1 CALIFONIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE (A-BSN) ACCELERATED PROGRAM APPLICATION DEADLINE NOVEMBER 30, 2014 Directions: 1. ATTENTION: Application to the nursing program requires the completion of the application to the University and the application to the Department of Nursing. Admission to the nursing program is contingent on receiving an acceptance letter form the Department of Nursing: a. California State University Northridge online application is available by accessing: www.csumentor.org. Available October 1 to November 30 b. The Department of Nursing application, see below, is due no later than November 30th (postmarked) 2. Please make sure that all items on the checklist are delivered in a single packet to avoid delays in processing your application. Mail your application before or by the due date to: Attention: Accelerated BSN Program Department of Nursing, Jacaranda Hall 2210 18111 Nordhoff Street. Northridge, CA 91330-8285 California State University, Northridge 3. Late and incomplete applications will not be accepted. Use the list below to ensure all documents are included and submitted. 2 2015 ACCELERATED BSN (A-BSN) PROGRAM CHECKLIST FORM Last Name First Name Middle Initial Email Address _____ Checklist form (this form) _____ Personal information (included) _____ Completed prerequisites checklist (included) _____ Signed and dated Statement of Health Clearance (included) _____ Signed and dated Self-Disclosure of Scheduling Availability form (included) _____ Resume / CV _____ Personal Essay (1-2 page, double spaced essay describing background, professional goal. Refer to questions 1-6 as reference) _____ Three (3) letters of recommendation using official recommendation form (included) _____ OFFICIAL transcripts verifying completion of Baccalaureate Degree. _____ Courses in process to be completed in Fall 2014, must submit transcripts ASAP once grades have been posted (deadline 2/10) _____ Foreign Graduate MUST submit an EVALUATED transcript. A copy is needed for both Nursing and Admissions & Records 3 2015 ACCELERATED BSN (A-BSN) PROGRAM PERSONAL INFORMATION FORM I am applying for (check one): ___2015 Summer Entry Personal Information (Please type or print clearly) Name: Address: City: State: Zip: California Resident? (Please circle) Yes No Emergency Contact: Phone#: or ___2015 Fall Entry Phone #: Email Address: Educational Background (List all institutions since high school) School Name Dates Attended Have you previously applied to the CSUN Nursing program? Diploma/Degree No Yes Date Awarded If yes, when? ___________ MILITARY INFORMATION: Have you ever been on active duty in the U.S. military service? an active duty member or a veteran of the U.S. armed forces. Yes No If Yes, please indicate whether you are currently Active Duty Member Veteran If you select “Yes”, submit a copy of your DD214 or DD295 with this application. Experiential Background (start with most recent) Organization Position Title Specialty/Duties Recommendations (3 are required) Name Dates of Employment Title Reason for Leaving Organization COMPUTER SKILLS Use email? Internet skills? (Circle) **You are expected to have these computer skills in the graduate program. Proficient Some Difficulty None 4 VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE/Certification (Must submit documentation to validate) Prefer 60 hours of patient care experience in a clinical setting, completed within 24 months prior to submitting your application. Yes ____ No _____ number of hours completed: _______ documentation included? Yes _____ No _____ Institution Name/Location: ___________________________________________________________________ Explain volunteering responsibilities/duties: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Completed Clinical Certification? Yes: _____ No: _____ Certification CNA Certificate Date Completed EMT Certificate Other Certificate (specify): PERSONAL ESSAY/QUESTIONNAIRE Not to exceed 1-2 page double-spaced Address the following questions in essay format: 1. Describe the event or time in your life that you made a decision to pursue a career in nursing. 2. What are your strengths in your background that will assist you as you serve the population who seek out medical care? 3. What attributes can you bring to the program that will benefit your fellow students? 4. Due to the time commitment for the 15 months, how do you plan to commit yourself 5. Once you have completed your BSN, are you planning to pursue an advanced degree, if so, in what area of expertise? 6. Have you researched the opportunities in the nursing field? If so, where do you see yourself 10 years from now? to this intense program? 5 PREREQUISITE CHECKLIST Complete all items below based on your transcripts from EVERY school attended. Applicant name ______________________________________________________________________ SCIENCE COURSES MUST HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AFTER SPRING 2008 Required Courses ** MUST HAVE BEEN COMPLETED WITHIN (7) SEVEN YEARS PRIOR TO ADMISSION EXAMPLE: Nursing Core/Prerequisite Requirements: Human Anatomy w/Lab** BIO 211/212-CSUN (3-4 Units) Microbiology w/Lab** BIOL 215/L –CSUN (2/1 Units) Human Physiology w/Lab** BIOL 281/282-CSUN (3/1units) General Chemistry w/Lab** CHEM 103-CSUN (4 units) Basic statistics (3 units) Grade Units A 3 Date Completed (Or “IP” if in process) FA12 Course # HSC 123 Educational Institution CSUN Critical Thinking Oral Communication Written Communication DEADLINE- POST MARKED BY NOVEMBER 30 Complete Application packet must be postmarked by November 30th or delivered in person to the Department of Nursing, Jacaranda Hall 2210 office no later than Friday, November 29th LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. NO EXCEPTIONS. 6 A-BSN APPLICANT RECOMMENDATION FORM TO THE APPLICANT: This section must be completed before sending to recommender. WAIVER OF ACCESS TO CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCES In accordance with Family Education Rights and Privacy Acts of 1974 (Public Law 93-380), I understand that at my option, I may waive the right to review this letter of recommendation. (Please check your choice below.) I waive my right to inspect this letter I do NOT waive my right to inspect this letter Applicant’s Name____________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________ If you do not check one of the above actions or do not authorize this waiver by signature, then the program will assume you have not waived access. 