POTENTIAL TOXICITY OF ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE LIQUIDS AND AEROSOLS AS MEASURED BY FOUR IN VITRO ASSAYS Leverette, R.D., Misra, M., Cooper, B.T. and Bennett, M.B. Lorillard Tobacco Company, A.W. Spears Research Center, Greensboro, NC 27405, USA ABSTRACT #1015 ABSTRACT RESULTS A. blu™ M M -High 100 M arlboro SNUS Copenhagen Snuff 0 Lozenge Whole Smoke (WS) and Whole Aerosol (WA) exposures performed on a dilution air flows ranging from 0.1 – 8.0 L / min. VC10, Ames Modules, with smoke Smokeless Tobacco aqueous extracts prepared from commercially available products (Marlboro SNUS, Copenhagen Snuff, Nicorette ® Lozenge Original 4 mg Nicotine). Samples suspended in Phosphate Buffered Saline @ 80 mg / mL (Dulbecco’s PBS, Gibco #14040, +MgCl2 +CaCl2), incubated @ 37°C for 21-24 hrs @ 150 rpm shaking, centrifuged @ 12K g for 10 min to remove particulates, filter sterilized, aliquoted and stored @ -80°C prior to analysis1. 3R4F 400 150 50 M arlboro SNUS Nicorette Lozenge Control E-cig 25,000 0 20,000 Copenhagen Snuff blu M M High 0 g / mL 25,000 M arlboro SNUS blu M M - 20,000 blu M M High blu CT High 15,000 blu M M - blu CT- 100 10,000 blu CT High M arlboro Gold 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 5,000 % Control (DMSO) blu CT- 100 Table 1: NRU EC50 (µg / mL) values for 1R5F M arlboro Gold 200 Nicorette Lozenge Control E-cig 3R4F 1R5F 300 Copenhagen Snuff Micronucleus: Cell Viability induction is not due to cytotoxicity at higher doses. All activities for E-cig liquids and smokeless tobacco extracts significantly different when compared to WTPM from traditional tobacco burning cigarettes (p < 0.001). MN frequency (%MN) determined using Cellomics® ArrayScan® VTI (Micronucleus Bioapplication, V.4). MN activity reported as % control and compared using GraphPad Prism v. 5.04 (two tailed; for comparisons, statistical significance @ p < 0.05). SMOKE & E-CIG AEROSOL DELIVERIES WS & WA: VITROCELL® Laser Photometers positioned between dilution system and exposure module with 35 mm plates containing 4 mL DMSO (dH2O for WA). Dilution air flow rates 0.1 – 8.0 L / min. For WS, Ex / Em: 355nm / 485nm measurements of smoke-exposed DMSO extrapolated to WTPM standard curve2. WA (E-cig) dose correlated to glycerol captured in aerosol-exposed dH2O quantified with Free Glycerol Reagent (Sigma # FG0100). Plot of laser photometer values (Volt*sec, Area Under Curve) versus quantified smoke particulate (WS) or glycerol (WA) used to calculate delivered doses. blu™ M M High E. 400 Micronucleus: Cell Viability 200 M arlboro Gold blu CT- 200 blu CT High blu M M - 100 blu M M High % Control (DMSO) 1R5F 3R4F 1R5F 150 M arlboro Gold blu CT- 100 blu CT High blu M M - 50 blu M M High g / mL g / mL 25,000 20,000 15,000 0 10,000 Control E-cig 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 5,000 25,000 20,000 Control E-cig g / mL 3R4F 300 3,500 0 g / mL Micronucleus (MN) 0 blu™ M M -Ø 100 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,000 0 1,500 blu™ M M High blu™ CT High 3,000 blu™ M M -Ø 50 blu™ CT-Ø 200 2,500 blu™ CT High M arlboro Gold 2,000 blu™ CT-Ø 1R5F 300 1,500 M arlboro Gold 100 3R4F 1,000 1R5F 400 500 150 IL-8 Release 0 3R4F IL-8 Release (%Control) 200 M ar lb 1R or 5F o G ol d C on bl t u rol bl u CT - C T H bl ig u h bl M u M - M M H ig h 3R 4F 0 C. NRU 500 Cell Viability (% Control) 1 15,000 Cells exposed (absence of S9) to increasing doses of samples (E-cig liquids, smokeless extracts, pad-collected smoke and aerosols) and incubated for 20 hrs @ 37°C, 5% CO2 followed by treatment with cytochalasin B (cytokinesis blocking agent) for 27.5 hrs @ 37°C, 5% CO2 (Cellomics® Micronucleus Kit K11-0001-1; Thermo Scientific). Cell viability determined by cytokinesis-block proliferation index (CBPI). TA98 TA100 10,000 MICRONUCLEUS (MN) Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1, ATCC# CCL-61) cells seeded (~2500 cells / well) and incubated (complete media: F-12K media + 10% FBS) in 96-well plates overnight (37°C, 5% CO2) prior to exposures. B. 