VIII INGEPET 2014 (GEO EX) GRAVITY GRADIOMETRY: TECHNOLOGY AND FEASIBILITY FOR HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION Vsevolod Egorov, Feargal Murphy, Paul Versnel, Jessica Rands (ARKeX) ABSTRACT The search for new hydrocarbons is becoming more challenging and difficult as many “easy-to-find” fields have been discovered and exploited. There is a quest for cost-effective and environmentally responsible exploration technologies. Airborne gravity gradiometry has emerged as one of these developments, proving itself in a number of petroleum basins. Over the past few years, gravity gradiometry played a prominent role in recent major discoveries within the East African Rift System. Gravity gradiometry offers a high resolution, wide bandwidth gravity signal and has attracted attention of both the hydrocarbon and mining exploration industries. The technology is based on measuring directional gradients of the gravity field, with a considerable signal-to-noise ratio improvement over conventional (scalar) airborne gravity. As a result, more detailed variations in the subsurface density distribution are measured and thereby geological structures are mapped in greater detail with all the benefits in efficiency of airborne acquisition. Gravity gradiometry data and the resultant interpretation will high grade areas for further exploration by assisting in the correlation of structures away from existing seismic coverage and optimal positioning of new 2D and 3D seismic surveys. Gravity gradiometry also provides additional constraint for integrated interpretation of geophysical and geological data, thereby reducing interpretational ambiguity often associated with interpretation of data in isolation. This work introduces the fundamental aspects of the technology and provides model responses for geological targets as might be expected in western South America. The feasibility work will demonstrate the applicability of gravity gradiometry in resolving such geological features as shallow basement relief, intra-sedimentary folds, thrust belt architecture and other structures of exploration interest. GRAVITY GRADIOMETRY The gravity method has been part of mineral and petroleum exploration since the early twentieth century. Although, and especially in petroleum exploration, gravity technology forms a fraction of the overall program cost, it plays a vital role at its different stages, from regional geological assessment of the area and designing the follow-up seismic surveys to integrated interpretation of data leading to prospects identification. Since the first application of gravity method, instrumentation, processing and interpretation techniques have been in constant development providing significant improvements of data quality and information. Nabighan et al. (2005) provide an excellent review of the method’s history. The introduction of gravity gradiometry to hydrocarbon exploration in the mid-1990s was a major milestone in the method’s history. Today two commercially available gravity gradiometry systems are developed by Lockheed Martin, with a number of other groups working on developing new VIII INGEPET 2014 2 instruments. The Lockheed Martin FTG (full-tensor gradient) system is utilized for land, marine and airborne surveys with most of these conducted as airborne (with the first airborne survey initiated in the early 2000s). The most-important advantage of gravity gradiometry over conventional gravity is that due to the instrument design, the system is relatively insensitive to aircraft accelerations. In a nutshell, whereas conventional gravity measures only one vertical component of the gravity (Gz), Full Tensor gravity gradiometry measurements result in 6 independent curvature components from which a Cartesian tensor can be derived. As gravity is also measured directly, FTG delivery includes Gz, Gzz, Gzx, Gzy, Gxx, Gxy, Gyy, Gyz (Figure 1), increasing the resolution of data (e.g. Saad, 2006). Another implication of the full tensor measurements is that anomalous sources can be more accurately mapped even when they are located away from the survey flight line (Barnes et al., 2012). The time and cost-effectiveness of airborne FTG surveys is a key benefit. Gravity gradiometry has been successfully applied in various geological settings, notably the East African Rift System where it has been instrumental in recent major discoveries. In the appropriate geological setting, FTG offers a significant acceleration of the exploration timeline at a much reduced cost. (e.g., Doherty et al., 2013; and Price et al., 2013). The method has also provided value in other geological settings, for example allowing mapping of salt distribution in Gabon and offshore NE Greenland. The method has also been applied in more complex areas such as thrust and