2014 Summer Bash No-Tap Tournament 08/09/14 Thursday Page 1 7:00 pm Scratch Scratch Results Results Squad Squad B1 B1 Thu Thu 08/07/14 08/07/14 7:00:00 7:00:00 pm pm --- Scratch Scratch Result Result z Singles Place 1 2 2 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 19 20 21 22 22 24 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 33 36 36 38 39 40 41 41 41 44 45 46 47 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 59 61 62 63 64 65 Scr Total 1166 1132 1132 1095 1083 1056 1056 1041 1030 1026 1024 1021 1001 994 987 985 978 978 977 963 954 939 939 935 935 933 927 925 924 922 918 914 903 903 903 899 899 887 884 882 879 879 879 876 871 870 869 869 866 861 859 857 855 853 852 846 843 840 838 838 835 833 830 816 813 08/09/14 2:43 pm Page 1 of 2 Bowler Name Steve Syx Brandon Stevens Bud Hagens Bob Kemp Kody Perrine Curt Rasnic Mandy Wilson-W Bob Wurdack Kellie Klein-W Christin Gaw-W Josh Lewis Keith Hahn Rick Schairbaum Frank Beck Daniel Glascoe Cameron Swanson Bob Joy Rob Dill Rick Schmalstig Joseph Snider Andy Bizub Scott Farmer Kevin Elsman Denny Ashurst Matt Pohl Matt Cole Art Rosenfelder Lonnie Wright Debbie Fansler-W Cyndi Gaw-W Donna Kubilius-W Chad Wilhelm Joe Reigelsperger Buck Barney Carly Mann-Y Daniel Sakaitis Gary Stevens Tom Beck Darren Gwin Ron Koverman Chuck Figer Debbie Roberts-W Kevin Naveau Randy Kubilius Kyle Stapp Emily Florkey-Y Barb Stevens-W Seth Koloski Brittany O'Connell-Y Shawn Aughe Heather Stevens-W Don Scott Shannon DeWitt-W Dave Debord Chad Curry Dee Miller-W Jim Brown David Seifert-Y Jerry Hays Michael Donahue-Y Ruby Begley-W Timothy Wilhelm Patrick Gwin Jean Ashurst-W Mike Ford Game -1300 277 278 265 300 235 250 277 222 259 205 259 221 192 234 235 275 246 277 253 219 232 255 215 265 275 207 206 236 223 266 222 213 221 252 194 233 207 223 300 252 153 223 265 244 241 255 173 219 252 215 207 213 202 251 208 227 243 206 224 156 219 234 197 212 Game -2300 277 278 255 276 233 265 288 266 300 265 267 296 300 249 266 248 201 194 265 204 219 206 197 275 212 264 275 169 300 198 242 207 290 178 219 233 256 204 193 205 256 171 213 244 198 225 199 192 222 201 198 221 229 207 242 219 180 253 208 263 191 227 218 228 Game -3300 300 276 277 207 288 263 246 264 227 288 266 234 300 278 277 244 279 219 277 287 244 224 225 195 212 255 233 255 209 256 262 195 174 255 208 201 243 220 190 229 233 222 179 213 239 199 265 222 194 251 208 188 220 242 209 174 187 175 233 224 145 182 256 161 Game -4266 278 300 298 300 300 278 230 278 240 266 229 250 202 226 207 211 252 287 168 244 244 254 298 200 234 201 211 264 190 198 188 288 218 218 278 232 181 237 199 193 237 263 219 170 192 190 232 233 193 192 244 233 202 152 187 223 230 204 173 192 278 187 145 212 BTM-2013/AutoScoring BTM-2013/AutoScoring BTM-2013/AutoScoringlicensed licensed licensed licensedto to to toDoug Doug Doug DougWilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Beaver-Vu Beaver-Vu Beaver-VuBowl Bowl Bowl Beaver-Vu Bowl BTM-2013/AutoScoring BTM-2013/AutoScoring BTM-2013/AutoScoring licensed licensed to to Doug Doug Wilson Wilson Beaver-Vu Bowl Total 1166 1132 1132 1095 1083 1056 1056 1041 1030 1026 1024 1021 1001 994 987 985 978 978 977 963 954 939 939 935 935 933 927 925 924 922 918 914 903 903 903 899 899 887 884 882 879 879 879 876 871 870 869 869 866 861 859 857 855 853 852 846 843 840 838 838 835 833 830 816 813 08/09/14 Place 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 72 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 88 90 2014 Summer Bash No-Tap Tournament Scr Total 812 809 806 800 789 786 785 785 782 762 755 750 744 743 716 707 703 701 683 667 633 629 616 616 603 08/09/14 2:43 pm Page 2 of 2 Bowler Name Jon Baker Gene Begley Greg Karas Kristen Keenan-W Jack Gresham Christine Robinson-W Tony Day Dave Green Ed Wilkinson Rob Joy Pete Rauch Rachel Elsman-W Guy LeValley Ashley Kail-W Lindsey Klein-Y Wayne Taeger Adam Dagley Franklin Puckett Bob Reigelsperger Pauleen Spurling-W Terri Sanders-W Brittney Sheehan-Y Levi Perez-Green Leanna Perez-Green Dayne Perez-Green Page 2 Game -1125 183 208 224 190 224 163 153 179 179 197 173 195 195 186 206 222 183 187 156 125 148 184 167 146 Game -2206 158 190 233 180 152 209 231 193 219 211 200 152 154 199 138 170 167 167 167 170 188 130 144 142 Game -3243 254 214 147 189 262 244 223 212 230 166 180 185 175 200 176 140 196 168 163 204 141 115 153 177 Game -4238 214 194 196 230 148 169 178 198 134 181 197 212 219 131 187 171 155 161 181 134 152 187 152 138 BTM-2013/AutoScoring BTM-2013/AutoScoring BTM-2013/AutoScoringlicensed licensed licensed licensedto to to toDoug Doug Doug DougWilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Beaver-Vu Beaver-Vu Beaver-VuBowl Bowl Bowl Beaver-Vu Bowl BTM-2013/AutoScoring BTM-2013/AutoScoring BTM-2013/AutoScoring licensed licensed to to Doug Doug Wilson Wilson Beaver-Vu Bowl Total 812 809 806 800 789 786 785 785 782 762 755 750 744 743 716 707 703 701 683 667 633 629 616 616 603
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