!!"#$%&"' Appendix-1 5.0 Stocks of Extraction Buffer 1.0 M Tris- buffer (pH 7.5) 12.11 g of Tris was dissolved in 40 ml of ADDW and pH was adjusted to 7.5 with 6 N HCl and final volume was raised to 100 ml with ADDW, and sterilized by autoclaving and stored at 4 oC. 5 mM Leupeptin 10.65 mg of leupeptin was dissolved in ethanol to make up the final volume of 5 ml and stored at -20 oC. 10 % Triton X-100 10 ml of triton X-100 was mixed with 90 ml of ADDW to make up the final volume of 100 ml and stored at 4 oC. TPCK (5 mg/ml) 5 mg of TPCK was dissolved in ethanol to make up the final volume of 1 ml and stored at -20 oC. Pepstatin A (2 mg/ml) 10 mg of pepstatin A was dissolved in ethanol to make up final volume of 5 ml and stored at -20 oC. 200 mM PMSF 70 mg of PMSF was dissolved in absolute ethanol to make up final volume of 2 ml and stored at -20 oC. 128 Preparation of 200 ml protein extraction buffer Components Working concentration Volume added from stock Tris buffer 50 mM 10 ml Leupeptin 20 M 800 l Pepstatin A 20 g/ml 1.66 ml TPCK 50 g/ml 1.66 ml Triton X 100 0.05 % 2.0 ml Water Final volume was raised to 200 ml by ADDW 5.1 Preparation of Stock Solutions 5 M NaCl 58.5 g of NaCl was dissolved in 100 ml of ADDW and finally the volume was raised to 200 ml and stored at 4 oC after autoclaving. 100 mM CaCl2 1.10 g of CaCl2 was dissolved in 40 ml of ADDW and final volume was raised to 100 ml with ADDW. The CaCl2 solution was sterilized by using 0.22 µM disposable filters (Millipore) and stored at 4 oC. 100 mM EGTA 3.8 g of EGTA was dissolved in 40 ml of ADDW and pH of the EGTA solution was adjusted 7.5 by using 5M NaOH. Final volume of the EGAT solution was raised to 100 ml with ADDW and stored at 4 oC after passing through 0.22 µM disposable filters (Millipore). 4 M NaOH 16.0 g of NaOH pellet was dissolved in 50 ml of ADDW and final volume was raised to 100 ml by adding ADDW and stored at 4 oC. 129 5.2 Preparation of Stocks for Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Tris buffer 1.5 M (pH 8.8) 18.17 g of Tris was weighed and dissolved in 40 ml of ADDW and pH was adjusted 8.8 with 6 N HCl and final volume was raised 100 ml with ADDW. Buffer was sterilized by using autoclave (121 oC and 15 psi pressure for 15 min) and stored at 4 o C. Tris buffer 1.0 M (pH 6.8) 12.11 g of Tris was dissolved in 40 ml of ADDW and pH was adjusted 6.8 with 6 N HCl and final volume was raised 100 ml with ADDW. Buffer was sterilized by using autoclave (121oC and 15 psi pressure for 15 min) and stored at 4 oC. 30% Acrylamide / bisacrylamide monomer stock 29.2 g of acrylamide and 0.8 g of bisacrylamide was dissolved in 40 ml of ADDW and final volume was raised to100 ml with ADDW. Monomer solution was passed through 0.22 M filter (Millipore) and stored at 4 oC. Tris-glycine-SDS electrophoresis buffer (5X) 15.1 g of Tris, 94.0 g of glycine and 10 g of SDS were weighed and dissolved in 600 ml with ADDW and final volume was raised to 1000 ml ADDW and stored at room temperature. 10 % Sodium dodecyle sulfate stock 10 g of SDS was dissolved in 100 ml of ADDW and stored at room temperature. 10 % Ammonium persulfate solution Ammonium persulfate (APS) solution was prepared fresh. 