Invesco Emerging Local Currencies Debt Fund Statement of Investments as at 30th June 2014 Portfolio holding information is being provided solely for information purposes. Information provided is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell this fund to any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised. The provision of holding information is subject to change without notice. The fund, for which portfolio holding information is being provided, is not registered for sale in all jurisdictions. As a consequence, unregistered fund shares may not be offered or distributed by way of public advertising or public offer in such jurisdictions. For further information on fund registrations please refer to your local Invesco Internet site, your advisor or your local Invesco contact. Investment Nominal/Shares Market Value USD Net Assets % TOTAL TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES THAT HAVE BEEN ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL LISTING ON A STOCK EXCHANGE OR DEALT IN ON ANOTHER REGULATED MARKET BONDS America Movil SAB de CV 6% MXN 09/06/2019 (ISIN XS1075312204) 35,000,000.00 2,750,024.00 0.39 America Movil SAB de CV 7.125% MXN 09/12/2024 (ISIN XS1075314911) 29,000,000.00 2,286,269.00 0.32 Barclays Bank Plc 9.5% IDR 17/07/2031 (ISIN XS0568532781) 90,000,000,000.00 8,102,097.00 1.14 Barclays Bank Plc 10% IDR 17/02/2028 (ISIN XS0535301096) 80,000,000,000.00 7,525,225.00 1.06 Barclays Bank Plc 10.25% IDR 19/07/2027 (ISIN XS0540234134) 30,000,000,000.00 2,847,482.00 0.40 Brazil Letras do Tesouro Nacional 0% BRL 01/07/2016 (ISIN BRSTNCLTN6W5) 56,308,000.00 20,648,431.00 2.90 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional Serie F 9.682% BRL 01/01/2017 (ISIN BRSTNCNTF0G9 ) 39,293,000.00 17,340,184.00 2.44 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional Serie F 9.682% BRL 01/01/2023 (ISIN BRSTNCNTF147 ) 30,156,000.00 12,350,548.00 1.74 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional Serie F 10 BRL 01/01/2021 (ISIN BRSTNCNTF0N5) 58,307,000.00 25,718,144.00 3.61 1,750,000.00 1,923,435.00 0.27 0.46 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional Serie F 14.692% BRL 15/08/2050 (ISIN BRSTNCNTB3D4) China Electronics Corp Holdings Co Ltd 4.7% CNY 16/01/2017 (ISIN HK0000179140 ) 20,000,000.00 3,242,050.00 China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd 4% CNY 16/04/2017 (ISIN HK0000179140 ) 41,000,000.00 6,613,441.00 0.93 Colombia Government International Bond 4.375% COP 21/03/2023 (ISIN XS0833886095) 76,432,000,000.00 37,509,743.00 5.27 Colombia Government International Bond 7.75% COP 14/04/2021 (ISIN XS0502258444) 16,933,000,000.00 10,342,219.00 1.45 Colombia Government International Bond 9.85% COP 28/06/2027 (ISIN XS0306322065) 3,640,000,000.00 2,517,384.00 0.35 159,100,000.00 3,747,653.00 0.53 Export-Import Bank of Korea 8.4% IDR 06/07/2016 (ISIN XS0640802962) 32,300,000,000.00 2,721,478.00 0.38 Hungary Government Bond 5.5% HUF 24/06/2025 (ISIN HU0000402748 ) 1,250,000,000.00 6,078,282.00 0.85 Hungary Government Bond 6.75% HUF 24/02/2017 (ISIN HU0000402375) 2,490,700,000.00 12,135,760.00 1.71 620,000,000.00 3,312,165.00 0.47 1,137,400,000.00 5,339,119.00 0.75 Indonesia Treasury Bond 8.375% IDR 15/03/2024 (ISIN IDG000012006) 79,240,000,000.00 6,807,712.00 0.96 JPMorgan Chase Bank 8.25% IDR 17/06/2032 (ISIN XS0809085987) 47,000,000,000.00 3,780,150.00 0.53 Export-Import Bank of Korea 4% PHP 26/11/2015 (ISIN XS0558185418) Hungary Government Bond 7.5% HUF 12/11/2020 (ISIN HU0000402235) Hungary Government Bond 7.75% HUF 24/08/2015 (ISIN HU0000402581) 