PDF doc. Ayurvedic Intake - Marina Baroni, Dipl. Ayu.

Via Vedica PO Box 138 Culver City, CA 90232
Ayurvedic Intake Form
Name: _______________________________________Today’s Date_________________
Date of birth: _______________________Time of birth: ____________________________
Place of birth: _____________________________________________________________
Place of childhood:_________________________________________________________
Other Places lived: _________________________________________________________
Current address: __________________________________________________________
Home phone: __________________________________ Work phone: ________________
Email address: ____________________________________________________________
Occupation: ______________________________________________________________
Age: _________ Sex: ____________ Height: _________________ Weight: ____________
Living situation: ___Spouse ___Partner ___Alone ___Friends ___Parents ___Children
Emergency contact: ______________________________ Phone: ___________________
_____Spouse _____Parent _____Friend _____Other (specify)_____________________
Main health concerns and intentions: ___________________________________________
Origins, duration and progress of the symptoms of main concerns: ___________________
Past treatments : __________________________________________________________
Marina Baroni, Dipl. Ayu. 310 433-3196 [email protected]
Via Vedica PO Box 138 Culver City, CA 90232
Please check any recent or chronic concern:
__high blood pressure
__dry cough
__low blood pressure
__poor circulation
__pain in the heart
__chronic cough
__sinus infection
__sore throat
__blood in stools
__dry skin
__muscle twitching
__excessive urination
__muscle weakness
__kidney stones
__skin rashes, hives
__muscle cramping
__water retention/edema
__joint stiffness
__painful urination
__joint swelling
__blood in urine
__muscle/joint pain,
__low energy
__anxiety, nervousness
__excessive appetite
__low appetite
__depression, lethargy
Marina Baroni, Dipl. Ayu. 310 433-3196 [email protected]
Via Vedica PO Box 138 Culver City, CA 90232
Reproductive Female
__Age of first cycle
__heavy bleeding
__pain with menses
__length of cycle
__bleeding between periods
__bloating before menses
__blood clots
__irregular periods
__painful intercourse
__breast lumps
__breast pain
__vaginal discharge
__vaginal dryness
__hot flashes
__mood swings
__vaginal itching
__ovarian cysts
__abnormal PAP smear
Birth control method:
Have you ever been on a birth control pill?
If yes, what kind?
Please list pregnancies, miscarriages and abortions you have had:
Reproductive Male
__painful testicles
__lumps/swelling of testicles
Marina Baroni, Dipl. Ayu. 310 433-3196 [email protected]
Via Vedica PO Box 138 Culver City, CA 90232
Are you currently seeing any health care providers?
If yes, please list their names and the reasons you are seeing them:
Are you familiar with Ayurveda? ______________________________________________
Please list any dietary supplements, vitamins, herbs you are currently taking:
Please list any medications you are currently taking:
Marina Baroni, Dipl. Ayu. 310 433-3196 [email protected]
Via Vedica PO Box 138 Culver City, CA 90232
Health History
Please list any medications, herbs, foods you are allergic to:
Please list any previous serious conditions including operations:
Please list all serious health conditions in your family and your relation to that person:
Marina Baroni, Dipl. Ayu. 310 433-3196 [email protected]
Via Vedica PO Box 138 Culver City, CA 90232
Diet and Lifestyle
How is your appetite?
Diet: ____vegetarian
____other (please explain) _____________________________________________________
Please describe your meals including times of the day and food choices:
Lunch: _____________________________________________________________________
Dinner: _____________________________________________________________________
Snacks: ____________________________________________________________________
Liquid intake, in cups:
___caffeinated beverages
___juice ___water/herbal teas ___dairy
Marina Baroni, Dipl. Ayu. 310 433-3196 [email protected]
Via Vedica PO Box 138 Culver City, CA 90232
Do you have any food cravings?
Do you have any addictions?
___drugs ___alcohol
Bowel habits: ______________________________ Urinary habits: _____________________
Sleep habits: ________________________________________________________________
Stress level: _________________________________________________________________
Exercise routine: _____________________________________________________________
According to Ayurveda the frequency of sexual activity may have an impact on health.
Please indicate how often you engage in sexual activity:
___ several times a week
____several times a month ____occasionally
Please describe your daily routine/activities:
Morning: ___________________________________________________________________
Day: _______________________________________________________________________
Evening/Night: _______________________________________________________________
Marina Baroni, Dipl. Ayu. 310 433-3196 [email protected]