08/10/14 Animal models of PSP Luc BUEE Inserm, CHR-‐University of Lille France Today’s talk • Environmental Toxins • GeneJcs & Tau transgenic models (FTDP-‐17 mutaJons, tau overexpression) • EpigeneJcs & KO dicer • Tau secreJon, tau strains & spreading • Open up on therapeuJcs Today’s talk • Environmental Toxins • GeneJcs & Tau transgenic models (FTDP-‐17 mutaJons, tau overexpression) • EpigeneJcs & KO dicer • Tau secreJon & spreading • Open up on therapeuJcs 1 08/10/14 PSP in French Caribbean τ 74 τ 74 τ 69 τ 69 τ 64 τ 64 τ 60 τ 60 Guadeloupe PSP Guam P P AD Today’s talk • Environmental Toxins • GeneJcs & Tau transgenic models (FTDP-‐17 mutaJons, tau overexpression) – Tau pathology – NeuroinflammaJon • EpigeneJcs & KO dicer • Tau secreJon & spreading • Open up on therapeuJcs 2 08/10/14 GeneJc / 4R Tau Tau transgenic mice Tau transgenic mice • Theory versus experimental – Choice of the mutaJon – Choice of the promoter – Choice of the isoform • Which phenotypes? – Neuronal versus glial – CorJcal, subcorJcal, brainstem… 3 08/10/14 THY-‐Tau mice (1N4R G272V/P301S) Tau transgenic mice overexpress pro-inflammatory markers Microarray experiments (FC>2) 12 month old THY-Tau22 vs. WT mice Biological processes Sample frequency Background frequency Genes Immune response 8/29 (27,6%) 479/33218 (1,4%) Ccl3, C3, H2-Ab1, Ccl4, Cd74, Ccl5, Clec7a, Cxcl5 Inflammatory response THY-Tau22 WT 6/29 (20,7%) 241/33218 (0,7%) Ccl3, C3, Ccl4, Ccl5, Clec7a, Cxcl5 Defense response 7/29 (24,1%) 474/33218 (1,4%) Ccl3, C3, Ccl4, Cd74, Ccl5, Clec7a, Cxcl5 Immune system process 8/29 (27,6%) 820/33218 (2,5%) Ccl3, C3, H2-Ab1, Ccl4, Cd74, Ccl5, Clec7a, Cxcl5 Response to wounding 6/29 (20,7%) 357/33218 (1,1%) Ccl3, C3, Ccl4, Ccl5, Clec7a, Cxcl5 Chemotaxis 4/29 (13,8%) 111/33218 (0,3%) Ccl3, Ccl4, Ccl5, Cxcl5 Response to stress 8/29 (27,6%) 1154/33218 (3,5%) Response to external stimulus 6/28 (20,7%) 587/33218 (1,8%) Response to stimulus 10/29 (34,5%) 2279/33218 (6,9%) Martin Figeac Ccl3, C3, Creb313, Ccl4, Cd74, Ccl5, Clec7, Cxcl5 Ccl3, C3, Ccl4, Ccl5, Clec7a, Cxcl5 Ccl3, Zic-1, C3, Creb313, H2-Ab1, Ccl4, Cd74, Ccl5, Clec7a, Cxcl5 Microglia pathogen CD11b CD68 phagocytosis Microglia CD45 Innate immune response 3 months CD11b 12 months 4 08/10/14 Today’s talk • Environmental Toxins • GeneJcs & Tau transgenic models (FTDP-‐17 mutaJons, tau overexpression) • EpigeneJcs & KO dicer – HyperphosphorylaJon – miRNA124 & E10 splicing • Tau secreJon & spreading • Open up on therapeuJcs miRNAs regulate gene expression • Small (19–22 nt), endogenous non-‐coding RNAs • Encoded in the genome • Wide range of expression: Few to 100,000 copies per cell • EsJmated that ~25-‐50 % of all genes are regulated by miRNAs • Each miRNA can regulate up to 100+ different genes • Each gene can be regulated by mulJple