presents its Annual Intercollegiate Fest Magnachrista 2014 A convergence of creative expression September 12th and 13th Magnachrista 2014— the Christite Intercollegiate cultural fest— has imbibed the theme of ‘Impact of technology on human development’ in order to inspire and sensitize young minds to understand the role technology plays in day to day life. Through Literary, Art and Stage events, we urge these young fledglings of eleventh and twelfth grade to delve into their creative best and use this platform to carve a niche for themselves in the same. Inauguration: 12 September 2014 9:00 am: Main Auditorium, Auditorium Block, Third Floor (adj.) 1640s, "pertaining to alphabet letters," from French littéraire, from Latin literarius/litterarius CREATIVE WRITING (Complete the tale) . Individual event • Maximum four entries per college • Half a story will be provided. Participant is expected to complete the story • 2 Hours • Only paper will be provided •Reference material not allowed AIR CRASH Maximum two participants per college Individual event The participant will be given a personality on the spot As that personality, the participant will have to convince the pilot (i.e., the judge) as to why s/he should be given the only parachute left when the aircraft is about to crash. POTPOURRI Maximum four teams per college Three members per team The event consists of Dumb Charades, Pictionary, 20 questions, Clue-do, Taboo etc Prelims followed by finals Written prelims Six teams qualify to finals Rounds will be disclosed on-the-spot Judges’ decision is final GENERAL QUIZ SPELL BEE Maximum two teams per college Three members per team Written prelims Six teams will make it to the final Further rules and rounds will be disclosed onthe-spot. Quizmasters’ decision is final. Maximum three participants per college Individual Participation Total number of Rounds: 03 DEBATE Maximum two teams per college Two participants in a team One will speak for and another against the topic Topic will be announced at 9 am on day 1 Time limit: 4+1 minutes for each speaker JUST A MINUTE • Maximum two JAMers per college • JAMers must come solo • Rules will be disclosed at the venue. (n.) 1530s, from Middle French commerce (14c.), from Latin commercium "trade, trafficking," from com"together" CRISIS MANAGEMENT MOCK STOCK Maximum one team per college Four participants per team There will be a written preliminary round Selected teams will proceed to the final round The business scenario will be provided to the finalists Maximum two teams per college Three members per team (can comprise of any number of accountants or traders) Kindly carry required stationery, only paper will be provided No use of mobile phones allowed during the duration of the event B(usiness) -QUIZ Maximum two teams per college Three members per team Written prelims Six teams will make it to the final Further rules and rounds will be disclosed on the spot Quizmasters’ decision is final PRODUCT LAUNCH Maximum one team per college 4+1 members in a team Product will be given on registration Synopsis should be submitted 24 hours prior to the event Time limit: 4+2 minutes (n.) late 13c., langage "words, what is said, conversation, talk," from Old French langage (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *linguaticum, from Latin lingua "tongue," also "speech, language" KANNADA DEBATE Maximum two participants per college Individual Event Topic: Participants should bring two songs of 30 seconds each in their mobile related to the topic. Participants should compulsorily attend two phone calls from an external source KANNADA BHAVAGEETHE Time limit: 4+1 minutes KANNADA RADIO JINTHE Unlimited entries Individual Event Topic: Maximum two participants per college Individual event Time limit: 4+1 minutes HINDI MONO-ACTING Maximum two participants per college Individual event Time limit: 4+1 minutes Topic: ‘Sthri Shakthi’ HINDI PICTURE DESCRIPTION (CREATIVE WRITING) Maximum four participants per college Individual event Creative writing based on picture displayed at the spot Poem or essay or story or mix of all these genres allowed Time limit: 2 hours SANSKRIT PICTURE DESCRIPTION (CREATIVE WRITING) Maximum four participants per college Individual event Creative writing based on picture displayed at the spot Poem or essay or story or mix of all these genres allowed Time limit: 2 hours FRENCH GROUP SONG: Unlimited Entries Six people in a team Time Limit: 5+1 minutes Musical instruments can be used (adj.) "produced with conscious artistry," as opposed to popular or folk, 1890, from art (n.), possibly from influence of German kunstlied "art song." JUNK ART Maximum one team per college Two members in a team Any material that cannot be used for its original purpose Participants have to bring their own material Theme: “Superhero” POT DECORATION Maximum two participants per college Individual event Free expression Only pots will be provided Painting, ceramic powder, M-seal, maida dough, clay, and other decorative materials can be used. Time limit: 2 hours COLLAGE Maximum two teams per college Two members in a team Topic will be released on the spot Only chart paper will be provided Refrain from o Use of cutting instruments o Painting and burning o Sticking of extra material and projection Time limit: 2 hours FACE PAINTING PAINTING Maximum two teams per college Number of participants in a team: 1+1(artist+ model) Materials required for the contest should be brought by the participants Participants shall paint only on the face and neck of their partner Theme will be given on the spot Time limit: 90 minutes SKETCHING