100 mg of APS (Sigma Aldrich, USA) was dissolved in 1.0 ml of ADDW and stored at 4 oC. 130 Composition of Laemmli buffer (2X) Components Tris buffer (pH 6.8) Glycerol SDS -ME Bromophenol blue Stock concentration 100 mM 20% 4% 2% 0.2% 5.4 Composition of SDS-PAGE gel 12% RESOLVING GEL Component Water 30% acrylamide gel 1.5M Tris (pH 8.8) 10%SDS 10%APS TEMED Volume used for 20 ml (ml) 6.6 8.0 5.0 0.2 0.2 0.008 5% Stacking gel Component Water 30% acrylamide gel 1.5M Tris (pH 6.8) 10%SDS 10%APS TEMED Volume used for 10 ml (ml) 6.8 1.7 1.25 0.1 0.1 0.01 5.5 Composition of Native-PAGE gel 8% RESOLVING GEL Component Volume used for 30 ml (ml) Water 14.2 30% acrylamide gel 8.0 1.5M Tris (pH 8.8) 7.5 10%APS 0.3 TEMED 0.018 131 Composition of native IEF gel (5 %) Component Volume used for 6 ml (ml) ADDW 30% Acrylamide 50% NP-40 4% Ampholine 10% APS TEMED Composition of denaturing IEF gel (5 %) 4.394 1.0 0.24 0.3 0.06 0.006 Component Volume used for 6 ml ADDW 30% Acrylamide 8M urea 40% Ampholine 10% CHAPS 50% NP-40 10% APS TEMED Final volume 1.0 ml 2.88 g 0.3 ml 1.2 ml 0.24 ml 0.06 ml 0.006 ml 5.6 Composition of Isoelectric Focussing Gel Buffers Buffer Composition Upper tank buffer Lower tank buffer Sample buffer pI marker Gel overlay buffer 20 mm NaOH 10 mm orthophosphoric acid 20% glycerol + 4% Ampholine pH range 3 –10 8M urea Composition of Renaturation Buffer Component 1.0 M Tris buffer (pH 7.5) 5 M NaCl 100 mM CaCl2 BSA 100 % Tween-20 Working Concentration 50 mM 150 mM 1 mM 1% 0.01% 132 Volume (ml) added in 100 ml 5.0 ml 3.0 ml 1.0 ml 1.0 g (w/v) 0.01 ml Appendix 2 Fig. 1: Domain architecture of CaM-binding Sorghum bicolor Ankyrin repeat protein kinase (SbAPK) (XP_002458488.1). Conserved domains were predicted by using Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool (SMART) and NCBI conserved domain data base, which depicted the presence of a 262 aa long catalytic domain (!) of protein tyrosine kinases family (aa 173 465) and low complexity region (!) starting from aa 461 – 471, three putative ankyrin repeats domains ( ) starting from aa 48 - 79 (Domain1), aa 83 – 112 (domain 2) and aa 116 - 145 (domain 3), respectively. A putative CaM-binding domain starting at aa 171 has also identified using CaM-binding target database. 133 1 PHOTOCLOCK 1 protein (XP_002459177.1) CBD 1 MGEEAMDDYELHMVCYGGDDDGRVMEWESGLPGADELTPLSQPLVPPGLAAAFRIPPE PGRTLLDVHRAS 70 CBD 1 71 AATVSRLRRAPS SSSSGSGGSGSSSFAPFHPHPQAAAAAGHARGDEDADSSAAALGGGNAATTTTNTGTN 140 myb DNA-binding domain CBD 2 RLVWTPQLHKRFVDVVAHLGIKNAVPKTIMQLMNVEGLTRENVASHLQKYRLYVKRMQGLSNE207 141 SKRPRLVWTPQLHKRFVDVVAHLGIKNAVPKTIMQLMNVEGLTRENVASHLQKYRLYVKRMQGLSNE 208 GPSPSDHIFASTPVPHSLVHEPQVPVPTSMYVAAVGSMVPMASGGQAAYHHYHHHHNATAGGGRGYPQAA 277 280 278 AYH Fig. 2: Domain architecture of Sorghum bicolor CaM-binding PHOTOCLOCK1 protein (XP_002459177.1). Conserved domain analysis revealed the presence of myb DNA-binding domain (!) of SANT [switching-defective protein 3 (Swi3), adaptor 2 (Ada2), nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR), transcription factor (TF) IIIB)- and SLIDE (SANT-like ISWI (imitation switch) domain)] family starting from aa 144, at aa 188 and two putative CaM-binding domains (!) at aa 58 – 82 and 181 – 206 with propensity score of 6 were also identified using CaM-binding target database. 