fold belts constraining poorly imaged structures interpreted from seismic in the Oman Thrust Belt (e.g., Protacio et al., 2010). GEOLOGICAL SETTING The majority of the western South American sedimentary basins are located within two distinct zones: Pacific margin and sub-Andean foreland, east of the Andes. From the tectonic setting point of view these basins could be divided into the following categories (from west to east): trench slope basins, accretionary prism, forearc-, intermontane- and foreland basins as illustrated in the generalized section of Peru (Figure 2). Table 1 provides examples and classifies basins based on their tectonic type. Notice that the same basin could fit in more than one category due to its tectonic history and size. They could be subclassified further based on the tectonic details and factors affecting their creation, for example, pullapart basins along the strike-slip faults, salt movement and structural controls of pre-existing features. Some of the basins have experienced more than one stage of tectonic deformations, which leads to diversity of geological structures and plays. For example, some of the intermontane basins and thrust fold belts in the Andes preserve remnant features of the older back-arc basins (e.g., Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous Rocas Verdes Basin of the southern South America). It is also well-documented that pre-Cretaceous (pre-Andean) extensional grabens are preserved within the Sub-Andean foreland basins and filled with Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic sediments (e.g., Bolaños, 2013; Stewart et al., 2013). Among other publications, Klein et al. (2011) and Zúñiga y Rivero et al. (2010) provide excellent overview of the Peruvian basins and their petroleum potential. VIII INGEPET 2014 3 FEASIBILTY MODELING One of the most efficient methods to assess applicability of the technology is by constructing a feasibility model. At the first stage, geological targets and their physical properties are determined and the earth model is built. Ideally, the model is based on an accurate depth-converted and interpreted seismic section or derived from seismic and well data combined with geological crosssection(s). If these data are available, a density model can be constructed based on direct well measurements or derived from velocity data. Most-commonly the 2D section is a starting point of the model. It can be extended to a pseudo-3D model to evaluate model response in map view. Another important factor to be tested by the feasibility modeling is survey design parameters. Ultimate target of this exercise is to design the survey parameters that allow mapping of the geological features of interest at the lowest possible cost. Thus, besides geological model, line spacing and orientation, flight altitude, speed of aircraft and instrumental noise are all part of the calculations and tests. During this work two models were constructed based on published geological cross-sections. Hypothetical strike-slip (transfer) faults were introduced to both models to illustrate and model the response to possible and geologically-common offsets of structural features. The first model (Figure 3) captures the main features of the Pacific margin basins, i.e. forearc and trench slope basins. The geological cross-section along seismic line 93-75 located south of the Lima basin (Bolaños, 2013) was selected for this exercise. Modeled FTG response (Gzz) clearly shows that FTG data allow resolution of proposed Cretaceous depositional centers (Gzz low), suggested to contain mature source rocks in the coastal basins. The Cenozoic depocenter is also clearly mapped (Gzz low). If significant thickness of sediments was accumulated in these depocenters, then they could also be within the maturation and hydrocarbon generation window. Gzz highs are observed over basement highs separating sedimentary depocenters. Mapping of these highs has direct implication for hydrocarbon plays identification. Commonly petroleum deposits are found in the structural and stratigraphic traps associated with the basement highs. In the overlying section, development of possible reefs could be also related to these highs. The second model was built to investigate the application of FTG within the foreland basin and, particular, its proximal part. This model is based on the regional cross-section across the Ucayali basin (Le Vot and Froute, 1999). The fold and thrust belts (FTB’s) and compression-formed structures of the foreland’s proximal part are proven areas of petroleum discoveries within many basins of Sub-Andean foothills. The mapping of these structures is one of the first exploration objectives in the foreland basins. Though many of the largest structures have been found, understanding of the structural