G RE E NEAR T H Resourcei andProjects Limlted Registerom€€: NatufalNest, FlatNo.-6-C,6TH Floor,NewTown, Rajarbat,KOLKATA - 700157 Tel.:033-40056750 Fax: 033-40056750 CIN NO: L67120W81994pLC063008 To, TheNational StockExchangeof India Ltd TheDepafiment ofcolporateSeryicesCRD ExchangePlaza,BandraKurla Complex Bandra(l-aslr.MLunbai-40005 t. Dear Sir, Subject:Outcome VotingofAnnualGen€mlMe€tingofGreenearth Resources & pro;ects Limitedasp€rcla$se-3sA ofListingAgreement. Ref: CompanySecuritiesCode(NSE):-Austral-EQ 2OTHANNUAL GENERAI MEETINGHELD ON 26TH SEPTEMBER, 2014 Declaration ofResultsofe-votingandpoll As per the provisionsof the CompaniesAct, 2013 as also the Listing Agrcement,the Cornpanyhad provided the facility of e-voting to the Shareholdersto enablethem to cast theirvoteelectronically on the resolutions proposed in theNoticeofthe 23rdAmual General Meeting (AGM). The e-voting was open ftom 20th September,2ol4to 22nd September,2014. In line with the provisionsof the CompaniesAct, 2013 and in termsof the clarification issuedby MCA, voting by ShowofHands wasnot permittedat the generalmeetingwherc evoting has been offered to the Shareholders.Therefore, at the 20th AGM. votins was conducted b1 mecnsofpoll. The Board of Directors had appointedMr. Rantu Das & Associates,practisingCompany Secretaryas the Scrutinizer for e-voting and poll. The Scrutinizer(s)have carried out the scrutiny of all the electronic votes received up to the close of workine hours on 22nd September, 2014 and poll receivedtill t}e conilusionof the meetinganJ submittedtheir Reporton 26thSeptember, 2014. Village:Lunva,Talukar Bhachau, Dist KutchGuirat Factory: Suw6yNo.352,353/1,353/2 Phone:09099973151 E-mail:[email protected], ffiffsffiff"dH.] GR EENE A R T H Limited andProiects Resources CIN NO: L67120W81994PLC063008 rheisrhe**:IuT^5,;lo,ilil,1'Tlllo"!I*"3i1,?'$",1i1".*,,11 berow Giren as per the ;cru ConsolidatedResults follows: "^ flrthulars Yovotesin Votesin favour .qdoptionof etouul nc"o*rt Rflon ttr. i,n*"iut l.-"@ undneponsthereonfof ffit':ih'""#ii: Auditor 128'713 @statutory of the CompanY: @ (1) (c ) o r t h e Act, 2013. ComDanies ffiru ;;".1t;;;;;" Lal. of Mr' Ratan Dir"crorn plu"eof Appointm"nt the t28712 retiresbvRotadon'at t",ire bv Rotation-.uho o#fi il;";"ii;;ng himfor offers anareingetigiute' 128713 @ntofMr'sunil the who.rctiesbyRotation'-at U;itoi *f,o ,"tir" ty Rotation, offershimfor ;fi;i"d;;l il,i"e andbeingeligible' U A'"li"pp'*ta of 2fth AnnualCeneralMeettngtrare ""? majonty. & projectsLimited For GreenearthResources Limited) Coie& projects irl#.tii il"-" ^ nustral d$.q M.M. Damam ManagingDirector l in the Norice with requisite by *re Shareholders l ii )" < .'::,'h/ Y ./l ?