134 Mitochondrial transcription termination factor (XP_002467825.1) CBD 1 MAGTRTALALLGHDGLDSGPRPVPVVAPRRSSSSRLRVVAVALRTRPTTRLAVPGPPLPPAPAPEPVLLP 70 mTERF1 mTERF2 71 SPPVAAGAAAVLLEAGVPPADLRRAAGMCPELLSVPAEAIEAALRFLTEEAGVPAPDLPRVLRRRPRLLV 140 mTERF3 mTERF2 141 SPVAARLRPTLSSCARWGKLLPRIEFLESLGLPPRAARSMARRFPALFAYAVDGNMRPKAEYLLGAMARR 210 mTERF3 211 ADELVDFPEYFSYALATRIVPRHEACAASGVGKLPLPAMLRPGDAKFRATLASCVGSMLPRRRSPLWHAT 280 281 WVDDDDATAAAKETMV 296 Fig. 3: Domain architecture of Sorghum bicolor CaM-binding mitochondrial transcription termination factor (XP_002467825.1). Conserved domain analysis revealed the presence of mTERF domains (!) at aa 93 - 126, 129 – 173 and 178 – 210, respectively. A putative CaM-binding domain (!) at aa 24 – 48 was also identified using CaM target database with propensity score of 4. 135 S. bicolor peroxidase (SbPOD) (XP_002455406.1) active site 1 MTTSMGSLVLLCLVSTLLFPSAVLGHPWGGLFPQFYDHSCPKAKEIVQSIVAQAVAKETRMAASLVRLHF 70 71 HDCFVKGCDASVLLDNSSSIVSEKGSNPNRNSLRGFEVVDQIKAALEAACPGTVSCADILALAARDSTSL 140 heme-binding site 141 VGGPYWDVPLGRRDSLGASIQGSNNDIPAPNNTLPTIITKFKRQGLNVVDVVALSGGHTIGMSRCTSFRQ 210 211 RLYNQTGNGMADSTLDVSYAAQLRQGCPRSGGDNNLFPLDFVTPAKFDNFYYKNLLAGKGLLSSDEVLLT 280 281 KSAETAALVKAYAADVNLFFQHFAQSMVNMGNISPLTGSQGEIRKNCRRLNNSH 334 Fig. 4: Domain architecture of Sorghum bicolor CaM-binding peroxidase (XP_002455406.1). Conserved domain analysis showed the presence of active site (!) at aa 60-72, a heme-binding site (!) (181-208), substrate-binding site (204-207: RCTSF), Ca2+-binding site and eight highly conserved cystein residues (!) (C40, C73, C78, C120, C126, C205, C237, C327), two putative CaM-binding sites at aa 50 – 70 and 252 – 275 with propensity score of 8, respectively. Putative CaM-binding domains were identified using CaM target database. 136 Pyrabactin resistance 1 (PYR1), PYR1-like (PYL) protein (XP_002467452) 1 MVESPNPNSPSRPLCIKYTRAPARHFSPPLPFSSLIISANPIEPKAMDKQGAGGDVEVPAGLGLTAAEYE 70 SRPBCC domain 71 QLRSTVDAHHRYAVGEGQCSSLLAQRIQAPPAAVWAIVRRFDCPQVYKHFIRSCALRPDPEAGDALRPGR 140 SRPBCC domain 141 LREVSVISGLPASTSTERLDLLDDAARVFGFSITGGEHRLRNYRSVTTVSELADPGICTVVLESYVVDVP 210 211 DGNTEDDTRLFADTVIRLNLQKLKSVAEANAAAAASFVSVVPPPEPEE 258 Fig. 5: Domain architecture of Sorghum bicolor CaM-binding Pyrabactin resistance 1 (PYR1), PYR1-like (PYL) protein (XP_002467452). Conserved domain analysis of Pyrabactin resistance 1 (PYR1), PYR1-like (PYL) protein depicted the presence of SRPBCC (START/RHO_alpha_C/PITP/Bet_v1/CoxG/CalC) domain (!) at aa 88 -128, two putative CaM-binding sites at aa 164 – 186 and 228 – 243 with propensity score of 7. 137 Appendix 3 Publications Virdi, A. S., Thakur, A., Dutt, S., Kumar, S., and Singh, P., (2009). A sorghum 85 kDa heat stress-modulated protein shows calmodulin-binding properties and cross- reactivity to anti-Neurospora crassa Hsp 80 antibodies; FEBS Letters. 583: 767-770. Singh, P., and Virdi, A. S., (2010). Calmodulin Binding proteins: Implication in abiotic stress adaptation. Journal of Plant Biology (Invited Review): 37 (1) 1– 17. Virdi, A. S., Pareek, A. and Singh, P. (2011). Evidence for the possible involvement of calmodulin in regulation of steady state levels of Hsp90 family members (Hsp87 and Hsp85) in response to heat shock in sorghum. Plant Signal & Behaviour 6: 3, 393-399. 138
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