42 Calories Location: vIENNA 104 BPM 3.58 KM HOW SAFE IS YOUR QUANTIFIED SELF? ATTACK POINTS IN HEALTH APPS & WEARABLE DEVICES Candid Wüest SECURITY RESPONSE Thanks To: Mario Ballano & Hon Lau 1 2 WHAT IS QUANTIFIED SELF? Intersection of major consumer & IT trends Recording everything about your life Sports & Internet Of Things Recreation Wearable Tech QUANTIFIED SELF Business Health Culture Symantec Security Response 2014 What if there were no hypothetical questions? 3 WHERE THE BITS FIT IN More moving parts = more risks RISK RISK RISK 23.56 KM 123 BPM RISK Symantec Security Response 2014 15.8 RISK press space twice to save or once to cancel 4 UNINTENTIONAL DATA LEAKS The secret life of mobile apps... MAX DOMAINS CONTACTED 14 APP ANALYTICS AD NETWORKS APP PROVIDER OS PROVIDER SOCIAL MEDIA APP FRAMEWORKS AVG DOMAINS CONTACTED 5 Symantec Security Response 2014 CRM/MARKETING UTILITY API A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. 5 VERIFY THE DEFAULT SETTINGS! Example: Fitbit once had the “sexual activity” visible to all by default 5 Symantec Security Response 2014 I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it. 6 DATA “CUSTODIANS” It is personal identifiable information, but not as we know it “Apps that access HealthKit are required to have a privacy policy,…” Apple.com From the analyzed apps 52% had no privacy policy 6 Symantec Security Response 2014 CAPS LOCK – Preventing Login Since 1980. 7 YOUR DATA IS ALREADY ANALYSED Jawbone: Who’s asleep during San Francisco earthquake 2014? 7 Symantec Security Response 2014 All generalizations are false. 8 DO YOU NEED AN ALIBI? Fitbit used in court to show reduced activity levels 8 Symantec Security Response 2014 I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code. 9 20% SENT PASSWORD IN CLEAR TEXT Larger proportion of the top 100 health apps leaked activity data through HTTP Some apps accepted self-signed certificates or don’t check revocation lists POST http://api.******.com/Mobile/Functions.ashx?action=RegisterUser FName: ken LName: west GoalWeight: 68 GET http://*****.***/api/createUser? Email: [email protected] username=KenWest Password: P@SSw0rd [email protected] …… password=P@SSw0rd POST http://******.*******.net/cgi-bin/account password: 8EEFB875DB938CEC08299BE7AA709EE0 action: create email: [email protected] preflang: de_CH ... No need to crack simply pass the hash 9 Symantec Security Response 2014 What happens if you get scared half to death twice? 10 ENUMERATE USER DATA HTTP GET /api/getUser/877 [No authentication needed] {"result":true,"data":{"id":"877","name":"Kenwest","email":"[email protected]", "password":"705bf40d40cb2904b04294fbc355XXXX","role":"0","about":null,"s Name alt":"XgDLkaenP1","sex":"Male","age":null,"purpose":null,"coach_id":"1","heig htfeet":null,"birthday":null,"heightinch":null,"startweight":null,"_currentweigh Email t":null,"targetweight":null,"_startbf":null,"_currentbf":null,"_targetbf":null,"_s ystolic":null,"_diastolic":null,"neck":null,"_hips":null,"_waist":null,"forearm":n Password ull,"wrist":null,"imageurl":null,"photo":null,"thumbnail_65":null,"thumbnail_1 50":null,"nike_user":null,"nike_pwd":null,"nike_join":"0","face_uid":null,"provi Birthday Ideal for spammers der":"0","timezone":"America\/Los_Angeles","fitbit_token":null,"fitbit_secret" :null,"fitbit_join":"0","withings_token":null,"withings_secret":null,"withings_us Photo Email, context and erid":"0","withings_join":"0","google_uid":null,"google_join":"0", "facebook_access_token":null,"face_join":"0","first_run":"0","metric":"0","last Fitbit_token Social media accounts _entry":null,"face_cache_last_update":null,"uuid":"d53fe2973d3ad4276a8aa5 aaae0730aXXXX74aeefd9cc446b80eb14391a6XXXX","friendly":0,"follow":0,"cu Withings_token rrentweight":"190","sexnumber":"1","percent_to_lose":100,"percent_to_bf_lo se":100,"totalbudget":1650,"systolic_warning":"bar bar-warning", Google_uid "diastolic_warning":"bar bar-warning","systolic":null,"diastolic":null, "startavatar":"\/img\/male\/male_110","avatar":"\/img\/male\/male_190","p Facebook_access_token oints":0,"avgcalories":"108.71263885498047","avgminutes":"44.0000","avgwe ight":"190","sumweekcalories":"Still working on weight loss","level":"Newbie",“xxxxscore":0.60394444444444}} 10 Symantec Security Response 2014 If I agreed with you we’d both be wrong 11 OPEN REMAILER SCRIPT POST http://www.