CLASS X (A,B) ODIA 1. aûhðòK _eúlû _ûAñ CŸòÁ aòhd MêWòKê QêUòùe @ûMê@û ^òùR _Xò ù\L ùKùZ aêSò _ûeêQ û 2. cûZébûhû I ùfûKiûjòZý _eÆe _eò_ìeK Kò_eò ? 3. Chû cwk cêjìZðùe Kò_eò iúZûu \gð^ _ûAñ @ûiòQ«ò ? 4. Kûke Kù_ûk Zùk aòhde iûeK[û fùL û 5. ^ùe^þ Kò_eò aòùaKû^¦ùe _eòaZòðZ ùjùf ? 6. RûM a§^jeû KaòZûùe Kaò KûjûKê RûMòaûKê KjòQ«ò I KûjóKò ? 7. ùaf , @gßZ[ I aU aél aòhdUò _Xòaûe Kò @ûagýKZû @Qò ? 8. Q¦ - bûMaZ aûYú , awkûgâú , ^UaûYú , eûcùKeú aýûKeY ajòeê _Xò aêSòaûKê ùPÁû Ke , aêSò ^_ûeê[òaû @õgKê PòjÜ ù\A @ûY ? 9. eP^û ùfL – (K) Zêc Rúa^ùe iûjòZýe iÚû^ û (L) \êMðû_ìRû iûcûRòK iõ_Kðe GK _að û 10. ùKûYûKð GKûuòKûUò _X , ùKCñ PeòZâUò ZêcKê iaêVê bf fûMòfû I KûjóKò ùfL û CLASS X HINDI 1. Deve®íso efueKees õ80mes100 MeyoeW ceW cesjs meHeveeW keÀe Yeejle , HegmlekeÀeue³e keÀe cenÊJe , cesjs peerJeve keÀe ue#ed³e mecee®eej-He$e , HejesHekeÀej , cesjer efÒe³e HegmlekeÀ ÒekeÀ=efle Deewj ceeveJe 2.DeewHe®eeefjkeÀ He$e efueKees õ J³eekeÀjCe HegmlekeÀ mes keÀesF& HeeB®e 3. mebJeeo efueKees õHejer#ee keÀer lew³eejer keÀes ueskeÀj oes íe$eeW kesÀ yeer®e ~ Iej DeeS cesnceeve keÀes ueskeÀj oes Heæ[esefme³eeW kesÀ yeer®e keÀer ieF& mene³elee kesÀ efueS Oev³eJeeo osles ngS oes oesmleeW kesÀ yeer®e ~ 4.efJe%eeHeve ÒemlegleerkeÀjCe õ oerJeeueer Hej efJeMes<e ítì kesÀ meeLemeesveer ìer.Jeer. ~ HeÀes[& keÀej keÀer efye¬eÀer kesÀ efueS ~ keÀHeæ[eW keÀer efye¬eÀer kesÀ efueS SkeÀ DeekeÀ<e&keÀ efJe%eeHeve lew³eej keÀjes ~ 5.met®evee efueKees õmketÀue cewiepeerve kesÀ efueS uesKe efueKeves kesÀ efueS ~ HegÀìyeeue cew®e ceW meyekeÀes Deecebef$ele keÀjles ngS ~ Je=#eejesHeCe meceejesn ceW meyekeÀes Deecebef$ele keÀjles ngS ~ 6.meHeveeW kesÀ mes efove Heeþ kesÀ ÒeMve-GÊej efueKees ~ 7.efiejefieì keÀneveer keÀes Heæ{keÀj ÒeMve-GÊej efueKees ~ CLASS –X (A,B,C) SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1.Read the novel ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ and note down the main points in your HW copy.(Letters from 5 Jan 1944 – 1 Aug 1944) 2.Read the story ‘A Shady Plot’ from your Literature Reader and note down the main points in your HW copy. 3.Complete the worksheets based on ‘Comparison’ and ‘Avoiding Repetition’(Units 8 and 9). 4.Write down 20 newspaper headlines. 5.Write an effective article on the topic ‘My City:Green City’ in about 150 words. 6.Prepare an Assembly Speech on the topic ‘Promotion of Tourism’. If required,you can take the ideas from Unit-5 of your MCB on ‘Travel and Tourism’. MATHS CLASS X –(A,B,C) CHAPTER 4 QUADRATIC EQN. Class-X(A,B,C) Sub- Physics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What is light? How is it propagated? Light possess dual character. Explain it. What is light intensity? Write its unit. What are luminous and non luminous objects? Give examples. Mention different properties of light. What is reflection of light? Explain reflection phenomena with a ray diagram. State the laws of reflection. Is this law applicable for sound? State the nature, position and size of the image formed in plane mirror. Draw the ray diagram for image formation in plane mirror for point and linear object. What is a spherical mirror? Write the types of spherical mirror. Also write the nature, position and size of the image formed in spherical mirrors for different position of object. CLASS –X(A,B,C) BIOLOGY Write the Correct answer of the Following Questions ------Q1. Q2. What is reproduction? What is its role in the living world? What do you mean by species? And what is its position in the hierarchy of the living animals? Q3. An organism is the true copy of its parents. Justify and comment on this. Q4. What is the role of DNA in the process of reproduction? Q5. Is reproduction necessary for the stability of population of species? Q6. What is variation of species? Give a short comment on this. Q7. What are different modes of asexual reproduction? Write about each with examples. Q8. Draw the diagram showing the regeneration