Title Author(s) Journal URL 低身長者における血中ソマトメディンA値 : 特に成 長ホルモン欠損症の診断,成長ホルモン治療時の血中ソ マトメディンA値測定の有用性について 肥塚, 直美 東京女子医科大学雑誌, 48(9):800-809, 1978 http://hdl.handle.net/10470/3655 Twinkle:Tokyo Women's Medical University - Information & Knowledge Database. http://ir.twmu.ac.jp/dspace/ 14 (4tiT,o,k,yo,gY,oNM,,1ij[eg,,C,O,iS) Semm Somatomedin A in Patients with Short Stature Usefulness of Serum Somatomedin A Measurement in Diagnosing GH Deficiency and Evaluating tlie Effects of GH Treatment Naoni HIZUKA, M.D. Department of Internal Medicine (Director: Pro£ Kazuo SHIZUME) Tokyo Women's Medical College Received June 24, accepted July 6 Abstract for evaluation of GH treatment in patients The levels of serum somatomedin A were with GH deficiency. determined in I07 patients with short stature introduction I4 1957 Salmon and Daughaday (1) demon- by a radioreceptor assay. Low levels were fbund in 10 children with growth hormone (GH) strated that growth hormone (GH) had no deficiency and 7 children with relative GH direct effect on sulfate uptake in cartilage, but deficiency, with means of O.26±O.03 and O.48±e.04Ulml, respectively. Serum soma- called somatomedins (2). Four peptides have acted through secondary plasma factors, the so- tomedin A levels in 42 growth-retarded children been purified from human plasma; somatomedin with norma] GH secretion, 28 patients with A designates a factor which stimulates the in- Turner's syndrome and 8 patients with achon- corporation of sulfate into chick cartilage (3, droplasia were within normal range. No correla- 4); somatomedin C designates a factor which tion was observed between the severity of short stimu!ates the incroporation of both sulfate and stature and serum somatomedin A levels. thymidine into rat cartilage (5) ;, and the insu]in- Significant increases in somatomedin A were like growth factors I and II (IGF-I, IGF-II) found after hGH administration in children with stimulate glucose oxidation in epididymal adipose GH deficiency, but not in children with normal tissue (6, 7). These fbur peptides have similar GH secretion. There was a dose dependency effects in their biological activity (8). Different between the logarithmic doses of hG}I and methods have been developed for their determina- somatomedin A. tion such as bioassay, radioreceptor assay and In children with GH deficiency, linear growth radioimmunoassay (5, 6, 9-13). was accelerated and serum somatomedin A in- It has been reported that the serum soma- creased after hGH treatment, and there was a tomedin activity in patients with GH deficiency positive correlation between serum levels of soma- is low and increases after GH administration (14- tomedin A and growth rate. 20). Furthermore, it has been observed that These results show that determination of soma- serum somatornedin correlates with the growth rate during hGH treatment (16, 18-19). tomedin A in serum correlates well witli the state In this study, we determined serum soma- of GH secretion, and is of importance both for selection of patients for treatment with hGH and tomedin A levels in children with GH deficiency as -seo- 15 well as children with other types of growth tion and during Iong term ticeatment of hGH retardation such as constitutional short stature, in children with GH deficiency were studied and delayed adolescence, Turner's syndrome and the correlation between serum somatomdein A achondroplasia. Thecorrelationsbetweenserum levels and the growth rate was determined. Materials and Methods somatomedin A levels on the one hand and the This study was composed of 107 patients Who degree of growth hormone secretion, the severity of short stature and bone maturation on the other were refered to the Endocrine Clinic of the were