1 A Physics Toolkit BIGIDEA Write the Big ldea for this chapter. Use the "What I Know" column to list the things you know about the Big !dea. Then list the questions you have about the Big ldea in the "What I Want to Find Out" column. As you read the chapter, fill in the "What I Learned" column. KWL What I Know Whot lwantto Find Out Science Notebook. A Physics Toolkit 1 What t Learned 1 A Physics Toolkit 1 Methods of Science fmz(At,2(B.t,2(c),2(D),3(E) I 6V&AX;W lDIA Write the Main ldea for this lesson. Rrvr=s VocRsuLa*v Recall and write the science s^lence Nrw V*<nBUIA*Y Use physics physics definition of the ReviewVocabulary term. your bookto define each term. scientific methods hypothesis scierrtitic mdhods control independent variable hypolhesis dependent variable model control scientific theory scientific law independert variable 6 o E @ =. dependerrt variable = 6l d fI = m e model 6' sciertitictheory scierftitic law Science Notebook . A Physics Toolkit 2 1 Methods of Science Student Edition, pp. 4-7 (continued) Write three sentences about physics and science. What is physios? . Physicsis abranch ot science. . PhUsics involves Ihe study of matter and energy. Soientr*io Mdhods . Scientrtic mdhod is a p alter n of inv esli g ati on al Fill in the blanks of the flow chart below using information about scientific methods. procedures. . there are seueral common steps in invelngahonal procedures. Modify the hypothesis. Repeat several times. 'io 3 g q ) -3 I = @ o o E o Science Notebook. A Physics Toolkit 3 1 Methods of Science (continued) Student Edition, pp. 7 -9 ldentify three main ideas about models. Models . A model represents an idea, evert, Jrrudttre, or oblect fhat helps people understand it. . Models change a5 new int orm ati on s le arn e d. i Soienl*ioTheories aod Ldws . A scientitictheory is an explanalion of ihings or events based on knowledge f*n i.. I I '.' tdentify two advantages of using computer simulations. gainedtrom many obser"tallons and invesliga|ons. . A sciertrtic law is a slalement abofi what happens in nature and seemslo betrue all thelime. Compare and contrast scientific theories and scientific laws by completing the Venn diagram. !o E. ta scientific theories Both scientific Iaws g a t m e = E o Science Notebook. A Physics Toolkit 4 1 Methods of Science (continued) Student Edition, p.9 the Lirnitations Write three true statements about the limitations of science. rt 9oienoe , , Science can explain many Ihinqs aboullheworld. Science does nol answer opinion, value, or emalion queslions. 5UN^MAPJ?E How does the MAINIDEA for this section relate to the chaptert BIGIDEA? {AEVIEW trr! 1. MAINIDEA Summarize the steps you might use to carry out an investigation using scientific methods. .9 ! f u ig u E @ ! o t2. o U Distinguish between a hypothesis and a scientific theory. ldentifu three ways in which hypothesis can be tested. Science Notebook. A Physics Toolkit 5 a 1 Methods of Science 3. Describe why it is important for scientists to avoid bias. 4. Explain why scientists use models. Give an example of a scientific model not mentioned in this section. 5. Explain why a scientific theory cannot become a scientific law. (continued) 6. Analyze Your friend conducts a survey, asking students in your school about lunches provided by the cafeteria. She finds that 90 percent of students surveyed like pizza. She concludes that this scientifically proves that everyone likes pizza.How would you respond to her conclusion? o @ @ = 6l il E h 7. CriticalThinking An accepted value for free-fall acceleration is 9.8 m/s2. ln an experiment with pendulums, you calculate that the value is 9.4 m/s2.Should the accepted value be tossed out to accommodate your new finding? Explain. Science Notebook. A Physics Toolkit 6 o 3 1 A Physics Toolkit 2 Mathematics and Physics tffi2lH) $w&Eh! {DEA Write the Main ldea for this section. *rvr*w Vecn*uLeev Recall and write the definition of the Review Vocabulary term. 5t 5t Sew VoceBUTARY Use your bookto fill in the term that matches each definition. method of treating units as algebraic quantities so they can be cancelled valid digits in a measurement Student Edition, pp. 10-1 , E (9 Explain why physicists use mathematics. Malhematros in Physios , I ig 1 ?hysioists use the language oi mathematics. , = I Quations represert relalionships belween measurements. I '= o Fill in the blanks about Sl Units. 