70,000,000,000.00 JPMorgan Chase Indonesian Government Linked Notes 8.375% IDR 17/09/2026 (ISIN XS0544938946) 5,874,045.00 0.83 Mexican Bonos 6.5% MXN 09/06/2022 (ISIN MX0MGO0000Q0) 18,460,000.00 1,512,654.00 0.21 Mexican Bonos 7.5% MXN 03/06/2027 (ISIN MX0MG00000D8) 2.01 163,460,700.00 14,298,946.00 Mexican Bonos 7.75% MXN 29/05/2031 (ISIN MX0MGO000003) 50,000,000.00 4,407,619.00 0.62 Mexican Bonos 7.75% MXN 23/11/2034 (ISIN MX0MGO0000U2) 146,600,000.00 12,981,851.00 1.82 Mexican Bonos 8% MXN 11/06/2020 (ISIN MX0MG00000L1) 196,700,000.00 17,441,737.00 2.45 Mexican Bonos 8% MXN 07/12/2023 (ISIN MX0MGO0000P2) 67,662,500.00 6,110,473.00 0.86 147,291,100.00 15,186,191.00 2.13 Peru Government Bond 7.84% PEN 12/08/2020 (ISIN PEP01000CY33) 5,508,000.00 2,264,673.00 0.32 Peru Government Bond 8.2% PEN 12/08/2026 (ISIN PEP01000C0J9) 2,979,000.00 1,306,470.00 0.18 Peru Government Bond 8.6% PEN 12/08/2017 (ISIN PEP01000CY09) 15,080,000.00 6,110,802.00 0.86 Peruvian Government International Bond 6.95% PEN 12/08/2031 (ISIN US715638BE14) 9,000,000.00 3,472,578.00 0.49 Petroleos de Venezuela SA 4.9% USD 28/10/2014 (ISIN XS0460546442) 6,000,000.00 5,971,147.00 0.84 Mexican Bonos 10% MXN 05/12/2024 (ISIN MX0MGO000078) Petroleos Mexicanos 7.19% MXN 12/09/2024 (ISIN USP78625DC49) Philippine Government International Bond 3.9% PHP 26/11/2022 (ISIN US718286BX44) Poland Government Bond 5.25% PLN 25/10/2020 (ISIN PL0000106126) 1 28,000,000.00 2,192,520.00 0.31 105,000,000.00 2,381,144.00 0.33 34,800,000.00 12,793,108.00 1.80 Poland Government Bond 5.5% PLN 25/04/2015 (ISIN PL0000105953) 5,410,000.00 1,818,025.00 0.26 Poland Government Bond 5.5% PLN 25/10/2019 (ISIN PL0000105441) 24,625,000.00 9,063,760.00 1.27 Poland Government Bond 5.75% PLN 25/10/2021 (ISIN PL0000106670) 26,535,000.00 10,111,073.00 1.42 Poland Government Bond 6.25% PLN 24/10/2015 (ISIN PL0000103602) 25,210,000.00 8,688,027.00 1.22 Romania Government Bond 5.75% RON 27/01/2016 (ISIN RO1216DBN030) 36,860,000.00 12,044,420.00 1.69 Please refer to important information on final page Invesco Emerging Local Currencies Debt Fund Statement of Investments as at 30th June 2014 Portfolio holding information is being provided solely for information purposes. Information provided is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell this fund to any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised. The provision of holding information is subject to change without notice. The fund, for which portfolio holding information is being provided, is not registered for sale in all jurisdictions. As a consequence, unregistered fund shares may not be offered or distributed by way of public advertising or public offer in such jurisdictions. For further information on fund registrations please refer to your local Invesco Internet site, your advisor or your local Invesco contact. Investment Nominal/Shares Market Value USD Net Assets % TOTAL TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES THAT HAVE BEEN ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL LISTING ON A STOCK EXCHANGE OR DEALT IN ON ANOTHER REGULATED MARKET BONDS (cont.) Romania Government Bond 5.85% RON 26/04/2023 (ISIN RO1323DBN018) 6,500,000.00 2,227,290.00 0.31 1,302,300,000.00 35,584,765.00 5.00 105,000,000.00 3,049,217.00 0.43 1,308,286,000.00 37,814,623.00 5.31 South Africa Government Bond 6.75% ZAR 31/03/2021 (ISIN ZAG000030396) 140,000,000.00 12,407,352.00 1.74 South Africa Government Bond 7.75% ZAR 28/02/2023 (ISIN ZAG000096165) 94,970,000.00 8,754,476.00 1.23 South Africa Government Bond 8.25% ZAR 15/09/2017 (ISIN