in Planaria. Q9. What method will we use for growing Jasmine and Rose? Q10. Write any three advantages and three disadvantages of asexual reproduction. Q11. Do you think sexual reproductions important for the living world? Q12. Do you think DNA-mechanism s is absolutely correct? Give comment on this. Q13. Is DNA responsible for variation? If yes then explain how? Q14. What is the reproductive part of the plant? Draw it’s diagram and label it’s parts. Q15. Draw label the diagram of L.S of Pistil to show double fertilization in flowering plants. Q16. What is double fertilization and triple fusion? Are they same? Q17. Draw and label human reproductive system of both male and female separately. Q18. What are the advantages of sexual reproduction? Q19. What happens when egg is not fertilization? Q20. What are the sexually transmitted diseases? Name them. Q21. Write the full form of the following:- DNA, AIDS and STD. Q22. Give two reasons for avoiding pregnancies by woman. Q23. What are the different methods of contraception? Q24. What is pollination? What are it’s different types? Q25. What is the role of seminal vesicle and prostate gland? Q26. What are the changes in the girls and the boys at the time of their puberty? Q27. (a) What is the site of fertilization in human female? (b) How many chromosomes are there in a germ cell? (c) Where the embryo is getting nourished in human female? (d) If a woman is using copper T will it protect her from STD? (e) What is the pathogen for Kala –jar? (f) Why the human testes are outside the body? (g) What is menarch? (h) What is menopause? Q28. What would be the ratio of chromosome number in egg and the zygote? Q29. What are the benefits of mechanical barrier during sexual acts? Q30. Write any two points of difference between sexual and asexual reproduction? SECTION – B Read thoroughly the chapter-9 Heredity and Evolution and make at least 30 important questions from the text inside. Class X (A,B,C) Chemistry CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS Read the following passage and answer the given questions. Compounds of Carbon and Hydrogen are called hydro carbons. Saturated Hydro carbons: (Between carbon atoms only single bonds are present) Saturated hydrocarbons are known as Alkane. Their common formula is Cn H2n+2 ( Where n=1,2,3,……..) CH4 -Methane C6H14 -Hexane C2H6 - Ethane C7H16 -Heptane C3H8 -Propane C8H18 -Octane C4H10 -Butane C9H20 -Nonane C5H12 -Pentane C10H22 -Decane Unsaturated Hydrocarbons are known as Alkene or Alkyne. Alkene – Common formula is Cn H2n ( Where n=2,3,4,……..) C2H4 - Ethene C7H14 -Heptene C3H6 -Propene C8H16 -Octene C4H8 -Butene C9H18 -Nonene C5H10 -Pentene C6H12 -Hexene Alkyne - Common formula is Cn H2n-2 ( Where n=2,3,4,……..) C2H2 - Ethyne C7H12 -Heptyne C3H4 -Propyne C8H14 -Octyne C4H6 -Butyne C9H16 -Nonyne C5H8 -Pentyne C6H10 -Hexyne Now answer the following questions. What are hydrocarbons? Write the chemical formula of Butene. Classify the following hydrocarbons as Alkane, Alkene or Alkyne. C12H24, C15H32, C11H20, C25H52, C17H32, C13H26 Write chemical formula for the following a) Hexene b) Ethane c) Propyne 1. What is the common name of saturated hydrocarbons? 2. Write common names of unsaturated hydrocarbons. Read the following passage and answer the given questions. A group of elements having specific structure, when attached to hydrocarbons, gives special properties to the compound. Such group of elements is called functional group. Alcohol Aldehyde Carboxylic acid Ester Ketone -OH -CHO -COOH -COO-CO- Now answer the following questions. Name the functional group present in the following compounds. a) CH3COOH b) C2H5OH c) HCHO d) CH3COOC2H5 e) CH3COCH3 f) HCOOH g) CH3CHO h) C4H9COOH i) C2H5COOC3H7 j) C2H5COCH3 k) C7H15OH EXPERIMENT NO. 4 Date …………. AIM : To observe the action of Zn,Fe,Cu and Al metals on their Sulphate solution. Arrange Zn, Fe,Cu,Al