RANK FORENAMES Alfred Raymond Frederick Henry William Jesse Maurice William Harry Charles Edward Walter Frank J F G Capt. Hugh Kennedy Capt. Wilfred Gardiner Pte. Albert Victor Pte. Frederick Percy Pte. Arthur George Capt. Cyril Lawson Lieut. Cliffortd Spearing 2nd Lieut. Maxwell Gerard A G Capt. Horace 2nd Lieut. Henry Norman G Pte. Percy Harry A/S Harold J Walter H Gunner Frederick Joseph J A C L Pte. Edmund Arthur Pte. Walter W Pte. Francis Harold 2nd Lt. Geoffrey Robert Lt. Henry Norman F Wm Pte. Harold Alexander Pte. George Pte. Edwin Trevor Pte. Harold Sgt. Frank L/Corp Christopher Frederick Pte. Harry A/S Albert Henry L/Corp Harry Stephen Pte. Frank Corp. F. James William Sapper Evan Corp. Joseph A. Pte. Raymond Richard Pte. G Pte. William George Pte. George A.W. Pte. Howard Horace Charles Pte. Bert Frank Pte. Robert Lindsay Ord. Smn. Pte. Sgt. Pte. Sgt. SURNAME Aldridge Archer Ashenford Ashenford Baker Bingle Birt Bishop Blackwell Bridgeman Cassels Cassels Clark Click Clutterbuck Cole Cole Cole Cook Cox Cullimore Dann Dickenson Doel Eddles Groves Groves Halliday Hampton Hampton Hawker Hemming Hemming Halford Hook James Jarvis Jerome Johnson Johnson King Lodge Long Ludlow Lusty Newman Nicholls Paish Pegler Philpotts Pillsworth Reeves Reeves Richards Ridler Roberts Scarsbrook Titchener Verrinder West Whale Woodman Workman Workman D.O.B. PLACE PARENTS ADDRESS IN 1911 1898 1895 1890 1893 1882 Thrupp Thrupp Burleigh Burleigh Painswick Henry James Hughes and Ruth (Hopkins) Henry James Hughes and Ruth (Hopkins) Henry George and Florence Lavinia (Coates) Joseph Edward and Charlotte Marian (Mawby) Joseph and Elizabeth (Estcourt) Mill House, Brimscombe Mill House, Brimscombe India (with 59th Coy RGA) Burleigh, Brimscombe Glyn Terrace, Thrupp 1894 1893 1890 1893 1890 1892 1895 1898 Argentina Portugal M'Hampton Amberley Rodborough Cirencester Cirencester Cirencester Walter Ritchie and Elvina (Trillia) Herbert Wynne and Edith (de Haviland) Albert and Lavinia (Jacques) Charles and Anne Maria (Davis) Samuel Joseph and Blanche Kate (Allen) William Henry and Catherine Martha (White) William Henry and Catherine Martha (White) William Henry and Catherine Martha (White) Possibly Argentina Long Eaton, Derbyshire St. Mary's Hyde Station Hill, Woodchester Walls Quarry, Brimscombe Bourne House, Brimscombe Bourne House, Brimscombe Bourne House, Brimscombe 1894 M'Hampton Jesse and Fanny (Mortimer) Burleigh 1883 Bisley Arthur William and Elizabeth (Quance) New Zealand 1897 1892 1894 Rodborough Bristol Bristol Joseph and Caroline (Munday) Robert Thorley and Lilian (Payne) Robert Thorley and Lilian (Payne) Butterrow, Rodborough Haileybury College, Herts St. Bees, Cumberland 1890 Brimscombe David Mason and Mary Ellen (Radley) The Laurels, Brimscombe 1891 1896 1863 1897 1892 1897 1879 1890 M'Hampton M'Hampton Downton Brimscombe Cerney Wick Chalford Brimscombe Burleigh George Henry and Amelia (Curtis) William and Selina (Blick) George Charles and Mary Jane (Bantin) William Henry and Matilda (Beazley|) unknown Pegler Matthew Henry and Selina (Webb) Thomas and Sarah (Busby) Hampton Fields 1 Springfield, Thrupp High Street, M'Hampton Upper Bourne, Brimscombe Daglingworth Chalford Railway View Terrace Burleigh, Brimscombe 1883 M'Hampton Albert James and Sarh Ann (Walker) 1899 Thrupp Joseph and Elizabeth (Dyer) 1877 Avening George and Jane (Philpotts) Ebbw Vale 1896 Brimscombe Henry Austin and Amelia (Barnfield) 1894 1884 Brimscombe