***.com/members/community130204/sendmail.php email: [email protected] subject: Daily Activity message: Dear User, You have 1 new private message. Please go to … POST http://www.***.com/members/community130204/sendmail.php email: [email protected] subject: Your Daily Spam message: Dear User, You have 1 new SPAM message. Please click here… 11 Symantec Security Response 2014 If brute force doesn’t solve your problems, then you aren’t using enough. 12 POSSIBLE IMPACT • Account hijack o The problem of password reuse o Costs: Sign the user up for premium services, commitments, … o Change the privacy settings • Spam o Enumerate user data to send spam with context o Create dummy accounts & use profile page as spam landing pages o Use socal media accounts to find friends and spam them 12 Symantec Security Response 2014 My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. 13 GET REWARDED Who said you have to run yourself? Dog-sitter? 13 Symantec Security Response 2014 It’s true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance? 14 POSSIBLE IMPACT • Loss of privacy o Reveal personal details: Identity theft, profiling, extortion, … o Reveal Location: Stalking, burglar, kidnapping, corporate misuse, … • Loss of integrity o Modify/inject data: Gain rewards, high scores, frustrate others ;-) o Delete the account and history o Brick/change the device through firmware updates 14 Symantec Security Response 2014 As far as we know, our computer has never had an undetected error 15 BLUETOOTH LOW ENERGY aka Bluetooth SMART and BTLE part of BT 4.0 (2010) • Different from classic Bluetooth • Does frequency hopping but can still be sniffed • Pairing has been broken (Mike Ryan) ”Bluetooth Smart (low energy) technology supports a feature that reduces the ability to track a Bluetooth device over a period of time by changing the address on a frequent basis.” Bluetooth.org 15 Symantec Security Response 2014 Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go. 16 SCANNING SCANNING WITH WITH AA BLUEBERRY BLUEBERRY PI! PI TOTAL PRICE $75 4GB SD Card $5 Raspberry pi $35 Bluetooth 4.0 USB dongle $7 Battery pack $28 OUR BLUETOOTH TRACKER Symantec Security Response 2014 Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue. 17 SCAN RESULTS FOR A MINI MARATHON • The phone may reveal the real name associated with the device • 30 from 563 devices had something like a person’s name – – – – – – – – Rita :)) Darren! Franks phone Erica Dawson Alieen's mobile!!:) Garret rip xxx Big hairy bollo 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% A Symantec Security Response 2014 B C D E F G H I 17 WHO HAS ANY ARP JOKES? 18 SCANNING AT VB CONFERENCE • 50 devices at the Westin Hotel • 29 seen till noon, not everyone made it to the breakfast ;-) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Fitbit Flex Fitbit One Nike Jawbone Fitbit Zip Galaxy UP24 Gear Polar Fitbit Force 18 Symantec Security Response 2014 I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you. 19 SCAN RESULTS FOR BLACKHAT EU/14 • 203 BTLE devices and 21 wearable fitness trackers seen 19 Symantec Security Response 2014 TTL jokes are short lived 20 SOME WANT THE DATA TO BE SEEN Source: blog.everytrail.com 20 Symantec Security Response 2014 ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI 21 SELF-TRACKING CAN BE RISKY Your digital footprint will be everywhere! 23.56 KM 123 BPM 15. 8 52% 20% 14 Do not have a privacy policy Login credentials in clear text Domains contacted by apps Symantec Security Response 2014 An error? Impossible! My modem is error correcting 22 WHAT CAN USERS DO? TURN OFF BLUETOOTH IF NOT REQUIRED KEEP DEVICE/SOFTWARE/OS UPDATED DON'T REUSE USERNAME/PASSWORDS USE STRONG PASSWORDS LOOK FOR A PRIVACY POLICY CHECK EXCESSIVE INFORMATION GATHERING SCREEN LOCK DEVICE ENCRYPTION SECURITY SOFTWARE 23.56 KM 123 BPM 15. 8 WHICH QUESTIONS ARE STILL OPEN ? 23 You can follow me on Twitter @mylaocoon THANK YOU! BLOG http://bit.ly/1pgGefW WHITEPAPER http://bit.ly/1nGB4vw TWITTER @threatintel WEB http://www.symantec.com Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. 24
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