metals in the decreasing order of their reactivity. APPRATUS REQUIRED: Testubes, testube stand. CHEMICALS REQUIRED: Zn, Fe,Cu,Al metals, Copper Sulphate,Zinc Sulphate, Ferrous Sulphate and Aluminium Sulphate solution. PROCEDURE Surface of the given metals were cleaned with the help of sand paper. a) 10ml each of ZnSO4,FeSO4,CuSO4 solution was taken in three testubes. A small piece of Aluminium was put in each of the testube. Surface of the metal and the colour of the solutions were observed. b) 10ml each of Al2(SO4)3,FeSO4,CuSO4 solution was taken in three testubes. A small piece of Zinc was put in each of the testube. Surface of the metal and the colour of the solutions were observed. c) 10ml each of Al2(SO4)3, ZnSO4 ,CuSO4 solution was taken in three testubes. A small piece of Iron was put in each of the testube. Surface of the metal and the colour of the solutions were observed. d) 10ml each of Al2(SO4)3, ZnSO4, FeSO4 solution was taken in three testubes. A small piece of Copper was put in each of the testube. Surface of the metal and the colour of the solutions were observed. OBSERVATION: Metal Added Al2(SO4)3 Sol. ZnSO4 Sol. FeSO4 Sol. CuSO4 Sol. Al - Zn is displaced Fe is displaced Cu is displaced Zn No reaction - Fe is displaced Cu is displaced Fe No reaction No reaction - Cu is displaced Cu No reaction No reaction No reaction - INFERENCE: The decreasing order of these four metals is Al> Zn> Fe>Cu. EXPERIMENT-5 CLASS-X AIM: To study the following properties of acetic acid ( Ethanoic acid,CH3COOH) (i) Odour (ii) Solubility in water (iii) Effect on litmus paper (iv) Reaction with Sodium bicarbonate. Appratus required: Test tubes Chemicals required: Acetic acid, sodium bicarbonate, blue litmus paper,limewater. Experiment The given sample of acetic Observation Inference Smelled like vinegar Acetic acid has vinegar odor. 2ml of water was taken in a A homogenous solution was Acetic acid is soluble in testube and 10 drops of formed water. A blue and red litmus paper Blue litmus turned red. Acetic acid shows acidic was dipped in acetic acid. No change in red litmus character. acid was taken in a testube and smelled it. acetic acid was added. colour. 2ml of acetic acid was taken Effervescence was produced. Acetic acid liberates CO2 from in a clean testube and a The evolved gas turned lime sodium bicarbonate. pinch of sodium bicarbonate water colour to milky. NaHCO3+CH3COOH was added. CH3COONa+H2O+CO2 Conclusion: Acetic acid has vinegar like smell. Acetic acid is highly soluble in water. Acetic acid Changes blue litmus red. Acetic acid liberates carbon dioxide gas from sodium bicarbonate Class 10(A,B,C) SUBJECT-HISTORY How the movement of Nepal and Bolivia matter were were different from each other? Differentiate between interest groups and movements. What does the term BAMCEF signify? What was the result of the popular struggle of Nepal What was the result of the Bolivia water war? Write a short note on FEDCOR. How do pressure groups and movement influence politics? What were the main (three) demands of SPA and their outcome in Nepal? What are pressure groups? What are movement groups? Give examples. What kind of role is played by sectional interest groups? CLASS X(A,B,C) SUB-GEO/ECO 1. Prepare the Lesson no.-5 “Minerals and Energy Resources”. 2. Answer the questions of Exercises -5. 3. Make the data table of different minerals on the following headings- Name of the minerals - Ch. Of minerals - Distribution of minerals 4. Write down the hazards relating to mining. 5. Explain the types of coal. 6. Mention the advantages of different non-conventional sources of energy. 7. On an outline map of India show the distribution of- Iron-ore field - Coal field - Nuclear power plant - 12 major ports 8. Collect Money Order form ,Draft making form, Depositing form and Withdrawal from the nearest bank. END
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