ANNEXURE I COMPARATIVE TABLE WITH CSS CADRE S. Designation of N LIS Professionals 1. Existing Designation: Sr. Library & Information Asstt./ Library & Information Asstt. Proposed Designation: Same 2. Existing Designation: Assistant Library & Information Officer Proposed Designation: Assistant Director (Lib & Info) Entry Qualification Pay Scale in 5th CPC Graduate + 5500Graduation in 9000 Library & Information Sc. Pay Scale Cadre in 6th Post CPC P.B. 2 Assistant +G.P. Rs. 4200/ Entry Qualification Pay Scale Pay Scale in Recommended Grade for inVth CPC VIth CPC 7th Pay Commission Graduate (but 5500-9000 if promoted from UDC then no need for Graduation) P.B. 2 +G.P. 4600/- Both the post must be Rs. equivalent in terms of Pay scale. If pay scale of Assistant is increased by x then pay scale of SLIA must also be increate by x. PB II, GP 4600/- Graduate + 6500Graduation in 10500 Library & Information Sc. + 3 years’ experience as SLIA P.B. 2 Section G.P. Officer Rs.4600/- Graduate (for direct recurrent) Graduate and by Departmental exam and nongraduate for promote. 6500-10500 for Dptt.Exam & Promotion After 4 yrs. 8000-13500 PB .2 + G.P Rs. 4800/After 4years PB-III GP 5400/- Both the post must be equivalent in terms of Pay scale. If pay scale of Section Officer is increased by x then pay scale of ALIO/ AD must also be increased by x. After 4 yrs ALIOs may also be given PB-III, GP 5400/- 3 3. 4. Graduation + Post Graduation in Library & Library & Information Information Officer Sc. or Post graduation + graduate in Proposed Library & Designation: Deputy Director Information Sc. + (Lib & Info) experience as ALIO PostExisting graduation + Designation: Sr. Library & graduate in Information Library & Officer Information Sc. + Proposed experience Designation: Additional Director (Lib & Info) PostExisting graduation + Designation: in Principal Library graduate and Information Library & officer / Director Information Sc. + Proposed experience Designation: Director (Lib & Info) Existing Designation: 10,000 15200 - P.B. 3 + Under G.P. Rs. Secretary 6600 Graduate + 10,000 experience on 15200 Section officer - P.B. 3 + G.P. Rs. 6600 An increase in pay of general cadre post must also be implemented in same ratio for LIS post will give satisfaction in the library professional. PB-III GP 6600/- 12000 16500 - P.B. 3 + Deputy G.P. Rs. Secretary 7600 Graduate + 12000 experience in 16500 under secretary - P.B. 3 + G.P. An increase in pay of Rs. 7600 general cadre post must also be implemented in same ratio for LIS post will give satisfaction in the library professional. PB III GP 7600/- 14300 18300 - P.B.4 G.P. Director 8700 Graduate experience Deputy Secretary + 14300 in 18300 - P.B.4 8700 G.P. An increase in pay of general cadre post must also be implemented in same ratio for LIS post will give satisfaction in the library professional. PB IV GP 8700/- 5. 6. Post18400 graduation + 22400 Post graduate in Library & Information Proposed Sc. + Designation: Joint Secretary experience (Lib & Info) Existing Designation: Director Existing Designation: Director General Proposed Designation: Additional Secretary (Lib & Info) Post22400 graduation + 24500 Post graduate in Library & Information Sc. + – P.B. 4 + Joint G.P. Secretary 10000 Graduate experience director + 18400 in 22400 - P.B. 4 + G.P An increase in pay of 10000 general cadre post must also be implemented in same ratio for LIS post will give satisfaction in the library professional. PB IV GP 10000/- - HAG 67000 24500 Additiona - l Secretary Graduate + 22400 experience in 24500 Joint Secretary - HAG 67000 An increase in pay of –79000 general cadre post must also be implemented in same ratio for LIS post will give satisfaction in the library professional. HAG 67000 –79000 COMPARATIVE TABLE WITH CSCS CADRE S. No. Designation of Entry Pay Posts Qualification Scale in 5th CPC th 1. Existing 10 Pass 1750 4400 Designation Sr. Library Attendant/ Library Attendant Pay Scale in 6th CPC P.B. 1+ G.P. 1800 General Cadre Post MTS Entry Qualificati on 10th Pass Pay Pay Scale in 6th Scale in Pay 5th Pay 2550 - P.B. 1 + G.P. 1800 3540 Recommended Grade for 7th Pay Commission An increase in pay of general cadre post must also be implemented in same ratio for LIS post will give satisfaction in the library professional. P.B 1 + G.P. 1800 Proposed Designation MTS (Library) 2. Existing Designation: Library Clerk Proposed Designation: LDC (Library) 3. Proposed Designation UDC(Library) 12th Pass + 3050 Certificate 4590 Course in Library Science 12th Pass + Certificate Course in L.I.Sc. + experience (5 Year) as a Library Clerk - P.B. 1 + LDC G.P. 1900 (Lower Division Clerk) 12th Pass P.B. 1 + UDC G.P. 2400 (Upper Division Clerk) 12th Pass 3050 4590 – P.B. 1 + G.P. 1900 P.B. 1 + G.P. 1900 After completion of 5 yrs. Library Clerk may be promoted to Sr. Library Clerk 4000 6000 - P.B. 1 + G.P. 2400 P.B. 1 + G.P. 2400
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