*<-,. 6B * » \ TMI KNtCKtRftOCM* Grievance Board Set Up Bv Tgximen I; rente**- r in I I la Far (> r i < U I II i Li - it Aid ALBANY LUGGAGE SHOP—FIKST **-* FOR FINK VACATION That Cannot l a Duplicated! Mere er« rXTIA JMClAl l»«a t ..- # r.«.rf traveling with wbttaatiel favtaft. vetweet So fet let for Not Genuine Tolox Unless It Hen Tolex Label gel M DRESSES * la a Buy You * Th« Xnirk*ri»oc«»r He** NEW FIRE TRUCK -Chief Chester A. King, right, of the McKownville Fire Department, ts congratulated by 0. &: Allyn, manager of tha truck division, Albany Garage, who delivered a new 300 gallon pumper truck to tha 6re department last night. Tha truck wan plated in service after a brief ceremony at the fire headquarters, SCOOP! Slight Irregs. of 1.19 15 DENIER NYLONS 59 £ K J * K : •^•••,:v-;::. LUGGAGE by ANTOSEK I . t t lace Tnmmtd, Toilortd White TM* Jte«n.^fi, IUMMIR SHORTS * oulh weie * bein * heid ,nr . mm LOOK AT THESE SENSATIONAL DOLLAR SAVERSV Two Held in THcTl Of Minister's Car Syracuse—(AP)~ Two Roches- Dreamed O R * SALE Prints Never Possible! You Sove Almost $6 on Freeh, Crisp, Cool Summer Styles, in Every Wonted Fabric, Color and Style! Sites for Juniors', Misses and Women. —-• 5 1 GAUGE - f> $mmsmmm$,mmmk mmmm Companion Bag at gunpoint Th4*e> Syracuse men we.ie in the car wTfh .Jarquc and Brooks, Metrger said, hut^ thry were" not held _ ... Reg 1.9* lech. FAMOUS MAKI IRAS i "—«+•"< J9 SI I »' Tmlored 0,«,»y HOUSES ,„,. , t „.?.e*. JUkyaa, .CaMeA HALF SUPS 2 *•' 1*' SI » . 8 l.W Velwet HANDIAOS AM ML 29 NORTH PE Wmiam X *****-' * - • • : ! -.--^- the most forthright hy any Amer- Kouwe^ pastor of Gospel Taberican, governmerit official in sup- nacle. port of Greek and Turkish de- t No charge was placed against sires, the pair In his address for the universe Mr Kouwe reported to Rochesity's Institute of Public Affairs, ter police two meT(rgot in his ear ; Mr McGhee lauded both nations at an intersection in, Rochester; for their "magnifinent record" in Monday night and forced him at kmfc-point to drive them to Can resisting aggression. andaigua. There, he said, tmt men took his wallet and $.*> and forced him out of the car. X - n y Picture Upnet* Metzger said policemen in a pa'rol car spotted "the minister's UmpireV Derision j vehicle in downtown Syracuse, Charleston, W. Va.- (UP) An cave chase and forcedat to a curb x-ray picture unofficially reversed an umpire's decision In a YOURS for Better H e a r i n g Charleston Senator baseball game 24 hours after the game ended. Roger Wright, who was pitchcryttaWroo ing for the Senators against the. Dayton (Ohio) Clippers, claimed he was hit on the wrist by a THE AMAZING, NEW POWERED FOR THE JOB Two qreoi engine* to meet your needil The 92-h.p. Thriftmatter for greatest economy. The big 105-h.p. toadmaiter engine for greater VALVE I N - H E A D DESIGN No other truck engine design can match the over-all economy and proved efficiency of Chevrolet's two great yoive-in-head engines. BLUE-FLAME COMBUSTION Wrings all the usable energy from every drop of gasoline. Blue-Flame combustion is 'possible only with valve-in-head engine design. POWER-JET CARBURETOR At low speed, an grades or at regular highway speeds, Chevrolet's Power Jet carburetor maintains the proper fuel mixture far the engine. LONG LASTING BRAKES The greater self-energization of Chevrolet hydraulk brakes provides smoother, safer braking —completely equalized pressure to each brake. BONDED BRAKE LININGS No rivets! On light- and medium-duty models (Series 3 0 0 0 ) . Lining is bonded directly to brake shoes ta increase life and eliminate scoring. AiltlAI pitched ball. The umpire ruled that the ball nicked the bat, although Wright extended a swollen wrist aa evidence, X-rty picture* divaleped 13SM] next day showed the hurier had Buffered a fracture of a small bone in the v,ri*t. Hi was sidelined for more than a week i H I A R I N O AID gym IIIJMIMI. lOtmit W»n«i mu m* «*•*! setae KM t «*• aw a m PMMMI * «*f UM> ««*ica 4 William M. w . i . h ataa aceoaT 11 eta. eearl a*. Jeiy te. I t A I * - S r y r t i i * * • i n d ( M l C R4 «mir i t . IMt* OfIN • » , MHame- i • to do more work for your money Stiita 4 1 0 Albany N V. IHUHOSY IVININOS AIR-COOLED The SENSATIONAL! ONE DAY ONLY! SPECIAL I t^^tWj^^t^m^^^W^k^^^^rWke^ I N s a -4* ntitimm SHOP NOW! SAVE HEMTY! This B. Sura 4a Buy "TOLIX" Spocol ANN.LE;^ ACTUAL 7.99 .