LCC PAIRS FOR SPRING 2015 This is only a guide to what will be offered. Please see Classfinder for updates and more detail. CRN SUBJ COURSE NO TITLE TIME/DAYS 27566 27567 SOC REL 1010.50L 1010.51K Introduction to Sociology Understanding the Bible 1100AM-1215PM TR 1100AM-1150AM MWF 27568 27569 SOC REL 1010.52L 1010.53K Introduction to Sociology Understanding the Bible 1230PM-145PM TR 1200PM-1250PM MWF 27570 27571 HIS PHI 2015.50L 2015.51L Ideas of Democracy Philosophies of Democracy 0100-0150 MWF 1200-1250 MWF 27572 27573 ENW PED 2015.50L 1600.51L Adventures of Writers Who Walk Health & Fitness Concepts 12-12:50 MWF 0100-0150 MW 27574 27575 ENW PED 2015.52L 1600.53L Adventures of Writers Who Walk Health & Fitness Concepts 1100-1150 MWF 1200-1250 MW 27576 27577 MUH REL 1200.50K 1010.55K Intro to Music:History/Style/Culture Understanding the Bible 0900-0950 MWF 0800-0850 MWF MUSIC MAJORS ONLY MUSIC MAJORS ONLY 27578 27579 MUH REL 1200.52K 1010.57K Intro to Music:History/Style/Culture Understanding the Bible 0800-0850 MWF 0900-0950 MWF MUSIC MAJORS ONLY MUSIC MAJORS ONLY 27580 27581 MUH REL 1200.54K 1010.59K Intro to Music:History/Style/Culture Understanding the Bible 1200-1250 MWF 1100-1150 MWF MUSIC MAJORS ONLY MUSIC MAJORS ONLY 27582 27583 MUH REL 1200.56K 1010.61K Intro to Music:History/Style/Culture Understanding the Bible 1100-1150 MWF 1200-1250 MWF MUSIC MAJORS ONLY MUSIC MAJORS ONLY 27584 MUH 1200.58K Intro to Music:History/Style/Culture 1100-1150 MWF MUSIC MAJORS ONLY 27585 REL 1010.63K Understanding the Bible 1100-1215 TR MUSIC MAJORS ONLY 27586 27587 MUH REL 1200.60K 1010.65K Intro to Music:History/Style/Culture Understanding the Bible 0900-0950 MWF 0930-1045 TR MUSIC MAJORS ONLY MUSIC MAJORS ONLY 27628 27589 MUH ENW 2010.50L 2015.51L Popular Music Experience Rhetoric of Country Music 0930-1045 TR 1100-1215 TR 27590 27591 ENL REL 2015.52L 1010.67K Classical Literature Understanding the Bible 2:00-3:15 TR 12:30-1:45 TR 27592 27593 ENL REL 2015.54L 1010.69K Classical Literature Understanding the Bible 11:00-12:15 TR 9:30-10:45 TR 27594 27595 HIS MUH 1020.50K 2020.51K World History since 1500 World Music Experience ONLINE 800-915 TR 0930-1045 TR 27596 27597 HUM HIS 1500.50K 1800.51K Asian Humanities East Asian History 0200-0315 TR 1230-0145 TR 27598 ASN 2010.50K 0530-0930 T 1ST 8 WEEKS only 27599 HUM 2015.51K China Rising 1st eight weeks; fulfills gen ed SOC SCI China & Chinese in Am. Film & Lit. 1st eight weeks; fulfills gen ed HUM 0530-0930 W 1ST 8 WEEKS only 27600 27601 ENL SOC 2015.56L 1020.51L Becoming Change: Reading/Writing About Social Justice Social Problems -fulfills gen ed SOC SCI 11-12:15 TR 9:30-10:45 TR 27602 27603 ENL SOC 2015.58L 1020.53L Becoming Change: Reading/Writing About Social Justice Social Problems -fulfills gen ed SOC SCI 9:30-10:45 TR 11:00-12:15 TR 27604 27605 HUM HIS 1400.50K 1400.51K Culture and Arts of the Med.World Medieval World 1230-0145 TR 1100-12:15 TR ONLINE 27606 27607 COM ART 2015.50L 2000.51L Every Day Encounters The Art Experience 1230PM-0145PM TR 0200-0315PM TR 27608 27609 ART COM 2000.50L 2015.51L The Art Experience Every Day Encounters 1230PM--0145PM TR 