14th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Santiago de Chile, Chile.
24-27 November, 2014
IBERAMIA 2014 is the 14th edition of the Ibero-American Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, a leading symposium where the Ibero-American AI community comes together to
share research results and experiences with researchers in Artificial Intelligence from all over the
world. IBERAMIA 2014 will be held in Santiago, Chile, on November 24-27, 2014, and
organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The conference is sponsored by the
main Ibero-American Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science societies.
IBERAMIA 2014 welcomes submissions on mainstream AI topics, as well as novel cross cutting
work in related areas. Topics may include but are not limited to the following:
AI in Education
Applications of AI
Ambient intelligence
Affective computing
Agent-based Modelling and
Bio-inspired computing
Computer Vision
Constraint satisfaction and
Data Mining
Emotional computing
Bio-inspired computing
Computer Vision
Data Mining
Constraint satisfaction and optimization
Emotional computing
Evolutionary computing
Fuzzy Systems
Human-Computer Interaction
Information extraction and integration
Knowledge acquisition and ontologies
Knowledge Engineering and Applications
Knowledge Representation and
Probabilistic Reasoning
Machine Learning
Multi-Agent Systems
Natural Language Processing
Neural networks
Planning and Scheduling
Papers must be written in English, and will be reviewed on the basis of their relevance,
significance of the contribution, originality, technical soundness, quality and clarity. As in
previous years, accepted papers will be published in the series "Advances in Artificial
Intelligence" of Springer-Verlag LNAI.
Paper submission details
Submitted papers must not exceed 12 pages, including all tables, figures, and references and are
(see Submissions over twelve pages will be rejected
without review. Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair Conference System at The conference is organized in
several areas, so the authors should choose to submit the paper to the most appropriate area for
their work.
All submissions will go through a peer review process, by independent PC members reviewing
each submission. Reviewing will be blind, so author names and affiliations must be omitted from
the submission, using instead the unique tracking number assigned by the conference system at
the time of submission. In addition, self-references in the text, like "in [Garcia 2004], we prove
that" should be avoided, using instead references such as "in [Garcia 2004] has been proved that".
Important dates
 Paper submission deadline : May 18th, 2014
 Notification : July 12th, 2014
 Camera ready papers: July 31th, 2014
IBERAMIA 2014 Committees
PROGRAM CHAIR: Ana Bazzan, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
(UFRGS), Brazil.
ORGANISATION CHAIR: Karim Pichara, Pontifica Universidad Católica (PUC), Chile
P.C Area Chairs
Ambient inteligence
AI in Education, Affective
Computing and Human-Computer
Computer Vision
Bio-Inspired Computing
Information and Knowledge
Knowledge Discovery and Data
Applications of AI
Knowledge Engineering,
Knowledge Representation
and Probabilistic Reasoning
Machine Learning
Agent-Based Modelling and
Multi-Agent Systems
Natural Language Processing
Planning and Scheduling
Fuzzy Systems
Juan Botía - Univ.Murcia, Spain
Paulo Novais - Univ. Minho, Portugal
Silvana Aciar - Univ.Girona, Spain
Silvia Schiaffino - UNICEN, Argentina
Rosa Vicari- UFRGS, Brazil
Luis Enrique Sucar - INAOE, Mexico
José Manuel Menéndez - UPM, Spain
Luis Correia - Univ. Lisboa, Portugal
Marcilio Souto - Univ.Orleans, France
Camelia Chira - Tech. Univ. Cluj-Napoca,
Ana Gabriela Maguitman - UNS, Argentina
Gisele Pappa - UFMG, Brazil
Ana Cristina Bicharra - UFF,Brazil
Fernando Koch - Samsung Res. Inst., Brazil
Guillermo Simari - UNS, Argentina
Renata Wassermann - USP, Brazil
Fabio Cozman - USP, Brazil
Paulo Cortez - Univ.Minho, Portugal
Joao Gama - Univ.Porto, Portugal
Estevam Rafael Hruschka - UFSCAR, Brazil
Jaime Sichman - USP, Brazil
Giuseppe Vizari - Univ. Milano Bicocca, Italy
Valérie Camps - IRIT, France
Jomi Fred Hubner - UFSC, Brazil
Carles Sierra - IIIA CSIC, Spain
Juan Carlos Burguillo - Univ.Vigo, Spain
Manuel Montes - INAOE, Mexico
Aline Villavencio - UFRGS, Brazil
Eva Onaindia - DSIC UPV, Spain
Felipe Meneguzzi - PUC-RS, Brazil
Andrea Tettamanzi - Univ.Nice, France
Andrés Soto - Bityvip Tech, Spain
Luis Paulo Reis - Univ.Minho, Portugal
Luis Chaimowicz - UFMG, Brazil
Workshop proposal submission details
Proposals for workshops should be a maximum of five pages in length, and should contain the
following information:
1. Title of the workshop.
2. A brief description of the workshop, specifying the workshop goals, the technical issues
addressed and the relevance of the workshop to the Iberamia conference. Proposals of
workshops with open discussions on specific topics are welcome.
3. Specific information regarding the organizers: names, affiliations, postal addresses,
phone numbers, email addresses, and expertise in the topic of the workshop. The
organization committee should include at least two members.
4. Description of the paper review process and acceptance standards, including a
preliminary list of the workshop program committee with names, titles and affiliations.
5. Expected duration of the workshop.
All proposals should be submitted, by electronic mail, to the Workshop Chair
([email protected]). The list of accepted IBERAMIA 2014 workshops will be
published along with the submission details on the conference’s Web site. Papers for the
workshops can be written in Spanish, Portuguese, or English.