ZAG000021833) 48,200,000.00 4,670,738.00 0.66 South Africa Government Bond 10.5% ZAR 21/12/2026 (ISIN ZAG000016320) 193,679,000.00 21,365,053.00 3.00 Standard Chartered Bank CLN 8.12% INR 14/12/2020 (ISIN XS1075156585) 510,000,000.00 8,248,174.00 1.16 Standard Chartered Bank CLN 8.12% INR 14/12/2020 (ISIN XS1075156585) 293,000,000.00 4,794,734.00 0.67 Standard Chartered Bank CLN 8.26% INR 23/09/2027 (ISIN IN0020070069) 549,600,000.00 8,833,164.00 1.24 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7% RUB 16/08/2023 (ISIN RU000A0JU4L3 ) Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.4% RUB 19/04/2017 (ISIN RU000A0JS751) Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.5% RUB 27/02/2019 (ISIN RU000A0JS4M5 ) Standard Chartered Bank CLN 8.375% IDR 17/03/2034 (ISIN XS1038309669 ) 91,544,000,000.00 7,390,724.00 1.04 Thailand Government Bond 1.25% THB 12/03/2028 (ISIN TH0623A38308) 333,300,000.00 9,144,058.00 1.28 Thailand Government Bond 3.65% THB 17/12/2021 (ISIN TH0623031C01) 545,865,000.00 16,894,646.00 2.37 Turkey Government Bond 3% TRY 23/02/2022 (ISIN TRT230222T13) 25,849,100.00 15,695,652.00 2.21 Turkey Government Bond 4% TRY 01/04/2020 (ISIN TRT010420T19) 7,277,878.00 5,238,431.00 0.74 Turkey Government Bond 6.3% TRY 14/02/2018 (ISIN TRT140218T10) 9,900,000.00 4,383,917.00 0.62 Turkey Government Bond 8.8% TRY 27/09/2023 (ISIN TRT270923T11 ) 25,450,000.00 12,036,661.00 1.69 Turkey Government Bond 11% TRY 06/08/2014 (ISIN TRT060814T18) 28,640,000.00 13,510,322.00 1.90 593,714,255 83.43 593,714,255 83.43 Nominal/Shares Market Value USD Net Assets % TOTAL BONDS TOTAL TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES THAT HAVE BEEN ADMITTED TO OFFICIAL LISTING ON A STOCK EXCHANGE OR DEALT IN ON ANOTHER REGULATED MARKET Investment OTHER TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES BONDS Citigroup Funding Inc 6.25% IDR 17/04/2017 (ISIN XS0739736279) 54,300,000,000.00 4,474,824.00 Deutsche Bank AG London 9% IDR 19/03/2029 (ISIN XS0987038535) 54,000,000,000.00 4,748,509.00 0.67 111,500,000,000.00 8,261,721.00 1.16 Malaysia Government Bond 3.26% MYR 01/03/2018 (ISIN MYBMI1300025) 34,795,000.00 10,717,231.00 1.51 Malaysia Government Bond 3.314% MYR 31/10/2017 (ISIN MYBMJ1200058) 11,200,000.00 3,460,657.00 0.49 Malaysia Government Bond 3.418% MYR 15/08/2022 (ISIN MYBMO1200017) 16,650,000.00 4,991,410.00 0.70 Malaysia Government Bond 3.58% MYR 28/09/2018 (ISIN MYBMK1100058) 41,392,000.00 12,874,172.00 1.81 Malaysia Government Bond 4.16% MYR 15/07/2021 (ISIN MYMBO1100019) 28,910,000.00 9,146,578.00 1.28 Malaysia Government Bond 4.24% MYR 07/02/2018 (ISIN MYBMS03002H0) 20,100,000.00 6,397,127.00 0.90 Malaysia Government Bond 4.378% MYR 29/11/2019 (ISIN MYBMO0900021) 7,930,000.00 2,548,177.00 0.36 Malaysia Government Bond 4.392% MYR 15/04/2026 (ISIN MYBMS1100036) 21,492,000.00 6,784,831.00 0.95 2,888,090,000.00 16,524,162.00 2.32 JPMorgan Chase Bank 7% IDR 18/05/2027 (ISIN XS0857681315) Nigeria Treasury Bill 0% NGN 09/04/2015 (SEDOL BMBMJJ0) Peruvian Government International Bond 8.2% PEN 12/08/2026 (ISIN US715638AY86) 2 0.63 4,500,000.00 1,973,520.00 0.28 Serbia Treasury Bonds 10% RSD 17/10/2016 (ISIN RSMFRSD34283) 500,000,000.00 5,991,983.00 0.84 Serbia Treasury Bonds 10% RSD 01/04/2017 (ISIN RSMFRSD44555 ) 587,000,000.00 7,018,057.00 0.99 TOTAL BONDS TOTAL OTHER TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES 105,912,959 105,912,959 14.89 14.89 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 699,627,214 98.32 Please refer to important information on final page Invesco Emerging Local Currencies Debt