TRC CONTINUATION PROPOSAL 2014- 2015 CFD Based Centrifugal Pump/Compressor Rotordynamic Force Coefficients by Dr. Palazzolo [email protected] and Mr. Eunseok Kim INTRODUCTION AND JUSTIFICATION API 617 level-II analysis requires detailed computed rotordynamic coefficients if level-I criteria fails. Thus, calculating more accurate rotordynamic coefficients is crucial to analyze rotordynamic stability. In the proposed work, CFD approach will be utilized to develop stand-alone code to evaluate impedances caused by whirling of a shrouded impeller of a Centrifugal Pump/Compressor and the corresponding stiffness, damping and inertia coefficients associated with translation and tilt motions. DELIVERABLES (a) Detailed Worked Examples on transient analysis of impeller and various perturbation models utilizing commercial CFD software, ANSYS CFX. (b) Parametric study for effect of dynamic eccentricity and misalignment. (c) With EXCEL based GUI, stand-alone Matlab code for evaluating the rotordynamic coefficients of Seal and Centrifugal Pump/Compressor impeller problems (d) Modified XLTRC2 that utilizes general impedance curves for stability and imbalance response predictions COSTS 1 PhD Student, 12 months $2,200/mo. Salary, $197/mo. Insurance, 0.6% Fringe on salary, approx. $9000 Tuition and Fees., Supplies $1, 000 Total: $39,000 STATUS OF CURRENT WORK • • A full set of rotordynamic coefficients for a pump impeller were successfully determined and analyzed to explain the influence of coupled motion(cylindrical and conical) on the rotordynamic stability of the shrouded pump impeller problem. Curve-fit approach has been developed to calculate a more accurate description of impeller forces than the standard dynamic coefficient model PROPOSED WORK • • • • Determine rotordynamic coefficients for dynamic and static perturbation with transient analysis with mesh deformation Determine effect of translational and rotational whirl amplitudes and parallel and tilt static eccentricity on dynamic coefficients Develop an alternative approach to the Wachel kxy formula in API617 Develop user friendly TRC software to determine translational and rotational mass, damping and stiffness coefficients for a centrifugal impeller utilizing a CFD based approach. This will be accomplished in a graduated manner by first using the generic CFD code CFX and then developing a stand-alone code The model includes the primary and secondary (leakage) flow paths, inlet region, swirl brakes and outlet region (diffuser) 1 DISCUSSION (1) Transient analysis for rotordynamic problems Force Impedance for oscillation in y-direction at 200Hz x 10 y(m) 1 0 -1 -2 0 50 100 150 200 250 Timestep # 300 350 400 450 0 50 100 150 200 250 Timestep # 300 350 400 450 400 200 y F (N) Frequency-dependent rotordynamic coefficients can be calculated by constructing a virtual experiment model in the CFD code CFX. This can be done by employing a transient analysis. In addition, the transient analysis facilitates to model a static eccentricity problem with elliptical orbit. This approach will be applied on the centrifugal pump/ compressor impeller problem. -5 2 0 -200 -400 (2) Effect of Static eccentricity Calculating the impedance forces and dynamic coefficients are crucial because the stability of a centrifugal pump/compressor is highly influenced by those parameters. Past studies on the shrouded impeller have been focused on the effect of the centered whirling motion. We will evaluate the influences of the dynamic eccentricity with misalignment of the rotor. (3) Effect of dynamic eccentricity and tilting Tilting would typically occur in a pump/compressor due to the classical rotor bending line. Through tilting, the pressure distribution along the impeller shroud is changed, causing mainly the rotordynamic coefficients to be influenced. The results will be analyzed and compared with a full set of coefficients for tilting and lateral displacement. (3) Developing Stand-alone code To determine the rotordynamic coefficients utilizing commercial software, generating mesh, set up domains and boundary conditions, and post processing for calculating need user’s a lot of efforts. Thus, developing stand-alone code including, 3D mesh generator, solver, post processor is proposed to facilitate these complicated procedures. Pre and Post Processor codes utilized with CFX will be completed in May 2015. Completely stand – alone code (CFX not required) to be completed by May 2016. RELATED REFERENCES • • • • J. J. Moore, A. B. Palazzolo, 2001, “ Rotordynamic Force Prediction of Whirling Centrifugal Impeller Shroud Passages Using Computational Fluid Dynamic Techniques”, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 123, pp 910-918. CHILDS, D., 1989, “Fluid-Structure Interaction Forces at Pump-Impeller-Shroud Surfaces for Rotordynamic Calculations”, ASME Journal of Vibration Acoustics Stress and Reliability in Design, Vol 111, pp 216-225. Chochua, Gocha., Soulas, A. Thomas., “Numerical Modeling of Rotordynamic Coefficients for deliberately Roughened Stator Gas Annular Seals. “ ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 129, April 2007, pp 424-429. J. Jeffery Moore, David L. Ransom, Flavia Viana, “Rotordynamic Force Prediction of Centrifugal Compressor Impellers Using Computational Fluid Dynamics” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, Vol. 133, 042504 2
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