investigated. Furthermore, serum soma- Tokyo Women's Medical College for evalua- tomedin A levels after a single hGH administra- tion and treatment ofshort stature. Height, bone Tablel Clinicalan d laboratory data in patients with short stature Chron- ological Bone Age (CA) Age (BA) No. Group I SD SD Normal 12 13・3±2rl I3・5±2・8 Subjects Group II (yrs) (yrs) Mean± Mean± GH Height Age (HA) Somato-・ (yrs) BA/CA HAICA BA/HA Mean± Mean± Mean± Mean± SEM SD SEM medin A (UYml) Mean± SEM SEM 12.5±1.4 1. Ol±O.04 O.94±O.02 1.07±O.04 O.95±O,09 10 13.4±2.5 7.8±3.3 7.3±2.9 O.58±O.06 O.53±O.04 1.08±O.04 O.26±O.03 7 11.6±2.3 9.2±1.9 8,8±1.8 O.76±O.04 O.76±O.02 1.00±O.03 O.48±O.04 Group IV Normal 42 l3.0±2.3 11.3±3.2 9.8±1.9 O.85±O.03 O.75±O.02 1.13±OD4 O.83±O.05 Group V Turner's 28 16.2±3,9 12.2±2.2 9.5±1.7 O.77±O.02 ol6b±o.o2 1.3o±O.03 O.77±O.O'5 O.52±O.05 O.81±O.09 deficiency Group III Relative GH deficiency GH syndrome Group VI Achondro- 6.8±3.3 8 13.7±6.9 plasia Tabie 2 C!inical and la boratory data in patients with GH d Subject 1 2 3 Sex M M M Age Bone Age (yrs) Height (cm) Body Weight (yrs) 3 94.0 l4.0 2.4 10 2112 6 107.0 19.0 2.1' 11 8f12 5 105.5 19.5 2.0 6112 6 lll.5 20 1.6 2.7 F 5 F 12 10112 8 9 10 M M M M M GH Max* 6112 12 7 '. (kg) ' 9 4 6 eficiency 9 1209 25.5 14 12,5 132.5 43.0 1.5 15 5 105.4 17.5 1.7 2.4 15 7/12 10 129.6 34' 15 9/12 9 130.7 40 <O.6 12 145.1 40 1.7 17 *Maximal response of plasma growth hormone glycemic test or propranolol-glucagon test. -801- level after either insulin hypo- 16 age, serum somatomedin A, growth hormone or their maximum GH levels after insulin-induc- (GH), thyroxine (T,), triiodothyronine (T,), ed hypoglycemia were above 5 ng!ml. Growth follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and IUteiniz- hormone reserve was normal in all members of this ing hormone (LH) were measured. The levels of group. Most of the patients in this group were T4 and T3 in these subjects were within the considered to have constitutional short stature normal ranges. Patients were divided into 6 and delayed adolescence. Turner's syndrome (Group V): This group groups as described in Table 1. Normal subjects (Group I): This group con- consisted of 28 girls, aged 6-25 years. They had sisted of 8 boys and 2 girls, aged 10-17 years, heights of more than 2 SD below the mean for Although they visited our clinic for evaluation of their age. Twenty of these patients had the short stature, they were within 1 SD of mean characteristic somatic stigmata of Turner's syn- height for age as reported by the Japanese drome: webbed neck, cubitus valgus and me- Ministry of Health and Welfare. From this tacarpal signs. These patients had high basal reason, we chose thi.s.group as tl}g normal control. plasma FSH and LH levels with a mean of ' Children with GH deficiency (Group II): ' consisted of 8 boys and 2 girls aged This group respectively, and delayed hyperresponse of LH and 9-17 years. The diagnosis of GH deficiency was FSH to LH-RH tests which supported the di-- 116.7±7.4 (mean±SEM) and 52.5±5.2mlUfml, established by failure of piasma GH to respond agnosis of ovarian dysgenesis. Nineteen of these to both insulin-induced hypoglycemia and pro- patients were subjected to chromosomal analysis. pranolol-glucagon tests. They had heights of The chromosomal constitution of two of them was more than 3 SD below the mean for their age and 45XO and the others showed various forms of greatly delayed bone ages. The clinical and -mosalclsm. laboratory data for each subjects is shown in Achondropiasia (Group VI): This group consisted of 4 boys and 4 girls aged 5-26 years. Table 2. Children with relative GH deficiency (Group They had heights of more than 2 SD below the III); This group consisted of 4 