MISSOULA LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE Sept. 18, 2014 ~ VOL.III NO.XXX www.missoulalivestock.com DJIA 17,279.74 LIVE CATTLE What’s News – UPCOMING SALES OF 2014 ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9/25/14 ~ Regular Cattle Sale! 10/2/14 ~ Feeder Sale & Regular Cattle Sale! 10/9/14 ~ Regular Cattle Sale! 10/14/14 ~ Last Horse Sale of 2014 noon Tack! 10/16/14 ~ Feeder Sale & Regular Cattle Sale! 10/23/14 ~ Feeder Sale & Regular Cattle Sale! 10/30/14 ~ Feeder Sale & Regular Cattle Sale! !! !!!!Consignors ~ please call the office at ! 159.25 FEEDER CATTLE 228.72 CORN 331.50 CRUDE OIL 92.41 This Week’s…TAKE FIVE WITH CRAIG As we enter into the early fall season, I would like to have you sell your feeder cattle on special feeder sale dates. If you follow our special sale dates you will be well rewarded. The following dates are listed up until Thanksgiving week. Special Feeder Sale dates: October 2nd October 16th October 23rd October 30th November 6th November 13th November 20th November 27th No Sale on Thanksgiving (406) 728-3052 or Craig Britton at (406) 490-3333 Hauling ~ if you need help getting your cow, cows or calves to the exchange please call us (give us a little notice) and we will arrange your trucking needs. Missoula Livestock Contact Craig Britton ~ Cell Phone (406) 490-3333 Evan Melton ~ Field Man C. (406) 253-4408 H. (406) 741-5419 Special Stock Cow and Feeder Sale is December 4th. On our sale (September 18th) we saw all classes of cattle steady to strong except for steer calves and they were dollars higher. It is a great year to be the owner of livestock. Please let me know if you are a consignor to any of these sales. October 2nd already has over 400 cattle on the books. Yes, we will have a horse sale on October 14th. Tack will sell at noon, followed by ride in and lead in horses, we will finish up with loose horses. We are expecting approximately 100 horses. And…THE LIGHTER SIDE An old, tired-looking dog wandered into the yard. I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home. He followed me into the house, down the hall, and fell asleep on the couch. An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out. The next day he was back, resumed his position on the couch and slept for an hour. This continued for several weeks. Curious, I pinned a note to his collar: “Every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.” Brand Office The next day he arrived with a different note pinned to his collar: “He lives in a home with four children — he’s trying to catch up on his sleep. Can I come with him tomorrow?” (406) 243-5689 Thanks For Reading! Craig Missoula Livestock Exchange ~ 8598 Robbins Road ~ Missoula, MT 59808 ~ P. (406) 728-3052 ~ F. (406) 542-3586 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CALVES MARKETPLACE STEADY TO STRONG! ! YEARLINGS STEADY TO STRONG MLE NEWSLETTER !"#$%&#!' $()*+,-%./0*((1 !"#$%&'()%#&* !"#$%&'()%#&+ 2##%#( &&&&&&&*+,-,, &&&&&&&**,-,, &&&&&&&**,-,, &&&&&&7M.& ./ ./ ./ $()*+,-%./2341 34$".567/88#(9")$ ;"<=&!"#$%">< 7)>>#(67@A#( B=">6C=#$$5 2##%">< ;#"D#(#A#E &&&&&&&**+-,, &&&&&&&**+-,, &&&&&&&*,+-,, &&&&&&&&& ::-,, &&&&&&&*,,-,, &&&&&&&*+,-,, ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ &&&&&**:-1, &&&&&**?-,, &&&&&**+-,, &&&&&*,+-,, &&&&&**1-,, &&&&&*F,-,, 5%).(67+/$-%%.1 G,,&&H&&&I,,&&$JE I,,&&H&&&:,,&&$JE :,,&&H&*,,,&&$JE &&&&&&&++,-,, &&&&&&&+,,-,, &&&&&&&*::-,, ./ ./ ./ &&&&&+F*-,, &&&&&++,-,, &&&&&+,1-,, 5%).(67+/8%69%.1 G,,&&H&&&I,,&$JE I,,&&H&&&:,,&$JE :,,&&H&*,,,&$JE &&&&&&&+*,-,, &&&&&&&+,1-,, &&&&&&&*?,-,, ./ ./ ./ &&&&&+0I-,, &&&&&+*1-,, &&&&&+,1-,, $-%%./2)(:%1 0,,&&H&&&F,,&&&$JE F,,&&H&&&1,,&&&$JE 1,,&&H&&&G,,&&&$JE &&&&&&&+I1-,, &&&&&&&+1,-,, &&&&&&&+0,-,, ./ ./ ./ &&&&&00F-,, &&&&&+:?-,, &&&&&+1,-,, 8%69%./2)(:%1 0,,&&H&&&F,,&$JE F,,&&H&&&1,,&$JE 1,,&&H&&&G,,&$JE &&&&&&&+F,-,, &&&&&&&+F,-,, &&&&&&&*?,-,, ./ ./ ./ &&&&&+?+-,, &&&&&+I,-,, &&&&&++,-,, $-3;</234/=>?@$ 7=/"9#&C/$"%&K/@.