Timetable - BBA/CS and BBA/CCE with PC131/132 - year 1 (Fall 2014) Monday 8:30 BU111A Tuesday EC120A 9:00 Wednesday BU111A Thursday MA 103 L1 CP104 L2 EC120A Friday MA110* L1/6 9:30 PC131 T1 10:00 10:30 PC131 T2 EC120D EC120D PC131A MA110* L2/7 PC131A PC131A 11:00 11:30 MA103A 12:00 MA110*A EC120C EC120C MA110* L3/8 MA110*A 12:30 PC131 T3 PC131 L1/2 PC131 L7 CP104A MA103A MA110*A CP104 L3 1:00 1:30 MA103A MA110* L9 CP104A CP104A 2:00 2:30 CP104 L1 MA103 L5 3:00 CP104 L4 3:30 4:00 BU111E 5:00 BU111E MA103 L6 CP104 L6 MA110* L4 MA110* L5 CP104 L8 BU111C BU111C 6:00 6:30 7:00-10:00 CP 104 L5 PC131L3/4 4:30 5:30 PC 131 L5/6 EC120F EC120G MA 103 L7 CP104 L7 Notes: • Schedule assumes students are taking PC131/PC132, the calculus based introductory physics course. • for BBA/Computer Science, assume most students will take MA110* (a two term course) Fall: BU111, CP104, EC120, MA110*, PC131 MA110* and its lab must be scheduled in the Winter: BU121, CP114, EC140, MA110*, PC132 same time slot for both fall and winter terms. for BBA/Computer Science, alternative schedule with MA103 is Fall: BU111, CP104, EC120, MA103, PC131 Winter: BU121, CP114, EC140, PC132, one elective (MA122 recommended) • for BBA/Computing & Computer Electronics, assumes most students will take MA110* (a two term course) Fall: BU111, CP104, EC120, MA110*, PC131 MA110* and its lab must be scheduled in the Winter: BU121, CP114, EC140, MA110*, PC132, MA122 same time slot for both fall and winter terms. for BBA/Computing & Computer Electronics, alternative with MA103 is Fall: BU111, CP104, EC120, MA103, PC131 Winter: BU121, CP114, EC140, MA122, PC132 BBA/Computing & Computer Electronics students taking MA103 will take a normal load of 5 courses per term; students taking MA110* will take six courses in the winter term. • Courses shown in bold must be scheduled in the slot shown as either this is the only time the course is offered [PC131, PC132, CP104, CP114] or this is the only time the course fits your schedule. You have a choice of times for the courses shown in normal font. Lectures are either 1 hour Mon/Weds/Fri or 1.5 hours Tues/Thurs - same time every day. • For BU111/121 and EC120/140, if you have difficulties getting into the correct section, please contact Mr. Isaac Santi, Coordinator, Undergraduate Business Programs, at [email protected] . • CP104, CP114, CP120, MA110*, MA103 all have labs. You select one lab time for each course. • We recommend that you take MA122 before MA121 and therefore recommend MA122 for the winter term if you are taking MA103 in the fall term. Alternatively, you could take MA121 or CP120 in the winter term. Registration into MA103 or MA110* will be restricted until the Calculus Placement Evaluation (CPE) has been completed. Once a CPE score has been recorded, the restriction on LORIS (Laurier's On-line Registration Information System) for your account will be removed and you will be able to complete registration into the calculus course you selected. NOTE: to register for the calculus based physics courses (PC131/PC132), you must already be registered for your calculus courses. Register for both fall and winter term courses at the same time! Do fall courses first and then the winter courses (as some fall courses are prerequisites to winter courses).
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