boys and 3 mean for their age with the characteristic somatic girls aged 8-14 years whose maximum GH levels stigmata of short limbs, prominent skull vault and after insulin-induced hypoglycemia were below saddle nose. 5 nglml but those after propranolol-glucagon tests Eight children with GH ddiciency (Group II) which are reported as a strong GH provocation and two children in Group IV received in- tests (21), were above 5ng/ml. They had re- tramuscular iajections of hGH in doses of 100 pg tarded bone ages and heights of more than 2 per kg of body weight. Five children in Group SD below thp mean for their age. A relative II received GH in doses ranging from O.5 mg to GH deficiency was suggested. 8 mg. Venous blood samples were drawn both Growth retarded children with normal GH ' secretion (Group IV): This group consisted of before and 8-24 hours afte' r hGH iniection for determination of somatomedin A, 31 boys and 11 girls, aged 8-17 years. They Eight children with GH deficiency (No. 1, 2, had heights more than 1 SD below the mean 3,4,7,8,9,10) were treated With O.20-O.55 U/kglw for their age. Their GH levels determined hGH for 1-2 years. During each patients' visit to our clinic one day after the last hGH iajec- when they visited our clinic were above 5 ng!ml - 802 - 17 tion, height and serum somatomedin A were de Student's t-test was used for statistical analysis. termined. Growth rates were calculated from Results height measurements taken at intervals of three Serum somatomedin A Ievels in normal subjects months or more. Serum was stored at -200C (Group I) varied between O.56 and 1.33 Ulml until used for somatomedin A determination. Serum somatomedin A was determined by the with a mean of O.95±O.09 U/ml (mean±SEM). In children with GH deficiency (Group II), radioreceptor assay described by Takano et al. relative GH deficiency (Group III) and normal (22, 23).The somatomedin A used for labelling GH (Group IV), serum somatomedin A levels was purified by Dr. L. Fryklund at Recip Poly- ranged from O.12 to O.37 with a mean of O.26± peptide Laboratory, AB Kabi, Stoqkholm. In all O.03 Ulml, from O.39 to O.69 with a mean of instances, a symmetrical 4-point design was used with two diflerent ' volumes of the local reference O.48±O.04 Ulml and from O.45 to 1.64 with a mean of O.83 l O.05 Ufml, respectivey (Fig. 1). serum and of the unknown serum. Pooled serum frgm two healthy males and two healthy females 1.8 between 20 and 25 years of age was used as an l.6 arbitrary reference. One unit (U) of somatomedin A is defined here as somatomedin content E・・ 1,4 in one ml of this pooled serum. The data present- ( I.2 ed are given relative to this local arbitrary unit. ) . . . : g This radioreceptor assay fbr somatomedin A not on]y measures the polypeptide somatomedin E e.6 8 ' .-- . . el -IiE- . : i O,4 .. t e . . . . . t .. . a somatomedin C (24) and IGF-I and II with . e ' . . . . ・i . . . . . . . 2 1,o es . : s . i O,8 A but also biologically related polypeptides as }ISD . G .: -iE- MEAN . . . . l. ・ . IE-.' O,2 similar potency (Hall, personal communication). o Plasma GH measured by a radioimmunoassay technique using hGH Wilhelmi 51523D as GROUP NORMAL GROUP !I GROUP IIf GROUP RELATIVEGH DEFICiENCY DEFICIENCY GROUP TURNER'S GH GH GROUPM ACHONDROPLASIA a standard and separating bound and unbound Fig. 1. Serum somatomedin A levels in normal labelled GH with dextran-coated charcQal. Com- subjects (Group I) and growth retarded patients with GH deficiency (Group II), relative GH de- mercial radioimmunoassay kits were used to ficiency (Group III), normal GH (Group IV), determine serum T4, T,, FSH and LH. The Turner's syndrome (Group V) and achondroplasia (Group VI). GH preparation used for intramuscular