This document contains the following article: Cascading of Geothermal Energy in Italy From the Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin Vol. 10, No.1, Summer 1987 Disclaimer The featured article may not start at the top of the page but can be found further down the first page. Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. This article was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. and they constitute the physical and spiritual support on which we all depend upon for survival. At the same time, people must be allowed reasonable use of natural resources. Whether we like it or not, we all live in a world in which environmental planning and management are a necessity. It may take effort and learning to listen and the art of compromise-skills which too few of us obviou~- ly now possess. The consequences of not taking such care are the eventual loss of our very support base. The Rotorua bore users controversy contains a larger lesson for us all. CASCADING OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY IN ITALY John W. Lund Oeo-Heat Center Oregon Institute of Technology Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Introduction Monte Amiata, located in central Italy north of Rome (Figure 1), is an ancient silicic volcanic cone that still has exploitable geothermal resources. Since the turn of the century, mercury has been extracted from Cinnabar, a volcanic deposit in the region. In the 1970's the international price of mercury fell, sharply curtailing the mining activity. To find substitute employment for the local workers, alternative projects were investigated with the use of geothermal energy the main focus. A geothermal power plant was constructed iin 1968 near the town of Piancastagnaio on the slopes of Monte Amiata (Figure 2). This plant, operated by ENEL, has a maximum capacity of 15 MWe and operates against an noncondensable gas pressure (mainly C02). The wellhead output is 198 tonnes/hour of 184 C steam at 9.3 atmospheres. The gas content is approximately 18070 by weight of the total output. The plant discharges at 96 C and 1.04 atmospheres. Four wells, 700 to 1000 meters deep, supply dry steam to the plant. The recoverable thermal energy is estimated at 75 Gcal/hr (314 GJ/hr), (equivalent to 650 billion Kcal/yr or 2719 billion KJ/yr - 68,000 tonnes of oil equivalent). Figure 2.-Geothermal power plant ALBANI A LOW ENTHALPY ZONES Direct Utilization Project An obvious solution for employment in the region was to utilize the waste heat from the power plant. A greenhouse complex, proposed by INDENI, the responsible government agency, was one of the best alternatives; however levelland for this facility was not available near the plant. The suitable site, approximately 3 km from the plant and 350 meters lower in elevation, would then require constructing a pipeline and pumping facility. Since only 20 to 25070 of the available heat from the power plant would be utilized, the facility was not economically feasible. This utilization would occur mainly during the colder late fall, winter, early spring months and at night. To cut economic losses, an agricultural and agro-industrial byproducts drier was considered. This additional facility would utilize energy complementary to the greenhouse use, increasing the overall utilization to 50 to 60070 of the waste heat, thus making the overall project economical (Figure 3). Figure I.-Location of low enthalpy cones in Italy GHC BULLETIN, SUMMER 1987 13 70 60 _______ , 50 _0 ,, ,, / -------- /' ,, ~lilililililil:lil:I:I.I.I:I:lil.I.1 /' ,, , ,, ,, ,, 30 ,----- ---- /' 20 DRIER 10 AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN rEB MAR APR MAY JUN JULY Figure 3.-Geothermal energy consumed by greenhouse and drier 184°C Turbine/Generator (15 MWe) ---8 Exhaust Stack 80°C Piezometric Vessel t T 97°C 1r- 350 m Direct Contact Condenser 3 km Future District Heating (Piancastagnaio) - - - - -..-.l! ~ Storage Tank (4,000 m3 ) CJB t -+ 80 C St orage Tank (4,000 m3 ( Greenhouses (22 hal and Future . Drying Facilities Downstream She ll-and-Tube Heat Exchangers Figure 4.-Process diagram of the heat recovery plant and transport system GHC BULLETIN, SUMMER 1987 14 -----.------.~~ -- Figure 5.-Plate and frame heat exchangers Figu~e 6.-Shell and tube heat exchangers and I pumps I' Construction of the Energy Transport System Construction of the energy transport system started in 1980. Since the exhaust fluid from the power plant is high in sulfide and chlorides, it is highly corrosive. This problem, together with the large amount of C02, requires heat exchangers to isolate the fluid. In addition, the large head difference between the power plant and the greenhouse facility required special engineering design. The solution was composed of three parts: I. At the power plant, a primary condensation circuit made of a direct contact condenser and plate heat exchangers to isolate the corrosive liquid. 