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 2 D. Ames (S9+) 0 A. % Control (DMSO) EC50 (NRU) and IL-8 (pg / mL; % control) calculated and compared using GraphPad Prism v. 5.04 (two tailed; for comparisons, statistical significance @ p < 0.05). blu™ CT-Ø 100 blu™ CT-High blu™ M M -Ø 50 blu™ M M -High aerosols. Data points in each plot represent the mean values ± SD from a minimum of two (2) independent experiments. All E-cig whole aerosol 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 g / mL activities significantly different when compared to whole smoke from whole 300 smoke / aerosol exposures under development. 3R4F 1R5F 200 M arlboro Gold blu™ CT-Ø blu™ CT-High 100 blu™ M M -Ø blu™ M M -High 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TABLE 3: Whole Smoke & Whole E-cig Aerosols NRU Sample SE EC50† (µg / mL) 171.2 6.8 3R4F 157.6 17.9 1R5F 164.5 28.1 Marlboro Gold Table 3: NRU EC50 (µg / mL) values for tobacco smoke burning only cigarette (mean ± whole SE). †No cytotoxicity detected for E-cig whole aerosols. SUMMARY MN (D, E). Data points in each plot represent the mean values ± SD from a minimum of two (2) independent experiments. MN cell viability (E) shown to verify lack of MN NEUTRAL RED UPTAKE (NRU)4,5 & IL-86 A549 (human lung epithelial carcinoma cell line, ATCC# CCL-185) cells seeded (~15K cells / well) and incubated (complete media: F-12K + 10% FBS) in 96-well plates overnight (37°C, 5% CO2) prior to exposures. WS & WA Exposures: A549 cells seeded in 35 mm culture dishes @ 400K cells / dish in 2 mL complete media and incubated overnight (37°C, 5% CO2). Just prior to exposures, complete media removed and cells washed 1X in DPBS. Added 1 mL incomplete media (-FBS) and exposed to either 5 tobacco burning cigarettes (8 puffs / cigarette) or 200 puffs from E-cig. After exposure added 1 mL complete media and incubated for 20 – 24 hrs @ 37°C, 5% CO2 followed by NRU4,5 and IL-86 analyses. done for whole smoke and whole M arlboro-Gold g / mL Figure 1: In vitro activity of E-cig liquids, smokeless tobacco and lozenge aqueous extracts, and pad-collected smoke particulate (WTPM) in Ames (A), NRU (B), IL-8 (C), and Activity reported as revertants per mg was calculated from the linear portion of the dose response curve and compared using GraphPad Prism v. 5.04 (slope analysis, two tailed; for comparisons, statistical significance @ p < 0.05). Cells exposed to increasing doses of samples (E-cig liquids, smokeless extracts, pad-collected smoke and aerosols) and incubated for 20 – 24 hrs @ 37°C, 5% CO2 followed by NRU4,5 and IL-86 analyses. 1R5F preparations. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 5,000 Revertant colonies counted after 48 hrs of incubation @ 37°C. Ames (A), NRU (B) and IL-8 (C). MN not detected for E-cig, smokeless and NRT Revertants / mg WS & WA Exposures: TA98 or TA100 @ ~2 – 4 X bacteria / mL in 200 µL S9-Mix (5% v/v) were spread on fresh 0.4% minimal glucose agar plates (35 mm) supplemented with 0.05 mM Histidine / Biotin, exposed to WS or WA from 3 tobacco burning cigarettes or 200 puffs from E-cig. 109 3R4F IL-8 Release 0 WTPM only (mean ± SE). †No cytotoxicity g / mL PAD-COLLECTED SMOKE & E-CIG AEROSOLS Preincubation assays: 100 µL of Salmonella strains TA98 or TA100, 500 µL S9-Mix (5% v/v), 25 µL sample, 20 min preincubation @ 37°C, 250 rpm shaking followed with the addition of 0.05 mM Histidine / Biotin top agar (2.5 mL) and plated onto minimal glucose agar plates. C. IL-8 Release (% Control) E. Micronucleus (MN) AMES(2,3): S9-Mix: 33mM KCl, 8mM MgCl2, 5mM Glucose-6-phosphate, 4mM NADP, sodium phosphate buffer (0.1M, pH 7.4), S9 fraction @ 5% v/v (Aroclor 1254-induced male Sprague-Dawley rat liver in 0.15M KCl; Moltox; Boone, NC). 