administration was highly purified hGH, Crescormon [R], from AB KabilRecip, Stockholm, Sweden. This A significant diffbrence in serum somatomedinA preparation contained 2IU per mg, and was leve}s was found among the three groups (p< essentially free from ACTH, FSH, LH, TSH, O.O05). However, no significant diflk}rence was vasopression, oxytocin and polymers of GH. found between the values obtained from Group Bone age was estimated according to standards I and IV. Therefore, serqm somatomdein A of Greulich & Pyle [25]. Correlation coeracients levels in Group I and IV were plotted according between serum somatomedin A and other observa- to chronological age as shown in Fig. 2. There tions were calculated by the Ieast squares method. was a slight increase of somatomedin A between - 803 - 18 N,S. o 1,6 rr N.S・- 1,4 . E ) 12 e ( D g fi O.4 . nlI .6 e -- e r. .4 et ・ . e 1-t s -t-- . .e. . -o . -- . . . e e <' 12 . 2 (= .o ts o a " . . . . . . . .8 i O.2 . . l . . . . - . ca o r N・S・ 7 . . ! 1,O 2 oE o,g ? E 8 o.6 . , . . . .6 ... .. p4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 . . . .. .. . E . . . . . .2 M±ISD AGE, YEARS Fig. 2 Relationship between serum somatomedin A and chronological age in normal subjects (N; male, M; female) and growth retarded children with normal GH secretion(e ; male, O ; female). o -ISD2- >-2SD -2SD 2u >-3SD -3SD 2rm us Fig. 3 Serum somatomedin A levels in growth retarded children with normal GH secretion (Group IV). They divided in3groupsaccor- the ages of 12 and 15 years, but there was no age ding to their heights as indicated in the figure. dependency of somatomedin A tevels in children NS; not significant. with normal GH secretion aged between 8 and 17 ranged from O.45 to 1.41, with a mean of O.88± years. In Group IV, some children were more than 3 O.09 Ufml. In 18 children whose heights were SD below the mean heights for their age, but serum somatomedin A levels were not low and medin A levels ranged from O.45 to 1.39 with below -2 SD and above -3 SD, serum somato- their bone ages were not retarded. The relation- a mean of O.75±O.07UlmL In 12 children ship between serum somatomedin A and the whose heights were below -3 SD, serum somato- degree of short stature was studied in children medin A levels ranged from O.55 to 1.64, with a with normal GH (Group I and IV). The mean of O.91±O.10 (Fig. 3). There was no children in Group IV were divided according to significant diflbrence between serum somato- their height. Serum somatomedin A in 12 chil- medin A levels and severity of short stature. dren, whose heights were below -1 SD and above -2 SD of the Japanese standard mean, The relationship between somatomedin A levels and other parameters was studied in Group IV Table 3 Correlation coeMcients between serum Somatornedin A (SMA) and ether parameters in Group IV SMA SMA SMA SMA SMA vs Bone Age vs Height Age vs Bone Age/Chronological Age vs Height Age/Chronological Age vs Bone Age/Height Age *P<O.05, **P<O.Ol n==number r r== correlation coeMcient - 804 - n r 35 42 O.422* O.185 O.462** -O.O164 O.432* 35 42 35 19 (Table 3). A positive correlation was fbund be- slight increase of somatomedin A was observed. tween- serum somatomedin A and bone age, the Maximum somatomedin A values were observed ratio of bone age to chronological age and the between 8 and 24 hours, Mean levels of somato- ratio of bone age to height age. However, medin A obtained before and maximum values there was no correlation between serum somato- after hGH administration in these children were medin A and height age or the ratio of height O.39±O.03 Ulml and O.70±O.06 U/ml, respectively. Therewasasignificantdiflbrencebetween age to chronological age. The levels of somatomedin A in patients