ISS-CREAM Experiment Photo-Diode Detectors, TCD and BCD

Performances of the Photo-Diode Detectors
for the T/BCD in the ISS-CREAM Experiment
H. J. HYUN ([email protected])1, T. ANDERSON2, D. ANGELASZEK3, J. B. BAE1, S. J. BAEK4,M. COPLEY3, S. COUTU2, J. H. HAN3, H. G. HUH3, Y. S. HWANG1, D. H. KAH1, K. H. KANG1, H. J. KIM1, K. C. KIM3, K. KWASHNAK3, J. LEE4, M. H. LEE3, J. T. LINK5,6, L. LUTZ3, J. W. MITCHELL5, S. NUTTER7, O. OFOHA3, H. PARK1, I. H. PARK4, J. M. PARK1, P. PATTERSON3, E. S. SEO3, J. WU3, Y. S. YOON3
1 Kyungpook NaSonal University, Daegu 702-­‐701, South Korea 2 Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
3 University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740, USA
4 Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-­‐746, South Korea 5 NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA 6 CRESST(USRA), Columbia, MD 21044, USA
7 Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY41099, USA
ISS-CREAM Experiment
Cosmic rays follow a broken power law :
one at ‘knee’ and one at ‘ankle’
• knee : galactic accelerators reach their energetic
• ankle : the galactic cosmic ray intensity falls below
the intensity of cosmic rays from ultra high-energy
(UHE) cosmic rays (Swordy, 2001)
The ISS-CREAM instrument consists of a Silicon Charge Detector
(SCD) to identify incident cosmic rays, a sampling tungsten/scintillator
calorimeter for energy measurement of all nuclei, a segmented Top/
Bottom Counting Detector (TCD and BCD) for e/p separation, and a
Boronated Scintillator Detector (BSD) for additional e/p separation and
detecting neutron signals
ISS-­‐CREAM Instrument
E.S. Seo, ICRC2013
ISS-CREAM (Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass on the International Space Station
• planned for a launch to the ISS in Feb. 2015
eV and
composition that might be related to the supernova acceleration limit
• provide keys to understanding the origin, acceleration and propagation of
CREAM Interface Loca<on on JEM-­‐EF (EFU2)
cosmic rays
Photo-Diode Detectors, TCD and BCD
Opera<onal principle of the TCD and BCD
• Electron/proton separation for
electron and gamma-ray physics
⇐ by using the difference
between electromagnetic and
hadronic showers
• Provide redundant trigger for
ISS-CREAM calorimeter and MIP
(Minimum Ionizing Particle)
trigger for calibration
Silicon Photo-Diode
Schema<c diagram of the TCD and BCD
Exploded view of the (a) TCD, and (b) BCD
• The silicon photo-diode
converts scintillation light to
electric current, and electronhole pairs are also produced by
penetrating cosmic rays
• The charge signals are
amplified by VLSI charge amp/
hold circuits (VA-TA)
Photograph of the photo-­‐diodes on 6-­‐inch and 650 μm thickness silicon wafer
high resistivity, <100>, 650 μm thick, and ntype silicon wafers
The real size of the PD is 2.3 × 2.3 cm2 with an
active area of 2.0 × 2.0 cm2
The PDs are fabricated at ETRI (Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute) in
Daejeon, Korea
mean 8.47
sigma 1.89
MPV 143
Bulk capacitance (le\) and leakage currents (right) of the photo-­‐diodes as a func<on of the reverse bias voltages
60 ~ 75 %
for the wavelength range
from 400 to 450 nm
Thickness of plastic
scintillator (mm)
Number of PDs
Area covered by
PDs (mm2)
500 × 500
600 × 600
901 × 551 × 30 951 × 651 × 33
Thermal-Vacuum Test @ KARI
During the test, the
detectors are normally
operated except for at low
+55 ℃
3 hrs
4 hrs
3 hrs
-20 ℃
3 hrs
3 hrs
-40 ℃
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
• Because there is a glitch in one of control
signals, the detectors show the abnormal
behavior such as not turned on at low
temperature and this is debugged after the test
TCD and BCD in thermal-­‐vacuum chamber
• Rigidity check by
Signal-­‐to-­‐noise ra<o measurement result by using cosmic muons and coincidence trigger
TCD in Z-­‐axis vibraSon test
Swept Sine
BCD in X-­‐axis vibraSon test
Sine Burst
TCD in Z-­‐axis random vibra<on test
Random VibraSon
BCD in X-­‐axis random vibra<on test
Quantum efficiency Summary
3 hrs
2 hrs
Exposed to 1.18 × 1011 protons/cm2 (> 5000 rad)
The leakage current is increased up to about 50 nA/
cm2 but the quality of the PD does not change in our
criteria for the best sensor (<100 nA/cm2)
3 hrs
+40 ℃
Vibration Test @ Keimyung Univ.
• Radiation hardness test using a 45 MeV proton beam
Dimension (mm3)
• Silicon photo-diodes (PD) is fabricated on 6-inch,
Assembly of photo-­‐diodes and plas<c scin<llator
comparing distribution
of resonant frequencies
and by functionally
operating before/after
each test
The detectors are
normally operated
during the test and
there is no crack and no
broken parts by visual
• The photo-diode detectors, TCD and BCD are developed for the ISSCREAM experiment and are functionally well operated
• They are ready for integration and whole integrated ISS-CREAM
instrument will be launched in Feb. 2015