150 traditional tobacco burning cigarettes TABLE 1: E-cig Liquids & Smokeless Extracts NRU Sample EC50† SE (µg / mL) 195.7 8.0 3R4F 235.3 9.2 1R5F 201.5 11.2 Marlboro Gold All cigarettes & E-cigs smoked on a VITROCELL® VC10 smoking robot under Canadian Intense (CI) puff profile: 55 mL puff volume, 2 sec draw, 30 sec puff interval, 100% blocked air dilution. VITROCELL® smoke and whole E-cig aerosols in 200 M g / mL g / mL M D. Electronic Cigarettes (E-cig): E-cigs, Classic Tobacco (CT) and Magnificent Menthol (MM). Nicotine @ 0 mg / mL (Ø; rechargeable) or 24 mg / mL (High; disposable). Batteries charged immediately prior to vaping (rechargeable only). Control E-cig: disposable E-cig containing a glycerol / water mixture, no flavors or nicotine. VITROCELL® Lozenge Figure 3: In vitro activity of whole NRU (p < 0.001). Micronucleus methods for blu™ Wet Total Particulate Matter (WTPM) and E-cig aerosols collected on Cambridge filter pads, extracted in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to a final concentration of 40 mg / mL, stored at -80°C prior to analysis. Nicorette Cell Viability (% Control) blu™ M M -Ø 1R or 5F o G ol d C on bl tr u o bl C l u T C TH bl ig u bl M h u M - M M -H ig h Nicorette blu™ CT-High 200 ar lb Copenhagen Snuff blu™ CT-Ø B. TA98 TA100 3R 4F M arlboro SNUS Revertants / mg blu™ M M -High M arlboro Gold 300 300 1,000 4,000 7,000 10,000 13,000 16,000 19,000 22,000 25,000 28,000 blu™ M M -Ø 50 1R5F 200 blu™ CT-High 6500 5500 4500 3500 2500 1500 500 15 10 5 0 3R4F 400 0 blu™ CT-Ø Ames (S9+) IL-8 Release 100 M arlboro Gold 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 1,000 4,000 7,000 10,000 13,000 16,000 19,000 22,000 25,000 28,000 Cell Viability (% Control) 1R5F 0 WHOLE SMOKE & WHOLE E-CIG AEROSOLS C. 3R4F 150 3R 4F ar lb 1R or 5 o F G o C ld bl o n t u bl rol u C T C - bl T H u bl igh u M M M M- a M C op rlb o H N en ro igh ic ha S or N et gen US te S Lo nuf ze f ng e Revertants / mg TA98 TA100 NRU IL-8 Release (% Control) B. 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 6 4 2 0 15,000 CIGARETTE SMOKE PREPARATIONS & EXPOSURES: Tobacco burning cigarettes (3R4F, 1R5F, Marlboro Gold) conditioned (60% relative humidity, ~23°C) at least 18 hours prior to smoking. Ames (S9+) 10,000 MATERIALS & METHODS A. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 5,000 parameters (55 mL puff volume, 2 second puff duration, 30 second puff interval, 100% blocked air dilution). At the levels tested, exposures with neat E-cig liquids and pad-collected aerosols showed no-to-extremely low activity in the Ames, NRU, MN and IL-8 assays when compared to responses from the traditional tobacco burning cigarettes. Results from E-cig samples without nicotine were very similar in all assays, indicating that the presence of nicotine, at the levels tested, did not significantly contribute to any cytotoxic and genotoxic effects observed at high doses. Whole smoke and whole E-cig aerosols were tested in the Ames, NRU and IL-8 assays, again resulting in no-to-extremely low activity when compared to traditional tobacco burning cigarettes. Overall, under the experimental conditions used to evaluate traditional tobacco burning cigarettes, E-cigs did not produce any meaningful toxicological effects as measured by four in vitro endpoints: Ames, NRU, IL-8, and Micronucleus. E-CIG LIQUIDS & SMOKELESS EXTRACTS % Control (DMSO) The popularity of electronic cigarettes (E-cig) continues to increase worldwide, with several major tobacco companies entering the E-cig market. A typical E-cig delivers a flavored propylene glycol or glycerol based aerosol, with or without nicotine, via vaporization by a battery-powered heating element. Currently, data regarding the potential toxicity of E-cigs is limited. To further our understanding, an in vitro battery of established assays was used to examine the mutagenicity (Ames), cytotoxicity (Neutral Red Uptake; NRU), genotoxicity (Micronucleus; MN) and inflammatory (IL-8 release) response of a set of glycerol-based commercial E-cigs, specifically the neat E-cig liquids, pad-collected aerosols and freshly generated whole aerosols. Pad-collected smoke condensates and whole smoke from traditional tobacco burning cigarettes (3R4F, 1R5F and one commercial cigarette) as well as aqueous extracts from smokeless tobacco and nicotine replacement therapy products were included for comparison. All E-cigs and traditional cigarettes were smoked under Canadian Intense TABLE 2: Pad-Collected Smoke & E-cig Aerosols NRU Sample EC50† SE (µg / mL) 195.7 10.5 3R4F 237.4 14.1 1R5F 