-. 9.99 Georte C. McGhee said today the ^ ^ w r t *» n SAVES MANT LIVES w the "most logical-method" of giv- ister and taking his car. Seltuate. Mass. - (UP) -Mrs. Syracuse,police arrested David ing military guarantees to Greece Eva Morrison- Abdou, distance and "Turkey i- to bFinj^botS"J. "Jerque", 20, snct~Bddte J. swimmer, who once tried toj cr,ncountries into the li'-nation N<iKn "Brooks, ' U», at gun-point last ei>er the English C h a n i u i, has Atlantic. _ IxniaJiL CaDt,William Metier Met^cer said r'.;<awi IK pngou* I m diu-'^n Atlantic Pact. \{uah,L Cant,William I M S HTYBSRSAT VALURS- LUGGAGE VALUES (AP) of State ^ Charlottesville, Va. Assistant S e c t a r y BIGGEST BARGAIN BUYS J Seattla - (AP) A Seattle'to 1»4T in SwaaUaod. S o u t h , g y f o o d P o i s o n i n g woman is going back to Pig's'Africa: She recall! from terj /Api~Soma Peak to mend broken heads and previoua aojourn there that mostt wm\KS. «. ^ • ^ 1 ~ , ~ a o " ™ minister spirituaUy to the Bantu of the medical caaea ah. h a n d l e d . ^ Fort D.x wld:era today were suffering from food people of southeastern Africa, were broken heads. reported contracted from box She is Miss Estella MacDonald, "The natives carry what they I lunches. who has spent moat of her adult call snake sticks.'* aha said. A Fort Oix spokesman said the life work.ng with natives of There are a lot of snakes down men stricken by the poisoning all Africa as a missionary for the there. But, when tha natives get w € f # from t h # r a d i o COmmunicaChurch of the Na*arene She full of their bwn mountain atyle tioita school operated by the sajla from New Orleans soon,of beer they start using thosejcamp's J»th Field Artillery BatNona oC the cases was to Pig's snake sticks on each other'a talion. reported serious. w h e r e she s e r v e d f r o m IVMt skulls." Formation of a •-grievance committee" to hear complainU from the public over service given by Albany's taxirab owner-'driver* was announced today by the new Empire State Independent Taxiiinen s Association. 51* Broadway The committee MIS established •t a special meeting laft night at th* association* headquarters and given power to take action against offending members Philip Warren, attorney and chairman for the group, said complaints could be filed at the organization's office. The group adopted^rules callin* for strict compliance with' police regulations governing taxi operation and for adherence to the city's aflfi< ial fare schedules. Members also agieed, Mr. Warren . !*»& to keep an adequate num~be.f'"of cabs available for local calls. Thet association .voted approval of an agreement making the Kddie DeCosmo Servicr Station, ?m S Pearl St., central pent for supplies and repairs." It Fort Dix G Is Felled Cracked Skulls Keep Mbsionary Busy NIWS A l e e * , , N i Y , Wad . Ju y 11. 1»«1 ROYAL Coals—Suits—DretitH—AcMitoriet I N to Pearl SI. (Iter. Madison Avt.) ALL SUMMER 7, 8,10 DRESSES AN BeHar Drassas Rtduced! SUITS Wore to WCHI $20 and $30 iCnntmoefion of s t e n e V d e e u i e t t e a l Topers RHicteJ! end Him ttivtttnHd it eeeend.at ee enwleswlirf ef MoteWefJ C o t t o n Q a b a r d m o F silly Lin a d w 8.95 ow TOPPERS "* llfS a»l I I V I I $12.00 S BLOUSES 3 , V 5 Were 5 v5 »o M S $ $ SKIRTS I $ 3t 4** 5 Thitr*. anaj ftaturattiy AN Day i iust take a look crMho enfli- Rlaro Cnovronft trucki in mm And Chevrolet economy goes for boy on d low neertd-in economy features of operating costs Chevrolet trucks, Features like and bodies designed to stand up tHtffer rough, valva-in-head engma dasign, tough use month after month, year after year Blue-Flame combustion Power- tvery J*t ccrrburetor, long lasting brakes and a host of others. buy n e w doy, mora tfton o thousond truck users Cbevro/et trucks Take o tip from rrvefc-wiao buy en mmi — m p—n\ CHEVROLET DEALER FOR ALL Conveniently lit fed under "Mofor TlXHkt" lit • Untitled Document • CHEVROLET oft Y o * n # r niCM • f i r!—' It means enginat, chosaU, cobi • •. 3 '. \-. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com ^ these ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS A U T O M O T I V E NEEDS!
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