5l Untts . 5l unrts are used by The scientific notation for the prefix femto- is . Sl units scientisls worldwide. , 5l uses seven base ttnfts. that are not base units are called based on powers of Science Notebook . A Physics Toolkit 7 units. Sl units are 2 Mathematics and Physics Student Edition, pp. 1 1 -13 ;:f,:1- (continued) i'1 ',r ldentify the prefix that would be used to express 2,000,000,000 bytes of computer memory. Dimensional Analysis . Dimensional analysis is a mdhod of Irealinq unils as alqebraic quartfties. . lt can be usedlo checklor errors in calculdions. Demonstrate how to use dimensional analysis by using it to convert 35 km/h to m/s. StEnrttoant Figures , , Siqniticanl iiqures are vali d digits in a measurement. llules must be used lo currt ely d eI er mi n e th e number of siqniiicant tigures in a number. ac 9olving Problems , Problems can be solved using a three-sfep ?rocess. Write three bullet points about significant digits. o ! !6 o = a Use with Example Problem l. i ] 1,\] : ! E rl trl = Use t'his oolumn tor soratoh work and sketohes. a o Problem DISTANCE,TIME, AND SPEED When a bus travels 253 km in 3.2 h, what is the bus's average speed? 1. ANALYZE AND SKETCH THE PROBLEM KNOWNS distance UNKNOWN : :? time: Science Notebook . A Physics Toolkit I ll 2 Mathematics and Physics fRY ff! Student Edition, p.13 Use this aolumn lor soraloh work aod (continued) 2. @orrtinued) SOLVEFORTHEUNKNOWN Use the speed equation. sWohes. Solve the equation for speed. Substitute the knowns. Complete the calculation. 3. EVALUAtrE THE ANSWER Use your answer to calculate the distance the car traveled. speedxtime x._,-, 253km problem. The calculated distance matches the distance stated in the This means the average speed is correct. 9urnhiAuTe How does the MAINIDEA for this section relate to the chaptert BIGIDEA? REVIEW IT! 8. MAINIDEA Why are concepts in physics described with formulas? 9. Sl Units What is one advantage to using 5l Units in science? 10. Dimensional Analysis How many kilohertz are 750 megahertz? Science Notebook. A Physics Toolkit 9 2 1 Mathematics and Physics (continued) 1. Dimensional Analysis How many seconds 12. Significant Figures are in a leap year? Solve the following problems, using the correct number of significant figures each time. a. 10.8 b. 4.75 m c. 139 cm d. 13.789l11.3m1 9-8.2649 - 0.4168 m x 2.3 cm 13. Solving Problems Rewrite F : e. 6.201 cm f. 1.6 km Bqv to find v in terms of F, + * 7.4 cm 1.62 m f * 0.68 m * 12.0 cm 1200 cm q, and B. o a=. @ = 6l f = c 14. criticalThinking Using values given in a problem and the equation of distance = speed x time, you calculate a cart speed to be 290 km/h. ls this a reasonable answer? Why or why not? Under what circumstances might this be a reasonable answer? Science Notebook. A Physics Toolkit 10 1 A Physics Toolkit 3 ffi Data Collection 1 (A), 1 (B), 2(E), 2(H), 2(11,2(1, 2(K), 2(L), 3(A), 3(B), 3(C) MAIN IDEA Write the Main ldea for this section. Ervr=w VacReaLarv Recall and write the definition of the Review Vocabulary term. parallax parallax Flew 9oc*But*RY Use your book measurement measurernerft to define the term below. precision accuracy Fill in theVenn diagram to compare and contrast precision and accuracy. o E E Precision Both T 3 g |J = @ .9 e o Science Notebook - A Physics Toolkit 11 Accuracy 3 Data Collection (conti nued) Student Ed iti on, pp. 1 4-1 6 Describe a scenario in which you make an observation and