Fund Statement of Investments as at 30th June 2014 Portfolio holding information is being provided solely for information purposes. Information provided is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell this fund to any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised. The provision of holding information is subject to change without notice. The fund, for which portfolio holding information is being provided, is not registered for sale in all jurisdictions. As a consequence, unregistered fund shares may not be offered or distributed by way of public advertising or public offer in such jurisdictions. For further information on fund registrations please refer to your local Invesco Internet site, your advisor or your local Invesco contact. Important Information This document is only for use in the UK, Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Finland, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Dubai, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Portugal, as well as with qualified institutional investors and pension funds in Chile. Data as at 30/06/2014, unless otherwise stated. The value of investments and income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the amount invested. The fund will invest in derivatives (complex instruments) which will be leveraged resulting in large fluctuations in the value of the fund. As a large portion of the fund is invested in less developed countries, you should be prepared to accept significantly large fluctuations of the value of the fund. The fund may hold a significant amount of debt instruments which are of lower credit quality and may result in large fluctuations of the value of the fund. Persons into whose possession this document may come are required to inform themselves about and to comply with any relevant restrictions. This does not constitute an offer or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction in which such an offer is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation. Persons interested in acquiring the fund should inform themselves as to (i) the legal requirements in the countries of their nationality, residence, ordinary residence or domicile; (ii) any foreign exchange controls; and (iii) any relevant tax consequences. The fund is not registered under any US securities law, and may not be offered or sold in the USA, its territories or possessions, nor to any US persons. The fund is not offered for sale in any jurisdiction in which the fund is not authorised to be publicly sold. The fund is available only in jurisdictions where their promotion and sale are permitted. This document is by way of information only. Asset management services are provided by Invesco in accordance with appropriate local legislation and regulations where applicable. For the purposes of UK law, the fund is a recognised scheme under Section 264 of the Financial Services & Markets Act 2000. Invesco Emerging Local Currencies Debt Fund is a sub-fund of the Invesco Funds SICAV, organized in Luxembourg and authorized by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. Further information, the fund and share class specific Key Investor Information Document, the prospectus, annual and semi-annual reports, if applicable, articles and trust deeds can be obtained from the contact details below. This document is issued by: Invesco Global Asset Management Limited and Invesco Management S.A. which are regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg respectively. Available on the web 3
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