Coláiste Chu Chuláinn: Nuáchtlitir 1 Historic Beginnings for All of Us Fáilte Ón bPríomhoide Welcome from the Principal A Chairde, It is with a great sense of honour and excitement that I present our first Coláiste Chú Chulainn Newsletter. Next September our school will open its doors for the first time to our inaugural group of students, the First Year Class of 2014. This will be a momentous occasion for you as students, for your parents and for all the staff of Coláiste Chú Chulainn. We are all excitedly looking forward to that day. We will have other landmark occasions on the way, one of which, our Lá Fáilte Isteach is rapidly approaching. I look forward to welcoming you all to our school on Saturday, March 1st 2014. My first aim as Principal of Coláiste Chú Chulainn is to provide a smooth transition for all of our students from primary to secondary school. If, at any point, you have concerns, issues or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via one of the methods listed on page 4 of this newsletter. I look forward to working in partnership with you to reach our educational goals. Le gach dea-ghuí, Deirdre Uí Liatháin Príomhoide In this Issue Among the highlights of our first Nuachtlitir you will find: A student survey where you get a chance to influence language provision in our school, An account of my recent trip to the BETT conference in London, A Question and Answer feature in which we hope to address some of the queries you may have at this time. Page 2 Coláiste Chú Chulainn: Nuachtlitir 1 Nuacht Principal’s Trip to London Bn. Uí Liatháin recently travelled to London to attend the BETT Conference in order to investigate the latest developments in the use of technology to support teaching and learning. In particular, Bn. Uí Liatháin was looking at the use of the iPad to facilitate Formative Assessment in schools—more on this at our parent information session on Saturday March 1st. While in London, Bn. Uí Liatháin also visited a school that opened five years ago to learn from their experience as a start-up school. The Principal found that “the trip was very informative. It was great to get an insight into life in a new school from staff and students who have just been through the start-up experience.” Accommodation Update: An exciting and dynamic Architectural Company, Newton Mulligan and Associates has been appointed to complete tender drawings for the state of the art school campus at the Marshes Site. Planning permission , Fire Safety Certificates and Disability Certificates have been obtained from the Planning and Building Control Authorities. Designs for the Interim Accommodation at Chapel St. are also at an advanced stage—more on this at the Lá Failte Isteach. Spring 2014 Page 3 Curriculum Planning It is intended that in addition to core subjects (such as English, Gaeilge, Mathematics, Science….etc.), students of Coláiste Chú Chulainn (2014) will have an opportunity to try a wide range of practical subjects in their first year (see list below). This provides students with a wonderful opportunity to sample various subjects and will hopefully reduce concerns regarding subject choice in first year for both students and parents/guardians. Students will be asked to choose two of these subjects at the end of first year for further study in second and third year for their Junior Cycle Schools Award. Art, Craft & Design Home Economics Materials Technology Wood (Woodwork) Music Technical Graphics Language Provision at Coláiste Chú Chulainn As part of the new Junior Cycle, all students will study Irish, English and an additional European Language. Included with this newsletter is a survey for students and parents to complete regarding the European languages which may be offered for students. Students (with the help of their parents/ guardians) should rank these languages in order of preference (i.e. place a number 1 beside their first preference, a number 2 beside their second preference, a number 3 beside their third preference and a number 4 beside their least preferred language). The purpose of this survey is to find out what subjects students and parents would like to see offered. Students will be asked to make their individual choices regarding the language they want to study at a later date. Languages which are being considered include: French German Spanish Italian Please return all completed forms to Bn. Uí Liathain at the Lá Fáilte Isteach, Saturday, March 1 st 2014. Please note that language availability in the school will be contingent on staffing as well as student demand. Lá Fáilte Isteach: Ceisteanna agus Freagraí Cathain/When? Saturday March 1st . 11:30—2:00p.m. Cén áit/ Where? At the School’s temporary accommodation site , located on Chapel St. Dundalk behind the V.E.C. Headquarters (locally known as the Old E.S.B. building). Parents: Please complete the enclosed ‘Expression of Interest’ form if you wish to put your name forward as a parents’ representative on our Uniform Task Group and return to Bn. Uí Liathain at the What will happen on the day? 11:30a.m. Information Session for parents and students (30mins.) 12:00p.m. Entrance Assessments (90mins.) 1:30p.m. Tour of the School for Students (30 mins.) Lá Fáilte Isteach What do I need to bring? Your pencil case and a packed lunch. Check-List for Parents/Guardians Please read the following check-list carefully and follow up as soon as possible if necessary. Have you submitted the acceptance form and payment of deposit? A final decision must be made as soon as possible regarding student enrolment for school planning purposes. Places cannot be guaranteed if acceptance forms have not been submitted or deposits paid. Please contact Bn. Uí Liatháin if you have any concerns or difficulties regarding enrolment. If your child has had an educational/psychological assessment, have you submitted the report with your application? If you have not, then please forward a copy of the assessment/report to Bn. Uí Liatháin as soon as possible. Have you contacted Bus Éireann about School Transport if necessary? Bus Éireann no longer organizes school transport through schools. Instead parents must contact the company directly. Please see for details. Contáct Detáils Bn. D. Uí Liatháin, (Principal), Coláiste Chú Chulainn, Chapel St. Dundalk, Co. Louth Email: [email protected] Phone: 046-9068242
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