with these two values (p<O.O05). One child in Group Turner's syndrome (Group V) and achondro- IV showed a slight increase (27.9%) in somato- plasia (Group VI) varied between O.48 and 1.44, medin A at 16 hours after hGH administration; with a mean of O.77±O.05 U/ml, and between however, no increase was observed in the other. O.49 and 1.20, with a mean of O.81±O.09 U/ml, Five children in Group II rcceived intramus- respectively (Fig. 1). These values did not sig- cular iajection of hGH in doses between O.5 nificantly difler from those found in Goups I and 8mg (14.7-200 yglKg body weight). In and IV. In patients with Turner's syndroinc, each $ubject, serum sQmatornedin A !evels increas- the retardation of height age was more than that ed after hGH administration at these doses. of bone age (Table 1). The relationship between the dosage of hGH Human GH (100 @glkg) was administered to and the maximum level of serum somatomedin 8 children with GH deficiency (Group II) and A is shown in Fig. 5. In three cases (No. 8, two children in Group IV (Fig. 4). Increases in 1.2 1.2 -E X-s -s aut E o t g <" X't. 't "-- ----"' " 3 si I O.8 ..・t'" 'Ss. ,9, O,6 -"--- 16 8 O,4 go.6 , 2s o,2 4 ulct] O.4 co E = or ;t l,o ,i,O :- O.8 lll 1.0 --'-----------.---+----------k 8 o 7 OIO 50 100 500 log Dose of hGH, "glkg O.2 LLI co o Fig. 5 Relationship between doses of hGE[ and maximum values of serum somatomedin A after O 12 24 TIME, HOURS intramuscular ibjection of hGH in five patients Fig. 4 Serum somatomedin A levels afte; intramuscular iajection of hGH (100yglkg) in growth retarded children with normal GH secretion (e・・・e) and GH deficiency (O-o). Numbers in the figure are the same as in Table 2. with hGH deficiency. Numbers in the figure are the same as in Table 2. 9, 10), a linear dose dependency was noted be- tween the Iogarithmic doses of hGH and the serum somatomedin A were found in the 8 maximum levels of serum somatomedin A. It children with GH deficiency. In 6 out of 8 required about 25-50 yg of hGH per Kg body patients, the levels of somatomedin A increased weight to reach a normal level of serum somato- at 8 hours after hGH administration and increased medin A. further afterwards. In one patient (No. 7), a - 805 - Eight children in Group II were treated with 20 14 hGH 5mg/W HEIGHTH cm ? l i,o E O,8 140 Yp ls-L .13s ...."JAsv""'R:u.gtAxb.I-a...tiii ! a O.4 m E otr O.2 13e /' oco i E o tli- . . .. . . . -.-- --. . ----i 2o 4 b "- tt o . oe 2 --- . . . y=],lx+2.J [ =. O,37 o ee P<O.Ol e o O.1 O.2 O,3 O.4 O.5 O.6 O.7 O,8 O,9 1.0 sOMNOMEDIN A, Ufm[ if BodyWeighKkg)40 44.S aB 52 55 l5 16 17 18 . Fig. 8 Correlation between serum somatomedin Alevels and growth rates in eight patients with CHRONOLOGICAL AGE, YEARS Fig. . . g .- 8 ? or ;=6 b rf O,6 . -- ;' 10 LN, M 145 . 12 6 The heights and serum somatomedin A GH deficiency prior to ( O) and during (e) treatment with hGH in 55 samples. levels before and during hGH treatment in one patient with GH deficiency (No. 9). During hGH treatment, linear growth was ac- hGH for 1-2 years. The heights and serum celerated and serum somatomedin A levels in- somatomedin A levels in one patient (No. 9) creased. When somatomedin A levels in 55 before and during hGH treatment are shown in serum samples and growth rate were compared, Fig. 6. The serum levels of somatomedin A and a slightly significant correlation (r=O.367, p< growth rates were plotted fbr each subject (Fig. 7). O.Ol) was observed (Fig. 8). CASE3 CAst4 i CASEI CASE2 t2 t2 le lo8 8 .;. ., 6i64 4g" 2o 2 lo t2 '2. IZ Ie l'] 6 8. vi 86 S. 4s 4 1 : 2 -4 GE` e i2 o.4 o.6 D.s i.o D 'o.2 o.4 o.6 o.s i.e O.2O.4 O.6 O.8 1.0 :- : : CASE7 CASE8 -1 . O,2 O.4 O.6 C.81,O O.2 O.4 O.6 O.8 1.0 CASE 9 R; 12 lo.3' 4.12Io : 