Stochastic Calculus (Lecture #3) Siegfried Hörmann Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Spring 2014 Outline of the course 1. Stochastic processes in continuous time. 2. Brownian motion. 3. Itô integral: preliminaries. 4. Brownian motion calculus 5. Itô’s formula. 6. Stochastic differential equations. 7. Strong and weak solutions of SDEs. 8. Change of measure. Itô integral: preliminaries 3.1. Functions of bounded variation. 3.2. Lebesgue-Stieltjes/Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Rt 3.3. The stochastic integral 0 B(s)dB(s). 3.4. Integration of simple previsible processes. 3.5. Some martingale results. Functions of bounded variation Definition The variation of a real function g over the interval [a, b] is defined as Vg ([a, b]) := sup n X |g(ti ) − g(ti−1 )|, i=1 where the supremum is taken over partitions a = t0 < t1 < · · · < tn = b. If Vg (t) := Vg ([0, t]) < ∞ for all t ≥ 0, then g is said to be a function of finite variation. Functions of bounded variation Example If g is increasing then Vg (t) = g(t) − g(0). If g is decreasing then Vg (t) = g(0) − g(t). (Exercise.) Example If g is differentiable with continuous derivative then Z Vg (t) = t |g 0 (s)|ds. 0 (Exercise.) Example The function g(t) = t sin(1/t) for t > 0 and g(0) = 0 is continuous and differentiable at all points except 0, but has infinite variation. (Exercise.) Functions of bounded variation Lemma (Jordan Decomposition) Any function g of finite variation can be written as the difference of two monotone functions. If g is right-continuous, then also the two monotone functions can be chosen to be right-continuous. Proof. Take, for example, h1 (t) = 1 1 (Vg (t) + g(t)) and h2 (t) = (Vg (t) − g(t)). 2 2 Remark (1) The representation is not unique. (2) If g(0) = 0 and if hi as above we have 0 ≤ hi (t) ≤ Vg (t). Lebesgue-Stieltjes/Riemann-Stieltjes integral Suppose that g is right-continuous and of bounded variation. Then with h1 , h2 as before we can define the two (σ-finite) measures µ1 ((a, b]) := h1 (b) − h1 (a) and µ2 ((a, b]) := h2 (b) − h2 (a). Then for f : [0, ∞) → R the Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral is defined as Z Z Z fdg := fdµ1 − fdµ2 , (0,t] (0,t] (0,t] R provided (0,t] |f |dµi < ∞ for i = 1, 2. One can show that this definition is independent of the choice of h1 and h2 . Lebesgue-Stieltjes/Riemann-Stieltjes integral If f is continuous, then the Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral coincides with the Riemann-Stieltjes integral Z t fdg = lim 0 n X f (tk0 )(g(tk ) − g(tk −1 )), tk −1 ≤ tk0 ≤ tk , k =1 where 0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < tn = t, defines a partition, whose refinement tends to zero. Remark (1) The limit above is independent of the choice of tk0 . (2) One can show: if the Riemann-Stieltjes integral exists for all continuous f , then g is of finite variation. Lebesgue-Stieltjes/Riemann-Stieltjes integral (3) One can show: the Riemann-Stieltjes integral exists, if one of the two functions f or g is continuous and the other one is of bounded variation (4) Due to (3): if f is of bounded variation and Bs a BM, then Z t f (s)dBs (ω) 0 is defined for all ω. =⇒ we could define the integral path-wise (5) Partial integration: suppose that g and f are continuous and of bounded variation. Then Z Z f (t)g(t) = f (0)g(0) + fdg + gdf . (0,t] (0,t] The stochastic integral Rt 0 Bs dBs One of the main targets of this course is to define Z t Xs dBs . 0 By the previous statement, if Xs (ω) were of bounded variation for all ω, we could define the integral pathwise as a Riemann-Stieltjes integral. However, this would already exclude the case where Xs = Bs as is implied by the following result. Lemma A BM path is a.s. not of bounded variation. Proof. Fix ω and write Bt for Bt (ω). Then if VB(·) (t) were < ∞ n X (Btk − Btk −1 )2 ≤ VB(·) (t) × sup |Btk − Btk −1 | → 0. k =1 1≤k ≤n The stochastic integral Rt 0 Bs dBs Let us check what happens. n X Btk −1 (Btk − Btk −1 ) k =1 n n 1X 1X (Btk + Btk −1 )(Btk − Btk −1 ) − (Btk − Btk −1 )(Btk − Btk −1 ) = 2 2 = = 1 2 k =1 n X k =1 (Bt2k − Bt2k −1 ) − k =1 n 1X 1 2 B − 2 t 2 1 2 n X (Btk − Btk −1 )2 k =1 (Btk − Btk −1 )2 k =1 1 P 1 → (Bt2 − hBit ) = (Bt2 − t). 