Thrupp William and Alice Eva (Blandford) Henry John and Jane Maria (Young) SPOUSE SERVICE DETAILS D.O.D. PLACE H.M.S. Conquest, RN, J/71874 10th Btn. Gloucestershire, 26176 RGA 300600 8th Btn. Gloucestershire, 13664 1st/6th Btn. Gloucestershire, 20240 18/09/1917 20/07/1916 10/04/1918 03/11/1915 09/11/1916 English Channel France France France France 8th Btn. Royal Berkshire Regiment 8th Btn. Border Regiment 1st Btn. Gloucestershire, 2992 8th Btn. Gloucestershire, 13053 7th Btn. Gloucestershire, 10986 2nd/5th Btn. Gloucestershire 2nd/5th Btn. Gloucestershire 1st Sqn. Royal Flying Corps 25/09/1915 13/07/1916 06/01/1915 03/07/1916 08/08/1915 14/03/1919 19/06/1916 18/05/1917 France France France France Turkey France France Flanders Ada (Watts) m 1917 6th Btn. Queens Own (Royal West Kent) 242155 28/03/1918 France Mary Jane Miles m. 1916 1st Btn. Otago Regiment N.Z.E.F. 25/08/1918 France 7th Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment, 10140 7th Btn. Gloucestershire 5th Btn. Manchester 26/06/1916 Mesopotamia 07/08/1915 Gallipoli 02/11/1917 Flanders 2nd Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment, 27262 20/11/1918 Salonika 2nd Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers 15698 7th Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment, 10855 Depot, Queens Own (Royal West Kent) 8473 1st/6th Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment, 267577 8th Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment, 13096 H.M.S. Lady Cory Wright J/30168 13th Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment, 18206 1st/5th Border Regiment, 202918 04/11/1918 16/02/1917 29/04/1916 01/04/1917 03/06/1918 26/03/1918 30/03/1918 29/09/1918 Upper Bourne, Brimscombe 9th Btn. Rifle Brigade, 396 16/05/1916 France Bourne, Brimscombe 6th Btn. Dorsetshire Regiment, 34190 19/09/1918 France 1st Btn. South Wales Borderers, 13174 26/09/1915 France Walls Quarry, Brimscombe Royal Marines Light Infantry, PLY/2354(S) 24/03/1918 France Walls Quarry, Brimscombe With Army in South Africa 1st/5th Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment, 241616 1st Btn. South Wales Borderers, 8708 16/08/1917 Flanders 26/09/1914 France Gertrude (Elsdon) m.1917 Nellie Young m. 1915 Ivy Lucy Doel m. 1915 Beatrce Gertrude Gwilliam m. 1912 Alice Rosa (Saville) m 1894 Annie Maria Munday m. 1913 Alice Louise Darby m. 1909 Margaret Jane Edwards m. 1908 France Mesopotamia Maidstone France France English Channel France France COMMEMORATED Plymouth War Memorial Thiepval Memorial Ebblinghem Military Cemetery Loos Memorial Thiepval Memorial Bois-Carre Military Cemetery Bouzincourt Comunal Cemetery Boulogne Eastern Cemetery Thiepval Memorial Beach Cemetery, Anzac Cove, Gallipoli Etaples Military Cemetery Royal Irish Rifles Graveyard,, Laventie Oostlaverne Wood Cemetery. West Flanders Pozieres Memorial L'Homme Mort British Cemetery Kirkee Memorial, Mumbai, India Helles Memorial Oostende New Communal Cemetery Mikra British Cemetery, Kalamaria Caudry British Cemetery Amara War Cemetery, Iraq Maidstone Cemetery Ephy Wood Farm Cemetery, Pas de Calais Boully Cross Roads Military Cemetery Plymouth War Memorial Hangard Communal Cemetery Le Verguier Churchyard, Aisne St. Hillaire Cemetery, Frevent Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery Loos Memorial Arras Memorial Tyne Cot Memorial La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre Memorial
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