2. A secondary system to transport heat from the power plant to the greenhouse elevation, starting at the plate heat exchangers and ending in shell-and-tube heat exchangers. The latter were required by the high pressure from the elevation difference. 3. A tertiary system at low pressure to transport heat from the shell-and-tube heat exchangers to the greenhouse heating systems. A schematic of the heat transport facility is shown in Figure 4. Figures 5 and 6 are photographs of the plate and shell-and-tube heat exchangers, and circulating pumps. The primary loop between the power plant and plate heat exchangers is fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe that resists the corrosive fluid. Return fluid at 50 C is sprayed into the direct contact condenser at the bottom of the 50-meter power plant exhaust stack and then returned to the plate heat exchan~ers at 90 C. Approximately 2000 tonnes/hour are circulated in this system. In the near future, 38 tonnes/hour (1.5 Gcal/hr or 6.3 GJ/hr of energy) will be removed from this primary loop and transferred through plate heat exchangers to heat public buildings in Piancastagnaio. The heat would also be transferred through plate heat exchangers. Piancastagnaio, an old walled city, is located just above the power plant (Figure 7). The town is known as a winter recreation center as skiing is available on Monte Amiata. Figure 8.-Greenhouses The plate heat exchangers are designed Ii to transfer 75 Gcal/hr (314 GJ/hr or 1.13 MWt) to the secondary loop. This loop, constructed dlf a buried 65-cm diameter insulated carbon steel pipe, returns non-corrosive water at 46 C to the plate heat exchangers and then supplies the water a~; 86 C to the shell-and-tube heat exchangers. The pipe . J! ing insulation is polyurethane loam Wltl\! a polyethylene protective layer; . The tertiary loop provides 80 C water at a ~,ow of 2 m/s at 1.0 to 1.5 kg!cm2 pressure to ~he greenhouses. The water is then returned to the s~fll and-tube heat exchangers at 40 C. Two 4000-m3 insulated storage tanks are part of the tertiary lobp. One holds the return water at 40 C and the otrer holds the supply water at 80 C for peak demand and backup in case of a temporary system fal'1,1ure. II Greenhouse Operation . The greenhouses, operated by Floramiata, c~~er 22 hectars with another 11 hectars planned. The majority have a peaked roof with side wall t~pe design. Two of these, approximately 50 m by )50 m, are linked, and then connected to a central!;arched corridor approximately 25 meters wide. ~p proximately 10 of these greenhouses are connec'ted on either side of the corridor (Figure 8). A for~ed air system heats the two connected greenhou,ses through a plastic tube along the center eave (Fig~re 9). Where needed, some have water pipes supPlying heat along the sidewalls and under benches. Each building has a fossil fuel back-up systJm. I, !: GHC BULLETIN, SUMMER 1987 Figure 9.-Forced air heating system The majority of the products raised in the greenhouses are potted plants and flowers. Only 100/0 are cut flowers. The market for these plants is primarily in Italy, Switzerland and Germany. In addition to the growing area, the operation has a research facility. On the average, of the 300 people usually employed, half are retrained miners. During peak periods, up to 500 are employed. The greenhouses consume between 130 and 150 billion kcal/yr (544 and 627 billion kJ/yr), while peak power at night varies between 65 and 70 million kcal/hr (272 and 293 million kJ/hr). Drying Facility A drying facility to employ 150 to 160 people has been planned. It will complement energy use of the greenhouses by drying local products. Two basic product lines have been proposed: I. Feed components for animal husbandry, with 15 an annual production of 100,000 tonnes of dried products. 2. Dried vegetables for human consumption, at an annual production rate of 3,500 tons. The total annual consumption of energy for these lines is estimated between 200 and 220 billion k/cal (836 and 920 billion kJ). Operation and Economics The heat supply system to the greenhouses is operated and supervised from the control room at the power plant. These pipe lines and heat exchangers are equipped with a safety system that compares upstream and downstream flow rates, and thus detects leaks. In the event of a leak, the pumps can be stopped and valves closed on the pipeline. The system is also self-regulatory and adjusts automatically to changes in heat load by the user. The construction and operation of the facility is a joint venture between ENEL and INDENl. ENEL will not charge for exploration and drilling expenses. They will only charge INDENI and the users, a consortium