2 2 Compared to partial integration, we get extra term −t/2. The stochastic integral Now consider Rt 0 Pn Bs dBs k =1 Btk0 (Btk − Btk −1 ), with tk0 = αtk −1 + (1 − α)tk , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. Then n X Btk0 (Btk − Btk −1 ) k =1 = n X k =1 Btk −1 (Btk − Btk −1 ) + n X (Btk0 − Btk −1 )(Btk − Btk −1 ). k =1 The first summand converges to 12 (Bt2 − t) as we have shown. The second, converges to (1 − α)t (exercise). The stochastic integral Hence Pn k =1 Btk0 (Btk Rt 0 Bs dBs − Btk −1 ), with tk0 = αtk −1 + (1 − α)tk , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. converges (in probability) to 1 2 B + 2 t 1 − α t. 2 Unlike the usual Riemann-Stieltjes integral, this limit depends on the choice of the nodes tk0 . The stochastic integral Rt 0 Bs dBs A way out of this problem is to fix the nodes. Different choices of α yield different integrals. 1. The choice α = 0 gives rise to the Itô integral. 2. Another popular choice is α = 1/2, which corresponds to the Stratonovich integral. As we will see, the Itô integral has the important advantage, that the resulting integrated process becomes a (local) martingale, which is a fundamental property. Integration of simple previsible processes Our previous investigations motivate to define the stochastic integral as a Riemann-Stieltjes integral, where the process is evaluated on the left limit of the intervals. Definition (Simple previsible) A process Y is called simple previsible with respect to a filtration (Ft )t≥0 , if it can be represented as Yt = ξ0 I{t = 0} + n X ξk I{t ∈ (tk −1 , tk ]}, k =1 where 0 = t0 ≤ t1 ≤ t2 ≤ · · · ≤ tn < ∞, ξk are bounded r.v.s and Ftk −1 -measurable, and ξ0 is a bounded F0 -measurable r.v. In the sequel (Ft )t≥0 will be the filtration of a BM B(t), satisfying the usual conditions. Integration of simple previsible processes Example Define Yt = ξk := max{min{Btk −1 , c} − c} (c > 0), if tk −1 < t ≤ tk , k ≤ n, and Y0 = 0. Then Y is simple previsible. We denote E the set of simple previsible processes (SPPs). Definition (Stochastic integral of SPPs) Let Y ∈ E. Then the stochastic integral of Y with respect to B is defined as Z ∞ n X IB (Y ) = Ys dBs := ξk (Btk − Btk −1 ). 0 k =1 Integration of simple previsible processes 2 It is trivial to see that E IB (Y ) < ∞. Hence, IB : E → L2 = L2 (Ω, A, P). Here are some other simple properties: Well def.: The definition is independent of the (non-unique) representation of Y . Linear: If X and Y are simple previsible and α and β real numbers, then IB (αX + βY ) = αIB (X ) + βIB (Y ). 2 R∞ Moments: EIB (Y ) = 0 and E IB (Y ) = E 0 Ys2 ds. Integration of simple previsible processes The first two properties are simple and left as an exercise. We prove the moments properties. Z ∞ X E Ys dBs = E[ξk E[Btk − Btk −1 |Ftk −1 ]] = 0. 0 k ≤n Furthermore Z ∞ 2 X X E[ξk ξ` (Btk − Btk −1 )(Bt` − Bt`−1 )]. E Ys dBs = 0 k ≤n `≤n Integration of simple previsible processes When k < ` E[ξk ξ` (Btk − Btk −1 )(Bt` − Bt`−1 )] = E[E[ξk ξ` (Btk − Btk −1 )(Bt` − Bt`−1 )|Ft`−1 ]] = E[ξk ξ` (Btk − Btk −1 )E[Bt` − Bt`−1 |Ft`−1 ]] = 0. Same argument applies when ` < k . Hence, Z 2 ∞ E Ys dBs 0 = = n X k =1 n X k =1 = n X E[ξk2 (Btk − Btk −1 )2 ] k =1 E[E[ξk2 (Btk − Btk −1 )2 |Ftk −1 ]] = n X E[ξk2 E[(Btk − Btk −1 )2 |Ftk −1 ]] k =1 " E[ξk2 ](tk − tk −1 ) = E n X k =1 # ξk2 (tk Z − tk −1 ) = E 0 ∞ Ys2 ds. Integration of simple previsible processes The mapping IB is transforming a function (Ys ) into a (random) number. We now wish R t to obtain a random process instead, which should represent 0 Ys dBs . To this end we define ∞ Z Ys I{s ≤ t}dBs . IB (Y )t := 0 For a simple function this gives IB (Y )t = n X k =1 ξk (Btk ∧t − Btk −1 ∧t ). Integration of simple previsible processes We obtain the following further properties. Continuity The paths of IB (Y )t = Martingale IB (Y )t an L2 -bounded Rt 0 Ys dBs are continuous. martingale, i.e. sup E IB (Y )t 2 <∞ t≥0 and for s ≤ t E[IB (Y )t |Fs ] = IB (Y )s . Integration of simple previsible processes The continuity follows easily from the continuity of the BM paths. The L2 -boundedness follows from Z ∞ 2 sup E IB (Y )t = sup E Ys2 I{s ≤ t}ds t≥0 t≥0 0 Z = sup E t≥0 0 t Ys2 ds Z =E 0 ∞ Ys2 ds < ∞. (In the last step we used the monotone convergence theorem.) Integration of simple previsible processes Finally, we can add t = tj and s = tk , k ≤ j, to the partition and get j X ξ` (Bt` − Bt`−1 )|Fs E[IB (Y )t |Fs ] = E `=1 = IB (Y )s + j X E[ξ` (Bt` − Bt`−1 )|Fs ] `=k +1 = IB (Y )s + j X `=k +1 E[ξ` E[Bt` − Bt`−1 |Ft`−1 ]|Fs ] = IB (Y )s . Some martingale results Having developed the stochastic integral for the case where the integrand is a simple previsible function, is a first step towards a general definition. To extend the integral to a bigger class of integrals (next lecture), we need some background information about martingales. Recall again that X = (Xt : t ≥ 0) is a martingale w.r.t. to F = (Ft : t ≥ 0) if (i) E|Xt | < ∞ for all t ≥ 0, and (ii) E[Xt |Fs ] = Xs a.s. for all 0 ≤ s ≤ t. Examples: Let (Bt ) a Brownian motion and Ft = σ(Bs : s ≤ t). Then the following process are martingales w.r.t. F: 1. Bt . 2. Bt2 − t. 3. exp(θBt − tθ2 /2). 4. If E|Y | < ∞, then E[Y |Ft ] is a martingale. Some martingale results Many important properties of martingales can be shown under the assumption that the paths are càdlàg. Definition (càdlàg) A function f on [0, ∞) is called càdlàg (continue à droite, limite à gauche), if it is right-continuous and if left limits exist. Example I Continuous functions are càdlàg. I Distribution functions are càdlàg. I f : [0, 2] → R with f (t) = sin(1/(1 − t))I{t < 1} isn’t càdlàg. Since one can prove that if the filtration F fulfills the usual conditions, then every martingale X w.r.t. F possesses a càdlàg version, this is not really a restriction. Some martingale results Theorem (Optional stopping theorem) If X is a martingale with right-continuous paths and if T is a bounded stopping time, then XT is integrable and FT measurable. In addition we have E[XT ] = E[X0 ] Theorem (Optional sampling theorem) If X is a martingale with right-continuous paths and if S ≤ T are bounded stopping times, then E[XT |FS ] = XS a.s. Some martingale results Theorem (Doob’s inequality) If X possesses right-continuous paths, then " # E sup |Xs |2 ≤ 4E|Xt |2 . 0≤s≤t Remark Doob’s inequality holds in a more general setting for p-th order moments, p > 1. We now provide some results when X is an L2 -bounded martingale, i.e. a martingale X for which sup EXt2 < ∞. t≥0 Some martingale results Theorem (Martingale convergence theorem) If X possesses right-continuous paths, then L2 Xt → X∞ . We have E[X∞ |Ft ] = Xt a.s. In addition, Doob’s inequality holds: " # E sup |Xs |2 ≤ 4E|X∞ |2 . 0≤s<∞ Exercises 1. Let (Mt ) be a square integrable martingale. Show that for Y ∈ Fs and E(Y 2 ) < ∞ we have E(Y (Mt − Ms )) = 0 for t ≥ s. This shows that martingale increments are orthogonal. P 2. Consider nk =1 Btk0 (Btk − Btk −1 ), with tk0 = (1 − α)tk −1 + αtk , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. Show that if the mesh of the partition tends to zero, then the above term converges in probability to 1 1 2 Bt + (α − )t. 2 2 Exercises 3. Show that the integral of a simple previsible process is independent of the representation of the integrand. 4. Show that the integral of a simple previsible process is linear. I.e. IB (αX + βY ) = αIB (X ) + βIB (Y ). 5. Show that if E|Y | < ∞, then E[Y |Ft ] is a martingale.
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