Unlimited entries Individual event Topic will be announced on the spot Only chart paper will be provided No charcoal Time limit: 90 minutes Unlimited entries Individual event Theme will be given on the spot Only chart paper will be provided Only water or poster colours can be used. Oil paints and crayons are not allowed. Time limit: 2 hours (v.) early 14c., "to erect, construct," from stage (n.). The meaning "put into a play" is from c.1600; that of "put (a play) on the stage" first recorded 1879 INDIAN THEME DANCE FREESTYLE DANCE- SPLIT SCREEN Maximum one team per college 6 to 8 members in a team 5+1 minutes Only instrumental music without lyrics permitted; shlokas and bhols permitted No dangerous props allowed Costumes and dance movements must be decent Songs to be played must be recorded only on a CD and not on a cassette The CD must contain only the song/s to be played Please don’t forget to have a backup CD Maximum three participants per college Individual event Each participant will dance for 1 minute to a song (any genre) given to them on the spot. Three dancers (random order) will perform at the same time. The top performer of this round will move forward to the next round. INDIAN NON-THEME DANCE Maximum one team per college 6 - 8 members in a team 4+1 minutes No dangerous props allowed Songs of any Indian language movie permitted. NO FUSION OF SONGS ALLOWED Fusion, folk, Bollywood freestyle movements permitted Costumes and dance movements must be decent. On stage dress code is as follows: Girls: Sleeveless and three- fourths are not allowed. Shorts and three fourths are not permitted. Boys: Do not come on stage without a shirt. Shorts will not be permitted. Any form of vulgarity in dressing will lead to immediate disqualification of the team. Songs to be played must be recorded only on a CD and not on a cassette The CD must contain only the song/s to be played Please don’t forget to have a backup CD WESTERN ELECTRIC GROUP Maximum one team per college 3 to 6 members in a team 8+5 minutes, empty stage to empty stage Drum kit will be provided Growling not permitted Judging criteria: Vocal quality, Vocal and instrumental musicality (lyrics, melody, texture), stage presence, song choice Individual prizes for Best Vocalist, Lead Guitarist, Drummer, Rhythm Guitarist, Bassist, Keyboardist and Song INDIAN MUSIC GROUP WESTERN ACOUSTIC GROUP Maximum one team per college 6 to 8 members in a team 12+3 minutes, empty stage to empty stage Songs in any Indian language Drum kit will be provided Use of pre-recorded beats and backing tracks will lead to disqualification Judging criteria: Vocal quality, Vocal and instrumental musicality (lyrics, melody, texture), stage presence, song choice Individual prizes for Best vocalist, Best Song and Best Indian instrumentalist. Maximum one team per college 4 to 8 members in a team 6+2 minutes, empty stage to empty stage No sequenced tracks or beats No electric instruments allowed; Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic percussion and keyboard allowed only on piano mode Judging criteria: Vocal harmony, stage presence, song choice. Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sl No 1 2 Event LITERARY: Venue Air Crash General Quiz Room No 109 Room No 09(Seminar Hall) Spell Bee Room No 117 Debate Seminar Hall(4th Floor) Potpourri Room No 108 Creative Writing Room No 112 Event Product Launch Mock Stock COMMERCE: Venue Room No 108 Room No 09(Seminar Hall) Time 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 01: 00 pm 01:00 pm 02:00 pm Time 11:00 am 12:30 pm LANGUAGE: Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 Sl No 1 2 3 4 Event Venue Hindi Mono acting Room No 215 Kannada Debate Room No 217 French Group Singing Room No 214 Hindi Creative Writing Room No 212 Picture Description Sanskrit Creative Room No 216 Writing Picture Description ART: Time 10:00 am 10:00 am 02:30 pm 03:00 pm 03:00 pm Event Venue Time Collage Sketching Painting Junk Art Room No 111 Room No 113 Room No 112 Room No 111 10:30 am 11:30 am 12:30 pm 01:30 pm STAGE: Sl No 1 2 3 4 Event Freestyle Dance Split Screen (Solo) Indian Theme Dance Indian Non Theme Dance Indian Music Group Venue Time Main Auditorium 10:00 am Main Auditorium 11:00 am Main Auditorium 12:00 noon Main Auditorium 02:30 pm LITERARY: Sl No 1 Event Just A Minute Venue Room No 108 Time 11:00 am COMMERCE: Sl No 1 2 Event Crisis Management B-Quiz Venue Room No 108 Room No 109 Time 09:00 am 11:30 am LANGUAGE: Sl No Event 1 Kannada Radio Jinthe 2 Kannada Bhavageethe Venue Room No 117 Room No 109 Time 09:00 am 10:00 am ART: Sl No 1 2 Event Pot Decoration Face Painting Venue Room No 111 Room No 113 Time 10:30 am 11:30 am STAGE: Sl No Event Venue Time 1 Western Acoustic Group Main Auditorium 9:30 am 2 Western Electric Group Main Auditorium 11:00 am General Rules and Regulations: Participants must report at the venue of their events on time. Participants are required to carry their ID cards along with them at all time for verification. Judges' decision is final. No appeal questioning their validity will be entertained. Vulgarity in any form is strictly prohibited. Any violation will result in immediate disqualification of the participants. No registration fee For further information contact: Ms Vidya Balakrishnan The Student Welfare Officer Phone: 080 - 40129239 E-mail: [email protected] Pavan Bhat K Student Head The Student Welfare Office Phone: + 91 7204104373 E-mail: [email protected] Address Christ Junior College, Christ University Campus, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 029.
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