203.8 9.8 Marlboro Gold E-cigs VS. Tobacco WTPM: At doses up to 100 X higher than typical cigarette smoke exposures, E-cig liquids and pad-collected aerosols had no-to-extremely low in vitro activity (Ames, NRU, IL-8 & MN) when compared to WTPM from tobacco burning cigarettes (WTPM activity was up to ~ 6000 X higher than E-cigs). E-cigs VS. Smokeless & NRT: E-cig liquids demonstrated similar no-to-extremely low in vitro activity as aqueous extracts from a commercial nicotine lozenge and commercial smokeless tobacco products (SNUS & Snuff). E-cigs VS. Tobacco Whole Smoke: Direct exposure of freshly generated E-cig aerosols did not produce any significant levels of in vitro activity (Ames, NRU & IL-8) when compared to fresh whole smoke from tobacco burning cigarettes (cigarette whole smoke activity up to ~ 1300 X higher than E-cigs). Micronucleus whole smoke / aerosol exposure methods currently under development. Effect of Nicotine: In vitro activities (Ames, NRU, IL-8 & MN) measured for E-cig exposures, with and without nicotine, were similar for all sample types, indicating that the presence of nicotine, at the levels tested, did not significantly contribute to any toxicological effects. Effect of Flavors: In vitro activities (Ames, NRU & MN) for the commercial E-cigs were indistinguishable from control (glycerol / water); indicating these flavors (CT & MM), at the levels tested, had no detectable impact on the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity endpoints utilized in this study. Liquid VS. Aerosol: In vitro results for E-cigs, in this study, were similar for the different exposure methods (liquids, pad-collected & freshly generated whole aerosols); demonstrating no detectable impact on the in vitro toxicological responses when the liquids were aerosolized. Overall: Under the experimental conditions used to evaluate traditional tobacco burning cigarettes, E-cigs did not produce any meaningful toxic effects as measured by four in vitro endpoints: Ames (bacterial mutagenicity), NRU (cytotoxicity), IL-8 (inflammation) and Micronucleus (genotoxicity). These results demonstrate the potential for E-cigs to significantly reduce the toxicological impact when compared to traditional tobacco burning cigarettes. REFERENCES Table 2: NRU EC50 (µg / mL) values for 1. Rickert, W.S. et al (2007) A comparative study of the mutagenicity of various types of tobacco products. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 48, 320-330. †No 2. Aufderheide, M & Gressmann, H. (2007) A modified Ames assay reveals the mutagenicity of native cigarette mainstream smoke and its gas vapour phase. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 58, 383-392. 3. Maron, D. M. & Ames, B. N. (1983) Revised methods for the Salmonella mutagenicity test. Mutation Research, 113, 173-215. 4. Borenfreund, E. & Puerner, J.A. (1985) Toxicity determined in vitro by morphological alterations and neutral red absorption. Toxicology Letters, 24, 119-124. 5. Bombick, D.W. & Doolittle D.J. (1995) The role of chemical structure and cell type in the cytotoxicity of low molecular weight aldehydes and pyridines. In Vitro Toxicology 8, 349-356. 6. Human IL-8 ELISA Kit. For the quantitative determination of human IL-8 concentrations in serum, plasma, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. Catalog #EL10008. Doc. #S7.5(02)IL-8. Abazyme, LLC. WTPM only (mean ± SE). cytotoxicity detected for E-cig padcollected aerosols. Figure 2: In vitro activity of pad-collected smoke particulate (WTPM) and E-cig aerosols in Ames (A), NRU (B), IL-8 (C), and MN (D, E). Data points in each plot represent the mean values ± SD from a minimum of two (2) independent experiments. MN cell viability (E) shown to verify lack of MN induction is not due to cytotoxicity at the higher doses. All activities for E-cig pad-collected aerosols significantly different when compared to WTPM from traditional tobacco burning cigarettes (p < 0.001). 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology; Phoenix, AZ. March 23 – 27, 2014 © 2014 Lorillard
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