miRNAs Proof of principle – Dicer cKO mice • Progressive neurodegeneration • Reduced brain size • Enlarged ventricles • Inflammation • Neuritic and synaptic changes • Apoptosis (in some cases) X ~21nt Hum Mol Genet 2010 5 08/10/14 miRNAs and Tau exon 10 splicing (The analysis of Dicer cKO mice) Smith P, Delay C et al. Hum Mol Genet 2012 Tau splicing in progressive supranuclear palsy E2 E3 E10 E2 E3 τ 74 τ 69 τ 74 τ 69 τ 64 τ 64 E10 τ 60 Ex : Alzheimer’s disease Ex : Progressive Supranuclear palsy * * * p-Tau Tau E2 Tau E2 * Tau Tau E10 E10 p-Tau Tau E10 Smith P, Delay C et al. Hum Mol Genet 2012 Searching for miRNA/gene candidates 9 10 9 miR-132 (decrease in PSP) PTBP2 11 11 Tau miRNA may explain some changes in Tauopathies such as Tau phosphorylation and Tau splicing 6 08/10/14 Today’s talk • Environmental Toxins • GeneJcs & Tau transgenic models (FTDP-‐17 mutaJons, tau overexpression) • EpigeneJcs & KO dicer • Tau secreJon & spreading – Tau strains – differenJal spreading of 3R and 4R isoforms • Open up on therapeuJcs 7 08/10/14 8 08/10/14 TAU PATHOLOGY SPREADING Subiculum CA1 IL 30 µm 30 µm Caudal 30 µm Rostral IS hTau46WT! +2.7 +1.7 +0.7 -0.3 -1.3 -2.3 -3.3 -4.3 -5.3 -6.3 -7.3 -8.3 IS Hyper Pi Tau Misfolded Tau Aggregated Tau AT8! MC1! AT100! +2.20 mm 8 months! Aggregated Tau 4 months! Aggregated Tau 2 months! The trans-‐synap-c transfer of wt tau protein mediates progressive tau pathology IS -7.60 mm ISOFORMS, MUTATIONS AND PROPAGATION …? InjecJon Site Rostral secondary regions Caudal secondary regions +5.7 +4.7 +3.7 +2.7 +1.7 +0,5 -0.3 -1.3 -2.3 -3.3 -4.3 -5.3 -6.3 -7.3 -8.3 -8.4 ± 0.2 +0.8 ± 1.2 *** * +5.4 ± 0.2 -3.3 ± 0.5 h1N4R WT -7.5 ± 0.2 h1N4R P332S -7.5 ± 0.2 h1N4R P301L * *** Pathology progression 30 µm Dujardin S. et al. Acta Neuropathol Commun 2014 DP -7.8 ± 0.3 +1.0 ± 1.5 -3.1 ± 1.0 -7.6± 0.4 h1N3R WT h1N3R P332S 9 08/10/14 Open up new therapeuJcs Therapeu?c strategies Compounds InhibiJon of tau phosphorylaJon – kinase inhibiJon LiCl, thiadiazolidinones, thiazoles, paullones, indirubines… Enhancing tau dephosphorylaJon – phosphatase acJvaJon Sodium selenate Increase tau glycosylaJon Thiamet G Decrease tau aggregaJon Methylene Blue (Phenothiazins), anthraquinones, aminothienopyridazines… Microtubule stabilizaJon Epothilone D, NAP Enhancing tau proteolysis trehalose Immunotherapy AcJve (phospho-‐pepJdes) or passive (anJbodies) Others (neurotrophins, alternaJve splicing…) -‐ Conclusions • Numerous animal models are available • Lowering Tau levels may be an interesJng approach but Tau has different physiological roles • Tau immunotherapy works in experimental models – What about pathological Tau?? • Is Tau alternaJve splicing the real target? • PrognosJc markers from animal models? 10
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