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26-30 November 1993
* Indicates a new entry
15-17 November 1993
Workshop on Cell Calcium, The
Netherlands. (Royal Netherlands
Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Conference Secretariat cJo Ms K.
Postma, KNAW, PO Box 19121,
1000 GC Amsterdam, The Netherlands.)
Inherited Disorders end their
Genes, Obernai, France. (Dr Josip
Hendekovi~, European Science
1 quai
6 7 0 8 0 Strasbourg
Cedex, France. Tel: +33 88 76 71
35. Fax: +33 88 36 69 87. Tlx:
30 November - 3 December 1993
15-19 November 1993
Mo-_oc!enal Antibody Techm~lracs, London, UK. (M. Ritter,
H. Ladyman and J. Reza, Wolfson
Conference Centre, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road,
London, UK W12 0NN. Tel: +081
740 3117/3245. Fax: +081 740 4950.)
17-20 November 1993
Signal Trensductinn and Cane
Regulation, San Francisco, CA,
USA. (American Physiological
Society, 9650 Rockville Pike,
Bethesda, MD 20814, USA. Tel: +1
301530 7171. Fax: + 13015718305.)
5-9 December 1993
Cell Signalling and Cancer
Treatment, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
(American Association for Cancer
Research, Public Ledger Building,
620 Chesmut Street, Suite 816,
Philadelphia, PA 19~06-3483, USA.
Tel: +1 215 440 9300. Fax: +1 215
440 9313.)
5-10 December 1993
18-20 November 1993
1993 San Diego Conference:
Beyond DNA Probes, San Diego,
CA, USA. (The 1993 San Diego
Confelence, American Association
for Clinical Chemistry, 2029 K.
Street NW (7th Floor), Washington
DC 20006, USA. Tel: +1 800 892
1400. Fax: +1 202 887 5093.)
20-26 November 1993
Advanced Phanuaceuiical Substance Screening, Vienna, Austria.
(Winfried Scheirer, Sandoz ForschungsinstJtut, PO Box 80, Brunner
Strasse 59, A-1235 Vienna, Austria.
Tel: +43 1 86634 574. Fax: +43 1
86634 681.)
Recombinant Antibody Techniques, London, UK. (Andrew
Wolfson Conference
Centre, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital,
Du Cane Road, London, UK W12
0NN. Tel: +081 740 3117/3245.
Fax: +081 740 4950.)
Post-Translational Protein Modifications,
Minist~re de la Recherche, Paris,
France. (B. Debia, Lsboratoire de
Genetique Mol&oulaire, URA 1302
CNRS, Ecole Normale Sup~rieure,
46 rue d'Ulm, 75230 Paris, Cedax
05, France, Tel: +33 1 44323941,
Fax: +33 1 44323941.)
4-11 January 1994
USA, (The Keystone Symposia,
Drawer 1630, Silverthorne, CO
80498, USA.)
8-14 January 1994
Molecular Events in Microbial
Pathogenesis, Santa Fe, NM, USA,
(Keystone Symposia, Drawer 1630,
Silverthome, CO 80495, USA. Tel:
+303 262 t230.)
8-18 January 1994
Molecular Aspects of Liver
Carcinogene.3sj Delphi, Greece.
(ASI Secretariat, Dr George G.
Skouteris, AS] Director, 42 V Constantinou Ave, 11635 Athens,
Greece. Fax: +30 1 723 4537.)
14-9-1 ]'antmry 1994
The Adiper,e Cell, Park City, USA.
(Keystone Symposia, Drawer 1630,
Silverthorne, CO 80498, USA.)
15-22 January 1994
Molecular Biology of Human
Mountain, CO, USA. (Keystone
Symposia, Drawer 1630, Silverthorne, CO 80498, USA, Tel: +303
262 1230. Fax: +303 262 1525.)
15-22 January 1994
Gene Therapy, Copper Mountain,
CO, USA, (Keystone Symposia,
Drawer 1630, Silverthorne, CO
80498, USA. Tel: +303 262 1230,
Fax: +303 262 1525.)
U - I S December 1993
10-13 April 1994
TkLrty-Tldrd A n n u l Meeting,
The American Society for Cell
Biology, New Orleans, LA, USA.
(The American Society for Cell
Biology, 9650 RockvilLe Pike,
Bethesds, MD 20814-3992, USA.
Tel: +1 301 530 7183. Fax: +1 301
530 7139.)
American Association for Cancer
Research, 85th A n n u l Meeting,
San Francisco, CA, USA. (AACR
Office, Public Ledger Building, 620
Chestnut Street, Suite 816, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483, USA, Tel:
+ 1 215 440 9300. Fax: + l 215 440
28 April- I May 1994
2nd European Conference on
Fungal Genetics, Lunteren, The
Netherlands. (ECFG2, Department
of Genetics, Wageningen Agricultural University, Dreyenlaan 2, NL6703 HA, The Netherlands. Fax:
+31 8370 83146.)
26 June- I July 1994
4th European Congress of Cell
Biology, Prague, Czech Republic.
(Ms Jolanda Oudshoorn, Expoconsuit, PO Box 200, NL-3600 AE,
Maarssen, The Netherlands. Tel:
+31 3465 73777. Fax: +31 3465
3-8 July 1994
7th International Congress of
Bacteriology and Applied Mlerobiology, Prague, Czech Repubhc.
(Ms Jolanda Oudshoorn, Expoconsuit, PO Box 200, NL-3600 AE,
Maarssen, The Netherlands. Tel:
+31 3465 73777. Fax: +31 3465
3--8 July 1994
7th International Congress of
Mycology, Prague, Czech Republic. (Ms Jolanda Oudshoorn,
Expoconsult, PO Box 200, NL-3600
AE, Maarssen, The Netherlands.
Tel: +31 3465 72777. Fax: +31 3465
16-21 July 1994
New end Emerging M e c h a n i s m
of Bioayntha~, Metabolism and,
Biological Actions of Nitrlo
Oxide in Health and Disease, Los
Angeles, CA, USA. (KREBS Convention Management Services, 555
DeHaro Street, Suite 200, San
Francisco, CA 94107-2348, USA.
Tel: +1 415 255 1297. Fax: +1 415
255 8496.)
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