record measurement quantifying your observation. a What is meaeuremenl? . Meqsuremertt quarttties observalianE. , Measurement is a oomparison beiween an unknown quanhll and a standard. amgaring Rssults . Meastfiements ofren are Summarize the information about comparing results in three or four bullet points. recorded with unceriain\. , Mea5l)remenls aqree it Ihey are within the margin of urtoerlai$,1. Preoisioo Yersus Aoauraoy , ?recisionisthe degree at exaatness. . Aoou(ac\ is an aqreemert t ith the accepted valtte. Explain how you can improve the accuracy of an electronic scale before measuring and how you can improve the precision of the measurement, n ! €=. @ = 6r il + =m c 3 6trf F{*? Compare and contrast precision and accuracy. Science Notebook . A Physics Toolkit 72 3 Data Collection (conti nued) Student Edition, pp. 1 6-1 9 Teohoiques Explain how parallax affects a measurement. ol Good Measuremcnt . lnstrumefits musl be used correcfly. . Measuremerts must be made cowectly. Describe Write a few short sentences describing each category. Studcrfi-Driveo Data AllecIlon Soienlrtio ln4.ri4, . , Dala can be quarritaTve or qualrtalive. Anserue resources and prachce satdy E inlhe lab. Use al flesources ldentify each safety symbol and explain its importance. o i: U I = B @ = @ Z E a o U tu J,l Science Notebook. A Physics Toolkit 13 3 Data Collection (continued) Student Edition, p.20 Evaluahng Soieotttio ldentify three steps to take when considering a scientific explanation. Then write one or two sentences explaining how you could apply each step. Explanatioos Step . 1 Science is a dynamic body of knowledge. , Scierrtisfs must clasely examine all inl orm ahon. Step 3: Science Notebook . A physics Toolkit 14 3 Data Collection (continued) itu dent Editi on, pp. 2'l -23 Compare and contrast dependent and independent variables. ldentrlying Yariables , Esperimerts musllesl only one uariable. , fiere are\tto kinds ot variables. Prcdioting Yalues , Sciefiisfs discover relatronships and make predictions. , G?5 ddermines an object's latitu de, longrtu de, elevafion. an d Fill in the blanks about predicting values and GPS. Scientists use relationships in data to make Positioning System, or , consists of .The Global satellites in orbit that transmit data to receivers. GPS uses the for time data, because the atomic clock is more precise than standard household clocks. 5U,\i,\,tA fl:lzt How does the MAINIDEA for this section relate to the chapter's BIGIDEA? E ,io 6 I ! = 3 I = o E .9 co U REVIEW IT! 15. MAINIDEA You find a micrometer (a tool used to measure objects to the nearest 0.001 mm) that has been badly bent. How would it compare to a new high-quality meterstick in terms of its precision? lts accuracy? Science Notebook . A Physics Toolkit 15 3 Data Collection (continued) 16. Accuracy Some wooden rulers do not start with 0 at the edge, but have it set in a few millimeters. How could this improve the accuracy of the ruler? 17. Summarize Why is it important to understand the use and conservation of resources, as well as proper disposal or recycling of lab materials? 18. Uncertainty Your friend tells you that his height is 1 82 cm. ln your own words, explain the range of heights allowed by this statement. 19. Precision A box has a length of 18.1 cm and a width of 19.2 cm, and it is 20.3 cm tall. a. What is its volume? c. How tall is a stack of 12 of these boxes? b. How precise is the measurement of length? Of volume? d. the boxes? How precise is the measurement of height of one box? Of 12 g E 6 = 3 ; + = g 20. CriticalThinking Your friend states in a report that the average time required for a car to circle a 1.5-mi track was 65.414 s. This was measured by timing 7 laps using a clock with a precision of 0.1 s. How much confidence do you have in the results of the report? Explain. Science Notebook . A Physics Toolkit 16
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