466 4elst 2・ 2 oo o oo o,2 o.4 o.6 o,s 1.o 12 i 10 i .8 CASE ID 12 10 e 8 3--5 6 4- 4 6 5 --6 ISI 4 : e 2 2 e o o.2 o.4 e.6 e.s 1.o o i 02 OA O.6 O.8 1.0 SERUM SOMIYTOMEDIN A, Ulml Flg. 7 Relationship between serum somatomedin A levels and growth patients with GH deficiency prior to (O) and during (o) treatment in the figure are the same as in Table 2. -806- rates in eight individual with hGH. Case numbers 21 Discussion cant age-dependency in our subjects between the Serum somatomedin A levels in children with age of 8 and 17 years. short stature.were determined by a radioreceptor In patients with Turner's syndrome, serum assayforsomatomedinA. SignificantlyIowIevels somatomedin A levels were within the normal of somatomedin A were tbund in children with range. This findings confirm previous reports GH deficiency as compared to children with (14, 23, 27, 32, 33). In patients with achon- normal GH sccretion. Serum somatomedin A droplasia, serum somatomedin A levels were also levels in normal subjects and growth retarded withinthenormalrange. Thisresultsupportsthe children with normal GH secretion, Turner's findings of Horton et al. (34). In children with syndrome and achondroplasia were within both Turner's syndrome and achondroplasia,, the the range for normal adults (N==131) (26). levels of somatomedin were within the normal In children with a relative GH deficiency, serum range. These results suggest that the causes somatomedin A leve]s were intermediate be- of short stature may depend on impairment of tween those in children with GH deficiency and receptor sites in such cases. those in children with normai GH secretion. In patients with GH deficiengy, an increase in These findings indicate that serum somatomedin serum somatomedin A was observed at 8-24 is GH dependent and confirm previous reports hours after intramuscular ibj'ection of hGH. However, no obvious increase in serum (19, 23, 27). In growth-retarded children with normal GH somatomedin A was found in children with normal secretion (Group IV), serum somatomedin A GH secretion. The greater responsiveness in correlated with the bone age and the ratio of bone children with GH deficiency than in the others age to chronological age. These results indicate may be attributed to lower baseline GH stimu- that serum somatomedin is related to bone lation. A linear dose responsiveness was ob- maturation, and support the findings of Schwalbe served between the doses of GH iajected and the et al. (28). Van den Brande (29) reported that somatomedin A increases in children with GH serum somatomedin values in short children were deficiency. A high dosage of hGE[ may be rte- slightly but significantly lower than those Of quired to induce a somatomedin A increase in normal children. However, we did not observe children with normal GH secretion. In one that serum somatomdein A values correlated with patient (No. 7), a slight increase of somatomedin the severity of short stature as long as GH A level was fbund. This patient was 15 years secretion was normal. These findings indicate old; however his bone age was 5 years and that a decreased sensitivity of target cells to body weight was 17.5 kg. Other factors such as somatomedin may play some role in the causes nutrition andlor ability of the liver to produce of short stature. Further study on receptor somatomedin might be the cause of the low sites in growth-retarded children with normal GH response somatomedin to hGH. secretion is required. It has been reported that Eight children with GH deficiency were treat-t serum somatomedin is low at birth and increases ed for 1 to 2 years with hGH. During treatment with age until puberty (17, 19, 30, 31). Al- a Iinear growth was accelerated and serum somato- though slight increases in somatomedin A were medin A levels increased. There was a slight observed at puberty, we did not find any signifi- but significant correlation between serum soniato- - 807 - 22 medin A levels and growth rate. This result confirms the findings reported by Hall and Olin (16) and D'Ercole et al. (19). A single determination of plasrna GH at the 3) Hall, K.: Acta Endocrinol (Kbh) Suppl. 