1100AM-1215PM TR 27612 CEM 1620.50L General Chemistry 2 27613 ENL 2015.51L Forensics in Literature 27610 27611 ENL TDR 2015.60L 2800.51L Literature and the Stage The Theatre Experience 100-150 MWF 200-250 MWF 27618 BIO 1010.50L Bio Sci: General Biology 27619 SOC 1010.51L Intro to Sociology 1100-1150 MWF 0100-0250 R 0330-0445 TR 27620 BIO 1120.50L ENW 2015.53L 1100-1215 TR 0100-0350 T 0930-1045 TR BIO, BMB, NEU, ENV, prehealth majors ONLY 27621 Principles of Bio II BIO, BMB, NEU, ENV, prehealth majors ONLY Science and the Writer's Art 27622 BIO 1120.52L HIS 1200.51L 0930-1045 TR 0100-0350 R 0800-0915 TR BIO, BMB, NEU, ENV, prehealth majors ONLY 27623 Principles of Bio II BIO, BMB, NEU, ENV, prehealth majors ONLY The Wild West 27624 27625 REL PHI 1010.50K 1600.51L Understanding the Bible Introduction to Philosophy 1200-1250 MWF 0100-0150 MWF 27626 27627 REL PHI 1010.52K 1600.52L Understanding the Bible Introduction to Philosophy 0200-0250 MWF 0300-0445 MWF 27643 MTH 1020.50L Mathematical Inquiry 0900-0950 MWF 1100-1150 MWF 0100-0350 R 0900-0950 MWF BIO, BMB, NEU, ENV, prehealth majors ONLY BIO, BMB, NEU, ENV, prehealth majors ONLY 27630 PSC 1210.51L American Government 0800-0915 TR 27644 27632 MTH PSC 1020.52L 1210.53L Mathematical Inquiry American Government 1200-1250 MWF 0930-1045 TR 27633 27634 MTH ECO 1150.50L 2220.51L Elementary Statistics Prin of Microeconomics 0800-0850 MWF 0900-0950 MWF 27635 27636 MTH ECO 1150.52L 2220.53L Elementary Statistics Prin of Microeconomics 1100-1150 MWF 1200-1250 MWF 27637 27638 MTH ECO 1150.54L 2220.55L Elementary Statistics Prin of Microeconomics 0800-0915 TR 0930-1045 TR 27639 27640 MTH ECO 1150.56L 2220.57L Elementary Statistics Prin of Microeconomics 0930-1045 TR 1100-1215 TR 27645 27662 MTH ENL 1080.50L 2015.53L Mathematical Inquiry 0200-0315 TR Opposites Attract: Language & Inquiry in a World of Numbers &Letters 0200-0315 MW 27647 27663 MTH ENL 1080.52L 2015.55L Mathematical Inquiry 0330-0445 TR Opposites Attract: Language & Inquiry in a World of Numbers &Letters0330-0445 MW 27641 27642 MDS PED 1500.50L 1600.55L Mass Media & Society Health & Fitness Concepts 0930-1015 TR 0900-0950 MW 27649 27650 MDS PED 1500.52L 1600.57L Mass Media & Society Health & Fitness Concepts 0200-0315 TR 1100-1150 MW 27766 27767 PED COM 1600.50L 2015.53L Health and Fitness Concepts Gendered Communication about Healthy Living 0200PM-0250PM MW 0100PM-0150PM MWF 27820 27822 REL ENL 1020.50K 2015.57L Intro to the Old Testament (Service Learning.) Seeking Meaning: Literature and Social Reflection TR 9:30-10:45 MWF 12:00-12:50 27823 27824 REL ENL 1020.52K 2015.59L Intro to the Old Testament (Service Learning.) Seeking Meaning: Literature and Social Reflection TR 11:00-12:15 MWF 1:00-1:50 27871 28033 PSC PHI 1210.50L 2015.53L American Government American Philosophy MWF 0900AM-0950AM MWF 1100AM-1150AM 27873 28034 PSC PHI 1210.52L 2015.55L American Government American Philosophy MWF 1200PM-1250PM MWF 0100PM-0150PM 20376 PHY 1140.50L Intro to Physics 28032 ENL 2015.61L Science Fiction, Science Fact MWF 0900-0950 AM T 03:00- 5:30 PM R 03:00-05:30 PM
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