weeks by getting some quotes in.
There was a discussion around the administration of medications and formally
minuting which students need medication at BOM level. From now on, all
‘Administration of Medication’ requests / forms will be raised at the BOM
meeting and initialled by a member of the board.
Anti-Bullying Policy
There was a discussion around what whole-school approach we could employ
as we start to develop our anti-bullying policy. We considered having a
consultation evening with an invited speaker, followed by parent discussion.
There was agreement to have a cross-functional group, i.e., BOM member,
parent, teacher involvement. The BOM will look into organising such an
information evening, perhaps for a date in March.
Volunteer Policy
CL will inform the BOM how many Child Protection and Vetting slips have been
returned so far by parents/guardians. There was agreement to send out a
second request for parents/guardians to be included on the list of those who
are willing to help with school activities and are willing to undergo the Garda
Vetting procedure.
EPV days
CF, GT and CL will meet and agree an Extra Personal Vacation (EPV) policy to
put to the BOM before the next meeting on 25th February. In the event of any
difficulties, it was agreed that the BOM can make the call on certain days.
Security of Critical School Documents
There are a significant number of pupils in the school who would be due an
Individual Educational Plan. Some need to be completed for the year. CL will
update the BOM on exact numbers of IEPs expected and those that are
completed for the school year 2013-14 before the next BOM meeting.
Key holder
The contract for the current out of hours key holder runs out at end February.
The BOM agreed to renew the contract for 2014.
Board of Management Agreed Report. Meeting 28th January 2014
In a related discussion, the BOM also talked about the school’s 3 separate
security systems, which should be merged, and also an invoice for a Fire
Brigade call out that was wrongly triggered by one of those systems.
SNA Staffing
An SNA position opened up at the school and in the interview process Margaret
Maguire was ranked first amongst the group of candidates interviewed. All due
procedures were followed with all applicants. It was recommended to the
Board to offer Margaret Maguire the position. The BOM approved the
recommendation to hire.
Principal’s Report
CL drew attention to the fact that cluster sharing allocation hours had been
published and that she was urgently following up on this as there may well be
an error in the allocation.
Tim Fitzgerald in the ASD Unit would like to do small scale study on code of
behaviour: questionnaire to teachers, staff, and student council. The BOM gave
full-hearted support to this action research project.
The BOM also agreed to get costings for various building fabric and fittings
issues that need attention.
Teacher’s report:
CF described how the Belfield Infant Assessment Profile (BIAP) testing for
infant classes had been completed.
CF informed the BOM how the ‘Roots of Empathy’ programme was taking root
in second class and how it can develop and work in all classes.
An additional place was offered in Junior Infants for September 2014
Class Reps.
The following issues were raised by class reps:
- Who is in the ICT group? And will decisions be published? CL will send the
relevant information to TK to forward on to parent reps.
- Safety concerns with the bus driver – All further complaints to CL.
- Questions around parking at drop off and pick up times – Please note that
there are lots of parking options in the vicinity: St. Fergal’s car park,
Springfield Cemetery, the park & stride
- New Health & Safety officer? A new H&S Officer has not yet been nominated.
There is a need for clarification on role and legal responsibility. The BOM will
discuss this in next meeting.
- Inclusion policy – Staff will be looking at it over the next month and seeking
wider involvement
- A request for more communications on staffing changes and updates before
they happen.
The BOM agreed to all indicate approval of all subsequent BOM minutes and
Agreed reports by email.
Issues to Carry Over
- Inclusion policy
- Office staffing
- Health & Safety officer nomination
Next Meeting: 25th February 2014
BOM Meeting Schedule to Year End
Tuesday 25th March 2014
Tuesday 29th April 2014
Tuesday 20th May 2014
Tuesday 10th June 2014
Board of Management Agreed Report. Meeting 28th January 2014