Call for scholarships-BBI SEBS 2014 2015

Islamic banking
BBI Banka i Ekonomski fakultet Sarajevo raspisuju konkurs za dodjelu stipendija studentima koji žele
upisati master studij „Islamic banking“ koji se realizira u saradnji sa University of Bolton iz Velike
Britanije i BBI akademijom. Studij je na engleskom jeziku, traje dvije godine, a po uspješnom završetku
studentima će biti dodijeljena zajednička diploma Univerziteta u Sarajevu i University of Bolton iz Velike
Britanije. Tekst konkursa dat je u nastavku:
Bosna Bank International in cooperation with Centre for Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance at
Sarajevo School of Economics and Business announces this call for scholarships for the award of
scholarships for the academic 2014/2015 for funding master studies in the field of Islamic banking (new
generation of students from Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Eligible for scholarship are students from Bosnia and Herzegovina who enrol in master studies in the
field of Islamic banking at the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo (master study organized
in partnership with the Sarajevo School of Economics and Business, University of Bolton and BBI
Academy, more information available at ).
The amount of scholarship will be between 20%-80% of tuition fee and will be used for the payment of
tuition fees. For the rest of the amount, students will be able to apply for financing arrangements also
with BBI bank. Students who receive the scholarship are required to perform their academic
obligations in time. BBI's participation in the scholarship on the second year of the study depends on
the student's achievements in the first year of study. Terms and conditions regarding scholarship will
be regulated by a special agreement. Best students will participate at max. of 20% of the total tuition
Candidates interested in scholarship should submit their application no later than October 10, 2014,
titled "Call for scholarships - Islamic Banking", by mail or hand-delivery, the following documents:
Completed Application form available on this link
Document that confirms the place of residence
Certificate of citizenship
Diploma of first cycle of studies (Bachelor degree)
Appropriate document proving the success (marks) achieved in the first cycle of studies (grade
point average)
A recommendation (from a professor or employer)
With shortlisted candidates will be organized an interview.
Necessary documents and application can be submitted by e-mail ([email protected]) or
regular/land mail at the following address:
School of Economics and Business Sarajevo, University Sarajevo, Centre for Islamic Economics,
Banking and Finance,, Skenderija 70/II, 71000 Sarajevo
Any additional information can be obtained by phone +387 33 564 368 or e-mail [email protected]