= C=/(.&B#(8&7/ME &&&&&+L+,,-,, &&&&&*L:,,-,, ./ ./ &&&+LI1,-,, &&&+L+,,-,, Next Feeder Sale Oct. 2, 2014 FALL HAS ARRIVED &&&&&*01-,, &&&&&*+,-,, &&&&&*+,-,, !"#$#%&'()*(#%+%%%,(#-)."/0-%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 !)/""%'&2/%+%3/-#@A-#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 2*(3#E%&)'$/E%,'(&!%+%(/-'-%%%%%%%%% 1 0#'$#(%('-).%+%)3A-"/-%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 2/-A"'%F/!"'B%+%%%!*@#(A/(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 ).'(3A#%)'--/-%+%./"%%%!@(A-H!%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 (/E3'-)#%%%('-).%+%).'(3/%%%%%%%% 1 F/-%2/*&'%+%&A!!/*3'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 &'--AI%2(/".#(!%+%%%.#3&$A33#%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 &'--AI%2(/".#(!%+%%%.#3&$A33#%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 0#'$#(%('-).%+%)3A-"/-%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 &'--AI%2(/".#(!%+%%%.#3&$A33#%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 !.#(A%3A#-%+%@3'A-!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 4(E!"'3%4(*!#%+%'(3##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% : F'4#%E/B#(%+%!"<%%%AH-'"A*!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 &/-A)'%&/(3/)4%+%%%,3/(#-)#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 &/-A)'%&/(3/)4%+%%%,3/(#-)#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 H3#-%23'E3/)4%+%%%!*@#(A/(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 4(E!"'3%4(*!#%+%'(3##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% : 3E--%K%B#-A!#%%%&/-"H/&#(E%+%@3'A-!%%%%%%%6 FA&%#-H#3!2#(H#(%+%%%@/3!/-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 FA&%,/3#E%+%!@/4'-#%%%$'33#E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 3/(#-%*-(*.%+%).'(3/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 2AH%!4E%('-).%+%)/($'33A!%%%%%%%%%%% 1 2AH%!4E%('-).%+%)/($'33A!%%%%%%%%%%% 1 !"#0'("%!).'33%+%'(3##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 !"#0'("%!).'33%+%'(3##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 !"#0'("%!).'33%+%'(3##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 2AH%!4E%('-).%+%)/($'33A!%%%%%%%%%%% : $A-)#%.*H.#!%+%@/!"%%%,'33!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 ".#(#!#%./33'-B%+%@3'A-!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6 ('-B'33%4/23#%+%).'(3/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 #A3##-%%&/-"H/&#(E%+%).'(3/%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 !"#0'("%!).'33%+%'(3##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6 F/!#@.%H'((A!/-%+%"./&@!/-%%%,'33!%%%%% 1 3/(#-%*-(*.%+%).'(3/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% : !"#0'("%!).'33%+%'(3##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 ('-B'33%4/23#%+%).'(3/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 B'-%F')4!/-%+%(/-'-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 FA&%,/3#E%+%!@/4'-#%%%$'33#E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6 FA&%,/3#E%+%!@/4'-#%%%$'33#E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 FA&%,/3#E%+%!@/4'-#%%%$'33#E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 H<%(*,,'""/%K%!/-!%+%%%!"#$#-!$A33#%%% 1 ")(%+%/$'-B/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 2(#-"%@/0#33%+%!"<%%%AH-'"A*!%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 ('3@.%2*().#-'3%+%%%/$'-B/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6 H<%(*,,'""/%K%!/-!%+%%%!"#$#-!$A33#%%% 1 H<%(*,,'""/%K%!/-!%+%%%!"#$#-!$A33#%%% 1 0A33A'&%!3')4%+%!"<%%%AH-'"A*!%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 FA&%,/3#E%+%!@/4'-#%%%$'33#E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6 3#3'-B%F#3A-#4%+%2/--#(!%,#((E : )3A,,%&A33A(/-%+%@/3!/D 23452*33%%%%%%%% %%%%6+178 (#B52*33%%%%%%%% %%%%1+C8; 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(406) 728-3052 ~ F. (406) 542-3586
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