163 1-52 (1972) 4).Uthne, K.: Acta Endocrinol (Kbh) Suppl. 175 l-35 (1973) ' ・ 5) Van Wyk, J.J,, L.E. Underwood, R,L. Hintz, S.J. Voina and R.P. Weaver: Recent Prog basal Ievel in normal children usually is below Horm Res 30 259-318 (1974) the sensitivity of the assay of hGH. Therefbre, 6) Jakob, A., C. Hauri and E.R. Frdesch: J CIin Invest a7 2678-2688 (l968) they can not be diflerentiated with confidence from those with GH deficiency by a single GH determination. For this reason, GH determina- ' 7) Rinderknecht, E. and R.E. Humbel: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 73 2365-2369 (1976) 8) Chochinov, R.H. and W.H. Daughaday: Diabetes (New York) 25 994-1007 (1976) tions have been carried out after a provocative challenge such as the insulin hypogjycemic test, glucagon-propranolol test or arginine test. In 9) Hall, K.: Acta Endocrinol (Kbh) 63 338-350 (l970) 10) Marghall, R.N., L.E. Underwood, S.J. Veina, D.B. Foushee and J.J. Van Wyk: J CIin this study, we observed tb at there were significant- ly low levels of somatomedin A in children with Endocrinol Metab 39 283-292 (1974) 11) Ha", K., K. Takano and L. Fryklund: J GH deficiency and intermediate values in children with relative G}I deficiency. It has been reported that there is no obvious diurnal variation of serum somatomedin (14, 17, 20). CIin Endocrinol Metab 39 973-976 (1974) 12) Megye,si, K., R. Kahn, J. Roth and P. Gerdern : J CIin Endocrinol Metab 38 931-934 (l974) 13) Furlanetto, R.W., L.E. Underwood, J.J.Van Wyk and A. J. D'Ereole: J CIin Invest 60 648-657 (1977) Other factors such as liver function, nutrition and other hormone levels are reported as being 14) Daughaday, W.H., W.D. Salmon and F. Alexander: J CIin EndocrinQl Metab 19 743- important in the generation of somatomedin (26, 758 (1959) 35-42). Excluding these situations, a single de- 15) Daughaday, W.H. and M.L. Parker: J CIia useful fbr evaluating the state of GH secretion, Endocrinol Metab 23 638-650 (1963) 16) Hall, K. and P. Olin: Acta Endocrinol (Kbh) 69 417-433 (1972) diagnosing GH deficiency and evaluating the 17) Van den Brande, J.L. and M.V.L. Du Cdju: termination of serum somatomedin A is very DHEW publication No. (NIH) 71612 98-115 effbct of GH treatment on patients with GH (1974) 18) Schimpeq R.M. Donnadieu M. Goumelen deficiency. Acknewledgementg I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Kazuo Shizume ' and Dr. Kazue Takano for their guidance in this study. I also wouid like to and F. Girard: Horm Metab Res 6 494--498 (1974) 19) D'Ercole,A.J., L.E.Underwood and J.J. Van Wyk: J Pediatr 90 375-381 (1977) 20) Ihkano,, K., N. Hizuka, K. Shizume and K. Hall: Endocrinol Jpn 24 359-365 (1977) thank my co!leagues at the Tokyo Women's Medical College fbr their help. This report was supported by a Research Grant from the Intractable Diseases Division, Public Health Bureau, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan. 2i) Parks, J.S., J.A. Armhein, V. Vaidya, T. Moshang, Jr. and A.M. Bongievannft J CIin Endocrinol Metab 37 85-92 (1973) 22) Takano, K., K. Hall,,L. Fryklund, A. Holrngren, H. Sievertsson and K. Uthne: References 1) Salmon, W.D., Jr. and W.H, Daughaday: Acta Endocrinol (Kbh) 80 1-18 (t975) 23) Takano, K., K. Hall, M. Ritzen, L. Iselius and H. 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