detail and exact extent could be improved by the addition of FTG. The feasibility modeling across the Ucayali basin confirms the capability of FTG to map the structural detail in this setting. CONCLUSIONS The application of the FTG technology is a time- and cost-effective exploration tool. This is confirmed in a number of sedimentary basins around the world with the East African Rift system being the most remarkable example. The FTG principles demonstrate improvement of data resolution in comparison to conventional gravity, though understanding of geology and careful feasibility modeling are required to understand its applicability in any particular setting. As demonstrated in this work, use of FTG may allow mapping of geological structures of exploration interest. This is encouraging. However, it is important to understand that FTG in itself is not an VIII INGEPET 2014 4 ultimate answer, but it is another, often very powerful, piece of information to be integrated in the exploration process. REFERENCES Doherty, J.T., S. Bennett, F. Martini, G. Melady, E. Rogers and K. Simpson, 2013, Integrated geophysical exploration in the frontier East Africa Rift system, in Exploration of continental rifts: from regional to prospect level, SEG Annual Meeting, Gravity and Magnetics Workshop. Barnes, G.J., 2012, interpolating the gravity field using full tensor gradients measurements, First Break, vol. 30, 97-101. Protacio, J.A., J. Watson, F. Van Kleef and D. Jackson, 2010, The value of integration of gravity gradiometry with seismic and well data – an example from a frontal thrust zone of the UAE-Oman Fold Belt, EAGE Workshop, Barcelona. Bolaños, R., 2013, Licitación pública internacional para otorgar contratos de licencia offshore, Perupetro, Información Técnica, Bidding Round Peru 2013. Klein, G.D., F.J. Zúñiga y Rivero, H. Hay-Roe and E. Alvarez-Calderon, 2011, A reappraisal of the Mesozoic/Cenozoic tectonics and sedimentary basins of Peru, AAPG, Search and Discovery Article #10332. Le Vot, M. and Froute, J-Y., 1999, Peruvian foothills: Exploration in a frontier area, INGEPET ’99, EXPR-1-MV-18. Nabighian, M., Ander, M., Grauch, V., Hansen, R., LaFehr, T., Li, Y., Pearson, W., Peirce, J., Phillips, J., and Ruder, M., 2005, Historical development of the gravity method in exploration, Geophysics, 70(6), 63ND–89ND. doi: 10.1190/1.2133785. Price, A., A. Cacheux, P.E. Lardin, P.R. Chowdhury, G. Shields, J. Weber and R.Yalamanchili, 2013, Airborne gravity gradient for oil exploration in Uganda, in Exploration of continental rifts: from regional to prospect level, SEG Annual Meeting, Gravity and Magnetics Workshop. Saad, A.H., 2006, Understanding gravity gradients – a tutorial, The Leading Edge, August, 942949. Stewart, M., A. Mantilla-Pimiento, S.Mazur, C. Macellary, S.Campbell, 2013, pre-Andean orogeny rift basins and pre-Cretaceous sediment thickness, in Exploration of continental rifts: from regional to prospect level, SEG Annual Meeting, Gravity and Magnetics Workshop. Zúñiga y Rivero, F.J., G.D. Klein, H. Hay-Roe, and E. Álvarez-Calderon, 2010, The hydrocarbon potential of Peru: Lima, Peru: BPZ Exploración & Producción S.R.L., 338 p. VIII INGEPET 2014 5 G zz z G xz G zz G yz z G xz G yz G zy gz G zx gy gx x y G zy gz G yy G zx G xy x G yx gy gx y G yy G xy G yx G xx G xx Figure 1. Gravity field and its components. Conventional gravity measures one vertical component (Gz). Full Tensor gravity gradiometry measurements result in 6 independent curvature components from which a Cartesian tensor can be derived. As gravity is also measured directly, FTG delivery includes Gz, Gzz, Gzx, Gzy, Gxx, Gxy, Gyy, Gyz, increasing the resolution of data. Accretionary Complex Forearc Basins Intermontane Basins Foreland Basins Trench Slope Basins Volcanic Arc Continental Crust Figure 2. Types of the Mesozoic/Cenozoic sedimentary basins in the western South America. VIII INGEPET 2014 6 BASIN TECTONIC TYPE BASIN NAME TRENCH SLOPE PIMENTEL, PARACAS FOREARC / TRENCH SLOPE PROGRESSO, TALARA, LIMA FOREARC TUMBE, LANCONES, SECHURA, SALAVERRY, TRUJILLO, HUACHO, PISCO, MOLLENDO, MOQUEGUA INTERMONTANE / FTB AND FORELAND BAGUA, SANTIAGO, HULLAGA, ENE, TITICACA FTB AND FORELAND MARAÑON, UCAYALLI, MADRE DE DIOS Table 1. Tectonic types of sedimentary basins in the western South America and their examples in Peru (based on Bolaños, 2013, and Zúñiga y Rivero et al., 2010). Gravity High over Basement Highs Gravity Low over Cretaceous Depocenter Gravity Signal over Basement/Sediments Faults Gravity Low over Cenozoic Depocenter Offset of Anomalies along Strike-slip Faults EO-OG MI Pε-EO K Basement Figure 3. FTG feasibility model of the Pacific margin basins. Pseudo-3D model built based on westeast seismic line 93-75, southern Lima Basin.
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