7 TO THE RECOMMENDER: Name (please print) ___________________________________________ Date____________ How well do you know the candidate: Very well fairly well slightly How long have you known the applicant? __________________________ Relationship to applicant? Advisor Professor Employer Physician Other _____ Please refer to the following table and indicate your impression of this applicant regarding the following factors: Applicant Characteristics Critical Thinking: effective problem-solving & decision-making taking into account available information Communication: Oral expression Communication: Written expression Interpersonal Relations: ability to get along with others, rapport, cooperation Integrity: ethical standards, honesty, trustworthiness Advocacy: Represents the needs of others effectively Life long learner: Seeks personal learning opportunities Respect for others: Collaborates, respects values & beliefs of others, & culturally sensitive Competence: Quality of work is consistently accurate, thorough & timely. Motivation: genuineness and depth of commitment. Maturity: personal development, accepts constructive criticism and demonstrates good judgment Perseverance: commitment to finishing difficult tasks Empathy: sensitivity to needs of others Resourcefulness: demonstrates skillful management of available resources. Creativity: demonstrates originality Ability to organize work: Reliable and prompt Collaboration: Exhibits teamwork and works well with peers and upper management. Self-Confidence: assuredness, capacity to achieve with awareness of own strengths and weaknesses Outstanding Very Good Good Average Poor Unable to Judge 8 *Questions may be addressed on a separate sheet. 1. Are there any circumstances, which you think might affect this candidate’s ability to complete an academically rigorous Yes No If Yes, please explain: nursing program? 2. Considering this candidate’s interests, work habits, personality, and career goals. Does this person display the moral and Yes No Additional Comments: ethical attributes necessary to be a health care professional? 3. Please discuss the characteristics of the applicant that you feel will make him/her a competitive candidate for our professional program. This applicant receives my highest recommendation I recommend this applicant with confidence. I recommend this applicant. I recommend this applicant with some reservations. I would not recommend this candidate for admission. RECOMMENDER: Signature ________________________________________________________ Title/Occupation __________________________________________________ Institution ________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State _____________ Zip __________ Telephone (______) _____________________________________ RETURN THIS FORM IN A SEALED ENVELOPE TO APPLICANT. THANK YOU. 9 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE DEPARTMENT OF NURSING ABSN PROGRAM CLASS AND CLINICAL TIME SCHEDULING SELF-DISCLOSURE OF AVAILABILITY For admission to and progression in the CSUN pre-licensure A-BSN pathway, all students must be able to attend classes and clinical training as scheduled each semester. Clinical training is offered on any of the seven days of the week and during any portion of these days as negotiated with and as offered by the clinical agencies. The Nursing Program must schedule clinical times in collaboration with clinical agencies. The clinical agencies are constrained by patient census, presence of other students in their facility, and other variables not under the control of the University. Students are required to obtain and maintain at their sole cost the following clinical requirements: health exams and immunizations, evidence of TB test, titers or other required tests, background check, drug screening, nursing liability insurance, CPR certification, fire safety card, HIPPA and Blood Borne Pathogen training, and any other requirements deemed necessary by the clinical agencies. Students must complete a pre-clinical checklist and provide proof that requirements are met 4 weeks prior to the start of their first clinical course. If an affiliating clinical agency notifies faculty that they are refusing clinical placement to a student based on background check or drug screen, the student will be unable to complete required clinical laboratory coursework, be unable to progress in the program and thus be unable to meet Degree requirements. Scheduled clinical dates, times and hours cannot be modified to meet students’ personal needs. Clinical rotations may however change each academic semester or year according to changes in clinical agencies’ schedule. Students are required to demonstrate professional maturity and physical, emotional, ethical and moral fitness for clinical practice. Student must be able to provide transportation to CSUN and to the various clinical sites assigned for the clinical rotation. I certify that I have read, understood, and agree to the above statements and I certify that I am able to meet classes and clinical assignments during any of the seven days of the week and during any time of day. I understand that if for any reason I choose not to sign, date and submit this form, and then my application for the A-BSN track cannot be considered. Signature Date 10 DEPARTMENT OF NURSING STATEMENT OF HEALTH CLEARANCE STATEMENT OF PHYSICIAN OR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER: I hereby certify that _______________________________ was examined by me on _______________, 20 ____, and was found to be fit to function in a nursing program, without limitations or accommodations related to: (Please circle area that is applicable) Lifting patients Yes No, needs accommodations Pulling patients Yes No, needs accommodations Turning patients Yes No, needs accommodations Physical mobility Yes No, needs accommodations Pushing heavy medical equipment Yes No, needs accommodations Mental disability Yes No, needs accommodations If you answered “No, needs accommodations” to any of the above, please explain. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature of Physician or Healthcare Provider ____________________________________ Stamp of Physician or Healthcare Provider
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