(trc omrL EA c s r&th t. P*,irrcL.! c|,Irpa:..:l $tt'd{ary ,ft Rar lr f)a= & Associa*Pr .' t 6 nrc i coi nD al t .5q s.i vr'qrP:p{ \rac \o,tutd /0L 0): i8a l ' \ 6 r l ! 6 1 'r '( r REPORT SCRUTINIZEi,S qil'hrio'rJpdnr€r jlS lonponresarr' zn; rri rlrle ?triljJi'il tJ lti lo tertiet fpuGrdri q'/'s' i'1i :! idortgetx nl cnCadr:inislrciioil Io ai orrh' mcmbe^ Me".inE -*nt',"."*m: "",.,ar llt!i"'"*". 1-"$?::JB irffi tootr liiii-iior kolr,orq *::;IITX:-" ffiti;ii",ii l!il' g rouera'roulo ?H::l"1iii ii::'i*':fi;tgill,iJfiliL iiLin iiirarpor-e, T'9gAKRAflA{ }YE T A'MAL ll'i,,:;,?' i ;[?'ll?^H#', tiii:lki! *f:i["r;:,r:::i::::: * ,oro A' *oroo** oooDc'\ E AANOdEI1l l i q ; r - t s i' . - r y ! 9{ l r R rn trl { u n a rD a s .t ii 1, ., P' o p r' l o ' o fv/' --' ,:,:.' ' a:' 1 " ' l _F\& :' J ' " ' bnl C & tc' ' S e rtb' ! rFpo'|'rrL eb}r rFpoi'rru c P.\: eb}r h"{.rLcP.\: h"{.fe "'?.": - r*.r3 okns sir-,*,tt* rffi:fJ;:fi:l:::: i.:, J;,;,"irr'l'",:'1 c r' l:":' l.:. Lrt'r'r:0 -o"p " ll FRo.iE cis . , , , o ir. e . o a p rr. r-r, r' . . a c c r'' { . '^., , , , " ano 108orrr'i i:ir|rr';"h- 1". uoiogp,,:t,]]ss seLrLon '":i ,' i *" Xrr;"i 'n E ,u ri '- -^.'li",i"-rr"" , l rr,re..;_: r' a' j,*. propc"cd e ,.i'':,'',i"'''"'.''''., j ; il;::':l;,: 4omins llrn ad:ininl " i".:ll,; ;..7 "rio, *"ll a*r*"o,l ir' r4epe':or malority the requrlrtF i. \r1. dal or SePternber' '..,.-ro"i"",-,rCeuu,"rMcel re"r th' -om;'anr'toooreldonrrclavJi'' o*t *.t'* c"*p*utcb' fierd I.,i,t';:ll"uJJJi:il:,;n.i"",:le 20l]1. ;:"H;:;i# ffi "Jliili'J:i:Hff l[ xJn:[:::f ,:-,;;,"i, .' ,:::_: ):lj::p;-i'.;:i""::": ?rL ., i*t'"t liy reipcnslltlitt,s'!rli'll1::j,-::::]:: i:;::t*,:X: l rrv rra r :;J";";;.;'";; 3"1,'111";;1';.-, _,r-, L!r.\ :r . ! - ,t:a r i o f,:ov.l e c ;:' _f. r-. Frl r!,c d l tr rh e c {"rrp " n " r'i'''r''"d :";'i::i::11';IJr.::J;i',::":"r" ";,: dce'nr:ls' ciatc a1.Jo bp.n ;rNded " .... . '.1.,(r...... :)a$ & A5$o€iates l.t l-'rril:lri !fie; iti:.},*i t do herebt.str! llt rlYt-voTlN6tcRUT:NyREPORT,is t. ffre E-vcilngcormcnrtrdsfi 20!' Septeerb!f,2014 i9.t0r.r,:-:5ii q. rra{rd;r} anddnd: tn 21" Se?lembef,z0l4{6-0ip.