of the Amiata communities, a fee for twenty years to cover return on invested capital, relevant interest and operating costs of the recovery, transport and distribution plant. The greenhouse company will pay 40010 of the total annual fee and the drier company will pay the remaining 60%. The estimated gross profit is 9% for the greenhouses and 11 % for the proposed drying facility. Using fossil fuel for energy, neither process would be profitable, but the low profits are justified by employing the local population. The Monte Amiata project is a good example of a cascaded use of geothermal energy, and brings together two public energy authorities to solve a local economic and social problem. Acknowledgement I would like to thank the personnel of ENEL, INDENI and Floramiata for answering questions concerning this project during the field trip of the UNITAR/UNDP Workshop on Small Geothermal Resources, May 1987, Thanks also to Dr. Joan Foster for assisting in the editing. References I. Francia, c., E Calcara and G. Mariani, 1982. "Multipurpose Utilization of Geothermal Energy: INDENI - ENEL Geothermal Project on the Amiata;' Proceedings of the International Conference on Geothermal Energy, Florence, Italy (BHRA Fluid Engineering, England), pp. 43-54. (May) 2. Costantino, E, and A. Palama, 1982. "Design of an Atmospheric Condenser for Direct Use of Geothermal Steam Condensates;' Proceedings of the International Conference on Geothermal Energy, Florence, Italy (BHRA Fluid Engineering, England), pp. 55-61. (May) THE ABSORPTION POWER GENERATOR Charles T. Sundquist, P.E. 1971 Sheridan Place Richland, WA 99352 *Editor's Note: Mr. Sundquist's patent, described in this article, may have application in the fields of geothermal power generation. He is seeking support for its commercial development. The Geo-Heat Center neither endorses nor disclaims the invention. The absorption power generator is an apparatus for generating power from low temperature heat. It is a recent invention, protected by U.S. Pat #4,662,820. It has possible application in the fields of geothermal power generation, waste heat utilization, and cogeneration. A flow diagram of the apparatus is shown in Figure I. The basic components are an evaporator with vertical heating tubes, a prime mover, an absorber, a solution pump, a solution heater, a condenser, a condensate pump, a condensate cooler, and a heat exchanger. A vaporous fluid, like ammonia, and an absorbent liquid, like water, are used in the process. The flow of high pressure vapor, generated in the evaporator, is divided into two parts. One part is expanded in the prime mover. The low pressure vapor, coming off the prime mover, is then absorbed in a spray of absorbent liquid in the absorber. The other part of the high pressure vapor flow is condensed in a high pressure condenser where the temperature is held above that of the available cooling medium. A critical component of the invention is the evaporator with its vertical heating tubes. Heated strong solution flows downward very slowly inside 16 the vertical heating tubes, undergoing a large temperature drop. At the bottom of tubes, the strong solution mixes into weak solution in the shell space of the evaporator. Weak solution, from the bottom of the evaporator, is then sprayed into the absorber and absorbs the low pressure vapor coming from the prime mover. Heat, transferring through the vertical heating tube walls, is transported upward through the weak solution and into the high pressure vapor. A spray of condensate, in the vapor space of the evaporator, rectifies the vapor coming from the boiling surface of the weak solution. Rectification of the evaporator vapor accomplishes two purposes. One is to hold down the temperature of the high pressure vapor and, in turn, the required temperature of the strong solution leaving the solution heater. The other is to increase the ratio of the flow of weak solution, entering the absorber, to the flow of low pressure vapor, entering the absorber. This increases the pressure drop at the prime mover and thus provides more power from each pound of high pressure vapor. The heat of absorption, recovered in the ab- ,sorber, is recycled back to the evaporator where it is reused in the evaporation process. Likewise, some of the heat of condensation, from the condenser, is recovered in the heat exchanger and is recycled back to the evaporator. Using ammonia and water, a net possible thermal efficiency of approximately 14% is estimated. The vapor pressure in the evaporator would be 210 psia. The temperature of the heating fluid supplied to the solution heater would be 150F. The maximum air temperature, entering the condensate cooler as in Figure 1, would be 90F. Figure 1. GHC BULLETIN, SUMMER 1987
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