$,..6ri oitTwsi;y. 2. ahcmpl]rhersof the colnparyar on tla cllo:f / e til't|:':rrntdtle 22 ' &!ge:;l.2014w!.e {tnii:l€din!o!e or:ile rltilutionstt $et'rut ln i;1er6!i.e of:!.. lgrq Atrualae4erall,fsatlng tryme ir lhe q.eieaceol t?. w:lnatl€s, |,t. l,4i'it 3.'ale $olescaston €-v6!,rxvle.e |.;]llo€ked laj !!,hoa,e nai ]n ll€ emploli1enloi:ir Cor1rpt'r!Thevhsve3:gned Ft:Lderani'!{s. slr,arRali of 1l1!,{otetb.l|lg unh{k€t! ,ntlet prese1rP. bil(rr in cenlirmetiatr 7h. detoib af E- tating rrsA, Rarf,Afficf rvo::rd913431j i tu ..r€ive,{:!i .ilsr:ni ltem no.I - ordir"rv Resolut'on t ( l": : dr I M dr ( l: . 70 1 4 , r r " i t a r e 4 p , o a , , '. r I "s, airoptihE aNdiLedBtlafr. \/rrnlq.lhFr? endedon tlat darealrdthe llepon..f rl.e gsnr'aj}f lrxaofs;nJ N umberol votel rtsr Yetealir{avoIrrlfthE voted ;trinst tlre i llr|!1 ns. ?- N unrberofvoLestnst v J e d In fa ,/:u t r :b e VotEdagalnstlh8 !ote6 lnvaLid Aurltersol tlle % of rotsl numbq qt' &sntu Das & Asssciafes ' ta''r'i"r t"'i::'a: '--*---. .- a*J,i t I Vaacdifl va!. !}tthe .nber otsore5 .ast ts64l -- i I i'lir -' ' powp ,n,ernb o,s.c,or #;i;'",;i:T"ilj::'I;l;;T:",i:r:-!!r'oft:n' r*::lj{r ::m::i;iyp,;Ji:irixr;*xii;j: :iru;hitili*'* il;f;T:f#iil:ii_riii:ir:; : ihcpait!p iti!'scnpjrat a* r;* *.;;;";;;;il;;"*"ffiU Nufirer of votescan I !ie'1 nq. Ji- Srdi|tary fiesdltion tor rhe :""::,::;, *i:i ::ffii.l"\i:r ix':fit::, S-hedLLe ,rv ", " rf the .qrr 4{ , rtrrrcruA r lc t u o rrt C d ani n ! :iat !tetdo, , , - ' ' ^_, : , .,u ra' nerc,r: ,ni:lri) dDcc."u,e,rr )r itiq :::ft^o . 1 lh:!. rv_r.Rdt3 " r tLart".*r,"*"r", uo,",.; ;J, h; Alnuacenentr*'r "" "i*' ,"lr"",iri"r.l.,, _1, ". ""a nieno. ,'an ,1rir,e,cF,.1 o. rr,p_..,2d :ll:_:,:9 consecu'\,e ye{r, wiri;rfe!,t;; ;;;;";;&:;X' ltl Mti pla.eaf af:he t5) : .{, a &a::t!: Ilns & Associale$ ; ;" ;";;;,;;*;l"r' ;-::; "";.IjJjl,TJ,lll,::::t",', ", andsign.the.rirlgeratA"ount u*o"J lr,l"unla ihrrkin€you YorrsFa{trarr, for llantutas & AJsociates Com9iny;i.ecrerin€s rl (ll r w7 fqantu k!]ilraf D3!) Membe.rhiptir;2639, COPNo:E571 0r1erSepte.Tber z4',..?014 ...,.,,.r,i-il :'i:., :':il e,o':re |!,'rl'{l!d frcm We. the lnder$itadd, lravc witnfsted thnt :he votes ',lert grtteoler 'B:l"t lg14 ?{1 in ourpreerneonwecne5ct!' *"it.ii"'""r-e"ct lardbJ-t l .l N!.nc: SwAlilr{l D.45 82,H.lSarke Acdieqsr | &*ad{st Irns{rcni. Kolksta- 710070, a ..', it:\ : '. a
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